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File: 505 KB, 4000x2330, Black_hole_-_Messier_87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12912550 No.12912550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Describe this image, /lit/.

>> No.12912555

poo-poo bum-bum

>> No.12912565

a bit unfocused

>> No.12912582

quite black

>> No.12912587

at least they tried.

>> No.12912726

This image feels like the equivalent of when police release a bad sketch or extremely low quality CCTV footage of a perp while asking the public, "have you seen this person?"

>> No.12912775

The epitome of how scientific materialism has failed us in every conceivable way.
We murdered God and everything transcendental, in return for absolute truth, promised to us by our omniscient scientific demiurges.
They promised us the riches of the world and all the knowledge it had to offer; we received a blurry image instead.

>> No.12912792
File: 42 KB, 1021x185, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check the news today
>it's normies obsessing about irrelevant garbage

wow turns out black holes look like a black hole and it still has absolutely no affect on your life whatsoever because it's a pointless thing a hundred billion miles away

>> No.12912810

reminder that the first images of planets were equally as garbage as this one and got better as time went on.

>> No.12912837

Yet another great human achievement. The people working on this project can be proud.

>> No.12912851

well well well if it isn't reddit!

>> No.12912897

Is it not quite amazing to you that we can sit at home and look at something as unfathomable as a black hole that occurred before humanity even existed? It's not something to piss yourself over, but it is quite amazing.

>> No.12912905

no it's not

>> No.12912914
File: 29 KB, 720x447, dummies all aroud me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not amazing

>> No.12912923
File: 264 KB, 1200x1595, 3076232D-80F5-40CA-A121-FB9879CBC814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12912924

ITT: lameos

>> No.12912934

No it's gay
Not really into that *hits blunt* 'bro I frickin' love science man bro that shit is crazy like space and stars and shit haha crazy bro we live a society' kinda shit

>> No.12912937

>stop enjoying things
>God what is wrong with normies

>> No.12912950

>check the news today
>on reddit

>> No.12912951
File: 126 KB, 597x513, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This black asshole's twitter is literally more fascinating than the stupid black hole picture.

>> No.12912961

>The epitome of how scientific materialism has failed us in every conceivable way.
it's literally a visual representation of the advance of science and discovery, how can you be so triggered

>> No.12912973

looks like a picture of my lowlife brother emotionally blackmailing my mother and gambling/whoring/drugging away my family's assets and heritage.

>> No.12912974

Nebulous mass of incandencent fumes cast the shape of a staring eye, blank and pitiless like the hollow corpse of the sun.

>> No.12912979

A black hole comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now.

>> No.12912981


>> No.12913003

>a blurry picture in exchange for an all-encompassing meta-narrative which gives purpose and meaning to peoples' lives
>stop being triggered
Alright then

>> No.12913006

>the advance of science
wow, it's fucking nothing

>> No.12913010


It's just a composite render of all the shit around the black hole, there isn't a camera that humans will ever invent that will take a picture of an actual one. Somehow people don't know that

>> No.12913014


Tal marinho esplendor de verde atol,
Porém vermelho e morto esse anti-Sol.

>> No.12913028


Absence's painted face- Totality
Unto, from- Eternity

>> No.12913036

That's actually a sketch of the sketch artist who did the first sketch of Kaczynski.

>> No.12913053

fucking nasa jews, am i supposed to believe they took a picture of something 55 light years away?
how did they take the camera there? fucking jews

>> No.12913062

A gilded crown of crimson encircles infinite pitfall. Gates of hellfire around the axis of everything. At the center, the great pit around we are bound from birth to the grave.

>> No.12913076

that's all a sign that you should kill yourself and make room for the posthumans. you were never meant to last. the promised land wasn't promised to you. just lay down and die bro.

stop trying to fit in so hard

>> No.12913078 [DELETED] 


In this picture the entirety of the black hole's surface can be imagined. The path of space is warped such that the back side of the black hole is physically curved around it's mass so that an imaginary photon could be traced from the telescopes to the back side.

The entire black hole is 'visible' from any angle you may look at it. If this is not fascinating you are a moron.

We are gazing into 50 million years into the pasyt. Honestly, if you cannot appreciate this do you scoff at everything in nature and live in your head your whole life?


>> No.12913083

astronomy helps us understand the universe and is just one branch of science, there were almost no effective cancer treatments before the 90s, and of course there are many other examples, practicality > god

>> No.12913086

Pseud with a p?

>> No.12913091

Cancer patients deserve to die
Last thing planet needs is more humans

>> No.12913103


The tragedy, anon, is that nobody deserves any of it yet it happens anyway.

>> No.12913107

How short lived are you.

>> No.12913119


How do morons rage as 'scientific materialism' this image is literally a fundamental appreciation of nature and the universe. It is a philosophically important thing.

Do you rage at people that appreciate nature too? Fuck off, cunts. This is not materialism, it is an appreciation of our relation with nature.

>> No.12913126

Isnt this the end of dark souls 3?

>> No.12913127

Oh but isn't flashy and won't gibs me dat for more drugs and bets to local kikke on stick lotto numb me from the fact that I'm loser.

>> No.12913129


>Science confronts my delusional philosophical ideas

This is not materialism, it is an appreciation of nature and our relationship with it.

>> No.12913131

they used their satanic blood rituals

>> No.12913138

The Eclipse from Berserk but in 240p

>> No.12913139

>be good so you can spend eternity in church
>such meaning

>> No.12913151


If you derive purpose from being told that a dogma is true then you're weak minded and weak willed. Fragile, puerile men like you are disgusting.

>> No.12913162


It is even moreso, anon. It is expanding our understanding of the universe and our ability to intimately appreciate the natural world. This relationship with nature is fundamental to humanity.

>> No.12913170

>shit fuck I cant post this without my fedora, now where'd I put that thing.

>> No.12913177

A Reborn Sun looks at you after seeing the Black Sun symbol amidst you.

>> No.12913216
File: 83 KB, 599x320, wehavetogoback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop understanding the universe!
>stop looking at the universe!
fucking kek

>> No.12913277


>> No.12913312

shoo shoo filthy materialist

>> No.12913320

Space is literally the most stupid thing there is.

>> No.12913350

space is the most interesting thing ever. its so fucking big and filled with so much shit we can barely comprehend it. we only know less than a trillionth of what there is, let alone whatever is outside of the observable universe. if you aren't fascinated the the horrifying size of the universe you are a fucking idiot

>> No.12913359

A blurred lie which we choose to humanize ourselves.
A stirred glass, byproduct of what we organize in shelves.

In bits and bytes we brave through our lives,
Assured that all is meaningfully meaningless.
It's the bids that we write, scattered in the archives,
That are ironized scorn fully freeing us...

>> No.12913388

Billions peered into the eye of nothingness today, from morning beds or their place in line at a convenience store; eventually the static display will be over.

>> No.12913405
File: 10 KB, 315x255, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12913423

It looks like a hot fresh glazed doughnut, and I want to eat it.
The gold color makes it even more apealing.

>> No.12913436

Nobody promised you that you stupid fuck. Imagine being this much of a whining faggot. I don't like reddit esque science worship culture either but being a pseud numale isn't the only alternative.

>> No.12913443

t. Joe Rogan

i agree though anon

>> No.12913472
File: 31 KB, 429x547, jesus_laughing21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A textbook example of the inanity of Empiricism and, moreover, its inextricable antithesis which it embodies, which it IS. The image is Epistemologically null, and is only significant through the sanctioning of the Rational.

>> No.12913475

>a blurry picture in exchange for an all-encompassing meta-narrative which gives purpose and meaning to peoples' lives

You have it backwards: life is the foundation of meaning and gives everything else meaning. Meaning is an experience of the meaningful, and purpose is the aspiration towards meaningful experience; to lock away meaning in a transcendental realm is the death of all meaning. To view life as having meaning derived from something else is to treat it as only a means instead of both a means and end in itself, and so reduces meaning as a mere means towards some ultimate goal. Shared meaning is the interweaving of goals in the publicity of shared experience, it is an endless process and as such meaning and purpose are inexhaustible and infinite in potentiality.

The question mark is the only holy symbol worthy of being called such, the symbol of awareness itself - for what is awareness but an ever-present request for experience?

>> No.12913482

Fixation on outerspace is the surest sign someone is a small-souled bugman.

>> No.12913497

back yourself up when you make such an asinine statement anon
>being interested in something interesting makes you stupid
fucking fool, if everyone thought like you we'd all be sitting in a fucking cave wanking each other off. fucking idiot, fuck you .

>> No.12913525
File: 63 KB, 605x339, dlhf5mjow7001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a big nigga in space

>> No.12913536 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ you're gonna cut yourself with the edge.
go tip that fedora on leddit kiddo

>> No.12913538

Ebon Crevice

>> No.12913553

Jesus Christ this is the edgy. Don't cut yourself, mate!
How the siegetards over at /8pol/ treatin' ya?

>> No.12913588

>that level of reasoning
unironically no u

>> No.12913597

Yeah much better to be fixated on television shows and capeshit

>> No.12913607

based goatse hole

>> No.12913608

*tips fedora*

>> No.12913641

>if you’re not interested in this gay shit you have to be interested in some other gay shit
space plebs please leave, one single book is worth a billion stupid stars

>> No.12913827
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, suspect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12913836

> Describe this image, /lit/.


>> No.12913895

Alright mr. cool dude, what is the correct subject to be interested in?

>> No.12913897

You are actually right, in the very aspect of the ones who would have criticized the transcendental, with your statement, but then again, no.

>> No.12913909

dick vision

>> No.12913927

Have you faggots not taken a single epistomology class?
We literally will NEVER understand the universe. It is impossible.
How you satisfy yourself with understaning it "better" is baffling and shouldn't be possible since you ought to be aware of your futility in this.

>> No.12913931

my asshole after eating a ghost pepper

>> No.12913933

frantically searching for ways to feel superior and distract yourself from the shambles of your life

>> No.12913937


Which goatse do you prefer? The horizontal hands or the vertical hands?

>> No.12913960

What all the faggots responding to you don't realise is that the image is not real. The satellites accumulate a huge amount of radio signal data which the scientists then render as an image, often exaggerated in terms of colour and with the biases of how they imagine space to look.

>> No.12913964
File: 142 KB, 800x533, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relationship to nature

>> No.12913984

Relax friend, it's just a photograph. Science-cults are not cool, but neither is bashing science blindly and pretending like it destroyed all the wonder offered by the previous religious establishment without bringing any benefit along with it. You care for Truth above all else, correct? And if it turns out that religion was primarily selling you falsehoods in the guise of truth, you'd of course want that practise to end, right? Then what's the problem here? Aside from its materialism and nihilism, which are largely products of scientists being poor philosophers and not recognizing how to interpret their data into a system of metaphysics, science has benefitted humanity more than any previous development of ours. The only key is to navigate it intelligently and consciously, without turning it into a new religion, and finding a way to retain the positive aspects that religion had previously offered. Meaning, purpose, transcendence, etc, are all elements that will hopefully become natural parts of the scientific worldview, in future.

Science never "promised" anything, it's merely a method that people considered effective to uncovering reality by, and still do. What did Jesus promise you? Eternal life, if you followed him correctly. And if you didn't? Eternal punishment, of course. Yeah, not sure I prefer the religious scheme of life...

>> No.12913992

based and sensiblepilled

>> No.12913994

interwar period modernist literature

>> No.12914005

Looks like dark souls 3 fanart

>> No.12914008

>failed us in every conceivable way
Okay, ensure that you stop pursuing medical treatment whenever you need it, then. I'm sure if you just pray, and have faith, all your sicknesses will be cured.

>> No.12914011

it's amazing when you say it like that but the picture is shitty

>> No.12914060

looks comfy

>> No.12914079

>You care for Truth above all else, correct?
No, I care for myself. If there was a hidden truth who's revelation would bring me suffering I would not lift the veil to uncover it. Similarly if there was an untruth which brought me satisfaction I would accept it gleefully.
>Implying that a lot of science isn't contingent upon the dominant cultural narrative
Kek, when blacks were seen as subhuman scientists tried to rationalise it by looking at their skulls. A funny example from this time period, and one that illustrates my point, is that scientists in France were arguing that the type of skull that was predominant among Germanic people was the subhuman skull; while German scientists argued on the contrary: the inferior skulls were in fact those predominant among the French! And in this humorous case science(knowledge) was shown to be, as Foucault said, inextricably linked with power.

>> No.12914092

black hole - Messier 87

>> No.12914099

bugmen brutally btfo

>> No.12914109

That which i hoped to get a tattoo of but then it was just a red smudge...

>> No.12914120
File: 775 KB, 1600x1600, mandelbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A doorway to a new universe. Our universe is not infinite, what is, is how deep we can go. A universe inside a universe inside a universe. Like a mandelbox, it goes deeper and deeper with no end in sight. Is it possible to break out? To find the x,y,z origin point of our universe and exit to the one that birthed ours?

>> No.12914144

Then just ignore science, and bury your head in whatever religious narratives will comfort you in life. No point coming here simply to complain about the fact that other people in your society prefer to actually understand the true nature of the reality around themselves. And sure, ideology-based investigation has always been present. I don't think this example, involving black holes, has any such agenda behind it.

>> No.12914163

>the true nature of reality
oh my sweet summer child

>> No.12914186

>try to find a single good article on M87
>end up viewing 259 ads, pages
>nationalgeographic.com advertising pepsi and sony products to me
>space.com has the same video, already redundantly repeating the article, placed interstitially in the middle OF the article 3 times, and each one requires viewing a 30 second ad before watching it, while another one follows you around the page and autoplays
>nasa.gov assumes i'm a smoothbrained koala who needs a PBS tinkertoys introduction to black holes before just giving me the information
>spend 20 minutes all told trying to find any actual information on the black hole

In fact, everything changes with the precession of the production of demand before that of goods. Their logical relationship (between production and consumption) is broken, and we move into a totally different order. which is no longer that of either production, or consumption, but that of the simulation of both, thanks to the inversion of the process. At present, it is no longer a question of a "real" crisis of capital. a crisis Attali thinks can be treated by a little extra social or socialism, but of quite a different mechanism, the hyperreal. which no longer has anything to do with either capital or the social.

Same configuration as for black holes. Veritable stellar tombs, their field of gravity is so huge that even
light is trapped, satellised, then absorbed in them. They are, therefore, regions in space from which no information can come. Their discovery and their being taken into consideration therefore imply a kind of overturning of every traditional science and knowledge procedure. While the latter is always based on information, the message, the positive signal (some "meaning"). conveyed by a medium (waves or light). here something different appears whose meaning or mystery revolves around the absence of information. That no longer transmits, that no longer responds. A revolution of the same order comes into play with the taking into consideration of the masses.

>> No.12914192

Conspiracy theorist here: unironically, is space even real? Please no bully, I'm trying to climb out from the conspiratorial rabbithole, and if you can respectfully show me evidence or argument that outer space is indeed a real physical environment existing beyond our sky, it'll help me to do so. I was previously a Flat Earther, but have since abandoned such views until I educate myself on all the relevant scientific realms from the ground-up, without needing others to explain things to me secondhand.

Also, are particles physically real? Or merely models scientists use?

Lastly, my basic position is that the Earth is being terraformed and that humanity was seeded here by an extraterrestrial group documented by Sumerian cultural artifacts, who mixed us with the ape-species already here. The Cambrian Explosion was caused by some group of higher-intelligence, that has been terraforming Earth for at least 541million years.

>> No.12914216

>other people in your society prefer to actually understand the true nature of the reality around themselves.
The people have always been slavish masochists. It doesn't surprise me.
Implying that religion is any less despotic than Truth or Morality?
>I don't think this example, involving black holes, has any such agenda behind it.

>> No.12914237
File: 82 KB, 226x274, bdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12914247

Of course, a black hole is not really black, since color is a secondary quality of objects, and therefore an artifact of the sensibility of the perceiving subject, rather than an inherent property of things themselves. What we call "blackness" is in fact a lack of signal, a zero, the absence of any impression made upon the retina (or the eye of a telescope) which would act as data for the production of a representation. Therefore, a black hole is not a void, in the sense that there is nothing in it--rather, there is no means of acquiring any signal from it which could serve as the content for an image. A black hole as a thing in itself is as mysterious and remote as the most common, household object, which, while we have the privilege of representing by means of the light reflected off of it, is as inaccessible to us as regards its real, essential nature. A black hole has merely taken light hostage, contraband, as it were, hoarding it from the rest of us in order to keep itself from even being represented as phenomena.

>> No.12914255

kek. absolutely based.

>> No.12914259

Flat earthers raise an important argument against scientific fundamentalism: If you can't see it for yourself, how can you really believe it? Ordinary person is not able to interpret the data from the equipment, the only other way to be sure is to see the thing for yourself. Flat earth is easy (board a plane), space is much harder.

>are particles physically real?
Model. For all we know, those could be still made out of Plato's triangles.

>Lastly, my basic position is that the Earth is being terraformed and that humanity was seeded here by an extraterrestrial group documented by Sumerian cultural artifacts, who mixed us with the ape-species already here. The Cambrian Explosion was caused by some group of higher-intelligence, that has been terraforming Earth for at least 541million years.
Plausible, but less probable than more obvious origins of life.

>> No.12914453

Sorry were not allowed to simply be happy about this, try bitching about the Jews or reddit so you can prove your superiority to the normie bugmen who find this inspirating or stirring

>> No.12914643

Thanks anon :) I appreciate your response. Regarding space, it's difficult to believe that so many organizations could be colluding together to deceive the whole world, and technically, I can't quite imagine what might lie beyond the sky either - so there's no strong evidence for me not to believe in it. But I need to actually study HOW scientists investigate space in the first place, right from the beginning of the time they've done so. How they learnt about galaxies, star composition, etc. I just find it so strange to even think of there being planets besides Earth, especially when they're all so barren compared to the lush garden we live on here.

>> No.12914722
File: 450 KB, 580x800, lunokhod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HOW to investigate space
Get a hobby telescope and a place far away from city lights. You can see stuff from apollo missions on the moon - lander, reflectors, rovers and lunkhod & their tracks. You can look at orbitting comm satelites, and even find deep space probes if you're lucky and they get illuminated by sun.

Since the scope is just bunch of lens and the magnification is easy to verify, it's trivial to verify the distances involved are real.

Still, there can be always alien conspiracy - nothing beyond sol. Light from stars and radiation coming in is just some nearby effect from the cage Sol is kept in. The outskirts are too far and dim to see just with amateur equipment.

>> No.12914748

>he thinks we use the scientific method for medicine and not engineriing obtained by millenias of trial and error

>> No.12914815

truly remarkable i get to live to see a jpeg of a black hole in my life. what a wonderful time to be alive on this planet

edit: its jpeg not jpg xD

>> No.12914869

It's eh i guess, and i'm a physics student who saw it live

>> No.12914878

i bet you faggots sat inside on your phones during the solar eclipse

i cant understand how it fails to amaze people that these celestial bodies are actually moving and we can actually see this motion. it puts things in perspective for me. same thing when the first rays of sunlight break over the horizon — this is HAPPENING, NOW is kinda what i feel

gets it

>> No.12914888

It's literally just the fucking Red Ice logo.

>> No.12915170
File: 391 KB, 1950x1152, Science is Sentient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12915183

The blurred afterglow of God. We should fear it but fear means nothing in oblivion.

>> No.12915214

if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you

>> No.12915219

Worthless. I cringe thinking about the resources wasted in obtaining it.

>> No.12915233


>> No.12915253
File: 67 KB, 685x576, wuYN2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost; for none now live who remember it. It began with the forging of the great rings: three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf Lords; great miners and craftsman of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of men, who above all else desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made: in the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the dark lord Sauron forged, in secret, a master ring to control all others. And into this ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life.

One Ring to Rule Them All.

>> No.12915313

If we are the universe looking back on itself than this image must be the equivalent of looking at your butthole in the bathroom mirror.

>> No.12915353

dude science rocks

>> No.12915414

I don't understand how you twats don't derive some sort of existential or otherwise useful emotional reaction from seeing this and can just dismiss it as inferior.

I fucking guarantee you idiots would praise a painting of a black hole over the first photo because the fact the painting is a human creation somehow means it must have more meaning for people who view it than a photo of something that actually exists.

>> No.12915432

Explain to me what meaning this has to you? A void a functionally infinite distance from yourself? It’s quite literally nothing.

>> No.12915441

>the fact the painting is a human creation somehow means it must have more meaning for people who view it
I don't see the issue with this.

>> No.12915466

>how dare you heathens don't have a sense of awe
Desentisized by years of exposure to goatse.

>> No.12915468

This. Also how is this not just an eclipse? People could zoom in on a gaping anus and tell people it's a terraformable world and these people would still be in awe of it, the world and everything in it, across every medium, is an elaborate play at this point. I wish they'd all just put the money together and save it for humans landing on a planet but we will never see it, this is all there is and all this universe stuff is just to reassure people that capitalism is okay because we can destroy this planet and go to another one once the technology is there, but we will be long dead before any such technology will exist, we are progressing towards one thing and one thing only, complete annihilation, total self-destruction, of both humanity and every other innocent creature on this planet.

Hopefully that will end in me getting to relax forever in nonexistence as even reincarnation would be impossible as there would be nothing to reincarnate to.

>> No.12915470

A literal representation of human limits. Even if humanity became some sort of Kardashev Type III we will never ever ever ever EVER have the ability to know what happens inside an event horizon - or I should say, what exists, or maybe doesn't, since time and space no longer function as we are accustomed to them inside it. It's also the ultimate and final frontier - there is no escaping a black hole except as Hawking Radiation. No one will ever be able to explore one. We will never be able to see it. It is the ultimate and inviolable unknown, an unknown we can never make known because the universe itself is against us.

>> No.12915474

I hope so because then hopefully we could destroy our origin and end all of this shit.

>> No.12915481
File: 381 KB, 1920x1200, 1523318349718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There it was decoded--unmasked--never meant to be seen by human eyes yet somehow returning its inferno gaze from the abyss beyond.

>> No.12915486

It's not that it's an issue, it's that people are saying somehow this image doesn't and you're some sort of plebeian materialist if you think otherwise, apparently.

>> No.12915489

You seem to have it all figured out. What's next? Waiting for Stacy to get on her knees?

>> No.12915495

can someone make a s o y edit with the black hole in their mouth?

>> No.12915542

I wouldn't get mad about it. I think reducing such potential profundities to comically trivial meanings will always be funny. I think the thread itself is kind of fascinating, witnessing the variability of human interpretation.

>> No.12915555

Kurt Cobain was probably murdered.

>> No.12915572

You can find absolute barriers to human limits everywhere on earth. This image or what is in the image will never have any sort of effect on any living human. It is nothing, you merely project meaning onto it.

>> No.12915579

A bit blurry

>> No.12915581

Read Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12915582

And? How is that any different from a human creation?

>> No.12915588

I feel like I should be more excited about this than what I actually am.

>> No.12915597

Human creations represent humanity. This image and the cult who worship it represent the antithesis of human nature.

>> No.12915601

"Human nature" is a massive generalization and I don't give a flying fuck what you think it is or why it means I shouldn't care about this picture.

>> No.12915611

We know particles are physically real, its what makes up the particles that is still debated (strings?)

>> No.12915615

It’s literally outside of the nature of human beings. You said yourself it’s unknowable and unreachable. It’s meaningless.

>> No.12915618


>You can never do it perfectly so don't do it at all

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.12915625

It's not meaningless to me. I derive existential awe from seeing and knowing of its existence and my own inability to know or understand it.

>> No.12915630


All the scorn for nature in this thread. No appreciation for the natural world. You guys are fucking virgins. Please have sex, then you may appreciate nature.

>> No.12915641


>Seeking understanding of the world so you may feel connected to it and reflect upon yourself is anti-human

PLEASE have sex

>> No.12915650

Would you think your acts of copulation were beautiful if you weren't horny for the duration? I doubt even people who are "objectively skilled" at it would look impartially at their own coitus and experience the same sensation as when they look impartially at a beautiful work of art, or at nature. Even being shipwrecked is more beautiful than sex.

>> No.12915652

What profound understanding does this image privy you to?

>> No.12915676
File: 8 KB, 229x200, aaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol are you fucking autistic, what the hell is this?

>> No.12915690

This is getting to the start of insight ITT. Perhaps this humble instrument is a stepping stone and will lead to some greater revelation at some future date. To us lay people and its operators it is quite insignificant and inconsequential. There are all manners of horrifying ecocide, whole species inured and embryogenerated about petrochemical materials, born into their solvents, their particulates, their poisons. There are ghastly diseases that threaten to overwhelm modest or non-existent health margins around the world. There is great uncertainty and transience in all human food systems that are not administered by stateless mountain peasants. The powerful technologies of our era that require a great many people to operate soundly, let alone for any profit or a greater good, the knowledge of their creation and operation is collapsing too, yanked from reach of most, and even these seem moreso state-owned and intrigue-operated instruments that we're all subject to experimentation from, any and all conceivable exploitation, for whatever perversion or peculiarity has permeated those particular halls of power and wants to play then and there with our lives. There is a bold and sadistic plutocratic campaign to crush the human being into a megacity-dwelling hyper-urbanized flesh-financed laundry for capitalism's agricultural, pharmaceutical, cybersexual and military projects. To each technological horror there is great reception even prestige heaped upon the latest chosen scientists, to the point where we are told to celebrate politically
significant circumstances behind the investigation rather than the fruit of the investigations themselves. So given all that, fuck black holes, fuck their scientists, their mewling sinecured defendants, all the rank and file morons who mindlessly stare at "space stuff" iconographies in the way their cartoons tell them Christians behold the Crucifixion, fuck them along with their incurious peers who together reinforce the turning away from all worldly and spiritual evidence that faith, urgency and devotion are what our times call for, not escapist silliness and bizarro worship of professorial prostitutes that write grants largely in feminized emotions.

>> No.12915693

can't bring myself to care
I'm going to go collect more leaves

>> No.12915699

Pretty unremarkable. They couldn't even put it in focus.

>> No.12915709

I agree with you

>> No.12915712

It's funny to me that religious LARPers in this thread are lashing out against a picture. What about it do they find so threatening to their worldview?

>> No.12915714

>fuck science because muh supernatural bullshit is what really matters
I hope you drink your own Kool Aid and get your corpse digested by many diverse fungi.

>> No.12915726

Black Holes are, next to the laws of physics themselves, the closest to "God" you can find imo. That's probably why. Why pine after some made up anthropomophized "God" entity when you can stare in awe at something so unimaginably larger and more powerful then you that it is actually impossible for you to ever know or understand? There's your fucking meeting with the transcendental.

>> No.12915729

Absolutely nothing. The fact the materialists think this somehow proves anything is amusing. They can't see the forest for the trees

>> No.12915733

It's a further confirmation of Einsteins general relativity, these scientific predictions about reality are actually true, which is cool to know, people have been skeptical about black holes for a long time. You could imagine yourself being a cro-magnon hunter gatherer and not know what stars were, whether there were gods up there and so on, well now we know a lot more than we did before, if you didn't think seein pluto was cool, or the great red spot of jupiter, or how solar systems are formed, then this isn't for you I guess

>> No.12915734

It’s more the irony that the pinnacle of what has come to replace God is a blurry, indistinguishable photograph. Sad really.

>> No.12915735

based and redpilled

>> No.12915737

why is everyone freaking out over this discovery so much? It’s literally just a blurry image of a black hole. I was more interested when I listened to the joe rogan episode where he had the sleep specialist on.
>inb4 lol joe rogan
Maybe it’s just me and people like me, but scientists have theorized for years what a black hole looks like and this is exactly what the concept drawings for their theories look like. It doesn’t really interest me becuase it’s already been discovered, it’s just been popularized now

>> No.12915747

Seek help faggot.

>> No.12915748


I feel personal value in understanding the natural world. In this understanding I derive a sense of interconnection with the natural world and find this to be meaningful to me.

It is a personal epistemology. Why does being a contrarian faggot that only values immaterial things mean anything to you?

>> No.12915751

Do you have a picture of God?

>> No.12915761

I am betting five of my hard earned dollars of United States currency that this image and references to it will become extremely overused in the 2020s.

>> No.12915764

This is what it takes to get the masses interested. You'd realize this if you spent time outside.

>> No.12915774

That thing in that photo is more important and powerful than God will ever be, because it actually exists.

>> No.12915797

No, but we have the Sistine chapel. Certainly evokes more within me than this photo.

>> No.12915801

Absolutely euphoric post. I tip my fedora to you good fellow.

>> No.12915825

The Sistine Chapel's roof depicts a bunch of nonsense related to a religion, which is a bunch of supernatural nonsense. I can appreciate the technical work that went into it, but it's meaning is vacuous to me because it's all just made up bullshit.

This is a photo. The thing in the photo actually exists. It's real. It's the weirdest thing we've ever taken a photo of, but it's still real. It actually exists. That makes the universe itself more interesting.

>> No.12915840

Nothing more than vacuous contrarianism. They are LARPers and their "worldview" isn't sincere.

>> No.12915851

It is a work of beauty inspired by God. In fact most of the worlds most beautiful things were inspired by god. I don’t see how a blurry photograph of a thing an infinite distance away which we can never understand disproves the existence of God, yet that’s what materialists will tell you.

>> No.12915857

>he thinks he is important
this is your brain on godfaggotry

>> No.12915860

It's a work of art inspired by human ideas.

>> No.12915865

>he thinks he is meaningless
Why not kill yourself then?

>> No.12915867

You have schizophrenia.

>> No.12915869

death is too spooky

>> No.12915875

The Sistine Chapel roof is straight up heresy and borderline homoerotic and was painted by a literal faggot. It is a beautiful piece of art but also a sign that the Church was starting to not even pretend to care about its own dogma.

>> No.12915883

>you can like space or you can like books, choose 1 faggot

>> No.12915893

Why? It is nothing, meaningless, unimportant.

>> No.12915894

God doesn't exist.

>> No.12915895

>a blurry picture in exchange for an all-encompassing meta-narrative which gives purpose and meaning to peoples' lives

You can have both black hole pictures and religious fairy tale delusions.

>> No.12915899
File: 17 KB, 537x360, lemememanhimself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I? Meaninglessness seems pretty good so far.

>> No.12915908

how it is and how I feel about it are two separate things.

>> No.12915911

a black hole is literally the opposite of physical

>> No.12915916

Yeah, I don't get why religious fags are questioning the awe people feel at what's supposed to be God's creation.

>> No.12915918

Space is literally the dumbest thing

>> No.12915919

>marveling at nature is a sign that society is morally bankrupt
There is nothing more natural than marveling at God's creation you fucking LARPers

>> No.12915923

What? A black hole has mass.

>> No.12915931

All elementary particles behave as waves, and can be individually observed only as fields. While there indeed is mass and travel in packetized quanta, we don't have any better description of all this than in terms of QFT - a model. Not to mention all the spoopy woo stuff, like (possible) retrocausality of quantum eraser, entanglement and large molecule ion beams still somehow passing through smaller double slits - properties ordinary "real" things don't have.

>> No.12915950

do you think the average person thinks the image was taken with a camera you fucking retard ?>>12915468
>how is this not an eclipse
it's nothing like an eclipse you moron

>> No.12915955

imagine your faith in god being so weak that it gets btfo by a blurry jpeg. enjoy hell faggot.

>> No.12915975

|Go back to 2012 where you belong.

>> No.12915979


>> No.12915987

That quote you are replying to is from Zizek. What he meant by "space" is quite literally space. Space between molecules, the space between things, just plain open space, and yes that counts outer space as well. The reason Zizek believes it is dumb is due to the fact that it just exists, you can not analyse critically except through physics but you only get a stupid physical interpretation of it. Zizek contrasts this to humans where an abundance of ideology and pathologies are present to explore.

>> No.12915999
File: 1.75 MB, 614x743, 1427389888213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go into this thread expecting some florid, quality, vaguely sexual /lit/ prose
>instead it's a bunch of religiousfags getting apopleptic over materialism
Good god this board's gone down the shitter.

>> No.12916008

You must be young enough in life to face "Science" as we'll call it as your Final Boss, obscuring all else until your cognition can digest it beyond the whirling dervish fugues that are feigned by your contemporaries, and I know you're only mimicking them, so you are largely innocent. But it goes without saying all science is not equal and some of it serves us better than much of it, the majority of science being caught recently and conspicuously unable to ever reproduce their hallowed results. And so what of its practitioners? What have they been talking about in such high esteem for so long, what with their adulation for money completely undisguised to everyone but a sufficiently servile audience like yourself, who receive this knowledge with the pomp of a decreed jubilee and depart from all critical thought so consistently that good people are left to wonder if you're even sentient, if there exist accidental humanoid robots who exist only to submit and omit all gifts but for those that serve immediate physical pleasure, nothing real but cum and beeps. So much of your proud science is another variety of tubes to ensnare the human being so they may expensively live a bit longer, having wallowed in secretive, NDA'd filth, constituted by that same muck as it was entirely in his or her diet and now the heroic medical scientists will see the human as a set of chemicals and clocks and attempt to keep them all running accordingly for as long as possible, knowing medical debt is the real harvest here as that can earn interest and mere drugs and devices cannot do that. No, you need the dramatic medical disaster to so destroy and fracture a whole network of human beings that your science-delivered indebtedness can serve the utmost utility.

>> No.12916012


It exists and they are enraged by the fact that it exists and god does not lmao.

>> No.12916017

it wasn't taken by satellites but by dishes on the ground. "exaggerated" isn't the right word. they map radio frequencies to colors in the visible spectrum and they pick the colors by what they think the public expects to see. saying that it's not real is disingenuous. it's just that reading the image isn't immediately obvious to the normie.

>> No.12916023

>muh replication crisis
pseudspotting 101

>> No.12916033

You guys all seem really smart regarding science - you understand physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and all their subclasses and combinations, with great depth. I think that's so awesome. I'm a silly mystic who used to rebel against science, but now have great reverence for it, see it as completely in line with my spiritual views, and want to really understand it as best I can for the sake of such knowledge on its own. I've never been good at science, mind you - it has always been incredibly difficult for me to grasp. Physics, for example, is like another language to me. Even the simplest of its concepts go right over my head. But I'm going to start over, from the beginning - and this time, I'll hopefully become a modest expert at it :) (but probably not, heh)

Either way, if this is a real black hole and not a conspiratorial Illuminati ploy to distract us with disinformation, then that's awesome to see. What an achievement. My only hope is that black holes are indeed some kind of transport into another world, and not merely a region of infinitely crushing density or whatever they're said to be - I hope they're something that could serve for real-life fantasy, and not another cruel sector of our reality.

Best wishes to all of you guys, and unironically remember the great quote by Rick from Rick and Morty:

"Break the cycle. Rise above. Focus on science".

Good luck to all of your paths of learning.

>> No.12916072

One thing I've learned from this thread is that I'd rather be a materialist than a religious fag.

>> No.12916086

An angry unseeing eye of vast power.

>> No.12916093

Take what you want from the point, but not all "science" is equal and the fetishization of "science" into struggle session-inspired pugilism, where you're enlisted in your own Scopes Monkey Trial and trusting in those Dawkinsian quips to win the day. The space faggot, to describe you crudely, is characterized by a much less emotive existence, almost as if they're enjoyment of space is not born of curiosity but in the mindboggling aspects of its domain: the incomprehensible scales and measures, the unfathomable violence and caprice of it all, all these notes mesmerize the space faggot, much the same as sissy hypno may another type. The space faggot cares not for living in an ongoing apocalypse, for disengaging their spiritual mind and higher intuitions for worship of some empirical apparition they use to cudgel and dispirit their peers.

>> No.12916111

>cringey psychoanalysis after getting btfo
pseudspotting 102

>> No.12916127

Lazy and meaningless, you cannot even muster an idea.

>> No.12916137

>desperate attempt at gracefully disengaging from the conversation with his ego intact
pseudspotting 201

>> No.12916141
File: 105 KB, 601x768, 366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12916149

>delusion > truth

>> No.12916152

creaking of dark trees
looks above us deep
dream of dark glisten sky
well in the air

>> No.12916190
File: 62 KB, 600x600, 1544248853082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have several

>> No.12916223

Mas na foto ele eh LARANJA.

>> No.12916249


There lied the cosmic pit, darker than black. It destroyed the light; waste unreturned. Everything did it take, and with one eternal breath into eternal mystery. To where? To what? The cosmic lungs, darker than black?
Red light surrounded as though flanking to strike, but the sight of it all seemed frozen, obscuring how it truly was; for it was the pit which besieged the light, darker than black.

Honestly, I prefer Interstellar's depiction of a black hole. Wasn't really expecting it to look like that.

>> No.12916258

Something something Cyclopean shape

-H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.12916428
File: 243 KB, 460x690, Stirner - The Unique and Its Property.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? No one's noticed?

It's the Creative Nothing.


>> No.12916434

My guess: they have nothing against the image, but only the reaction. It's asocial behavior. They don't understand it enough to reject it, so it's not the image.
It doesn't replace God. But if it did, it would be better.

>> No.12916438

In other words: hey, let's stroke ourselves because that's better than nothing.

>> No.12916442

It's actually the same as interstellar's black hole, which is modeled after actual physics. The difference is one is a low resolution composite of radio signals presented as a gradient of artificial colors.

>> No.12916453
File: 127 KB, 1280x1196, 57104098_280299626224272_4920932206429339648_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I am waiting for the Berserk references to start showing up more and more as people realize it.

>> No.12916468

Same anon here - guys, is science a unique kind of discipline which only very few people can understand? Does one need "talent" to grasp it? Or is most of it learnable through hard work? Should I make the attempt to understanding physics, astrophysics, astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology, and all the rest? Will personal reading into these subjects ever admit a strong comprehension of them, such that I could maintain a solid discussion of them with people employed in such fields?

>> No.12916486

he's telling the truth.

>> No.12916489

>first picture of a black hole
>it's a black hole
don't know what I was expecting.

>> No.12916522

Hello, I’m actually a physicist by training (though I work more in materials science now)

It’s a good question. I reject the idea that math and science require some innate natural talent to be understood, but I think most people are so undereducated in mathematics that talking about groundbreaking maths or higher level maths which relate to physics (im the case of black holes, differential geometry) becomes impossible not so much because the concepts themselves are unreachable to all but the select few (as some of the more egotistical members of the field would have you believe), but because the mathematics you’ve been taught have been mostly practical problem solving techniques, often taught heuristically with analogies and examples, so you’ve never learned the importance of definitions, axioms, and mathematical logic which are fundamental to all maths and crucial to making sense of what mathematicians breaking ground are talking about.

There’s a similar problem in physics where we teach you wholly inadequate models of matter because, again, you haven’t yet been taught enough maths to learn the counterintuitive truth, and so whenever scientists break news to the public, they have to go back and distort those wrong models to try and make them fit what’s been discovered (since the public has an incorrect starting point of reference which they have to work with), which usually ends up sounding completely batshit.

So I suppose mu TL;DR is no, it’s not hopeless to be able to engage with science as a layperson, but it does require education which is easiest to get through formal training

>> No.12916539


>> No.12916541

Just to finish that last comment, i would recommend actually studying over trying to grasp it through popular science books. They’ll only confuse you more because, as I said, they’re using bad analogies because they know you haven’t seen enough math. It’s like trying to teach someone how to read when they don’t know the letters of the alphabet, or even what an alphabet is

>> No.12916674

Wow, thanks a lot anon. So nice to hear from a real physicist. I have so much respect for your kind - the work you do is among the most complex in the world, in my view. Trying to grasp even the basics of your field has only humbled me to how brilliant people like yourself must be. Thanks for information, and the encouragement. Do you personally know of any free textbooks that I would do well to begin with, in gaining a scientific foundation? They can be of any subject really, just ones that you personally consider to be of quality. That's all, and good luck in your field.

>> No.12916680

>Black science man posts CGI earth

>> No.12916684
File: 282 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12916685 [DELETED] 

Only sensible response tbqh

>> No.12916686

misplaced human effort - slaves to curiosity

>> No.12916696

Abstain from the conversation if you don't even understand what materialism is

>> No.12916703

Quite surprised by the amount of fedora-tipping science-worshipping faggots on /lit/

>> No.12916718

imagine giving a shit about a hole in the fucking sky whoop dee doo, how's that help me live a better or more meaningful life? that's right it's meaningless bug worship of materialism "oh it's a natural event YIPEE!!" with no questioning of relevance or conception of meaning given to such an object. disgusting shit, makes me sick to my stomach. basically if the masses enjoy it (le science) chances are it's the mental and moral equivalent of cheetos

>> No.12916728

brilliant light collapsing into a fathomless void

>> No.12916767

The first thing you do when going on the internet is checking Reddit. Hmmmm...

>> No.12916779

>Cool to know

>> No.12916818

>Awesome to see

>> No.12916833

>Reproducibility doesn't matter
Imagine that

>> No.12916838

And in the darkness something waited. It's age was undefinable and inconsequential. In the darkness it stirred hungrily; eyes opened and watching. An ancient God peering into a new domain for the taking.

>> No.12916858

FYI it's not a god

>> No.12916860


>> No.12916872
File: 935 KB, 3000x2000, 1553664303193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dwells in women's qt feet, not gay space shit

>> No.12916879

>no replies

Cowards. It's not even an image per se. You're being mocked by actual wizards.

>> No.12916908

My English is not very good, so I apologize
for this blossomy of haroldbloomian opalescence brighting everlasting glory of foreverical gore, the most precius delight a nymphet's cunt will ever devour, with the turmanescelanceriè de la pluissance, zerorbital expressiderivative, Fourier spectra of Eternal Body, too black to render a soul

O Master! Tell me the joy of your light!
Will I Never cease to feel this infinite Ectasy?
What's the reason behind your existence!

>> No.12916920

>/lit/ - the Amish of 4chan
lmao, what the fuck is this thread even?

>> No.12916929

imagine the SUCC

>> No.12916976

>muh space, muh science
>How can you not find meaning in a "thing" thats trillions of miles away, goy?
>sayens btfo gawd again lemao
Literal prole fodder

>> No.12916990
File: 319 KB, 640x480, 1325289687937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astronomy without astronautics is so fucking pointless. The fact that humans have still not established anything beyond Lower Earth Orbit is equally hilarious and infuriating. The only thing that angers me more is these retards funneling all this money into building more fucking telescopes and sending more satellites out. Giving a fuck about this black hole shit?--when you haven't even built a spin-gravity station or put a base on or around the fucking moon?, talk about putting the cart before the horse mohafuckingmad man, and then there's Elon Musk saying he wants to colonize Mars incase Earth gets destroyed, huh yeah boy good luck with that, seeing as we don't even have mining ops set up to mine asteroids so you can viably build and equip a terraforming project of Mars, nor did you even consider investing in the mass-construction of carbon nano-tubes to build a space elevator. No, neither one of those two did you consider, instead you just want to put some guys on Mars, what a fucking oregon trail journey to radioactive death, what a fucking waste of money you big egocentric south-african dumbass. You're no better than those faggots that want to jerk off to brought-back samples of Europa-- jesus fucking christ GODDAMN I hate the space program.

>> No.12917042

You guys are really looking for every excuse to hate this. Just because you are in a make believe battle with STEM doesn't mean you can't think some things in the universe is awe inspiring.

>> No.12917149




>When Hegel defines nature, he says not only that it is the Otherness of the Idea, but that it is the Idea itself in its Otherness—however, what this “idealist” turn means is that Otherness should be displaced into nature itself: nature is not only the Other of the Idea, but Other with regard to itself. (So, insofar as the Idea returns to itself in spirit, one should raise the question: is spirit then also in some mode “Other with regard to itself”? Yes—precisely as what we usually call “second nature,” spirit petrified in spiritual substance.) This is why nature at its zero level is space: not only the Otherness of the Idea (the Idea in its Otherness), but Otherness with regard to itself—a coexistence of points (extensively side-by-side), with no content to it, no difference, the same throughout in its pure extensive in-difference. Far from being the “mystery” of something containing objects, space is literally the most stupid thing there is.

Mockery by affirmation through inversion is LITERALLY wizardry.

>> No.12917183
File: 21 KB, 480x360, comradestalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that something like this comes out and all first worldists can do is bitch and moan that its not useful for consumption is really a testament to how low capitalist erosion of the soul has gone. Are wh*toid first worldists even really people at this point? Unless they can immediately consume it, for them it serves no purpose. Spoiled first-worldist wh*toid brats the lot of you.

>> No.12917186

>Control + F
>Ring to
1 result found

>> No.12917196

Looks like a sunburned anus.

>> No.12917204

You are dishonest and self-indulging.

>> No.12917213
File: 99 KB, 960x959, qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cute

>> No.12917219

I'm pretty sure no one in the third world countries give a flying fuck either since all they care about is putting food on the table for their families and procreating. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.12917245

Everything is a conspiracy, eh?

>> No.12917249

No, she isn't.
She should be home with her children, not messing around with this. This is a bad mother.

>> No.12917251


Superbased and goldpilled.

Colonizing other planets is a crappy defense strategy. We'd be better off making bunkers beneath the ocean or deep underground. Even a Very Big Submarine would be a better option than a space civilization with a host of unforseeable problems.

Nothing is going to completely destroy the whole planet and leave Mars intact.

>> No.12917279

>not systematically learning about and trying to understanding God's creation with reason and rationality that God gave you

>> No.12917315

Flat earthers have their own proofs which are no less difficult to confirm than the spherical earth. Their models that explain day and night, time zones, seasons and why the entire scientific world is deceiving us are completely ridiculous. I've seen some of them literally claim that the Antarctica that surrounds the known world is filled with armies that protect it from curious intruders.
I get what you mean with the problem of seeing and believing, but you're giving these people too much credit.

>> No.12917335

This image is liked by the same people who don't see the irony in denying the existence of God, while simultaneously being completely convinced of the existence of aliens

>> No.12917337 [DELETED] 

Personally, I already started worshipping the black hole as a literal God, so your point is mute.

>> No.12917369

>don’t see how a blurry photograph of a thing an infinite distance away which we can never understand disproves the existence of God, yet that’s what materialists will tell you.
Holy shit, that's wonderful how you turned the tables here. Literally nobody itt or elsewhere said that this disproves God, atheists just find it a nice picture and insecure christians screech autistically. But fuck that, rhetorics are fun amirite?

>> No.12917524

shut up utilitarian

>> No.12917818

holy shit this is one of the most retarded posts I've read

>> No.12917918

Materialism is lucky to have someone this articulate

>> No.12917959

>Quite amazing
>I enjoy space
>Appreciating nature
>Intimately appreciate
>So fucking big
Softee materialists all sound the same

>> No.12917977

>reading comprehension doesn’t matter
imagine that

>> No.12918040

>Rampant biases
>Every incentive to align conclusions with money
>Defrauding the taxpayer
If they were only taking your money, Emeritus, I wouldn't mind.

>> No.12918055

>No, I care for myself. If there was a hidden truth who's revelation would bring me suffering I would not lift the veil to uncover it.

>> No.12918090

I don't think the poster you replied to was denying any of that. He was just pointing out that space itself is a void; intelligent life doesn't exist out there, only on small rocks here and there. Space itself is so anti-life that black holes are possible in it.

>> No.12918101

I also come to /lit/ a to inflate my ego and feel superior for the stupid ideas of other people. I also have a pathetic self-esteem full of insecurities and admiration needs. We have all gone through a similar phase.

>> No.12918109

Hahahahaha IT'S NOT A REAL PICTURE hahahahahahahaha science loving bugmen and technophiles don't even understand the fundaments of their cult they couldn't be bothered to look up the most basic info hahahahaha!!!!!! Can someone give us the average IQ of a stem graduate again? Ahahahahah wew!!! what the actual FUCK

>science will unleash the secret powers of the universe™ and without science we don't understand the universe™

>> No.12918117

>Can someone give us the average IQ of a stem graduate again?
iirc physics students have the highest average iq, followed by phil students and math students.


>> No.12918120

>a blurry picture of something devastatingly powerful and mysterious in exchange for genociding whole peoples because they don't read the same jewish book that you read
How horrible. Humanity is truly going down the tubes.

>> No.12918134

Science will bring us closer to understanding reality and the universe than fairy tales with invisible omnipotent beings that cannot be understood or explained in any way other than reading a book (The Fucking Bible, lmao) in specific without any logical basis.

>> No.12918144
File: 43 KB, 427x449, 1512434225989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science will bring us closer to understanding reality

>> No.12918147

hahahahahahaha the smartest "students" are literal morons 133iq for fuck sake hahahaha



>> No.12918149

not an argument. Ever.

>> No.12918155

nice gif man, upvoted. Not an argument tho.

>> No.12918162

>as if they're enjoyment of space is not born of curiosity but in the mindboggling aspects of its domain
I'd say it's actually both and one feeds on the other
Been there done that

>> No.12918164


>> No.12918184


>> No.12918227

Its all a bit tiresome, but critical thought is healthy. Go be a bitch xir somewhere else, you mincing dilettante.

>> No.12918251

I Agree with you, in fact my intention was to laugh at people who completely lack critical thinking. My Fault, perhaps, for being utterly useless in the art of being sarcastic.

>> No.12918267

Self-aggrandizement on an anime imageboard predicated upon a shallow and cliche notion of fascination with the natural world having to be belittled as "materialism" is not critical thought, is a pathetic farce, it's cryptognostic contempt for the other who doesn't even take itself fully seriously, a fuga mundi for cowards.

>> No.12918269
File: 92 KB, 1500x1366, 72239CC9-07C4-4BED-AFE5-883B2B3562C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a coffee stain.

>> No.12918294

All the science slurping sodomites have to resort to using the same autistic techniques
>not an argument
>it's a fallacy!
>you can't ad hominem bro
these people confirm the fact that technophiles are literal genetic failures who can't take responsability for their own lives (food, security etc.. they have to rely on institutions like science, justice etc)
They can't win an argument, ever. Hahaha, imagine being so pleb, so frail, so unstylish and uncharismatic that you jump on the science&facts bandwagon to gather some pseud cred. You will never be able to settle a debate from the moment you enter the room, dressed in the most impeccable way, handing out jabs left and right with your superior eloquence.

Basically the virgin anglo professor vs the chad french philosopher

>> No.12918306

someone put a brainlet wojak there or a honk

>> No.12918320


>> No.12918409

Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.12918425

He got an android

>> No.12918476

only one aggrandizing themselves is you, man. if all this black hole hoopla is so important, if all your space faggotry is so compelling, then lets see it withstand a bit of criticism. lets see the quality of the people who rush to its defense. mostly, the rank and file are like yourself and serve to discredit your most publicly cherished ideas

>> No.12918481

agreed brother, just know you aren't alone.

>> No.12918489

What are you talking about? What purpose does this serve?

>> No.12918503

You could always move to the Middle East. I hear they aren't big fans of science there, either.

>> No.12918537

Lmaoo was this supposed to be insightful or deep? You are a child not even worthy to lick the boots of a philosopher.

>> No.12918564

How can one embarrass himself before a pleb?
You think that the aesthetic development of an individual is "embarassing" because your entire experience derives from the material. Whereas the aristocrat understands the true nature of reality, and therefore can expand his will onto the material with no feelings of unworthiness or shame. The unthinking, repugnant masses are so detached from reality that to them, reaching higher levels of individual development is seen as "embarrassing" (dangerous, in reality - remise en cause existentielle - ), but I will not expand as one might comprehend the tautology rather easily.

Take the lesson, idiot. Because we are exchanging messages on equal grounds, does not mean that we are, in fact, equal. Keep on sucking the science tit, which has been refuted for what it is, at least a century ago (if we make abstraction of the hindus, who have shown the futility, the vulgar nature of scientism and empiricism thousands of years ago. yes, thousands.) The extreme irony lies in that, I will never repeat it enough times, technophiles and science-loving sodomites are literally too dumb to comprehend their own cult. The staunchest tech advocates fall into two categories:
-The urban bugmen, no need to elaborate or waste time explaining their 'nature' - they are literal agents of capital/tech
-The half-human autistic meat machines à la Kurzweil, Musk etc.. Barely social animals, bullied so hard (rightfully so) that they have genocidal fantasies of techno-dystopian societies in which any non autistic human-ressource is subjected to their demiurgic will.

>> No.12918580

Scientists LOST big-time ITT. Their psychic wounds can only be healed by yet more expensive climate simulations.

>> No.12918595

I don't usually feel "cringe", given that I've been born and raised in post catholic country where bodily expression isn't repressed and so I've naturally learned to welcome even the most repugnant part of the human psyche with a kind of pietas.
But damn, I have to say this post gave me the shivers.

>> No.12918597

scifags, is the accretion disk actually a disk? if so, why is it on a plane instead of a sphere, like galaxys. Why do galaxs rotate on a plane instead of being spheres of mass and energy??

>> No.12918598

>Some shitposter thinks himself to be some “aristocrat”
What fucks me up is that are people here that actually believe that.

>> No.12918607

>scifags, is the accretion disk actually a disk?
It is essentially a belt like those in Saturn, albeit incredibly hot and energetic because of how fast it is spinning.

>> No.12918629

Why get hyped for this low quality image? It means nothing.

>> No.12918641


We don't need anymore babies in this world. We need another sandwich. Get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.

>> No.12918657
File: 30 KB, 760x950, 854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d-do you like my black hole, Anon?
>I took a pic of it, just for you Owo

>> No.12918719


>> No.12918855

What do you mean post catholic country? Not that it matters, since you're surely showing all signs of anglicization
>blind submission to material forces
>gross misunderstanding of the power dynamics of institutions
>defensive mechanism & resentment when in presence of aesthetics, nice clothing and well-rounded eloquence
>complete alienation from metaphysics - incapable of intuition as proven by the overreliance on empiricism.

Good post, let's sum it up in a way most plebs will understand

>I care for myself
>If you can't see it for yourself, how can you really believe it?
>Ideology serves me
>science says so therefore it's true
>truth is science is truth; therefore truth is institutional
>I serve ideology

Completely alienated, quasi-robotic behaviors. Domestication. Collectivized human-ressources fueling the techne superorganism. Baudrillard was absolutely right in saying that Autism is simultaneously inherently anglo, and the future.

>everyone is born of the same essence
imagine being so alienated. never claimed to be an 'aristocrat' too, not that it matters, since you lack the abstraction skills required to comprehend a term beyond his temporal use. Note the aversion to someone calling himself an 'aristocrat' and talking about higher ideals, formulating replies above the 2sentence, 30iq treshold, but the total ambivalence towards the literal hordes of plebs polluting this board, repeating ad nauseam the most sterilized platitudes about science and the universe. Pathetic. But hopefuly cyclical.

>> No.12918962

>everyone is born of the same essence
How exactly did you got that from my post? Are you a legitimally retard?
>French shit
It is fascinating that a whole group of schools of philosophy have managed to make its followers actually demented and unable to say anything other than gibberish.

>> No.12919481

This is exactly why the muslims are going to win. When your country has too many westerners that think like this, your country is doomed and the globalists bring in the muslims.
Get with someone of the opposite sex and have children.

>> No.12919499

ah, it's le aristocrat of the soul

>> No.12919622
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gentlemen, this is the scientific method manifest. GET YOUR HAND OFF MY PENIS. Why did you do this to me? For what reason? what am I being exposed to these pictures for? for believing in a god? A succulent Christian God? I see that you know your word judo well. This. Is. Science. Manifest.

>> No.12919740

NASA lies.