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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.4948[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello and welcome to the powerlifting general.

>> No.4949

epic new meme dino

>> No.4950

Post PR's, routines, form checks, meet results, schmexy lifts, etc. No Dubs or gets allowed. Supermong and Sean pls go.

Remember OHP is not IPF approved, and long femurs are the underactive thyroid of lifting

>Vital Statistics Unit - /plg/ Census 2014

Men: http://www.powerliftingwatch.com/records/raw/world
Women: http://www.powerliftingwatch.com/records/raw/women-world

>The official pastebin
http://pastebin.com/99cMvaQh (embed)

>The new dropbox - /fit/ information repository
>now partially rebuilt
http://pastebin.com/RiXEg5L1 (embed)

>dropbox mirror

>What is depthprivilege?
https://youtu.be/XpgmQmdMfe0 [Open] [Embed]

>How to deadlift by Mark Rippetoe
https://youtu.be/tfYez7-h55c [Open] [Embed]

>How to setup for the deadlift by JL Holdsworth
https://youtu.be/hlBMGsRly1c [Open] [Embed]

>How to sumo deadlift by Ben Rice
https://youtu.be/_5tQpNoSiKU [Open] [Embed]

>How to lowbar squat by Alastair MacNicol
https://youtu.be/RMFHgVN_pcg [Open] [Embed]

>How to set WRs by C. Lutz
https://youtu.be/e-ORhEE9VVg [Open] [Embed]

>How to build a big bench by C. Lutz
https://youtu.be/XrVZqPkgdXo [Open] [Embed]

>How to bench press by PTW
https://youtu.be/_V189hK85BI [Open] [Embed]

>How to OHP with Dan Green
https://youtu.be/f3EuCSe7pUA [Open] [Embed]

>Trips PRs Pastebin
pastebin.com/2VTGQFN3 (embed)

>/plg/ atlas

>> No.4951

stfu tranny lover

>> No.4952
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My back is hurting, my lifts are shit, I failed 140kg deadlift. My diet is shit pls kill me I go to sleep now I come back in the morning

>> No.4953

paul didn't fall in love with a tranny he fell in love with a brazilian manlet get your facts straight

>> No.4954

ok dino

>> No.4955

Sean go to sleep

>> No.4956


>> No.4957

i fucking lol at kbooey trying to be some internet famous powerlifter but failing miserably.

dude posts all his lifts and videos on here and reddit, is a total instagram whore and struggles to break a couple k views/followers

he should just move up a weightclass so he could at least be a relevant powerlifter

>> No.4958

literally who

>> No.4959

I never did a proper LP program

How do I know if I could get anything out of it?

>> No.4960
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I didn't do them

>> No.4961


>> No.4962

Run something linear and see how it goes?

>> No.4963

Reminder to fix your posture.

>> No.4964

On a scale of 1-10, how dumb is cautiously training through a minor lumbar disk herniation. I'm asking for a friend.

>> No.4965

Only way to do it.

>> No.4966

do you feel any pain or anything?

i thought a lot of people have minor herniations etc but dont realize it

idk though

>> No.4967

Just some sciatica in the left foot. Very little back pain at all.

>> No.4968

Tbh do the McGill shit every morning, maybe try lifting and see if there's anything that's totally uncomfortable and train from there. I mean, this isn't "good advice" but it's what I did.

>> No.4969

not op but can you give me a link?

>> No.4970


>> No.4971

>the olympic press

is not a powerlifting movement

>> No.4972


>> No.4973

>tfw going home for a long ass time
>tfw dad recently started lifting
Is having your dad be your gymbro weird?

>> No.4974

much appreciated

>> No.4975

No, it's sick

>> No.4976

But I mean, he could give me a ride to the gym, I'd always have someone to give me handoffs, always have a spotter etc.

>> No.4977

Post PR music:

>> No.4978

Go compete against Lilliebridge in the raw with dad division.

>> No.4979

I don't get how people can lift to such light-hearted music. I need someone screaming bloody murder in my ear.

>> No.4980


>> No.4981


>> No.4982

He meant sick in a good way you aspy. Why would having your father as a trainer be weird? Is throwing a baseball with your father weird? No, calm your autism bro

>> No.4983

Training partner* fucking christ I hate typing on my phone

>> No.4984


It's sick is a good thing man.

Sounds pretty great though if he does become your training partner. I tried talking to my dad about it and he doesn't want to even though he follows weightlifting a bit.

He is excited for my first meet though so that should help me out because no one wants to look like shit in front of their dad.

>> No.4985
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pls b patient nd respect i have autist

>> No.4986
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>mfw had no family present at my first meet
I think I just would have gotten nervous if I did, even though it was just a club meet

>> No.4987

Reminder this exists.

>> No.4988


I hate letting my dad down so I reckon it will help a bit. I have a couple of mates coming as well and two of my brothers.

Just finished up c6w day 8 and I managed to get 10 reps of 127.5(pls no bully) and then do 10x3 of 122.5, feel pretty good though. I just want to lay on the ground all day and not move though.



>> No.4989

pls be kg

>> No.4990


Joe's dad is basically a bigger, stronger, balder version of him. Meeting him was like looking 35 years into Joe's future.

>> No.4991

So Benchbeta is going to end up fat (already is KEK) wireless and a bench+beta? KEK

Joe btfo by me, his arch nemesis

>> No.4992


It is thankfully. Hoping to get 170 on the 6th week. I got 160 last time I did a mock meet and I fell into the safeties.

Never thought waiting for a rack command would be hard so I started doing the pause at the end of each set.

>> No.4993


>> No.4994

>tfw want to go to the gym tomorrow but am stuck on a wired connection

>> No.4995
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It is now April, and Frog is still not my fuckbuddy.

>> No.4996

>Squat chugging along at 5lb a week
>Deadlift going backwards

shit dude fuck

>> No.4997

If i can squat roughly the same amount of weight low bar with flats and high bar olympic style on any given day, should i continue on with high or low bar? Ive been told if thats the case continue doing high bar for athletic ability improvement in the long run

>> No.4998

Tomorrow is my first meet , halp pls

>> No.4999

Lift real good

>> No.5000

Which style feels comfiest to you?

>> No.5001
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if you're american, go to sleep.


the checklist here is pretty good, I still use it for my meets

>> No.5002

Make sure to pack or buy food before your meet so you don't die while waiting hours to lift.

>> No.5003


>> No.5004

You just want him for yourself!!

>> No.5005
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>tfw you haven't had a meal in 2-4 hours

>> No.5006

>tfw you go straight from the gym to Chipotle and crush two burritos minimum

>> No.5007

>just woke up and a fresh 3000 calories to eat today
Also got paid yesterday, might get a burrito myself

>> No.5008

>tfw your shake is 3000 cals

>> No.5009

Driving three hours (each way) to train equipped bench


>> No.5010

this hurts my back

>> No.5011

wew lad why

>> No.5012

people routinely do this, its a good thing to do to train with people who know what theyre doing and can improve you

>> No.5013

Oh yeah

GB EQ Bench squads :^)


Also I've just got an audible subscription. Makes driving much nicer desu.

>> No.5014

what is it like 2hundo? You're not even competitive raw Tbh

>> No.5015

I'm not competitive in anything, but I did win british equipped bench (first of one) so I'm still going.

>> No.5016
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>all you have to do to be on the national squad is not bomb

>> No.5017

How can i bench More?

>> No.5018

I am doing a meet next weekend. Originally i've signed up in the 90kg weight class, but there's a lot less guys in the 100kg class and my coach told me that if I gain weight, I'll probably get a medal.
BW 88kg after breakfast right now. The weigh in is in the morning, roughly 7 hours before I lift. How should I gain the weight without affecting my performance? I think I'll be 89 by then, should I just down a bottle of water?

>> No.5019


>long femurs are the underactive thyroid of lifting
Are they really? Show me a pic of an accomplished long femured lifter (pl or wl).

t. bitter lanklet

>> No.5020

do you compete? yeah i compete

>> No.5021

No but I pretend to be a coach and spam sheiko on plg

>> No.5022

Just bench more m8.

>> No.5023
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>tfw you train for strength, but you don't want to compete, so your routine isn't a purebred powerlifting program, however plg is the only place that makes sense on fit and you're stuck here with powerlifters, feeling like an everlasting outcast

>> No.5024

dreamer bulk while lifting weights

>> No.5025

The majority of high level conventional pullers have long femurs.
Some great squatters also have long femurs (Hancott, Norton, Blevins)

>> No.5026


It's not looking good

>> No.5027

what are you currently listening to izlee?

>> No.5028

youll just get fat with poor programming

>> No.5029

i'm currently benching 3 times a week (cuckols program) with a big foam roller in order to increase my arch
but it is shortening my rom and as I am in off season I need more gainzzz
how would you do if you were me?

>> No.5030
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>> No.5031
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Prissy little bitch. I am disappoint, son.

>> No.5032

Bench 3x8+
Front Squat 3x8+
Chin-ups 3x4-6
Lunge 3-5x8-10
Dips 3-5x10-12
Curl 3-5x10-12

Bench 3x6+
DL Rep Maxes + BackOff
Row 3x4-6
RDL 3-5x10-12
Dips 3-5x10-12
Curl 3-5x10-12

Bench 3x4+
Front Squat 3x4+
Chin-ups 3x4-6
Lunge 3-5x8-10
Dips 3-5x10-12
Curl 3-5x10-12

About to get fuckhuge with cuckols :^)

>> No.5033

you have one single joint movement

>> No.5034

If I dont need IPF approved sleeves atm what is best choice or all 7mm sleeves are good?

>> No.5035

No DBs or machines and extensions fuck my elbows

>> No.5036

What do? I have a meet on September 9th. I'm going on vacation May 3-8, July 11-16 and July 31-August 12.

So it's:
4 weeks and change
>first holiday trip
5 weeks
>second trip
2 weeks
>third trip, this one almost 2 weeks
6 weeks

The last trip in particular is long enough to disrupt my training significantly. I'm thinking I need to increase volume so that I overreach in the week before the first and second trip, then in the 2 weeks between the second and third trip I go balls to the wall on volume, then the first 2-3 weeks after the third trip again high volume (since I'll be extra rested and slightly detrained/fitness will have decayed) but also medium-high intensity to peak, and then the last 3-4 weeks before the meet increase intensity and decrease volume to taper?

>> No.5037

woops made a mistake, there's about 10 weeks between trips 1 and 2

>> No.11539

you can probably go balls to the wall with volume the whole time and then taper like you said at the end
those first two trips should get rid of almost all fatigue you've accumulated before them

>> No.11606

when is the new 531 coming out?

or is it out already? gimmie gimmie pdf

>> No.11612
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dont do anything silly, just stick to your programming best you can around the holidays, trying to compensate could leave you worse off on the platform, training principles still apply

pic related is a 4wk peak, replace the assistance with what you do, pay attention to the squatbenchdead numbers

>> No.11629
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>> No.11635
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>> No.11657

wtf is /lit/ doing here

>> No.11673

abril fools :-DDDDD

>> No.11676

no one is going to do your silly roider peak bro

>> No.11728

swede burns was voted coach of the year on powerlifting watch

i think he knows what hes talking about

>> No.11769

i really do still fail to see how its a "roider peak"

you hit a fatigued max then taper down to reduce fatigue coming into comp, allowing you to hit fresh maxes on the day

you dont need to start peaking 10-12 weeks out

>> No.11819



>> No.11823

because you only do one set per competition lift per week
natties dont get away with this lack of specificity this close to the comp

>> No.11849


>> No.11933

ive said every time ive posted it that the other stuff on it is dependant on each lifter

the 'secondary lift' is always a mechanically similar movement, throughout training and during peaking, if you want it to be the comp lift for specificity during peaking then it can be, in fact thats probably a good idea, the rep ranges arent set in stone either

for example it might be prudent to do the top set for the day and then knock off 20-30% and do 6-10x1 so you are doing the full movement over and over, ie every rep is a first rep, setting up properly and unracking, do them all with commands if you like

>> No.11961

alrightie, appreciate the responses

>> No.12457

what the fuck is this

>> No.12749

I don't know, check his insta today

>> No.12912

/lit/ here.

When I irregularly go to the gym with friends, I always focus on doing the big 3 since I'm aiming for lifting more weight with them. My friends however, always push for adding in a bunch of isolation exercises with machines(and free weights) in addition to the big lifts. They claim it helps them be stronger and preform the big lifts better. I'm convinced that isolation exercises are more useful for aesthetics, and that if I want strength in the main lifts, I should focus on those.

Who is right? Are isolation exercises actually necessary?

>> No.12939

This thread is now
Power Literature General
what are you guys power reading? how many words are your 1 RM (reading minute)?

>> No.12988

If your less then 200 pounds then do what you've been doing and focus on aesthetics after you actually have some mass. If you enjoy the big three then just be like us and get fat and strong.

>> No.13015
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Accessories are not a meme. Stop skipping them.

>> No.13034

Did you ask Mike T? If not, I can do it no problem.

>> No.13075

someone post the bodorio whenyousmellanerd.webm

>> No.13083


Fuck I actually did forget entirely. Sorry lad.

>> No.13102

No worries m8, I'll do it.

>> No.13108
File: 807 KB, 449x746, I'llWreckUInAMathContestM8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if you don't compete in both math and powerlifting you aren't really /fitlit/

>> No.13133

How do you get stronger? There are a bunch of different factors involved, but there's only very few that you can directly control:
>muscle mass
>technique/proficiency in the lift
>proficiency in handling high intensity of that particular lift

The second one is developed over time anyway. The third one is dealt with by going through a well thought out peaking cycle. The first one, muscle mass, is one of the biggest factors that differentiate beginners from advanced. When I say beginners, I mean people who are no longer complete novices, people that have been lifting just long enough so that even if their technique isn't very good, at least it's consistent and they don't get those massive newbie gains anymore just from their body getting used to lifting, even if they don't get physically "stronger" in a strict sense. So an average guy squatting around 120-150kg (depending on bodyweight) is still a beginner but there's a certain chance he can't make newbie gains anymore. This is exactly the kind of person that should focus heavily on assistance/hypertrophy work.

Can't believe I'm saying this but I actually agree with garagebro on this aspect.

>> No.13146


Is Screamer still with his QT gf?

>> No.13167



>> No.13229

>when you realize that picture is literally 7 years old
fugg I'm getting old

>> No.13240

Wouldn't that be /scifit/?

>> No.13286

shut up you fucking dyel

>> No.13414

thank you guys for responding to my newb posts

I'm 250 pounds (6'4')'. Not too concerned with aesthetics just yet, maybe next year

What use will they genuinely have? I worry that they might impair my main lifts in some weird way.

So you mean to say that there's an important value in having a physical muscle mass independent from the strength you possess? And you develop that simply through doing your exercise consistently? I'm definitely somewhere in the newbie stage, so i'll keep this in mind for when I lift out of it.

>> No.13426

Yeah, but the boards didn't get combined that way, so /fitlit/ is close enough.

>tfw I was literally like 5'11 145 lbs in that pic

>> No.13525

this fucked my bookmark up

>> No.13671


They help with overall strength, which help prevent injuries, allow you to work on weak points, and provide a break from doing the exact same movements.

>> No.13727

Fuck my triceps is STILL sore from doing some additional DB and OH presses.
And tonight I godda go out for drinks - so they probably won't recover well over night too.

What a BS. I want those fuckers and all of my other sore muscle to recover faster, goddamn it.

>> No.13815

so I was fucking a hole in my mattress that I made for fucking and I cut my dick on one of the springs and all my boner blood bled out so the doctor said I'll never get a boner again

>> No.13844

>my triceps is still

I take it you're not from lit LOL

>> No.13860

Too bad they didn't make /alcocuck/ board for you

>> No.13883

Okay Dino

>> No.13961

could someone post a pic of trappy-chan? i need that early morning boost and show /lit/ what we are about

>> No.13974

Try asking Raf

>> No.14064

let's see plopping some turds out of my butthole right now
They're less watery than usual and also a tad more stinky I find

Only felt like two shits fall out of my asshole and I don't even feel the need to shit more so this isn't going to be a massive shit or anything I don't think

>> No.14242


>Literal shitposting

>> No.14488

miss your princesinha?


>> No.14502

I'm not Paul LOL

>> No.14588

more than 1 loser on this website for losers falls in love with a brazilian man pretending to be a man pretending to be a girl online

what a surprise


>> No.14634

Does anyone have a live stream of Europe strongest man?

>> No.14710


Feels exactly the same in terms of comfy

>> No.14712

I've been looking for one but only found a service that you have to pay for it

>> No.14721

you have issues please see a psychiatrist

>> No.14739

I asked yesterday but everyone ignored me

seems like no one gives a shit about esm

>> No.14808

do you guys think that nofap might help with increasing lifts? i heard it increase testosterone
but it might also not, i might try it again but its really hard.

>> No.14876

is it the one where he gets a boner?

>> No.15001

Is powerlifting the novice version of olympic-lifting?

>> No.15269


>> No.15329


cant load it tho

>> No.15377
File: 12 KB, 500x259, 5182983+_63bd0b4462c63ea3adfe6f3dc989f395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /plg/ will never again be as good as it was back in 2013

>> No.15392

nofap increases testosterone by a tiny margin (like 10% or so) for a few days, after which your testosterone levels drop back to baseline (according to that one Chinese study that gets cited)
note that this increase is insignificant, the difference in gains will not be noticeable
consider that natural differences in testosterone between individuals are much greater than the tiny bonus you might get (and again, this bonus fades quickly)
I think you're better off fixing other aspects of your life (diet, sleep, stress, mobility etc) which will have a bigger impact on your gains

>> No.15858

Although i hate the phrase, you cannot deny there are no skinny champions

Inb4 pics of lowest weightclass lifters, they have a much larger than average %age of muscle for their weight

>> No.15941

Paul didn't fall in love he was just pretending, I never believed the voice changer

>> No.16055

Did I miss something? What the fuck is fitlit?

>> No.16085

april fools shit

>> No.16212


There's also /cock/ and /mlpol/

>> No.16241

April Fool's is the day where every website thinks they're funny and everyone shitposts. DAE notice fit and lit rhyme! xDDD

>> No.16265

I think /fitfa/ or /fitcgl/ would have been funnier

>> No.16383

shit, that wouldve been great too

>> No.16386

it actually reached 145.7% of the baseline so it was a 45.7% increase. do you think that this kind of increase would have an impact?

>> No.16399

Kek, I just visited mlpol. Did not disappoint

>> No.16431
File: 344 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170401-122836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have for PM this week?

>> No.16458
File: 374 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170401-115836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have 4's instead of doubles.

>> No.16496

>/fitlit/ emerges
>trappy nowhere to be found

confirmed brainlet

>> No.16506

How many different groups are there and how did he determine which one you go to?

>> No.16530

there are likely natty guys with 2-3x as much testosterone as you just due to natural statistical distribution, yet those guys aren't instantly jacked and strong

people using roids usually have 10x or even more the amount of testosterone flowing through natty veins, your puny 40% or so increase (temporarily even!) isn't gonna do jack shit

>> No.16553

this is correct

>> No.16663


I'm pretty sure there are 2-3 different groups, with the only difference being relative intensity on the backoff sets for main lifts. It was determined by weight, training age, maxes and what we got for the 80% AMRAPs in the first week. I don't know how everything was weighted though.

Exercise selection, number of sets, and intensity for top singles are all the same though.

>> No.16691

In plg I think MA is the only one with a different group so two that we know of. Idk how he assigned them. Mike t is gonna do a write up after it's all done and we will learn then

>> No.17260

WHat kind of prs do you think youll hit after the program peaks? I think i'm looking at a 15-20lb bench pr, 40-60lb squat pr and a 40-50lb deadlift pr

>> No.17415
File: 19 KB, 298x202, Screen Shot 2017-04-01 at 12.16.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you're doing or how you feel desu

Got this plus lots of upper back shit

>> No.17447


I've already hit my bench max, and got 10lbs from my deadlift and 15lbs from my squat, all at 8-8.5. Probably lookimg at about 15-25lbs for each lift as of right now.

>> No.17491
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>I don't care what you're doing or how you feel desu

tham makes me feel bad tBh :(

Im doing
back extensions
light deficit dls

>> No.17546

good shit lad, im thinking about running the last seven weeks of it again up to my meet in early june. I honestly thought i would get hit by the injury train on this program but the only thing ive ended up with is knee tendies and loads of PR's. This has been the most fun couple months of training for me in a while.

>> No.17555

About to try Bulgarian split squats for first time today later.

Is it better to do them with my oly shoe if I normally squat in oly shoes or doesn't it work like that?

If you've done them before, what's your typical weight for say a set of 10 of BSS and also your squat? Just curious

>> No.17585


I feel ya lad, I'd totally run it twice more before my meet in August, but I need a break from this same shit different day kind of approach.

>> No.17590

That juggernaut program. Did during a cut and it was a bad choice, good for bulking though.

>> No.17615

>Deficit deads x1@8, x3@9, 3 back off sets
>2CT Pause Bench x1@8, x3@9, 3 back off sets
>Snatch Grip Stiff legs i can't remmeber sets and reps but theres a lot of each. i think 7x8

>> No.17646


Same, on the last 4 SGSLD sets right now. They suck.

>> No.17678

What are you looking to hit at that meet? i was shooting for 1200 at my meet in june but after PM i feel like it might be closer to 1250.

>> No.17683

Is that you Greg?

>> No.17693

I'm just being a shit. How is your day senpai?
Mine is bad.
Honestly Juggernaut is going pretty well for me on my cut, though I've been cutting pretty slow.
>tfw to intelligent to use RPE

>> No.17704

how much weight are you using on the SGSLDLs?
i did all the sets with 80kg (like 1/3 of my DL max) and manipulated RPE with rest periods cause im lazy...

2ct bench felt interesting too after yesterday's 16 sets

>> No.17731


Goal is somewhere from 645-665, if I can do higher that'd be dank.

>> No.17747

Haven't done them yet i pull around 500 and im thinking about doing the first set with like a plate and a quarter cuz ive never done them before and that seems light enough

>> No.17771


I'm in a love/hate relationship with RPE.


Top sets are at 145kg. 2ct paused was hell today and I had to take so much weight off the bar because of the other day.

>> No.17800

>How is your day senpai?

boring. I was going to watch europes strongest man, but I couldnt find a stream, so Im just gonna train and watch a movie or some shit

>> No.17882

probably describes 90% of lurkers and anons here

>> No.17922

kek are you talking about that fucking 15 set day of bench or whatever the hell it was? my last 3 sets of touch & go were fucking rpe 1000

>> No.17944
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Hey, newb here, current lifts are 3/2/4. I feel like my weaknesses (and current coaching) are holding me back right now. Weak quads - shitty squats and initial pulls, minor weakness is chest - shitty bench off the chest.

The quad weakness is developed simply due to overly glute and ham dominant low bar squatting imo (le long femurs)

Do you think this routine might address the issue a little? Is it ok overall? I want to milk lp a little more.

High bar squat
Chin up

Paused dead/ conventional dl/ 2" block pull (not sure whether I should alternate between those or just do comp dl)
BB row
Upright row
Incline Press

High bar squat
Spoto press
DB press/flys
Chin up

Thanks lads.

>> No.17984


Yeah that was fucking brutal, my last 2 sets of the day were at 175-185 lbs.

>> No.18010

i was doing fucking 135 and ended up just just giving up my shoulders were dead.

>> No.18027

funny, my 8x5 of TnG started at RPE 8 and ended at RPE 9.

did pin squats

then legs up. i felt only like 5% fatigue compared to fresh legs-up but for the last two sets i had to drop like 20%. a complete wall out of nowhere

>> No.18050

accumulation day for deadlifts... fuck me
at least I'm finally in the 5's wave

>> No.18088

you had to have under rated your rpe then. Cuz those sets were absolutely terrible. I'm pretty bad at bench reps though so maybe its just me

>> No.18144

yeah well the fixed percentages dont really make sense to me when people have different RPE tables. unless the percentage is changed individually?

the standard table is spot on for me and it says a five at 76% should be RPE 6

>> No.18223

I totally agree, mike's entire training ideology is about the fact that people are different and some things are harder for different people on different days. % work would make sense if he was coaching someone 1 on 1 but for a cookie cutter program it doesn't quite make sense to me

>> No.18331

If youre talking about addressing weaknesses to further your lifts then LP is over pal

>> No.18336 [DELETED] 

What do you think this notation means? Because I don't you know

>> No.18382

not him but s/b/d in plates?

>> No.18383


Split squats - Heel Shoe or Barefoot?

>> No.18392
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Someone can't handle Screamer's bants

>> No.18400

What do you think this notation means? Because I don't think you know.

I can't tell what lift you've left out (ohp?) but any lift missing from that is not a beginner's stats

>> No.18482

What do you classify as a beginner?

You can get to those stats without really knowing what you are doing, id class that as a novice, not discrediting the lifts themselves

>> No.18494

I mean, once I put wraps on I can squat 25kg more, diddly lockouts feel great too, once I get the bar off the ground a cm. Feels like my quads just really are dogshit

They are 1rms. Idk man, seems pretty early intermediate at best.

>> No.18508

what a pozz cuck

>> No.18551

Holy shit, we /lit/ now? What fun!

>> No.18597
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Im reading some Wendler as usual.

>> No.18697

I'm reading Friedrich Hayek's "Road to Serfdom". Baby's first right-wing economics book, I'm enjoying it even though Hayek is a horrible writer (stylistically speaking).

>> No.18728

It should take the form ohp/bench/squat/deadlift (increasing difficulty). People will generally assume you mean for reps. If you don't do OHP it's probably easier not to use it or maybe write x/2/3/4

>> No.18784

Well i've been lurking plg for quite some time now and this seems to be pretty established form of listing your maxes as it respects the order in which the lifts are preformed during competition.

That being siad, it's not exactly hard to figure it out either.

>> No.18797

>not powerlitfit general


>> No.18802

Mark levin's liberty amendments. If you're a constitutional conservative i'd highly reccomend.

>> No.18839

>Well i've been lurking plg for quite some time now and this seems to be pretty established form of listing your maxes
you are completely correct
this guy>>18728 shouldnt be in the thread

>> No.18862
File: 487 KB, 500x656, 15220064_1292350250855599_2392233613159071375_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pulled 160kg x 5 yesterday
>also 120kg squat x2

pls dont flame

is this any good for 6 months in lifter?

also rate my box skwat form, hammering those in hopes for carryover to deadlift and to be fair i think they do work

>> No.18916

Garage bro could probably teach a box squat better than i cuz he's on that conjugate train, but lad thats not how you do one if you want carry over to deadlift. Minimize knee travel and sit back as much as possible.

>> No.18945

>6 months training time
>carryover to deadlift
lad at 6 months training banded pull aparts have carryover to your diddle

>> No.19023

i guess lol

truth be told tho, im doing those aswell and some reverse cable flies because my rear delts are super small as expected from dyel

notes taken
should box squat be bigger weight than regular squat or about the same ?

>> No.19046

>is this any good for 6 months in lifter?
pls stop asking this lads
whats the point

if we say
>no thats shit
are you just going to just stop lifting? i doubt it

if we say
>thats good
what changes? you just going to stop trying so hard?

just fucking lift to the best of your ability and accept whatever progress you get, doesnt fucking matter at the end of the day if timmy in the next rack is squatting more than you in half the time

lift because you want to lift

>> No.19054

probably depends on the height of the box.

>> No.19110

makes sense

>> No.19111

he's going to break his back

>> No.19226

i know it does but for some reason everyone, with not even a year of lifting. wants to know how good they are, not just you

im not saying not to do them, but do you really think you need box squats anyway, i would be more inclined to do more squats and probably paused squats if anything, i think it would teach you more

>> No.19327
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People with competetive "thing" like to compare eachother.

Its not like i will kill to get gains and get stronger, but knowing if you are terrible is motivator for harder work. Right now i feel like "shit, maybe i could attempt that 4pl8 diddly, but how do i combat fear of pushing myself hard"

I have massive problem with PATIENCE

im following program made by guy from internet, and theres quite big exercise rotation so its not like i will do them tilll end of the time, i will probably change it up next week.

RN im lifting almost everyday and also doing deadlift variation

>> No.19530

The box squat has a few uses and stance and how much you sit back is dictated by why youre doing them

I cycle how its performed depending if its squat or deadlift focused, and change bars too

If the aim is to increase your free squat then it should look exactly the same as your free squat, when you remove the box there should be no difference, the sitting back cue is widely mistaken as people here seem to think only westside do them, which if youre in gear then you need to sit back, however box squats are good for athletes as its easy to get consistency in the movement and you recover better

In short, mimic your free squat, weight youre capable of should be around the same, unless youre using a ssb

If you want to work the deadlift with it then ideally use an ssb and mimic your deadlift technique as much as possible, close stance and sit back, really helps with thoracic extension and keeping upper back tight

>> No.19647

>People with competetive "thing" like to compare eachother
yeah i get that, so i compete
rate of progress is just such a shitty thing to compare, you might be lifting more than someone else did at the six month mark but now theyve been lifting a year , and even tho the progress was slower, they are still bettter than you

>but knowing if you are terrible is motivator
well you are in luck, like most of us you will very likely never be a world champion
so enjoy the constant motivation

>I have massive problem with PATIENCE
you are going to have to fix that problem, its one of the biggest keys to strength gains
and you will burn out pretty quick

>big exercise rotation changing up frequently as a new lifter
i dont think its the best idea but whatever

>> No.19696

thoughts on this lads?

>> No.19762

>tfw always shit

really activated my almonds
well thanks for that

>> No.19803

Tips for training after a long time sitting down? Just spent 3 straight hours making campaign calls and my back hates me rn

>> No.19813
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This is how the soviets used to train their athletes, they were miles ahead of where most lifters are now, IN THE 60s. The gist is the novice lifters had far less specificity than the advanced. IIRC their conjugate system had about 50 variations of the lifts they performed.

For youth athletes, the physical preparation schools served as a long-term development tool that highly discouraged early specialization of any one sporting activity. The primary goal of the early preparatory period of an athlete's career was to progressively develop motor skills and movement dynamics while sequentially developing adaptive levels for later phases. Even though the overarching system used for athletes was the conjugate system (think long-term building block development), the actual training programs of youth and lesser qualified athletes through the initial years of training would lend itself to a concurrent (e.g. multiple qualities developed at once) structure.

For qualified athletes (intermediate through advanced) who have successfully fulfilled the requirements of the early preparatory periods, a shift from concurrent training to phases of greater specificity and unidirectional loading (one or two specific qualities) was made. During this period, skills gained from previous preparatory phases weren't actively developed but rather maintained with maintenance levels of loading. Instead of attempting to improve the many non-specific abilities gained during the early stages of training, athletes now sought highly specific training organized to maximize competition performance and career potential. Remember, all of this is taking place over the course of many years. Depending on the qualification of the intermediate to advanced athlete, he or she would spend the majority of the training at either end of the specificity continuum. In either instance, all athletes, regardless of qualification, spent time at both ends of the continuum. The only major difference was that those of lesser qualification were allocated more time for developmental exercises while those of higher qualification spent the majority of their time training highly specific exercises.

>> No.19991
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basically this

i dont want you to get me wrong. Im not THAT big into powerlifting. I just really like deadlifting. Less of a fan of squats, and i pretty much hate benching. With that being said i want to get more athletic, stronger and better looking while staying natty.

And my program, (supervised by this guy https://youtu.be/OTXQ4IMYjYs ) is supposed to do just that, learn my body how to move, correct muscle imbalances without creating new ones and build nice foundation for further training for strength and size.

And i think if you dont get too specific can let your body develop little bit more even i guess ? BUT, i do want to improve my numbers, because progressing on them feels goddamn nice.

Dont hate me for posting this in /plg/ most of you guys have better idea about most of /fit/

>> No.20056

>supervised by this guy
you are going to make dino extremely jelly

>> No.20197

Thank you i'll use those, what do you recommend in terms of how many sets of these?

>> No.20344

i was doing them in morning and evening few times after i had small back injury and they helped

shoudlnt take oyu more than 10 min

>> No.20434

Is there a way to find a project mementum somwhere now?

>> No.20450

At some point after it's done ill put it down in a google doc but i'm too lazy now

>> No.20480


>> No.20488

The basic thought behind conjugate is that you cant max out and go heavy in the comp lifts every week you will burnout, but rotating the variations will allow you to go heavy every week and not stagnate

Talking from an athleticism point of view, not powerlifting specific, squatting is the king of lifts, the back squat will improve performance in a multitude of sports, whos going to be the best athlete, the one who can competition squat 500lbs or the one who can do it 10 different ways?

>> No.20507

Thanks lads I was too weak when it started but now with 350wilks I'm kinda interested.

>> No.20521
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>expecting someone to list their OHP stats

>> No.20605

>back squat will improve performance more than other lifts


>> No.20667
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probably the athlete who practiced sport specific skills instead of getting 9 other squat variants to 500lbs

>> No.20737

Yeah you didnt get my point at all

When will people learn you actually need strength at some point to go with technique

>> No.20738


Finally 5pl8 just had to get fat and detrained

>> No.20759

Power comes from the hips and lower body

Squats and jumps will improve power the most

I dont see whats so hard to understand

>> No.20783


240 this week

>> No.20790

jokes on you, i don't have technique

>> No.20820

what you weighin these days, boi

>> No.20837

love the
>bup bup bup bup bup ba
back to 2x bw?

>> No.20862

is that the spf depth variation? ;^)

>> No.20994

Its the 30kg more than ive done with a ssb and i shit myself at how heavy it felt

>> No.21139

>coach included chest hypertrophy to help improve bench
>everything 5x12

Is this rhabo waiting to happen

>> No.21253


>> No.21911

Malazan, The Crippled God. Been working through these for like three-four years.

>> No.22320




>> No.22570
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>12 tinder matches today

how are you guys doing

>> No.22645

That's pathetic

>> No.22695

I sometimes log in to laugh at thots there I also set up turbo chad profile and give them dislikes

>> No.22700
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april fool haha

>> No.22796


>> No.22909

"Theories of international politics and zombies" by Daniel W. Drezner.
Most entertaning book about internatiotional policies I've ever read tBh.

>> No.22960

My squat strength is super inconsistent. Some days it feels natural as breathing and i hit a new PR @RPE8
Some days i fail to even budge what i did for fahves the week before.
What the hell is up with that?
Googling it yields a bunch of "squat more frequently" answers, but I squat every other day (3-4 times per week, alternating light and heavy)
None of my other lifts have this issue at all. Any suggestions?

>> No.23074

Your technique sucks and you need to bear with it until you develop a consistent technique. At least that was how it was for me.

>> No.23081
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Just ordered a bunch of eq and deca to run with this anadrol.

Gonna be a great low and slow blast, gonna run a lot of varitaions and high volume and just build a stronk as fuck base and peak later in fall

>> No.23090

Eric Bugenhagen posted
Feeling Weak?

There are always going to be those days where you feel a tad bit weaker and 95% of your 1rm may feel like 105%. This may be due to fatigue or perhaps diet. Then there are those days where 80% or so of your 1rm feels like 105%. THAT IS PURELY DUE TO YOUR MINDSET! If you are capable of deadlifting 500 lbs, there is no excuse for 405 not budging. If you experience this...I suggest you start your workout all over again and approach your warm-up sets differently. Also, reevaluate why you are training to hit a certain number in the first place. If it doesn't get your emotions high, I suggest you dump that goal and find a new one. You should be emotionally invested in crushing your goals! I promise...if you revolve your training around a goal that gets your emotions high, you will never have "off" days in the gym...you should be so driven by your goals that you refuse to leave the gym without knowing that you bettered yourself in one way or another.

>> No.23142

That's why he failed to pr last time he ran Jefferson deadlifts, entirely mindset. Eric knows his shit but spouts a lot of garbage like this sometimes

>> No.23172

I clean and jerked 275 and cleaned 285 a bunch trying to get 'dat jerk. Then ate and took a nap with my puppy. What did YOU do today, /plg/?

>> No.23550

Fuckes your mom while you napped

>> No.24007

Tried ripplegrip on squat and it felt great. Should've done it ages ago desu

>> No.24074

Nope. Bros do that all the time

>> No.24410

So what would you recommend? A deload with nice, agonizingly slow reps to really ingrain the movement pattern?

>> No.24450

>tfw the guys you hang with drink apple juice

Faceguy where are you, need some proper drink mates lul

>> No.24530

actually giving a shit

>> No.24567

I got some premium Canadian Rye, Im at my condo in downtown Tdot right now if you're interested

>> No.25145
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>tfw your belt pinches your fat so you have to deadlift beltless :(

>> No.25185

My belt does that all the time, just dont be a faggot

>> No.25210

Iron lyf

Embrace the paaaaain!!!

>> No.25261

>doing clean and press
>warming up
>using metal plates
>have 70kg on the bar
>press it about my head
>all of a sudden reminded of emeralda doing overhead squats
>kinda want to try it
>warm up weight anyway, r-right
>try and overhead squat 70kg in flats
>tfw fell backwards on my ass and had to throw the bar with metal plates forward

Luckily the only thing that broke was my ego

>> No.25323

it distracts me from bracing, so I end up bracing better without it

can I be iron lyf if is I embrace the pain of a slipped disc from maxing beltess?

>> No.25362

meant for >>25210

Im a mong

>> No.25443
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>> No.25455

Im always happy to have an extra (you)

>> No.25908
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Do you feel you deserve them?

>> No.26082

These snatch grip sldls are cancer. Fuckety fuck fuck.

>> No.26212

Screw you

>> No.26435

Love u too

>> No.26567

Got to see a really good friend today who I hadn't seen in a while and saw my first strong man competition.

After I hit a 90% (340) squat single @7.5ish then a 95% (360) single that was hard but not grindy at all. Skills test is next week.

Pretty comfy day.

>> No.26772

Do you guys think an intermediate can benefit much from doing a deload and doing a LP for as long as they can for a while?

>> No.26798
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Friendly reminder that life predominantly suffering, and unless you can find a way to cope with that and artificially give your life meaning you'll be miserable the entire time

>> No.26884

i.e. unless you can be world class train how you enjoy and don't kill yourself for no real reason

>> No.26948


>> No.27104

Sean, I'm a visiting OWG fag and even I know you're a GDE to even GDE. An hero immediately.

>> No.27108

uh yeah dude this ain't news, buddhists been whining about inherent suffering for a couple thousand years now.
just remember compassion blesses the compassionate and try to reduce suffering for as many people as you can. you may find you reduce your own that way :)

>> No.27148

Ripple grip is false grip, right? False grip on squats for some reason always made my shoulders cramp whenever I tried it. I personally like pinkie on the power rings with full grip when I squat (high or low bar, though obviously only high these days). It always feels weird going wider than that though, I don't get how people can actually enjoy going from collar to collar.

>> No.27204

I was just meaning thumbs over bar

Took a while to get my width right but it really helped my overall tightness and the bar felt better

>> No.27312

Yeah, that's false grip. A trick for tightness that I like for low bar squatting, that some guy who trains with Sam Byrd taught me, is pulling the bar into you.

>> No.27362
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good post


it's ok keeping your chest up is for form memers

>pulling the bar into you
>making the bar heavier than it needs to be
you should be pushing the bar up as hard as you can.

>> No.27379
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>spring break lands on the week after my program is over

what the absolute fuck am i supposed to do this week pls help

>> No.27388

lol, you fags don't even power read. What's your wpm? 5?

"weak mind, strong back" - anonymous

>> No.27426


you can pull the bar into you with that grip

>> No.27433

I've always wondered this.

Is it bad for your shoulders or something?

>> No.27435
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do i kill myself?

i hit 425 on my diddle today and my back was too tired to try 440 which is what i wanted

>> No.27463

w-wondered what

>> No.27472

why don't you try and overhead press while you squat

>> No.27495

do you guys not instinctually push up on the bar when youre squatting heavy?

usually when i PR or just have a slow rep i push the bar up which does make it easier, but it puts a lot of strain on my shoulders when i do it

>> No.27545

Alex, stop being retarded with your sub 400 squat. It was a 700 pound raw squatter who taught it to me, and I can rep out your best squat for a set of 10+ without a belt with an olympic style squat and shoes.

Anyway, let's think about the physics behind it. You are trying to push your body and the barbell from parallel to lockout. When you pull something down, you pull your body up (same deal when you push something up, you are pushing your body down), your legs have to get both up. There is effectively no force that effects your legs in either direction. But that's not all, doing one or the other effects how tightly the barbell is against your body, and the position of your scapula and the tension in your back muscles. Pulling it in promotes having better position and tension.

So in conclusion: you are a weak faggot that doesn't know anything, and need to fuck off with your gay ass, Twink Alex.

>> No.27549

>do you guys not instinctually push up on the bar when youre squatting heavy?

i push up with my traps as hard as possible, but not the hands. Does this not seriously damage your shoulders? Like how people tear biceps in over/under grips because they instinctively try to curl the bar with their supinated arm.

>> No.27571

id guess it damages them as much as a behind the neck press would but im not sure since its a lot more weight

you have to be careful not to push the bar forward too

>> No.27597

It can irritate your elbows and wrists in heavy squats. It doesn't always dick you up though, for example you do literally just that to do a snatch balance/drop snatch.


>> No.27622

>puts a lot of strain on my shoulders when i do it
>Does this not seriously damage your shoulder
I'm pretty sure it's not too healthy of a habit, though I do catch myself doing it one hard reps sometimes (interestingly enough I sometimes let go of the bar on hard reps too)

But bottom line: no; that was a meme post by Alex (candito may not have been memeing). Force application does not reduce the effect of gravity on an object. You still have every pound of force from that bar transferring through your entire body to your feet, pressing with your shoulders is just more work.

>> No.27644

yeah its really just a bad habit

>> No.27672

pls help

>> No.27676

of course candito was memeing

do you really think he's that stupid?

>> No.27686


Oh RIP, I didn't see the picture. Candito is a fucking sperglord 2bh.