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File: 157 KB, 599x723, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12912074 No.12912074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stop having sex

>> No.12912076


>> No.12912083

I don't think Schelling ever had to stop.

(You can't stop that which you've never begun.)

>> No.12912088


>> No.12912099

how to extract egg from vagene

>> No.12912121

pull it out with some plyers and crack the shell once it's out.

>> No.12912126
File: 158 KB, 599x723, 1554897238596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bing bang old man needs to smile more :DDDDDD

>> No.12912164

Get on my level, you unvirgin degenerate.

>> No.12912171

Schopenhauer, Schelling and Kant were against masturbation. Being a virgin means little to nothing if you masturbate to internet porn.

>> No.12912191

>Schelling was especially close to August Wilhelm Schlegel and his wife, Caroline. A marriage between Schelling and Caroline's young daughter, Auguste Böhmer, was contemplated by both. Auguste died of dysentery in 1800, prompting many to blame Schelling, who had overseen her treatment. Robert Richards, however, argues in his book The Romantic Conception of Life that Schelling's interventions were not only appropriate but most likely irrelevant, as the doctors called to the scene assured everyone involved that Auguste's disease was inevitably fatal.[25] Auguste's death drew Schelling and Caroline closer. Schlegel had moved to Berlin, and a divorce was arranged (with Goethe's help). Schelling's time at Jena came to an end, and on 2 June 1803 he and Caroline were married away from Jena. Their marriage ceremony was the last occasion Schelling met his school friend the poet Friedrich Hölderlin, who was already mentally ill at that time.

lmao he literally cucked his friend.

>> No.12912260

Cuckoldry is a quintessentially German thing, after all.

>> No.12912267


>> No.12912384

way ahead of you ;)

>> No.12912397

>about to marry loli daughter of a friend
>loli dies
>marry the milf of said loli as consolation prize
>double-cuck said friend in the process
Why does this read like a route of second rate VN?

>> No.12912402

>this is your brain on anime

>> No.12912432

>Kant was against masturbation
So thats why he couldnt get laid

>> No.12912451

Elaborate. As it stands, this statement is non-sequitur.

>> No.12912517

Where do I start with this mad lad?

>> No.12912585


He is too hard to read from the original as a beginner, start from an introduction or an encyclopedia on philosophy.

>> No.12912603

You don't start with him.
He finishes you. Schelling is the grim reaper. Every picture of him, he looks like he'll fuck you up.

>> No.12912649

I think that thots, gold diggers, pua and internet porn are a showcase on the limits of human capacity.
>Sexual liberation
More like a mess.

>> No.12912721
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1552950799622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12912769

have sex

>> No.12912813


>> No.12912872


>> No.12912875

way ahead of you man

>> No.12912904

Im currently on day 98 of nofap.
And im feeling quite the different than january 1st.
I dont believe in these superpowers. I just think this the default of how a man should feel like.
Braver,stronger, more disciplinded and a more "i dont fucking care" attitude in a good way.
I also think women sort of become more aware that my balls have 100 days or cum inside it just waiting to get unleashed into their wet vaginas.

Im convinced that all the magical mascoline energy is stored in our sperm. So its truly pathetic and tragic to cum on your own hands and socks in a dark sweaty room infront of a screen.

Also im meeting a gal at my place this weekend and im not sure what to do,should i waste my 100 days of sperm on her?

Or should i try to have sex but not cum and keep all the energy?
Help me bros.

Also im not a virgin or anything.

>> No.12912921
File: 46 KB, 650x450, 1499293733743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you: I never started.

>> No.12912944

I would but the gf would get mad

>> No.12912983
File: 380 KB, 686x850, 1553662217214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't. Renounce all of it.

>> No.12913145

you started if you've ever had sex with yourself. your body thinks touching yourself is still sex.

>> No.12913242

Maybe your stupid retard body does

>> No.12913288

He's not wrong.
Schelling thought sexual acts done for entertainment were opposed to the Absolute. If you're claiming you're ahead of Schelling but still masturbate, then well, you're not ahead at all.

>> No.12913338

Where does Schelling say this my friend? Please tell me

>> No.12913459

You nigger please tell me my friend.

>> No.12913463

Somewhere in 'Philosophical Inquiries Into the Nature of Human Freedom', when he mentions lust. I can't find a PDF online, I'll try to find it later. I want to say toward the middle somewhere if you have the physical copy and want to look right now.

>> No.12913466

Previous post was meant for this one.

>> No.12913470

Novel idea: wait to have sex with a woman you like and have gotten familiar with enough to bear the responsibilities and emotions behind love making


>> No.12913481

Sarcasm has no place here.

>> No.12913535

I order this work a few days ago and should arrive today

>> No.12913603

Rather fortuitous then.

>> No.12913605


>> No.12913624

When I write too quickly I write like a Chinaman.

>> No.12913646

Can schelling please be the next meme?

>> No.12913666
File: 51 KB, 500x680, Schelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a face like that, he already is.
Just look at him.

>> No.12913675

cringe and betapilled

>> No.12913685

he knows shit
you can tell

>> No.12913690

looks like a lizardman
i guess that's why trump is going to compelte the system of german idealism

>> No.12913703

Jokes on you old man, i never started.

>> No.12913753

>missing the point this hard
see >>12913288 + >>12912171

>> No.12913767

>666 and that face

>> No.12913784

You’re the only one who noticed. :3

Satan’s tricks are getting wily

>> No.12913857

This. You can tell if people are sagacious, wise, and chaste by looking at them. This is a guy I would have trusted with my life. Even looking at this picture, conjures the feeling that this is a wise old friend, not a stranger.

>> No.12913900

I very much believe this man would know my future, and even if his advice brought upon me great peril I would die peacefully knowing it was for some greater good beyond my comprehension

>> No.12913967

was shelling an incel?

>> No.12914013
File: 42 KB, 402x402, 1371547586704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when is Schelling an antinatalist?

>> No.12914123

Not his point.

>> No.12914318

What other philosophical schools are against any form of sexual congress?

>> No.12915710

I am for sexual congress

>> No.12916399

based. Im on roughly day 30, although i'm not keeping track. I had a wet dream about 2 weeks in and that was about 2 weeks ago. Feels hugely different and I notice the same shit about girls.

>> No.12916408

No u. Its manly to take responsibility for your actions. Its manly to have self control, it's manly to sublimate masculine energy. Its beta to drain your masculine energy for something as worthless as temporary pleasure.

>> No.12916667

Jesus Christ look at his fucking face. Is that a vampire? Is that a true vampire?

>> No.12916672

with my wife?

>> No.12916981

If not for procreation, then yes, stop.

>> No.12916996

honestly, in my experience, as long as you blow your load when you're getting down with someone, the magic stays with you. it's just fapping that kills it, man.

>> No.12917192

This isn't true. After this point, you're just fighting horniness which defeats the whole point.