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/lit/ - Literature

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12922884 No.12922884 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck me why is every book on audible (lol audible cuck (it's convinient drop it)) narrated by that prick Will Wheaton. I mean whenever I buy a book or use the credit or whatever I start it and its this assholes annoying prick smug voice

He's narrated more on amazon that isn't even listed on audible.

>> No.12923569

what books are you listening to m8

>> No.12923599

Probably some shitty sci-fi, as expected of a double digit IQ audiobook tard

There's a containment thread for cretins like OP

>> No.12923618


>> No.12923675

That says much more about you than about Audible.

>> No.12923683

try reading

>> No.12924296

Housewives use audible, why don’t you try reading instead

>> No.12924322

you have a problem with housewives?

>> No.12924326

No, I gave yours the time last night

>> No.12924338

No, but reading is better than audible, I’m sure it is, I mean would you rather listen to sperg read to you or would you get cozy and enjoy a good book, fodder

>> No.12924351

you gave her the time? like you told her what time it was?

well i don't mind reading but what's more cozy than orson welles telling you a joseph conrad bedtime story. after all, good books should read well out loud.

>> No.12924565

>be op
>be giant fagt who uses audible
>library is filled with crap sci-fi novels
>decide to actually read instead
>escape the wheaton
>not be faggot for once
>sounds glorious
>start reading
>open book
>wil wheaton's head pops out
>beard tentacles ensnare me
>vomits a litre of onions into mouth
>"You thought you'd beatin' the wheaton?"
>"onions from wheaton makes gud eatin'"
>fight back tears
>tfw you'll never escape the wheaton
>tfw you're a slave to your earphones
>tfw you're still a fgot

>> No.12924584

This made me laugh

>> No.12924732

>Be op
>Realise that having a book read to you is infantile af
>Almost as though you're being read a bedtime story by celebrities who have nothing better to do
>Start associating wil wheaton with maternal actions
>You don't object
>Infact, you come to enjoy it
>Dream one night you're being breastfeed by wheaton's onions tiddies
>Awake in a stupor
>Vow never to listen to an audiobook again
>Very next day you're listen to mein kampf narrated by mama Wheaton

>> No.12924754
File: 247 KB, 1200x1042, 25D2BF43-BB35-428D-9C8A-8AC62C5E19CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be op
>Exposes he uses audible without shame
>Complains about a Television nerd sperg reading to him
>reluctant to read book for himself