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/lit/ - Literature

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12912062 No.12912062 [Reply] [Original]

Which should I read first?

>> No.12912147

read none of them. women can't write

>> No.12912151


>> No.12912996

>Victorian female authors.jpg

>> No.12913002



>> No.12913026

I hated Pride & Prejudice, and even produced some heat on this very board by writing bad things about it.

But then I read Northanger Abbey and found it quite delightful, specially the second part, after the heroine goes to spent some time at the Abbey.

>> No.12913054

Middlemarch has the better canonical street cred, so if that influences your decisions at all (I must admit it does mine) I would start with middlemarch

>> No.12913075

Start with Wuthering Heights, which is a very short read, and then get ready for Middlemarch. P&P is no prority.

>> No.12913085

This is low quality bait

>> No.12913166

>by the author of

>> No.12913323

>Which should I read first?
The first one you read.

>> No.12913643
File: 2.71 MB, 2788x990, pride and prejudice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12913679

Jane Eyre is the better Bronte. Then read The Tenant of Windfell Hall after it. In my headcannon I pretend that is the sequel; the marriage that followed the honeymoon.

>> No.12913707

Just read Wuthering Heights. Forget the other two, they're a meme.

>> No.12913970


>> No.12913977

How many books have you written that will be remembered in 200 years time, Anon?

>> No.12913980

Wuthering Hieghts, Emily seems like girlfriend material

>> No.12913988

Wuthering Heights should be read first simply because it's shorter.
After the Bronte appetizer jump into a work by George Eliot aka Mary Ann Evans.
>I like Danield Deronda over Middlemarch but hey there's always The Mill on the Floss.

>> No.12914204
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>reading anything written by women
Damn that a yikes I tell ya!