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/lit/ - Literature

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12921997 No.12921997 [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys give me all the best motivational books or self help or any books that helped you become a success?

>> No.12922045

Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.12922056

How is ligottis other works? I have heard of him before. Also should I post op webm or will the thread get deleted?

>> No.12922062

those are some long feet haha

>> No.12922066 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12922075

im not gonna watch that. IM NOT

>> No.12922077
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>> No.12922084

Watch it you pussy and give me recommendations

>> No.12922087
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>that helped you become a success

>> No.12922094
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Any that you liked then. If you are not a success just yet. Now get talking.

>> No.12922105
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im currently reading kierkegaard and befor that i read Denial of Death i feel like finding a purpose in spirituality may lead to having a goal in life to ultimately achieve something.

>> No.12922116
File: 74 KB, 634x433, magazine_slash_Rex_Shuttershock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- (The complete works of) Arthur Schopenhauer
- The Qu'ran
- A Voyager Out: The Life of Mary Kingsley
- H. L. Mencken's series of Prejudices

(Always hold the jew and her spooks of (((meaning))) and (((definition))) in the highest suspicion.)

>> No.12922121

anything by Buddha

>> No.12922842

"that helped you become success"
Retardation for Dummies and Basic Studies in Shitpostology, both by Hugh P. Eaniss

>> No.12924324

Self help gets a bad name because of the amount of dross in the genre. These are the ones I would recommend.

How to fail at almost everything and still win big- Scott Adams

How to win friends and influence people- Dale Carnegie

Black Box Thinking- Matthew Syed

Atomic Habits- James Clear

Influence- Robert Cialdini

I'd also tentatively recommend The Art of Thinking Clearly and The are of a good life by Rolf Dobeli. I say tentatively because it's obvious he plagiarised much of them (From books like Thinking fast and slow, The Black swan etc.). However having read most of the books he ripped the ideas from, I can say that he actually did a pretty decent job making the ideas more accessible and easy to swallow. Make of that what you will.

Reading self help got me into reading as a hobby. Once I realised that books could offer actionable and valuable insight that could improve my life, I have been consuming books non-stop.

>> No.12924329

the culture of critique

>> No.12924397

Ligottis Horror is great in my opinion.
I started with conspiracy but I could go through with it because it is quite dull.
I like my existential dread to be invoked and experienced not just simply stated.

>> No.12924408

That should be "couldn't".
Theatro Grotesco is great and has many good stories.

>> No.12924689


>> No.12924724

>*bones breaking*
>yeap, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here

>> No.12924729

I would but I haven't solved a single thing.

>> No.12924733

what was it?

>> No.12924766

The op. This is not th place for “rekt”