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12913804 No.12913804 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite childhood book/series

>> No.12913842
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I guess that I'm younger than most of you but this is peak middle school library core.

>> No.12913867
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I loved the writing style when I first read this

>> No.12913870
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>> No.12913981

how old are you?

>> No.12914027


>> No.12914108

RA Salvatore books

>> No.12915822
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Series of Unfortunate Events were probably my favorites from ages 8-11, I still think they're fairly well written for being kids books. Both the movie and Netflix adaptations were garbage.

Only ever read the first one as a kid, but I remember enjoying the whole concept of going deep into some unknown abyss.

>> No.12915832
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>> No.12915848


didn't this book have violent as fuck rabbit gang fights and rapes and shit? I read it when I was around 18 and remember being surprised at how hardcore a novel about personified bunnies turned out to be

>> No.12915967
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I read all the Cirque Du Freak books when I got to 6th grade. My school had all the old cover volumes as well. pic related

>> No.12916069

whats acceptable in children's novels has been watered down so much. There's a similar trend in kids cartoons.

Still pretty hardcore though

>> No.12916474
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Timothy Zahn or gtfo

>> No.12916478

I read everything by this man when I was in 5th/6th grade. I have never had so much fun reading since. I remember re-reading this entire series in two days. It's a real pity I haven't felt the same sort of passion for anything else since.

>> No.12916536


I swear. You HttE heads must all be getting stiffies for blue velvetty shlong

>> No.12916735

Yeah I read all his other books except for that new Zombie series he made. I didn't like it. I also had that passion as well when I read it back then. I think it was because back then when I read those books, it was the first long series I had ever read and it really excited me as a kid.

>> No.12917010

I had really grown out of it by the zombie series, but if I have a day when I don't really have anything I have to and I want a comfy day I'll still re-read the thin executioner. Makes me feel like a kid again more than anything else.

>> No.12917014

When I have a child, (in particular a boy) I want to read to him everyday, but what should I read to him? Lord of the Rings seems like an excellent choice but I have no idea about other potential children books.

>> No.12917119
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>still have a copy and I'm turning 28 soon
>Still cuddle up and read it when I'm sick

>> No.12917145

Is that the same guy who did Plague Dogs?

Cause YouTube recommended me Plague Dogs, and I started watching it thinking it would be something similar to White Fang, and fuck

That shit FUCKED me up

>> No.12917157
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>"Great Illustrated Classics"
My old man made me read so many of these

>> No.12917158

Oh, and that was the very first one of them I read, too.

>> No.12917160
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I'm gonna kill you in your sleep, bitch.

pic related

>> No.12917177
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>> No.12917240
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Unironically better than Harry Potter; these bitches recognized and accepted their place as goofy, disposable, self-insert yound adult lit without aspiring (and embarrassingly, miserably failing) to ever be something more substantial.

>> No.12917320

Edge Chronicles was my fantasy series of choice in early elementary school. I remember scrounging together enough money to buy my own set of hard covers of books 1-9 that I still own today

>> No.12917535

he wrote stories for all three books

>> No.12917548

This is an amusing post :3

>> No.12917787

Eragorn series. My young pepe went hard when shit went down near the gate to the dwarf fortress

>> No.12917808
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thinking about re reading for nostalgias sake, never seen anything about them on /lit/

>> No.12917816
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I get sad, remembering an entirely different world, every time I think of these books

>> No.12917832
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Not really as good as WD, but pic related is kinda like WD with ants. I like it

>> No.12917877

Holy shit this pic brought back memories. I probably read this when I was like 10

>> No.12918014
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Max comfy book series.

>> No.12918024
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This is maybe a bit more /tg/ but they were really fun and got me into reading as a kid.

>> No.12918278
File: 37 KB, 400x300, the-last-dragon-chronicles-collection-8-books-by-chris-d-lacey-79350-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know there was a companion book until I went looking for a pic of the series.

>> No.12918290

Holy fuck OP I love you.

My best friend an hero’d a couple years ago and I’ve been trying to figure out the name of this series forever. We used to read them together as kids and I’ve wanted to go back and read some of the books I never got around to as a kid. God bless your soul.

>> No.12918778

Have you gotten around to reading the rest of them? The 10th one is at definitely worth the read. There are 13 in total now, the latest one was released last month.

>> No.12918789

Your welcome fren, do you remember what book you stopped at?

>> No.12918925
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Where my Redwall bros at?!

>> No.12919133
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Bumping for comfy thread

>> No.12919146

>The Edge Chronicles

accurate summation of my childhood tbqhwyf

>> No.12919174
File: 76 KB, 392x600, WovenPathCover2011[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never see this series mentioned, guess it's more obscure than I thought it was. Pretty great and surprisingly dark for children's lit

Probably 50% of the love for this series is due to how great the covers were

>> No.12919198

>had a "reading log" in 4th grade where you would write down all the books you've read
>Teacher thought I was lying beacause there were too many books on mine
>most were Goosebumps
bitch Goosebumps books are like 60 pages long in size 40 font, you can read that shit in an hour if you're not an idiot

>> No.12919200
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You get around to this one?

>> No.12919245
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Where my SIlverwing bros at

>> No.12919359
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>Will you offer the beggar child some of your food supplies? If so, turn to page 72.

>You watch with horror as the child's outstretched arm begins to warp and melt into a sword made from cursed rat bones and the sharp edges of opened tin cans.
> As the blood gushes from your punctured chest, your last thoughts are filled with grief and regret, now that your dream of finding the sorcerer's orb is forever out of reach.

>(A two and a three on the dice at the bottom)

>> No.12919403
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People tell me it's just fantasy Star Wars but I used to love this shit

>> No.12919448

I didn't read when I was a child, unfortunately.

>> No.12919480

Man of great wealth and advanced taste detected

>> No.12919519
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Here's Watership Down with moles. I read this quote from the author which really disappointed me about people trying to find deeper meaning. He said "it's just a story about rabbits!".

>> No.12919822

The writing style didn't put you off?

>> No.12919833

I believe I’ve read up to and including 11. Does that mean there’s a new protagonist?

>> No.12919865

Looks cool

>He said "it's just a story about rabbits!".
lol yeah that's weird. I mean if nothing else it is the Aeneid with rabbits, not just any old story

>> No.12920115

I still watch R.L. Steins Haunting Hour

>> No.12920124

>ctrl + f "redwall"
>1 relevant post
My man.

>> No.12920347

Getting lost in the maze was killer.

>> No.12920884
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I got the bounty hunter one when I was younger but never finished it. Read the first two stories with IG88 and Dengur, then got to Bosk and got sidetracked.

I read a ton of these between 2nd and 4th grade. Too many probably.
Even started reading the give yourself goosebumps ones

>> No.12920908

>Edge Chronicles
Hell yeeesssssss. Underrated series, right there.

>> No.12920932
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Never finished the sequel though

>> No.12920969

The sequels were not quite as good and Funke never wrote anything as good as "The Thief Lord" "Dragon Rider" by her was also good.
Abhorsen trilogy, Tamora Peirce, Chronicles of Narnia, Sea of Trolls.

Maybe it's because 75% of the books I read as a child were written by them but I will forever disregard people that say women have anything but advantages in writing today

>> No.12921202

The Cade chronicles are 11-13

>> No.12921539

How difficult is it to break into the children's publishing business? Would be nice to publish a couple of tales for younger people.

>> No.12921559

how are you even capable of being so obnoxious all the fucking time

>> No.12921575
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My middle school had really nice signed copies of the entire series and considering to steal them was probably my first big moral dilemma. I thought, is checking out and forgetting to return a library book really, truly stealing if my dad pays for them at the end of the year? They were so nice and well maintained, though. Must have been a personal set donated by a librarian or maybe the author came to the school at some point.

>> No.12921589

Mein negro
Martin the Warrior was my favorite book in the series

>> No.12921617

>Jack London
>Gerald Durell
>John Tolkien
>Old national myths and Greek myths

don't judge, I just looted family library

>> No.12921629
File: 35 KB, 271x400, Strange Forces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Strange Forces series was a rip-off of Animorphs and a spin-off from Strange Matter which was itself a rip-off of Goosebumps. It was also my fucking jam in 4th grade. Oddly enough, I never touched Strange Matter.

>> No.12921678

Ahh yeah, Drizzt. I'd reread them but I worry they would be so embarrassingly bad. I also liked the Dragonlance series. And Narnia. And anything else magical escapism. Well really, I even read quite a bit of the encyclopedia. (t.boomer) Childhood was dull and lonely.

>> No.12921754

I remember being extremely mad at the series' ending.

>> No.12921924

David Eddings' Belgariad and Malloreon
Susan Cooper
Pullman's His Dark Materials

>> No.12921976
File: 481 KB, 1558x2258, Animorphs_visser_paperback_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Old national myths and Greek myths
all these
I'll add Animorphs, though I never finished the series.
I think I lost interest because Applegate started using ghostwriters for almost everything in 1999 - though I couldn't have known that at the time. she did continue to write the standalone companion books though, which I continued to read after I'd stopped reading the regular series.

>> No.12922063

It sounds quite comfy my friend. I remember curling up in my duvet in the winter time, reading YA garbage by flashlight as fresh snow gathered on my windowsill.

>> No.12922201

Very based

>> No.12922231

Not him but as a child you just don't care

>> No.12922260
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It's bringing back all the memories about me reading it by the open window smelling fresh spring air.. God!
I loved that world I love it all
Always waited for a movie but maybe it's better without it.

>> No.12922266
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, EDE417D2-C90B-460E-9FCA-996FF995A3FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horrible histories was my favorite thing until 5th grade or so

>> No.12922296
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The rest of the Narnia series isn't anything special, but The Horse and His Boy is brilliant. Also:

Boris the Tomato
The Eagle of the Ninth
Artemis Fowl
Roald Dahl
Horrible Histories

>> No.12922365

>Horrible Histories

>> No.12922517

Oh shit, The Thin Executioner is one of my favorites from him. It is a nice little tale

>> No.12922524

My man, AF was garbage but I loved this one

>> No.12922548

Patrician taste

>> No.12922561
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Ever read the lore book/prequel she put out? Probably the best volume in the series.

>> No.12922644
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I never actually finished this series but instead the first four books and quite enjoyed them.

>> No.12922653
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Mate this book here was the shit.

>> No.12923078

I haven't, but I might get around to it now. I've been rereading a bunch of books I used to love as a kid.

>> No.12923841

It was escape. Still, would have been nice to run some of the D&D campaigns I made.

>> No.12923889
File: 43 KB, 342x499, 3419973D-4BBB-45C1-A9E9-3013F67D8A0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This series had shit book covers but the writing was surprisingly good.

>> No.12923957

Man, I haven't thought about the redwall books in fuckin years... Thinking about laying outside on my trampoline and reading those books just hit me so hard it made my chest hurt. Kind of makes me want to throw away the grimderp shit I'm reading right now.

>Rakkety Tam was my nigga. Martin was alpha as fuck.

>> No.12923987
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I only made it as far as the 7th before I sort of outgrew the series, but I remember buying the first one at a school book fair in 5th grade and fell in love with the books.

>tfw you'll never get to discover a new favorite series at the book fair in your school library and buy a cool pen on your way out.
>adulthood was a fucking mistake.

>> No.12923995

Hey I was thinking about this one recently. Good shit man :3

Loved this one

>> No.12923996

what the FUCK

>> No.12924002

This is the same fag and like the other dude said I didn't care about the writing style, I was too young to notice something like that. What I did notice was a dude getting his eyes plucked out, Eragon having nightmares from murdering people and dancing naked elves, I thought that was kind of mature for children's literature and that's why I liked it as a kid. Honestly though I don't think it's something I'll reread.

>> No.12924013

I just pulled a random image online, other pictures of the series didn't have that. No idea what the fuck that's about.

>> No.12924017

Holy shit I loved these. I need to look around and see if they're still at my mom's house in case I ever have kids. I can't believe I forgot about them.

>> No.12924111

This is the only series I read as a kid.
1 was a good intro book
2 sucked imho
3 had me shook for years after reading
4 reminded me a lot of Fallout 3 when you were in the pod talking to that little girl
5 was amazing
6 was p good but got kinda confusing switching between the worlds a few times
7 was pretty interesting, made hunger games look retarded
8 just felt forced, couldn't get into the series again

Remembered buying these and the really skinny book of video game cheat codes for ps2 and xbox and it changed my life. Gamefaqs wasn't really helpful at the time. Damn I miss that shit.

>> No.12924245

my memory of them is pretty hazy, but I remember 6 being my favorite cause bobby stops being a pussy and finally learns how to fight, I actually really liked the second but i can't remember why specifically, and I remember 5 being my least favorite, but I think that's only cause I liked to self insert as kid, and I just wasn't intrigued by the cat people thing.

>I just read the plot summary on wikipedia: "...the tenth and final book, Bobby finally learns about the true nature of Travelers: that he and the others are not actually humans at all, but rather, human-shaped guardian spirits created by something called Solara: the accumulated living energy of all positive sentient knowledge and creativity. Contrarily, Saint Dane is a spirit arisen from the dark antithesis of Solara.

Jesus fucking christ. maybe I stopped reading the series at the right time, let it stay as good memory from my childhood and not the bullshit the author ended up spewing to sell a few more books.

>> No.12924277
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I probably reread the lightning thief 50 times as a kid

>> No.12925390
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Good times

>> No.12925583
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Personal favourites were:

Edge Chronicles
Vampire books by Darren Shan which haven't aged well
Narnia books
Some Spawn comics & more
Harry Potter books
The hunger games
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness
Eragon was pretty shit I remember given what it turned into, the movie is hilariously shit, laughed at it for a good hour
Myths and Legends by Anthony Horowitz
More Anthony Horowitz books
The Wish List, loved that book, still do
More Eoin Colfer books

Probably some others but I can't remember

Also picking up a true blood book on a whim, was amazing softcore porn for my young mind

>> No.12925624
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Gotta give a shoutout to my favourite author to this day. Seriously, if you can understand German and like somewhat humerous and very imaginative fantasy stories, give these books a shot.

I'm not so sure how good the translations into english are, though I have heard good things.

>> No.12925634

Do they still hold up? I only read maybe 7 of them, I know they sometimes got derivative but are they worth returning to, or are they best left as happy memories of childhood?

>> No.12925651

> you can read that shit in an hour if you're not an idiot

Once me and a few others were just chilling in a corner of another teacher's room (we were the only ones who didn't go on a field trip), I picked a book off the shelf, read it, put it back, and my friend stared at me "did you read that whole thing just now"? "Uh, yeah?" Good times.

>> No.12925673
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Where my real niggas at?

>> No.12925679
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>> No.12925758
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Did you read the whole Hatchet series, or just the first one?
I remember finding pic related in my school library and desperately trying to find the sequel. Apparently Paulsen lost interest in writing a sequel because he didn't think it was very good, but got letters from kids for years asking him when he was going to write the second. It was a super fun read, balls-to-the-wall 80s anti-commie/Red Dawn kickassery

>> No.12925774
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>> No.12925797

Okay, this finna be a BASED AF from me

>> No.12925809
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>> No.12926148

Based series

>> No.12926509

all i remember about this series is that every chapter ended on a cliff hanger

>> No.12926515
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>> No.12926526
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Anybody read this series here? Everyone I try to share nostalgia with has never heard of it. Reread so many times as a kid.

>> No.12926551


>> No.12926561
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absolutely and unequivocally based

>> No.12926565
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>they didn't read about geology and how to set up oil mining on your granny's land

>> No.12926673
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>> No.12927595
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These are great and deserve more attention. I found a first edition of Magic by the Lake in a display at an antique store and have been looking for the rest ever since.

>> No.12927805


I did the exact same thing in 4th/5th grade. Read the entire series straight through and loved it. In retrospect, do you guys feel like the story was a bit violent for young kids? I recently reread the summaries on Wikipedia and there were a lot of violent moments lol.

>> No.12927907
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TIL John Tolkien was J.R.R Tolkien's oldest child and a pedophile priest.

>> No.12928042
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Also Memory, Sorrow and Thorn, still the best coming of age story I know.

>> No.12928147

It fucking ends with him watching 9/11 footage and suffering from PTSD over his bat.

What a fucking good ending.

>> No.12928162

Thoughts on the Peter Jackson films that are coming out?

>> No.12928204

That's not how light works!

>> No.12928222
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Comfy polyamorous teenage fantasy romance

>> No.12928226
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Not seeing enough (((Antony Horowitz))) in this thread lads

>> No.12928230

I tried to read Redwall again a year ago, it's actually very bad... the books that came after are multitudes better. The books about Martin are the best. Mossflower, Martin the Warrior, and The Legend of Luke are probably the best in the series.

>> No.12928239
File: 78 KB, 394x595, 9780060766207_p0_v3_s600x595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wardstone Chronicles

>> No.12928254


This blew me away as a kid. I remember that after I finished it, I just lay on my bed replaying everything through my mind, wondering what the hell I was feeling.

>> No.12928297

Sucks Riordan turned into a pandering faggot

>> No.12928344

Aha, I forgot about these. I read these up to Skeleton Key. At the time, I believed that it was Stormbreaker, Point Blank, and Skeleton Key, in that order. I didn't know that there was Scorpia or Eagle Strike.

>> No.12928737
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>> No.12928775
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WondLa. I loved this book, I didn't like the second as much and didn't read the third. It was so beautfully illustrated.

>> No.12928789
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You had a good dad then.

Me, I read all my dad's books that my grandmother kept whenever we visited. This was always the favorite I kept going back to. Lost dad's copy in any one of many moves/funerals/sales, but found its twin at a used book store. So it will always be on my shelf.

>> No.12928928

What did he do? I only read the original series.

These books were great. Never go out at night without a bag of salt and iron shavings

>> No.12929402

Me, now being a big boy, remember the series as twilight for boys. I usually think back to the books and the manga and think it was schlock.

>> No.12929890

they do, it's the comfiest read you can have.

>> No.12929997

Idk about him pandering but he is definitely milking every last drop of milk out of the saggy old breast that was the original novel idea for Percy Jackson. It's like the "oops I ripped my pants" of YA

>> No.12930136


>> No.12930274

A lot of my mother's old fantasy books. Lots of stuff by Raymond E. Fiest but mainly the Riftwar Saga (also quite liked the Empire Trilogy for some reason), Wayfarer Redemption by Sara Douglass, Deverry Cycle by Katherine Kerr. Not exactly child friendly though. Deltora Quest got me into reading as my mother used to read it to me before bed and I quickly started doing so on my own.

>> No.12930337

Read these up to Ark Angel, I believe. Generic as hell but it's good when you're 12. These Cherub books that the kids are reading these days seem like kind of a ripoff Alex Rider (fuck, even that name is generic)

>> No.12930521

My eternalest of niggers. I have some nostalgia to share as well.

They're basically all just the same book (they tried to kill us, we won; let's eat) but they're enjoyable and eminently wholesome adventure stories with good prose and borderline orgasmic descriptions of food. Apart from the first three (Redwall/Mossflower/Mattimeo), a few of my favorites are The Long Patrol, Mariel of Redwall, Rakkety Tam and The Legend of Luke.

>> No.12930524
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What the shit.

>> No.12930531
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Also a favorite series. This one is a cut above the average YA fare.

>> No.12930675

Eh, You can't really hold that against him.

>> No.12931172

I thought they were crap desu

>> No.12931198

i still have the entire collection in my parent's house
bring me back memories!

>> No.12931200
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I read it as an adult. Not bad but not Sabriel-tier
My nigga!
I read these alongside Heartlight, The Merlin Effect, and the Ancient One.

I was obsessed with The Blair Witch Project when it came out. I found the first few of these at a bookstore and ordered a few off off amazon (which was quite the novelty at the time) Still never read the last 2 books.
Also an honorable mention to William Sleator.

>> No.12931320

To each their own. They're kids books anyhow

>> No.12931324

Yeah but even for YA they were astonishingly boilerplate

>> No.12931361
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>> No.12931381
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Cholito series

>> No.12931748

These consumed my late elementary and middle school years.

>> No.12932086
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I used to laugh with the misadventures of the different boys who ended up as a boyfriend of Olivia.

>> No.12932126
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The sketches in these still blow me away, and I remember really liking the alternate WWI.

>> No.12932129
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>> No.12932141

Watership down is an incredible book for children and adults. A true Hero's Journey.

Redwall was my staple as a kid, I read every single book.

>> No.12932189

Those book are for children ? I remember enjoying them when i was 17-18

>> No.12932193

i still read the first sometime by nostalgia

>> No.12932198

god this book made me buy a lot of pirate toys

>> No.12932202

Ho i rembember those.
They were cool but there is just to many of them now

>> No.12932274
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Don't have it anymore but gnomes was great. The main problem I had with it was that the trolls scared the shit out of me

>> No.12932283

No one read the Spiderwick books? They made me run around and look for fairies and shit in the woods when I was 10 years old.

>> No.12932356
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This was the first book I ever read that had over 100 pages (although it had a lot of pictures). Half of my knowledge of greek myths still comes from it

>> No.12932555

I haven't even thought about this book in 10 years or so. I really loved this one

>> No.12932556

I can't believe the MC got cucked at the end.

>> No.12932610

I second this.
Although he's become more of a sellout these recent years. But the 3 books pictured are fantastic.

>> No.12932616


>> No.12932643
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The Coral Island was high quality literature

>> No.12934752
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This is hands down the cosiest thing ever conceived. Triggered a pretty pathological obsession with gnomes for me.