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/lit/ - Literature

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12913754 No.12913754 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't men write books without inserting their sexual fantasies into them?

If you read a book by a man and a book by a woman in the same genre, the difference is night and day. The woman isn't titallating herself.

>> No.12913758

How wrong you are...

>> No.12913759

t. reads modern bugman literature.
The great men of literature did not put explicit sexual fantasies in their books. This is what low quality authors do to distract.

>> No.12913770

>If you read a book by a man and a book by a woman in the same genre, the difference is night and day. The woman isn't titallating herself.
Give an actual comparative example of a similar work by different sexed authors that demonstrates your point

>> No.12913780

This is a lie but older authors often did use less explicit means, you're right. Non-explicit is still inexcusable though. I don't want to read a page describing a 15 year old's young body. Fucking gross, honestly.

>> No.12913797
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>> No.12913802

Porn wasn't always free anon

>> No.12913806
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>> No.12913825

Literally just a description of a precocious teen girl. Stop projecting your pedophilic tendencies onto literature.

>> No.12913846

>Why can't people write books without inserting themselves into them?

>> No.12913860

Bad b8

>> No.12913871

What about these passages is worth highlighting?

>> No.12913887
File: 325 KB, 601x463, smug tony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex is a fundamental part of most peoples' lives
sorry anon

>> No.12913907

>She was a teen girl approaching womanhood. She had black hair and blue eyes, and she had a large mouth.
>>She was very sexy but she didn't realize it.
How the fuck do you read this and get "pedophile?" It's literally just a description of a typical teen girl. He's not saying he wants to fuck her. He's portraying high school girls like countless films and tv shows portray them. You're only offended because it's written in a book instead of implied on a screen.

>> No.12913959

>Fucking gross, honestly.
t. Homo

>> No.12913982

Lol dude just get out of this thread, no one's catching the b8

>> No.12913993

Not bait and not an argument, pedo.

>> No.12914028

how come women can't write books without inserting their gender politics into them?

read a book by a man, and the difference is night and day. the man isn't jerking off any gender-based sense of unwarranted self-importance.

>> No.12914033

You're the one who brought up pedophilia my troll

>> No.12914048
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woah what the fuck?

>> No.12914052

You mentioned sexual fantasies in your original post, pedo. Stop projecting your sexual fantasies involving young girls onto the books you read, pedo.

>> No.12914063
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And the women in books by men are complete objects, too. We'll get a description of her body, the MC will find her sexy or she'll find him sexy, and that's about it as far as her characterization goes. She might be a femme fatale or a manic pixie dream girl but her whole purpose in the novel is to titallate the author and provide romance/sex for the protagonist.

Nothing showcases men's inability to empathize with women and see them as fully-formed human beings more than media written by men. This includes books, tv, movies, etc. It's all the same beast.

>> No.12914064


that's ephebophilia, technically

>> No.12914066

wtf is this?

>> No.12914069

Why are you here? Go back to Tumblr.

>> No.12914075

I need more bait I'm getting hungry!!

>> No.12914083

Why don't you expand your mind a little and try reading a book by someone who isn't a white man with European roots?

>> No.12914089

He's the kind of person to object to any slightly detailed physical descriptions of young girls and in the same breath call you a pedophile if you criticize the fact that someone lets their little girl to start wearing suggestive clothing and imitating slut brainwashing from an early age.

>> No.12914090

Because I don't waste my time with shit books.

>> No.12914096

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12914112

Is this john green

>> No.12914122

These physical descriptions are rarely given to teenage boys. We don't get descriptions of their lithe abdomens and filling groins. Male authors spend paragraphs describing female bodies (regardless of age) when there is no reason to go into such detail. We will know the shape of a woman's breast, the curve of her lips, and the length of her legs but will only know a male character has black hair and is on the tall side.

Men should be embarrassed.

>> No.12914132

post your horrible fake tits tranny

>> No.12914135
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more or less

>> No.12914141

>These physical descriptions are rarely given to teenage boys.
That would be gay haha

>> No.12914147

Shut the fuck up tranny. Men are not as pleasing to the eye as women. The feminine form is such a beautiful and important thing that countless works of art have been made focused on it.

>> No.12914157

Go touch your peepee and come back to us

>> No.12914158

The male body is irrelevant. It's expendable. With men you describe specs: income, power generation, achievements. Or more often, the lack of these things.
With women, their bodies are (meant to be) works of art. Shame the minds aren't.

>> No.12914161

Acknowledging a girl is turning into or will become into a beautiful woman doesn't mean you want to fuck little girls, are you retarded or just a woman?

>> No.12914166

Go dilate and then come back to us with an actual argument.

>> No.12914177

The quality of a woman depends on her body, the quality of a man depends on his character.

>> No.12914181
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Women to men are a set of objects. They vary between each other but they are all objects -- meant to be looked at, meant to perform, but not meant to be considered an actual person. We see this in the way men write women. A man's fantasy is a buffet of women where he picks his favorite one. His favorite is not the one that makes him laugh, it's the one with Double Ds or a 14 year old's body or legs for days.

>> No.12914191
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Setting Sun by Dazai isn't like that. I think he always gives women a pretty complete representation as human beings. He seems to think they're much better people, in general, than men are.
I don't think OP's complaint is a men thing so much as a lousy writer thing. Sex isn't bad in and of itself, either, to write about. It all depends on how it's handled.

>> No.12914194

Xanth was pretty based but I preferred the later stories when bink was old/dead

>> No.12914197

You two are right in how society views the sexes. It is sad and shameful that great authors fall into this trap and trope, lazily writing half the population or omitting them completely. Great literary minds can explore the oppression of man but never the oppression of woman. Instead they enjoy it.

>> No.12914200
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Why can't women write books without inserting their sexual fantasies into them?

If you read a book by a woman and a book by a man in the same genre, the difference is night and day. The man isn't titallating himself.

>> No.12914203
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Why do men find low brow descriptions like this appealing? Just masturbate before you read, please.

>> No.12914208

Women are sexual objects and men are monetary objects, what else is new? But that's just reductionism

>> No.12914217


>> No.12914221

Can you even class analysis

>> No.12914222

>But that's just reductionism
What is? Your retarded post? Stop speaking in meaningless catch phrases

>> No.12914264

Reducing either sex to objects of one kind of another is reductionism, what's not to get?

>> No.12914285

Reducing the points being presented in the manner you are is reductionism
>someone makes a general observation
Nobody think you're smart. You are entirely superfluous. Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.12914629

this one is pretty stupid

>> No.12914657

If I have a lot of respect for women, and really want one to be my Mommy, is that okay? I'll love her so much and do anything for her and never objectify her and always try to make her happy, but all I ask is that she acts maternally towards me instead of merely feminine and certainly not any manner of submissiveness towards me...everyone on this site calls me a beta and even a tranny for this though, but it's just my own personal way of expressing myself romantically and I can't really get rid of it...I just hope real women like yourself are accepting of it, but I sadly suspect you aren't...most girls want their man to dominate and lead them while still respecting them as a human being, and nearly none desire what I seek...

>> No.12914676

awful threads
mods do your job

>> No.12914719

>His favorite is not the one that makes him laugh,
Women should be gateful that's the case or all men would be fags.

>> No.12914721

lmao holy fuck you're both mad as fuck and dumb as fuck

>> No.12914724
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that's extremely reductionist of you
>nou are le dumb one

>> No.12914868 [DELETED] 

Epic! Updoot!
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind tranny!

>> No.12914879


>> No.12914906 [DELETED] 

XD lmao he a mad nigga xD oh poor sweaty have sex incel lmao XD
Edit: WOW! This comment really blew up!

>> No.12914911
File: 297 KB, 533x622, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

electionfag getting upset at tourists, irony!

>> No.12914926


>> No.12914929


>> No.12914949 [DELETED] 

>im le oldf*g see my screenshot of a banepost proves it btw fuck le ebil /pol/tards xD im an le oldf*g
Hello, tourist! The ironing.

>> No.12914954

take your meds

>> No.12914966

Not that guy but celestial cringe

>> No.12914971 [DELETED] 

XD havent seen that one le before! XD
Edit: Downvote me all you want, you know I’m right.

>> No.12914982


lmao cope :^)

>> No.12914987

>actual reddit spacing
universal cringe

>> No.12914992 [DELETED] 

lmao good one sweaty xD
Edit: Spelling.

>> No.12915003
File: 328 KB, 421x470, ffgds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not even what redd*t spacing is, newfag

>> No.12915010

>he doesn't even know you can type the word reddit
>he doesn't know what reddit spacing is
>he's a dishonest piece of shit
>he literally never gets away with being a a lying newfaggot retard without being made fun of
>he still does it every day
you're really stupid bud

>> No.12915023 [DELETED] 

>reddit tourist doesnt know what redditspacing is
>no u r reddit

>> No.12915026
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>> No.12915038 [DELETED] 

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.12915220

youll never be a real man

>> No.12915236 [DELETED] 


>> No.12915297

>Nothing showcases men's inability to empathize with women and see them as fully-formed human beings more than media written by men. This includes books, tv, movies, etc. It's all the same beast.
Jane Eyre fails whatever the male version of the Bechdel test is and reads like a nerd girl's self-insert wank dream.

>> No.12915766

Okay? There is clearly an imbalance here between how men write women and how women write men. To pretend otherwise is being obtuse.

>> No.12915835 [DELETED] 

Reddit post.

>> No.12915841
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where are the proofs of this imbalance

>> No.12915842


>> No.12915856

>And the women in books by men are complete objects, too. We'll get a description of her body, the MC will find her sexy or she'll find him sexy, and that's about it as far as her characterization goes.

I mean, have you ever read a Danielle Steele novel? People find the opposite gender attractive. Deal with it. You aren't going to stop people from seeing others as attractive and beautiful.

>Nothing showcases men's inability to empathize with women and see them as fully-formed human beings more than media written by men. This includes books, tv, movies, etc. It's all the same beast.
I disagree, guess that means you're wrong.

>> No.12916328

feminism has robbed women of their inherent dignity and turned them into inferior copies of men

>> No.12916331


>> No.12916343

women objectify the shit out of men's bodies and also use them for their money, they have absolutely no leg to stand on in this conversation

>> No.12916756

i guess they must consider their sexuality intrinsic to their existence or something

>> No.12916781


>> No.12916791

You've obviously never read French literature

>> No.12917016

because men have a much stronger libido than women, why do you think women always write about some estranged romance story?

>> No.12917039


Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey would say otherwise...
But there's really nothing wrong with drawing on sexuality in your writing

>> No.12917063

In the event that this isn’t a troll, aren’t romance novels, sex filled vampire novels common enough to be a cliche?

>> No.12917176






>> No.12917504

>Fucking gross

>> No.12917508

Except for 99% of erotica being written by women u derp

>> No.12917512
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by allah what did i just read, people that read fiction deserve to be shot

>> No.12919094

are you fucking serious retard
what about ayn rand for one

>> No.12919101

>The great men of literature
how to out yourself as a retard in five simple words

>> No.12919105

what's wrong with oppression anyway

>> No.12919114

Like 80% of books my female relatives read are soft porn written by women.

>> No.12919125

I think romance novels are written under pseudonyms.
So who knows what sex they are. Everyone loves it

>> No.12919315

Pretty sure this only happens inside a characters head

>> No.12921174
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>your lie is true

>> No.12921199 [DELETED] 



>> No.12921249


>> No.12921258

Shut up tranny, there is no opression to see here.

>> No.12922588

>nothing wrong with sexualized characters, they can be good or not
>no evidence at all about the supposed mismatch between men and women
>faggot op immediately assumes any difference there (which he hasn't shown) is rooted in misconceptions and cannot possibly come from the realization of characters of either sex
Perhaps women are written as sexual objects because that's how they live in reality.
Of course the premisse is retarded, literary men have routinely elevated women, even proven roasties, to an ethereal status that would be considered tacky for describing seraphim.
Reminder that erotica is both mostly written and consumed by women.

>> No.12923035

based retard

>> No.12923364

Reproduction is, sex shouldn't be, unless you're a catamite.

>> No.12923388

okay incel

>> No.12923396

men value sex and claim to be good at sex (which they are not, especially with virgin girls) only because they know it is on sex and harmless fun that a woman bases her decision to let men continue to care for her.

If a woman was able to acknowledge a man in a non sexual way, then men would care more about this way than sex. But that is not the case, women center their life on sex and they love to let compete for them, take only the men who show how well they can entertain women.

The blow back for women is that repulsive, poor men continue to try to be noticed by women and men do not know when to stop.

Another problem for women, is that once a man is chosen by a woman for the fucking and caring, the man thinks he no longer competes against other men, and that woman no longer has any orbiters. The man thinks his victory is perpetual. Then the woman gets less and less harmless fun that she craves, so she choose a few other disposable orbiters. Then the current provider no longer feels acknowledged and begins to seek the validation of another woman.

Also, women do not have babies because ''muh genes'' muh evolution.
Women have babies because
-they love to spread their legs
-their parents push them for grand children
-they get bored and they see the family as a way to keep the relationship alive
-they see other women having babies and being okay with it

This stuff about ''tough healthy males'' comes from the male love to interpret anything through their fantasy of dominance and submission, but this is because they love to confuse dominance with being active and submission with being passive so that they delude themselves that they are not the weaker sex by being so active, whereas their activities turn out to be only making women comfy and make life harder for men.

Women know this male clinging to power fantasies by heart and they have no problem using it to avoid being as destitute as a men can become, while still thinking that those women realize the female fantasy of intimacy, of going beyond passing for and knowing to be slutty goldiggers, by being devoted to the realization of the fantasy of grandiosity of a few men or more commonly by having children and creating a family.

>> No.12923398

What women want the most is harmless fun and intimacy. THey get to realize their fantasy first when they are young with men, by trying to let their ''ego'' on the side and realize the sexual fantasies of the men who fuck them. WOmen quickly learn that the only healthy way to relate to men is to be capitalistic on the male market.

Women know this male clinging to power fantasies by heart and they have no problem using it to avoid being as destitute as a men can become, while still thinking that those women realize the female fantasy of intimacy, of going beyond passing for and knowing to be slutty goldiggers, by being devoted to the realization of the fantasy of grandiosity of a few men or more commonly by having children and creating a family.

What women want the most is harmless fun and intimacy. THey get to realize their fantasy first when they are young with men, by trying to let their ''ego'' on the side and realize the sexual fantasies of the men who fuck them. WOmen quickly learn that the only healthy way to relate to men is to be capitalistic on the male market.

But The fantasy of being intimate is realized with having children. THis is what men do not understand. Women love ''to be selfless'' by caring about children and they delude themselves that their compassion and unconditional love for the children is a good thing. Childless women direct their retarded compassion towards animals and children they do not know.
So women love children for the intimacy. Women rely on men for the sex and care they give.

only women know how to love:

love of men towards women = love of women towards children = unconditional love (utopian for men, effective for women)

love of men towards children (= an aid to retire and stop their suffering) = love of women towards men = utility towards more pleasures and less pains now and in the future

>> No.12923409


uh yikes

>> No.12923426

>bugman catamite calling me an incel
lmao, go back to sucking cock.

>> No.12923458

lol cope

>> No.12923466

Lol, who reads this trash?

>> No.12923469

We based, das why

>> No.12923474

Just don't read books written by catamites.