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/lit/ - Literature

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12915330 No.12915330 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read Don Quixote before reading Borges and other authors from Latin America and Spain?
I got Ficciones recently and I saw there is a short story about Don Quixote, but I barelly remember the story since high school because I read it really fast to go back to The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers.
Another question:
The Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid and the Bible are important for Western literature. What are the books that are important for Eastern culture (China, Japan, Koreas, etc)? And for the Muslim world besides the Al-Quran?

>> No.12915343
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>What are the books that are important for Eastern culture (China, Japan, Koreas, etc)? And for the Muslim world besides the Al-Quran?
wow dude ur so cultured and nuanced fuck the planet LET THEM IN!

>> No.12915355

>Don Quijote - 800 pgs
>Pierre Menard - 15 pgs
It's safe to say you don't need to read the entire corpus of spanish literature to understand Borges.

>> No.12915367

Who gives a fuck about the quran it's nigger tier literature. Literally some stone nigger took some drugs and didn't even find anything insightful. It's like an incel joe rogan podcast.

>> No.12915382

No, however it's a vital read to garner a more accurate image of the hispanic ethos

>> No.12915384

But dude he called it the "al-quran" even they he knows less than dogshit and is asking the literature board of a white nationalist website for advice, aren't you impressed by how worldly he is?

>> No.12915393

I would like to have some good background to better understand the books I'm reading to avoid that important parts of the story will be lost.

Like I said in the OP, not only Borges but other authors from Latin America and Spain.

Borges cited the Al-Quran in Ficciones. Plus, it's a book that had an impact in history and literature.

>> No.12915457

It's not about Don Quixote. Borges uses the book as a tool for story telling. He could've used Moby Dick and it wouldve been the same.
I don't recall Borges citing the Quran in Ficciones. He does, a lot, in El Aleph

>> No.12915496

>some good background
here's a start: homer, greek tragedy, greek comedy, virgil, ovid, lucretius, horace and cicero, the bible, the divine comedy, decameron, cantar de mio cid, canterbury tales, shakespeare, gargantua and pantagruel, don quijote, paradise lost

l believe this is the minimum of "background" one should have in order to fully understand most western literature
for a more complete list see

>> No.12915516
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Thank you.

You're mad because I posted the name of the book? Really?
Since it's a "white nationalist website", don't you think it's important to understand the religion and culture of millions of white muslims in Serbia, Palestine, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan?

>> No.12915534

>It's not about Don Quixote. Borges uses the book as a tool for story telling. He could've used Moby Dick and it wouldve been the same.
Thank you.
>>12915393 (You)
>I don't recall Borges citing the Quran in Ficciones. He does, a lot, in El Aleph
My version has a citation of the Quran in The Secret Miracle.

>> No.12915538
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>You're mad because I posted the name of the book?
>Since it's a "white nationalist website"
>don't you think it's important to understand the religion and culture of millions of white muslims
>being this upset
Never gonna make it

>> No.12915638

Thank you very much.
But why did Harold Bloom ignore Juan Rulfo, Roberto Bolaño and only cited Men of Maize by Miguel Ángel Asturias (no Mister President, why?). Also, there is nothing about China or Japan.

Let me guess, you're from the_donald but went first on /pol/, likes Q anon and now is shitting all over other boards?
Good for you.

>> No.12915651
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Nice script newfag. Imagine even being post chanology lmao. You probably never so much as posted a sincere meme on caturday

>> No.12915657

Why on God's green Earth would you ever engage with the avatar of vapidity that is Borges?
He can't write. He can't think. He couldn't write a single story longer than a tumblr blog.

>> No.12915683
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>He can't write. He can't think.

>> No.12915900

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.12915956

Commit suicide yesterday

>> No.12915989

You don't need to know a culture to enjoy its literature. If you really care that badly, just get an edition with notes or an introduction that explains these cultural nuances.

>> No.12916903
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I wouldn't bother with Don Quixote if you only want to read Borges, but if you want a broader understanding of literary history then the Quixote is vital. It's the first novel, the first postmodern text, and arguably the best book ever written.

t. wrote a thesis on hispanic lit

>> No.12916955

Borges always fills his stories with references and allusions to important works and writers but they don't really add much to them. You can easily read them without any baggage.

>> No.12917287

>white nationalist website
Newfag detected

>> No.12917290

You're retarded

>> No.12917317

this is /lit/
we like reading here

>> No.12917610

We actually don't read at all

>> No.12917641

Everyone on /pol/ should be euthanised for retardation. Fuck this, we aren’t tolerating this shit - gulag the /pol/tards /lit/war now!

>> No.12917662

Just fucking read what you want to read you absolute moron. If you actually like reading and you keep doing it for an extended period of time you will eventually become cultured. Stop wasting time on thinking about what fucking order you want to approach literature on and just approach it. Eros is the only fuel you need to navigate the canon. Dumbfuck.

>> No.12918731

>the the quran
just shut the fuck up

>> No.12918759

>why did Harold Bloom ignore
because it's his personal list, maybe he didn't think they're worth it. l wouldn't really use the list after the "democratic age", it's still too early to set a cannon in stone
>there is nothing about China or Japan
because it's called the WESTERN CANNON you ultra nigger

>> No.12918770

>But why did Harold Bloom ignore Juan Rulfo, Roberto Bolaño and only cited Men of Maize by Miguel Ángel Asturias
I wouldn't give too much importance to that list, he compiled under pressure from his editor and said he doesn't like it and he forgot a lot of things.
Personally I use it a repository of good books to mine when I don't know what to read.