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/lit/ - Literature

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12919433 No.12919433[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

On an achievement level, no amount of reading, erudition, fiction writing, or anything literary can match the raw talent, dedication, creativity, and huge sense of scale associated with her work, and the work of each of the many other people on this project.

If Plato, that famous autist, was born in 1980, would he be writing about trans bathrooms in the New Yorker and Atlantic or working within high energy physics while cultivating a blog following? We all know the answer

>> No.12919477

Heidegger already got a hold of the ousia of black holes back in the 1930s, it is far superior to impressions of light:


>> No.12919758
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>> No.12919773

I'mma put your dyke ass in a permanent state of Geworfenheit if you don't leave this board

>> No.12919776

>tfw you waste million and million of dollars on a bad Bill Viola still
Love myself some science

>> No.12919804

>that feel when you waste billions and billions of dollars on war spending and big business subsidies

>> No.12919815

I know I hate Jews too

>> No.12919826

>Like 200 people collaboration
>Her work

>> No.12919837

(((Capitalism))) fag


>> No.12919853

>big business subsidies
Yeah right? The state should really stop intervening in the free market

>> No.12919860
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Really makes one think

>> No.12919873

But capitalists are freely buying influence in government for those subsidies, anon.

-Democracy in the workplace
-Non-accumulative currency

>> No.12919888

>me press most keys that boss tell me to press

>> No.12919945

oh my god

>> No.12919976

based trips

>> No.12919979

>On an achievement level, no amount of reading, erudition, fiction writing, or anything literary can match the raw talent, dedication, creativity, and huge sense of scale associated with her work, and the work of each of the many other people on this project.
what? you really think their grainy photograph surpasses King Lear, Anna Karenina, and the rest of the canon?

>> No.12919981

You think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.12919988

>boss taking honors for her underlings job
color me surprised

>> No.12919991

My German is not very good but I don't think that's a correct sentence anon

>> No.12919997

code monkeys are replaceable

>> No.12920494

She was basically in charge of who did what and how they would do it. >>12919997

>> No.12920507

So she didn’t do shit or is this just a deceptive image?

>> No.12920510

Red Brown Alliance when

>> No.12920516

deceptive. see these posts:

>> No.12921551

Jesus Christ poor lad

>> No.12921577

non of those posts point out why it's deceptive.
boss job isn't to tell you exactly what to do at every single moment, personal skill comes into play
high skill level ones arent the same as code monkeys

>> No.12921592

He would be DOING PHILOSOPHY, which is the parthogenetic mother of all other disciplines, because he's FUCKING PLATO. What are you fucking talking about?

>> No.12921606
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She's the postdoc, and she was in charge of telling who and what to do. I'm not saying she didn't slack all the way through, of course she did, but every lab manager and lab chief always does. The code monkey who did most of the job will never get credit until he is chief in his own project and bosses others around while doing little himself. As a PhD student I don't like this dynamic but none of us created the game nor can we change it with all the Chinese drones around.


Plato would be writing essays about fundamentals along with whatever meme author you want to name, such as Slavoj Zizek, Nick Land, Peter Sloterdijk, etc etc. It is somewhat humorous that you are equating all the supposedly positive values you mention with achievement, and that you equate every achievement with achievement in contemporary science. I'm a physicist and let me tell you, that shit ain't deep at all.

These are impressive technical feats - we used a set of different telescopes to act effectively as a single Earth-sized cup that could read in radio waves of ~1.3mm incoming from 50kk+ light-years away. This data is so noisy and has traveled so far that we needed codemonkey white knight and his boss I-will-make-this-paper-look-better-with-my-face to run their image reconstruction algorithm on 4 fucking Petabytes of data for 2 fucking years so they could reliably say that they used taxpayer money to stare inside the asshole of the universe. But keep in mind, these are established methods that were tweaked - they have simply put extra topping on cake that someone else baked. Not to say this is no achievement, but as for Plato? He would probably not waste his life on such ultra specialized and ultimately small contribution. On an achievement level, as a physicist I'd say it's pretty damn easy to match the "raw talent, dedication, creativity, and huge sense of scale" associated with typical work in scientific fields (because it's just that, typical work - sorry to break it out to you).

Now tell me OP, how does this invalidate, or even relate to, descriptions of society, fictional stories about human occurrences, day to day news, romances, etc etc? Let me answer this rhetorical question myself - it doesn't, and you're an utilitarian faggot for thinking so. This work is not going to feed your human appetite for feels, and if you're a Borg who can do with only "cold hard factual data", you wouldn't be on /lit/ anyways.

>> No.12921614

The system is set up to drown PhD students with so much shitty science and shitty quality people from China and India that you're completely replaceable.
I routinely do all the work on my publications and have to give professors credit and authorship when they didn't even bother to work on it.

>> No.12921634
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>the director isn't on the screen and didn't hold the camera, how is it their movie?
>the conductor didn't play an instrument, why do they take credit for the performance?
>the CEO of the paper clip company doesn't bend the paper clips himself, how is it his company?
>the captain of the boat doesn't raise the sails or navigate, why does he get the praise for a successful voyage?

>> No.12921661

That's not how academia works.
Realistically the PhD student can be asked to do all the work and give the credit away with no consequences

>> No.12921682


This so much: >>12921661

I routinely write papers, review them myself before uploading, send to the editor, the editor sends it to a reviewer AND I get it back with suggested corrections and acceptance/denial letter BEFORE the co-authors (the Chinese zergling Professors that run the lab) even took the time to read it. And they think it's perfectly OK that this shit gets published without them reading a single word of it.

Know what's the best part? I could probably get away with bullshitting a little if I wanted, because their names weight so much on the editor (who is Chinese at least 4 out of 10 times, 6 out of 10 for Chinese, Indians and Pakis).

Back to the topic at hand, that woman could very well have done nothing. I have a suspicion however that she did meaningfully review and make suggestions on the final drafts of many papers, but that's not much mind you. Apparently her PhD thesis and overall line of work is all about applying interferometry (the "art" of recovering meaningful images from absolute shit and noisy data using interference fringes) to general kinds of low resolution measurement problems. So in theory codemonkey white guy either learned by other sources or from her thesis, and not necessarily had direct guidance from her as supposed in cases outside of academia (but that could also be the case, of course). By the way it's about 900k lines of python code, and as a person who develops simulation packages in C CUDA, I'd also like to downplay white knight's achievement - python is comfy as fuck to use.

>> No.12921706

Leaders always get the credit for everything their subordinates do. That's why Tarantino hasn't made a good movie since his editor died and Johnathan Ive will never get credit for creating the ipod. The fact of the matter is when someone is in a role of leadership, they have the ultimate liability for success or failure and when in doubt they are the "god of the gaps". They get the success because they're also blamed for the failure in the event that their subordinate fails.
This how it works in all hierarchies, and being the coder who implements an algorithm someone else came up with does not entitle you to praise. I've read, interpreted and created software implementations of algorithms in academic papers before - it's not that big of a deal and certainly doesn't entitle me to a share of the praise for creating the algorithm in the first place.

ALSO, I'd bet anything that 825k of those lines are just math libraries and not actually written code. 850k is a ton of fucking python code and would take decades for a single person to do.

>> No.12921720

She is behind the algorithm. She isn't a code monkey.

>> No.12921722

It's valid in Heideggerese, besides, there is the word "vernichten" (= destroying), which can be etymologically linked with this neologism. It sounds plausible enough to me as a German speaker. "Nichten" (= nothing-ing) can thus be contrasted with "sein" without having to derive it from the latter by negation and simply equating it with "not being".

>> No.12921732


>> No.12921739


I only agree somewhat with this (definitely agree with the python part).

This is not a simple case of subordination. PhD students are liable for the success of their own thesis (even when the institution holds advisors somewhat accountable, they will sure as hell find a way out of it), and a thesis is more often than not a collection of things you have published during the period of graduate studies.

So we don't have a trivial case of subordination here. White knight is the definitive writer of the Library and is definitely liable for its success - his graduate student pass rests upon it, the advisor can't take that shot even if she wanted. The overall project will fail and that will be on her, so what we're saying here is basically that no individual part of the project deserves separate credit. So why credit her for the algorithm when we could just praise the guy who thought about the whole telescope array thing to begin with?

I have to concede that it is easy enough to write code from someone else's algorithm, but using myself as example, I've done everything from suggesting a physical model to designing an algorithm and implementing it, all of which will be in my thesis alongside case studies and further applications. So yes I think there would be some due credit if this was part of a bigger project and I was working under an advisor who may or may not be contributing to any other part of the work.

>> No.12921768

She won’t read this you understand right?, right so it goes

>> No.12921783

Hets glorifying the opposite sex, colour me souprise

>> No.12921788


Actually of all the team she's the single one with the most social media presence, or so it seems, which is probably why she's been (((handpicked))) to get credit as if she did everything herself. In sum, she's actually the most likely in the whole EHT team to end up here and post pictures of her feet to troll /lit/

>> No.12921793

You know I hate your leftist unfuckable ass, but that‘s actually a good point.

>> No.12921826

Both Bouman & Chael are credited in the academic fluff. Note it deals more with "how to do particular kind of signals processing" rather than some innovation in the field. The EHT plotting code is 20kloc, not 900kloc (some retard included input and model weights data).

The amount of political shilling with this is unbelievable. Also, this really belongs to /g/ or /pol/.

>> No.12921866

>all of them are macfags

So called scientists these days

>> No.12921994

>her work
lol anon, please. She's a glorified secretary.

>> No.12922000

I’ll find her and rape her

>> No.12922080

Based post

>> No.12922109

Who fucking cares? What does it matter, to humans, in human life, that we have a shitty picture of a black hole? Does it make life more meaningful? Does it give us a greater understanding of the human condition?

>> No.12922113

>If Plato, that famous autist, was born in 1980, would he be writing about trans bathrooms in the New Yorker and Atlantic or working within high energy physics while cultivating a blog following? We all don't know the answer.

>> No.12922127

>be american
>spend billions of dollars in space program which produces 640x480 resolution sony walkman photo of universe anus

>> No.12922156

>muh humanity
fucking anthropocentric slime

>> No.12922161

What should humans care about other than humans and how things relate to humans?