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12906892 No.12906892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain honk pepe in /lit/ definition? It seems to transcend satire, but I don't know how to put it better, because I'm brainlet when it comes to explaining these things.

>> No.12906903

honk honk

>> No.12906936


>> No.12906957

Basically absurdity. Like that nihilism meme of "everything sucks" with a geniune smile. Thing's are so ridiculous that you transcend the black pill.

>> No.12906983

/Pol/ psyops trying to turn random things into "alt right symbols" and cause the media to be even more retarded.
Example: ok sign is now a white power symbol

>> No.12907018


>> No.12907068
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Leftism is so absurd that they made it impossible to have any kind of logical debate with them.
So normal, logical people decided that if absurdity is what they want then absurdity is what they'll get.
Thus the clown meme was created.

>> No.12907138
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>is it just me or is it getting crazier out there?
>I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now, I realize: it's a comedy

>> No.12907141

Right wing take on post modernism

>> No.12907178

It probably started as a marketing meme for the new joker movie, but then 4chan took it over and made it an absurdist nihilist simbol

>> No.12907179
File: 68 KB, 850x400, quote-the-special-trait-making-me-an-anarch-is-that-i-live-in-a-world-which-i-ultimately-do-ernst-junger-42-29-87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12907356

> this is what rightoids actually believe
Go outside.

>> No.12907363

Post body

>> No.12907376
File: 171 KB, 836x1200, Chiyo_neglige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a portrait that accurately depicts my physical appearance.

>> No.12907382

go outside incel tranny, but unironically

>> No.12907408

But I already do that. That's why I know why online rightoids are so miserable and delusional. You've went and collected the most batshit things you could find online and built a big leftist strawman out of them, and because you losers are used to it, you're losing against this strawman. There is no culture war outside of your loonie heads. Go outside. Talk to actual human beings. You'll see.

>> No.12907429

Honkler is blackpilled pepe that laughs instead of crying. Basically less gay doomer.

>> No.12907441

>there is no culture war
I've been to America precisely once and this is blatantly false. In New York alone I saw 3 gay parades 2 anti abortion protests and a screaming battle at time Square.

>> No.12907445

These two get the bulk of it. I'm fairly certain the original image was a simple pepe OC without any larger meaning, but obviously it's caught on as a wider phenomena.
Part of me believes it's just the second wave of smug pepe posting, which fell by the wayside is a huge way. If you think about it both give out similar auras, except the clown pepe is slightly more detached, slightly less smug and slightly more nihilistic. If we're gonna overlay it onto the differences between 2016 and 2019, it's that most right-wing kids have been severely disappointed in Trump (even when they win, they lose), making them less smug and more aloof.
There's also the whole ClownWorld thing, which I think was started by Sam Hyde, and just highlights how absurd daily life has become in terms of media, politics and society. I don't think it's possible to fully grasp ClownWorld without following the Woke Capital Twitter page.
The "buzzfeed left" or "internet/millenial left" is a manufactured position but it definitely exists, and it constantly cannibalizes itself by pursuing increasingly absurd headlines or beliefs. It's idiotic to believe that most people are on-board with the more preposterous lefty headlines, but to deny those headlines exist is equally idiotic.

>> No.12907452

I'm outside right now. I live in Italy. The far right is a populist movement by definition. You are an incel tranny who's projecting. The fact that you refused to post your body confirms your incel status. Whatever you will reply is invalid, incel subhuman

>> No.12907467

>a manufactured position but it definitely exists
Exactly. It exists on Buzzfeed and their ilk. It's exists solely to create absurd headlines that generate clicks and ultimately lead to profit. It's not a genuine political position that the world is embracing. The person I responded to thinks of himself as being in a losing battle against a world that's losing its sanity when in reality he's thrashing at headlines that have nothing behind them except for a few hack writers.
How many people did you see? A thousand? How many people live in New York? What you saw are a bunch of homos who wanted to party under the guise of "social change" and a few boomers

>> No.12907482

It’s Pagliacci... not really that complex

‘Ridi, Pagliaccio,
sul tuo amore infranto!’

>> No.12907494

It's the return to the original early/mid 2000's 4chan mindset
No politics, do it "for the lulz"

>> No.12907516

If you think Pagliacci (the meme) is based off of the Italian Opera you're either a pseud or have too much faith /lit/'s ability to make allusions. Pagliacci derives from a Rorschach quote in The Watchmen. The gist of the joke is a man goes to a doctor. He is sad, and asks the doctor's advice. The doctor tells hims the solution is simple: the great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight; see him, laugh, and you will feel better. The man bursts into tears exclaiming, "But I am Pagliacci!"

>> No.12907521

That’s not really how it’s used though. Pagliacci the opera has way more in common with the whole culture of clowns than any niche superhero movie does, even if we are among nerds.

>> No.12907534

>It's not from the thing that everyone knows but from the thing no one here knows about
Even if you think the opera makes more sense, no one would know

>> No.12907551

>How many people did you see? A thousand? How many people live in New York? What you saw are a bunch of homos who wanted to party under the guise of "social change" and a few boomers
This is disingenuous. If it's being paraded in the streets without controversy, that is indicative of the society as a whole.

>> No.12907552

you look
you're catherina zeta
my name's marina :)

>> No.12907553

You're underestimating its influence. It is a creatively destructive force that molds all subsequent discussion. It's not just Buzzfeed, there's stuff like HuffPo and other large publications that make similar headlines. In their wake are countless blogs, twitter personalities, each with their own followings that generally DO buy into it. The headlines are absurd but they desensitize the population to the absurdity, and after a certain amount of time the sentiment is no longer "absurd" at all (it's still absurd, but it's uncouth to point that out). It's not just a few hack writers, but even if it was- these hack writers seem to be given free reign over headlines with extremely far reach, which by itself says something about modern power relations.

>> No.12907562

It's just an extension of clown world, don't overthink it big guy

>> No.12907571


>> No.12907574

I think people identify it with a variety of things, and have an understanding of it’s meaning from it’s use, but — “nevertheless” — it’s still 1:1 with the pretty famous line,
‘Laugh, clown
Over your broken love’

>> No.12907575

One of the tactics of the left is to downplay its own existence. When people try to resist it or point out what it's doing, leftists will invariably try to tell you that you're wrong, it's just a tiny group of people, it doesn't matter, etc etc. This is simply a way of getting you to shut up so that they can continue their advance. It's functionally the same as calling you a racist/homophobe/misogynist/etc.

>> No.12907619

For everyone of those stupid headlines (which are usually just opinion columns and such) there are dozens of perfectly reasonable articles. As for the real people who accept it, I understand them as falling into the same trap as the people I previously criticized. They too want to immerse themselves into the very much fictional struggle for truth and justice that plays out across your computer screens.
No, if you think that I'm part of some movement and writing what I'm writing to demoralize you as part of a grand strategy, you're jut being paranoid. There's no such thing as "The Left" as an entity. I'm not anyone's lackey nor am I a part of any organized leftist group.

>> No.12907639

>there are dozens of perfectly reasonable articles
Right, boring articles on irrelevant topics that in no way contradict the Woke Capital machine. It's been looked into, 499 of the Fortune 500 companies have posted leftist talking points or at the very least "virtue signalling" (a term that has become loathsomely overused but in this case relevant). Capital is on-board with this. It's unstoppable.

>> No.12907647

/pol/edditors getting hold of mpc/salo memes from like 10 years ago, then subsequently forcing them.

>> No.12907648

>No, if you think that I'm part of some movement and writing what I'm writing to demoralize you as part of a grand strategy, you're jut being paranoid. There's no such thing as "The Left" as an entity. I'm not anyone's lackey nor am I a part of any organized leftist group.
For someone that's not part of their group, you're following their playbook to the letter. I don't believe you.

>> No.12907657

I completely understand all the neuances of it, but yet, can't put it into words. I think this is because I need to read more books. I recommend the same thing to every litard.

>> No.12907683

Ah shucks I got caught... I-I still get p-paid right Mr. Soros? I-If my wife's son d-doesn't get his allowance again he'll beat me up for s-sure!
> 499 of the Fortune 500 companies have posted leftist talking points or at the very least "virtue signalling"
There is a spectrum to what these talking points are. If you're referring to fairly soft Leftist stuff about race or something along those lines: "diversity is our strength, African Americans/muslims are facing discrimination" etc. then I'll accept what you said, but I'd also argue that these views aren't really crazy or outside of the mainstream Left. I'll also add that there are leftist talking points that you'll barely hear. The media is socially indifferent but also fiscally conservative. You'll hardly see these outlets seriously tackling income and wealth inequality and other "old left" issues. But to go back to lefty insanity, I don't think you'll see these companies giving any serious consideration to the truly batshit stuff like the gender nonsense.

>> No.12907692

>Ah shucks I got caught... I-I still get p-paid right Mr. Soros? I-If my wife's son d-doesn't get his allowance again he'll beat me up for s-sure!
I don't think people do it because they get paid. They do it because they are believers in the things that are being criticized, and want to stop dissenting opinions from being expressed.

>> No.12907697

I agree with you partially and this is probably the point where personal bias and opinion plays too large a part to come to a consensus. I will say though that perhaps our opinions differentiate in this way: You believe this strange "leftism" is not a truly influential force because it's manufactured, where I see it as a truly influence force exactly BECAUSE it's manufactured.

>> No.12907700

>I don't think you'll see these companies giving any serious consideration to the truly batshit stuff like the gender nonsense.
You must live in bizarro world.

>> No.12907726

>There is no culture war outside of your loonie heads.

>> No.12907732

Basic absurdism. Laughing at the insanity that goes on in the world.

>> No.12907745

It's the guy fawkes mask for we live in a society

>> No.12907750

developers in AI continue to fail to create artificial intelligence capable of comprehending humor. so in the future, the only occupation safe from automation is that of the clown. if we're going to survive the coming apocalypse, we need to become clowns. it's the only way.

>> No.12907759

I can understand disagreeing with this, but how can you call it crazy?
> 15 million Afro-Europeans live in the EU
That's a statistic. I doubt they got it wrong.
> Call for reparations for crimes against humanity during European colonialism
Right wing types usually sweep these under the rug or outright extol said atrocities and point to them as signs of European superiority. How is approaching these historical facts from a different perspective insanity?
>Member states urged to end racial profiling in criminal law and counter-terrorism
Do you deny that these things exist? You could argue that they're necessary but once again I fail to see how this resolution points to some fundamental dismissal of reality.

>> No.12907773
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>/lit/ tries to discuss clown memes
>It must have something to do with American politics

>> No.12907781

Rather than being a sincerely ironic meme, like most others recently. Pagli is an ironically sincere meme.

>> No.12907785

>Right wing types usually sweep these under the rug or outright extol said atrocities and point to them as signs of European superiority. How is approaching these historical facts from a different perspective insanity?
If you fail to the see the inherent absurdity of reparations then you're too far gone in Clown World. Even a modicum of critical thought dismantles the idea as impractical, useless, anachronistic and generally preposterous.

>> No.12907794

Does anyone have the gender reveal Honk with the disappointed parents?

>> No.12907803

Same shit in Europe. Macron and others are also meme bugman.

>> No.12907826

The force driving “Honkler” across the far-right is the same bleak worldview that led white nationalists to embrace Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang. In their minds, if there is nothing that they can do to stop the supposed “great replacement” of white people in their “homelands” and no politicians who care enough about their cause to implement real policies that favor their agenda, they may as well accept the outcome and wrench whatever they can out of the system, like Yang’s promise of $1,000 per month universal basic income. This mentality is often referred to as “black pilling.”

>> No.12907827
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>> No.12907835

Is this what reddit is like?

>> No.12907841


>> No.12907846
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1554455956974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Joseph Watson already made a video on it, expect this good meme to be forced and burnt out in a week, like the NPC one.

>> No.12907849

this is retarded, pepe has his own parents not wojak's

>> No.12907851

the NPC meme was always kinda cringe desu, this one actually has soul behind it.

>> No.12907858

From what I've gathered its the same people who meme about the collapse and reading siege by james mason

>> No.12907859

yeah if you still think people follow those rules you've been in prison or some shit.

>> No.12907862

They are feeling the feelz so they get represented by the feelz parents.

>> No.12907868


>> No.12907872

> The resolution encourages EU institutions and member states to address and rectify past injustices and crimes against humanity, perpetrated in the name of European colonialism. These historic crimes still have present day negative consequences for people of African descent, MEPs claim.
> MEPs suggest carrying out reparations, such as apologising publicly and return stolen artefacts to their countries of origin. Parliament also calls on EU countries to declassify their colonial archives, as well as to present a comprehensive perspective on colonialism and slavery in the educational curricula.

EU nations pride themselves on upholding Liberal values. These values conflict with many of the EU member states' history of exploitation, barbarism and cruelty in relation to their colonial holdings. As the resolution points out, the consequences of some of these actions still persist. This resolution calls on EU members to think about the ways they can right past wrongs. Sorry anon, I don't see the problem here. However, I'll say this. If you genuinely believe that it takes just a modicum of critical thinking to see the truth and yet no one does, isn't it more likely that it's you who is in the wrong here, and not everyone else?

>> No.12907882
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>> No.12907886

The answer is implicit in >>12907516. Each anon who is indoctrinated into this way is himself Pagliacci. On the surface all is well, just happy silly memes, but this lighthearted exterior conceals a deeply depressed internal state. It’s not a clown world exactly, although that’s the common interpretation; the world is serious though terrible, and we are the clowns. We may cheer it up, but we cannot cheer up ourselves.

>> No.12907890

Remember when milk was a white power symbol?

>> No.12907919


Meme of the decade

>> No.12907939
File: 93 KB, 1022x998, peta.milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peta started that with pic related. This:
and this:
helped to make the meme take flight.

>> No.12907945
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>> No.12907976

>No politics
It's almost exclusively used politically.

>> No.12908001
File: 99 KB, 1024x602, 1553695222967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

What the fuck have I done

>> No.12908003

95% of the time I see it it's because someone is mad about trans people existing
it's not really nihilist, it's caring way too much about one specific thing. It's hard to imagine what the person's life is like to choose to get obsessively-compulsively mad on purpose

>> No.12908005

Have missionary sex and produce children

>> No.12908010

no one gives a fuck about giving niggers money

>> No.12908017

>He thinks I live in gaydiscotec of a country

>> No.12908021

The whole thing about pepe is his smugness. People like that whole "he doesn't let anything phaze him" act. It's basically Nietzsche's ubermensch. Doesn't mean the people posting him have the same outlook though

>> No.12908025

>Afro Europeans
Is this a fucking joke

>> No.12908026

leftism isn't just those cherry picked twitter screenshots of jk rowling complaining about stuff

>> No.12908031


>> No.12908037

t. hasn't read the summary of the resolution
Why are you here? If you want to just complain about niggers go to /pol/.

>> No.12908041
File: 238 KB, 977x1513, Transmetropolitan 03 - Up On The Roof - 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the future is going to be like a page from transmetropolitan

>> No.12908058

sorry i dont want to infect my mind with liberal aids. no one is going to give shit about niggers.

>> No.12908066

You think you live in clown world because you can't be bothered to learn more about it. Like I said from the start, go outside.

>> No.12908093

>EU nations pride themselves on upholding Liberal values. These values conflict with many of the EU member states' history of exploitation, barbarism and cruelty in relation to their colonial holdings
Yes, their histories, not their current realities. If a collective people are to be held responsible for the crimes of their ancestors (and sometimes not even crimes, right of conquest was valid back then), then when do we stop? Do we trace it all the way back to neanderthals?

>If you genuinely believe that it takes just a modicum of critical thinking to see the truth and yet no one does
What makes you see no one else does? Just because the politicians and the media promote an ideology doesn't necessarily mean that the voiceless masses share the same sentiment.

>> No.12908116

Only if the industrial system lives on, but it won't. We will definitely see some tinges of it though

>> No.12908125

Liberals selective moral relativism is one of their biggest fuckng snake moves. Self righteous faggots

>> No.12908134
File: 6 KB, 669x514, 1498049128217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't be bothered to learn more about it
wow nice insight thanks bro now i want to give reparations to some random niggers

>> No.12908169

It's an lgbt afro frog used by those which it represents to divorce themselves from the kind of nasally dweebiness that usually comes from being in a present day left-winged demographic, camouflaged from pretentious folk by being released alongside the pagliacci meme. In a nutshell, the anti-lgbt camp was seen as the one full of uppity moralfags until recently; honk honk posting is designed to reverse that back to it's original state, such that the user can reclaim their status of being the cool kid who doesn't care about your rules, old man.

>> No.12908194

>If a collective people are to be held responsible for the crimes of their ancestors
Your state is being held responsible for colonialism because Colonialism has allowed Europeans to advance immensely at great cost to the colonized peoples, and the effects of this persist to this day. This is recent history. Nobody is asking Italians to pay Tunisia for Carthage, and nobody is asking Turkey for gibs for sacking Constantinople. And nobody is seriously asking you to do something extraordinary. The resolution calls for the following:
> MEPs suggest carrying out reparations, such as apologising publicly and return stolen artefacts to their countries of origin. Parliament also calls on EU countries to declassify their colonial archives, as well as to present a comprehensive perspective on colonialism and slavery in the educational curricula.
What's wrong with that? Give back historical artifacts that have been hauled off to European museums, admit to the wrongs that the state has perpetuated in the past, and teach that this happened in schools.

>> No.12908220

>the differences between 2016 and 2019, it's that most right-wing kids have been severely disappointed in Trump
i think the bigger difference is that trump has driven the crazy people completely insane and they're going all out.

>is a manufactured position
what does that mean, exactly?

it's probably not true that the average person thinks it's ok for trannies to fuck with the hormones of 10 year olds but apparently it doesn't bother the average person enough to make them stop doing it. the majority not being "on-board" with a phenomena doesn't mean it's insignificant. also i'm pretty sure a higher percentage of people are on board with pumping their son with estrogen than were 100 years ago.

in academia leftist batshittery is absolutely a thing. you're an intellectually dishonest fuckwad if you claim scientists are saying as much about intelligence and its relation to genetics as they could be, and have no concerns dictating their research besides uncovering truth. affirmative action and preferential hiring constantly screws people over whether or not you care about them.

and then in politics it's also clearly a thing. in murka one of the two parties has made its primary focus identity politics because they've realized they can pull in ridiculous percentages of targeted demographics. (you may claim that all the lip service to minorities doesn't change their party's primary focus but people in the rust belt apparently don't share your opinion. and i'm pretty sure people in the demographics that vote 90% democrat also don't agree). and of course that makes the opposite happen for the set of people not in their coalition. meanwhile "hate speech" laws are being passed, more affirmative action is being created, etc

to whatever extent you're just saying direct interactions with lunatics aren't likely to ruin your day you're right. but hidden things like influencing academic research or affirmative action do; you just don't have a neutral frame of reference to notice the effects

>> No.12908221

Just read Slaughterhouse V

>> No.12908229

>Your state is being held responsible for colonialism because Colonialism has allowed Europeans to advance immensely at great cost to the colonized peoples
Again, that's the past, and that was viewed as valid back then.

>the effects of this persist to this day
So does Turkey conquering Constantinople, but as you say nobody pretends that they give it back to the Greeks.

>Give back historical artifacts that have been hauled off to European museums
Personally I don't mind that, as long as the country of origin isn't some unstable shithole where iconoclasts can pop up at any time and destroy them, like ISIS.

>admit to the wrongs that the state has perpetuated in the past
See above, fuck that.

>teach that this happened in schools.
Why are you pretending that this isn't happening in the West at large, and that we aren't being expected to flagellate ourselves because our ancestors 100+ years ago did some bad shit TM?

>> No.12908267
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>> No.12908291

>sins of the father

>> No.12908299

Funny how people are mad about "mad about trans people existing" happens now that tranny issues are constantly imposed on the mainstream, and never happened back when they never bothered anyone. Really makes you fire those synapses.

>> No.12908300

>Your state is being held responsible for colonialism because Colonialism has allowed Europeans to advance immensely at great cost to the colonized peoples, and the effects of this persist to this day.
>Your state is being held responsible for Bubonic Plague because Bubonic Plague has allowed Mongols to advance immensely at great cost to the plagued peoples, and the effects of this persist to this day.

>> No.12908308

There are many more problematic details. They say that blacks get lower grades in school and that they go to jail more often, suggesting it's the fault of racism and has to be corrected.
Also they basically suggest racial quotas and whatnot.
Read the entire text. It contains bits like
>Calls on the Member States ... to encourage the participation of people of African descent in television programmes and other media, in order to adequately address their lack of representation, as well as the lack of role models for children of African descent;
>Calls for the Commission to include a focus on people of African descent in its current funding programmes and for the next multiannual period
>Calls for the European institutions to adopt a workforce diversity and inclusion strategy that establishes a strategic plan for the participation of ethnic and racial minorities in their workforce that complements existing efforts to this end


It's on the same track as the insane SJW BLM shit you see in the US, despite the fact that the situation/history of blacks in EU is not comparable.

It's even more ridiculous when you realize that it's not just some naive humanism fueling this, but that the elites are trying to prepare the EU for more immigrants from Africa in the future.

>> No.12908312

bro are you not a young person right now? Every friend group of nerds has at least 1 tranny, and it's really irritating.

>> No.12908322

>action with deliberate intention
>unwanted natural disaster

>being anon's perfect example

this thread is pretty yikes

>> No.12908323

> So does Turkey conquering Constantinople
Because the people who were affected by this are long gone. The city is populated by Turks and so on. This is not the case with Colonialism because like I said these events still persist. Colonial exploitation has created deep structural problems that colonized nations are still grappling with, with various degrees of success. Saying more than that is impossible without narrowing the scope to a specific state and a specific former colony. And that's what the resolution is calling: for individual member states to consider with their own history and act appropriately.

But to go back to the original topic, why is this clown-world? I think you're wrong, but I don't think you're crazy, and I think this is mutual, because I imagine that if you thought I was deranged you wouldn't bother responding. How is this sort of debate out of line for society?

>> No.12908327

>It's on the same track as the insane SJW BLM shit you see in the US, despite the fact that the situation/history of blacks in EU is not comparable.
I don't know why some retards complain "it's American stuff", yes this shit is originated in the US but it's pushed globally, at least for the West. The famed "globalism" is not just an economical matter.

>> No.12908333

>and it's really irritating.
Wow, at last I truly see that this is truly a Clown World™ feat. The Joker from The Batman comics.

>> No.12908339

nowhere in his justification for reparations did "deliberate intention" play a role. The distinction you mention exists, and is entirely irrelevant.

>> No.12908348

It's pagliactually quite relevant anon. Honk honk.

>> No.12908350

>Colonial exploitation has created deep structural problems that colonized nations are still grappling with, with various degrees of success
Yes, same with war and occupation in general, which has happened between countries and peoples that still exist yet nobody demands "reparations".

>why is this clown-world?
Because we're seriously discussing things like reparations, or whether a man can be considered a woman. And it's not just me and you, two anons on the Internet, but this is a global trend.

>if you thought I was deranged you wouldn't bother responding
Well, one is optimistic, or tries to be.

>> No.12908360

>Because we're seriously discussing things like reparations, or whether a man can be considered a woman.
If this is your standard for a clown world then all of civilization is one.

>> No.12908365

Admittedly I'm not an expert but I get the impression it's worse in other countries than america. We may have more crazies but we also have a more individualistic, anti authoritarian culture to push back. In the EU they just kind of bend over and accept not being allowed to post badthink online.

>> No.12908386
File: 57 KB, 719x443, reparations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Anon, I'm sure people have been discussing tranny rights for centuries, they were just omitted by historians.

>> No.12908388
File: 6 KB, 490x141, los angeles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we also have a more individualistic, anti authoritarian culture to push back.
Yeah, I see you're really pushing back there, Carlos.

>> No.12908390

yes anon, that's why it's called clown "world" and not clown "thread"
fucking retard

>> No.12908393

I can't say much to that. I guess it's worse than I thought. It's somewhat consoling that it's just a resolution by some committee. I still stand by what I said about colonialism but having governments encourage companies to have more black people on air is ridiculous.

>> No.12908403

>more individualistic
That's part of the problem though, this special snowflake ideology develops in a society that's so individualistic everyone is atomized, and the tribalism that's so innate to us manifests in the most superficial way possible, like the fact that you're fucking gay. And your cultural/media hegemony makes it easy to spread.
I agree Europe is very cucked though.

>> No.12908405

I question whether the chinese are contemplating giving free shit to other countries or legally declaring men to be women.

California isn't america. We're just waiting for them to incinerate themselves so we can reclaim the land

>> No.12908428

you cannot ontologically prove intent

>> No.12908429

Sex change operations are considered a cure for homosexuality in Iran, who's number of surgeries is similar to Thailand. India has had Hijras since antiquity.

>> No.12908448

At last my eyes are open, I now understand trannies truly are women.

>> No.12908471

ding ding ding!

>> No.12908477

>trannies are recent and degenerate
>point out they're not a recent thing
>n-no you're a libtard
I'm not commenting on the validity of sex change operations. All I did was tell you they're not a recent thing, so using discussion on them as a sign civilization is shit is very historically illiterate.

>> No.12908510

both iran and the modern west being shit isn't contradictory.

>> No.12908515
File: 17 KB, 615x410, 1541857866297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we cure this earth?

>> No.12908530
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>>>trannies are recent and degenerate
Who said that? Because I sure as hell didn't, and I really doubt anyone believes trannies didn't exist in the past.
Don't obfuscate the discussion, we're clearly talking about all this obssessive progressive agenda about normalizing and "visibilizing" transsexuals. Really curious how just a few decades ago homosexuals were only tolerated if they kept it private, and now we're indoctrinating 6 year old kids into thinking "there's no male and female, you can be what you want!"

>> No.12908545

https://twitter.com/memescastilla/status/1112039246628601856 it's in Spanish but you can easily understand it even without google translate.

>> No.12908549

This guy? >>12908386
Also, if this is so common, and this fraction of a fraction is indoctrinating so many children, there should be more images for you to post than the same ones I saw on /pol/ three years ago.

>> No.12908558

You must be very short lived.

>> No.12908567

The reparations aren't financial. They only mention public apologies (which mean nothing) and returning historical artifacts to their countries of origin (to do so they'd need the consent of the institutions that currently house them. I seriously doubt they'll get it).

>> No.12908575

>this fraction of a fraction is indoctrinating so many children
Nah, they've got "normal" teachers doing their job for them (in the same vein that you've got tons of wealthy white progressives crying about racism and oppression), the picture is just illustratory and not representative of sex ed.

>> No.12908588


>> No.12908628

This shit is very cringe. I hope you guys are like 16 years old and that you grow out of this soon.

>> No.12908671

>being anon's perfect example
Hardly. The point I'm making is that it's hardly an obsession when most people know at least one poor sap irl like that.

this isn't some kind of paranoid obsession with news trends, it's an observable phenomenon, and your kids will be involved

>> No.12908706

It is a statement of abject nihilism.

>> No.12908717
File: 133 KB, 309x222, 74876847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point at the people causing the problems and laugh. No matter how untouchable they might seem; nobody likes being left out of a joke and nobody likes being the butt of the joke either.

>> No.12908744
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>> No.12908752
File: 2.19 MB, 1848x817, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those people literally watch tv shows devoted to pointing at people who disagree with them and laughing

>> No.12908759

Lighten up buddy, remember where we are

>> No.12908762

This is just an aside and not a comment on the primary content of the discussion.
When I look at the tranny in this image I think first that if there's one of those 1:~1000 actually psychologically trans kids in that classroom that it might be nice for them to not feel alone, which I'm ok with. I'm also ok with kids learning to be nice to people who are different. My problem with this whole thing is how one-sided the benefits of this constant normalization tactic is.
We see the rare actually trans kid (can be physiologically proven to have gender dysmorphia) benefit, we see the little girls benefit, because this stuff slicks off them like water on a duck's back, but for the boys I see only negative consequences. I feel genuinely bad for little boys in this generation of kids. There's no longer an insistence that they be empowered along with little girls and gender dyspmorphic kids. I know this personally from having volunteered at some progressive elementary schools and it's sad.
In my experience a lot of young boys I encountered across a few schools, some of which were Montessoris, seemed beat down. By this I mean they were, as a group, overly quiet and avoided eye contact with me while the girls were lively and very loud. When I'd ask questions to the class the boys would always differ to the girls and would sit in very small, submissive positions in their chairs. This isn't all of the boys, but definitely a larger percentage than when I was a kid.
All of the posters at schools talk about how brave and smart and strong littler girls can be, which again I think is fine, but there's no analog for the boys. It almost feels like a reversal on what I'm told gender relations in <1960's were like.

TL;DR Rambling.

>> No.12908768

I'm going to steal that meme

>> No.12908776
File: 987 KB, 3508x2477, 1438690020110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this pic explains it pretty well

>> No.12908778

>can be physiologically proven to have gender dysmorphia
How so?

>> No.12908814

That's also why they are so afraid of the "radicalization" by way of youtube videos or sites like this one. Bullshit clickbait "LIBS DESTROYED" soundbites aside, most people wouldn't encounter reasoned arguments against the mainstream hollistic narrative peddled everywhere (even and especially by companies nowadays, see Woke Capital) if it weren't for the so considered unsavory parts of the Internet.

>> No.12908826

The same way you can prove a persona has generalized body dysmorphia.
You can do MRI scans that show a kind of brain activity consistent with this disorder.
Gender dysmorphia is a real thing, but it isn't remotely as common as currently purported. I hear people try to beef the number up all the time, but it's quite uncommon; about as common as those people who cut off their fingers because they perceive that there's something wrong with them. These are more or less the same nervous disorders.
I really think that the uptick in cases of gender dysmorphia is due to socialization, not because it would occur naturally. I'm not an expert on the subject though.

>> No.12908845

Youd think trannies would be more interesting than what they really are and be into weird shit, nope most boring inane people outside of their gender woes

>> No.12908847

Its just a meme. People thought it was funny and reposted it. has nothing to do with the Right wing, brainlets.

>> No.12908862

> It's exists solely to create absurd headlines that generate clicks and ultimately lead to profit. It's not a genuine political position that the world is embracing.

I’d disagree. People on the internet are using it as justification for their attempts at disciplining society at large.

>> No.12908880

There's just as many equally absurd rightist headlines. It's not a left-right thing, it's a journalism-has-gone-down-the-shitter thing

>> No.12908898

Yeah I'm sure it's full of mainstream right wing headlines being explicitly racist. Wait, there's no such thing as mainstream right wing media.

>> No.12908906

I want to *squeak* the *honka honka* out of you

>> No.12908950

Fox News is exceedingly popular in the US and has a strong right-wing bias

>> No.12908964

Yes it is

>> No.12908969

>Wait, there's no such thing as mainstream right wing media.
There's no such thing as Left Wing mainstream media either when it comes to some issues. Corporate media is socially "liberal" - though I'd call it indifference more than Liberalism- and fiscally conservative.

>> No.12909006

That's true, I forgot about it. Some other countries in the West may have their version of it, but they're definitely not the prevailing viewpoint.

The mainstream left hasn't been about a socialist or communist economic system for a long time, save certain policies like socialized healthcare and education. They've made peace and signed an alliance with the corps.

>> No.12909011

The ironing of saying this on the same day that liberals in congress are holding a congressional hearing on "white nationalism". The cognitive dissonance is off the charts.

>> No.12909023

Well, couldn't you say the same about the right? Being a right-winger nowadays is defending the interests of the wealthy. Nobody in the mainstream right does anything culturally other than paying lip service to Christians and people who don't like spics and niggers. That's what being "mainstream" today means. It means being a neolib.

>> No.12909076

Sure, the mainstream right is in the service of progressivism. The Cathedral that Moldbug explains.
But even though I see some amount of dissidence in the right, anti-progressive leftists are almost a chimera, and I respect them for sticking to their guns, everybody hates them.


>> No.12909082
File: 421 KB, 1215x1452, 468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open this thread
>Scroll down
>Close this thread

>> No.12909117

This is one of the few memes reddit can't adopt because of it's anti-nigger, anti-semitic, anti-modernity, based and redpilled implications

>> No.12909131
File: 88 KB, 473x709, mickey-mouse-evolution-i16516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this “alt-right appropriation of cartoons” story hasn't reached its full potential.

>> No.12909174

There is no such thing as a non-liberal left nowadays, at least in the first world. Even Troskyists and other fringe Marxist or anarchist parties have become liberal.

>> No.12909192

Read Baudrillard, fag.
Those headlines precede the scandal.

>> No.12909194

>it's probably not true that the average person thinks it's ok for trannies to fuck with the hormones of 10 year olds but apparently it doesn't bother the average person enough to make them stop doing it.
given the scope of real issues, and the fact that 99% of clown pepe posters literally grin with retarded glee at the thought of putting bullets in children's heads and stomachs, it seems pretty disingenuous and ridiculous to get this mad about this one specific thing that barely happens and doesn't affect anyone outside the families doing it

>> No.12909200

If we need to pay reparations then the Jews can go first. Their ownership of the trading institutions that facilitated your stated barbarisms is well documented. Once they have paid their fair share then I will consider doing the same.

>> No.12909208

no you are the one who is mad

>> No.12909219

gender deviancy has bothered uptight retards for many generations now. It's not a new thing. It's just that zoomers are trying to make obsessive, whining bigotry seem like a fresh new idea by putting a rainbow wig on it. It's tedious. Rush Limbaugh was complaining about this shit every day to red-faced boomers in the 1980s and it's the same energy here. Just howling, obsessive-compulsive anger about the most trivial shit

>> No.12909230

>Every friend group of nerds has at least 1 tranny
and 1 insufferable "based and redpilled" boy

>> No.12909233

Yo. This is a great idea. Turn the mouse into a racist symbol to fuck over Disney. There's even a justification for it in the early racist Disney cartoons.

>> No.12909242

>>why is this clown-world?
>Because we're seriously discussing things like reparations, or whether a man can be considered a woman. And it's not just me and you, two anons on the Internet, but this is a global trend.
Do you really think social change is a new thing? John Adams was calling the 1820s clown world. Charles Dickens was calling the 1850s clown world. Get over it, gramps.

>> No.12909254

What does that even mean? "The Jews" are not an organized group. There's no Jewish Vatican like Catholics have. Besides, "The Jews" are not capable of reparations in the forms that the resolution suggested, like offering apologies and such. Who would offer apologies on behalf of "The Jews"? And moreover, the Jews who were involved weren't acting in any religious capacity. What you're doing is as absurd as asking the pope to apologize for the crimes of Christians (crimes that have nothing to do with the religion) but even more so because like I said there is no pope.

>> No.12909263

They were more interesting in the John Waters era, but then they were getting raped and murdered a hell of a lot more by cis people back then, so they're probably better off doing what they're doing now because it's working for them

>> No.12909267

umad discord tranny?

>> No.12909272

>"The Jews" are not an organized group
Then how do they convene a Sanhedrin?

>> No.12909273

>has nothing to do with the Right wing, brainlets.
sure, jan

>> No.12909277
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>> No.12909279

>ITT: over-complicating and waxing philosophical about a simple meme image

Why am I not surprised this is coming from /lit/

>> No.12909280

>Go back into thread
>Post this
>Go back out of thread

>> No.12909286

>the state of Israel does not exist
Interesting take.

>> No.12909291

>Big eyes with pupils
>No eyes, just pupils
>Tiny eyes with tinier pupils
what an evolution. I hate every iteration of it

>> No.12909298


>> No.12909306
File: 59 KB, 736x550, 1554774851672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Mexican and I swear to God, this is what our idiotic demagogue President said. It has nothing to do with me or my family. Almost half the population doesn't vote in elections. This retard Andrés Manuel López Obrador does NOT represent me. Asking Spain to apologize is fucking retarded, the only other country that did that was, of course, Venezuela. Fucking get me out of this shit hole now before shit hits the fan. México's average IQ is 88 and I'm well above that. Please, you have to understand. This dumb cunt of a President is a combination between Trump and Maduro, it's fucking awful. Prices are going up, everything is getting fucked. Kill AMLO. Kill AMLO. This is literally the fault of the youth that thinks Marxism and post-modernism is cool. Fuck me. Get me out. You don't have any idea how this feels.

>> No.12909311

> members of a collective that only exists in sensationalist partizan media reports argue whether SJWs undermine the West, analyzing the same media reports


>> No.12909328

Yeah man pumping hormones into kids is just trivial shit

>> No.12909334

doing something mindlessly doesn't imply lack of causality

>> No.12909339
File: 12 KB, 96x96, 1542772791414.webm.thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this board.

>> No.12909341

I sympathize. Is the colonializing half of a halfbreed rape-baby supposed to apologize to the colonialized half of themselves?

>> No.12909342

>giving medication to people with medical problems just makes me extra-mad
you laughed at the Christchurch video, hypocrite oaf

>> No.12909345


>> No.12909353

>All of LA goes right wing

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

>> No.12909367


All I can do is lol... fuck ... Heheh....

>> No.12909373
File: 351 KB, 400x304, 1542772791414.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been found out

>> No.12909376

It's only a matter of time before we devolve into South Africa.

>> No.12909398


Only fools can't see what is coming

>> No.12909411

Oh boy, perfect post for the thread topic

>> No.12909440

clown world is the spectacle reterratorialized

>> No.12909448

Nobody can clearly see what's coming, other than chaos and destruction.

>> No.12909498

The state of Israel may claim to be a Jewish homeland, but it doesn't actually represent all the Jews in the world. There are many factions within Judaism that are not interested and some are outright hostile to it. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neturei_Karta
I wouldn't know because there hasn't been one in more than a millennium. There have been some modern attempts but none of them have been met with anything near universal acceptance.

>> No.12909512

The clownish thing is turning the triumphs of your ancestors into sins. Endorsing a morality of suicidal masochism is something absurd in itself.

>> No.12909537

Vente a España, no se notará un panchito más

>> No.12909936

>The state of Israel may claim to be a Jewish homeland, but it doesn't actually represent all the Jews in the world
>therefor Jews cannot be held responsible for anything
>everyone else is responsible both individually and collectively
>Jews are neither responsible individually nor collectively

>I wouldn't know because there hasn't been one in more than a millennium
That is an absolute falsehood. There is a record of a Sanhedrin being convened to meet with Napoleon.

>> No.12909969

He makes me scared, and sad, and that's all I need to know about him. He was likely conceived of in ill-will, and is utilized to that effect. He makes me sad, every time I see him. I don't like him and I want people to stop posting him. Only wholesome memes should be made in the first place.

>> No.12910011
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>> No.12910025
File: 557 KB, 1180x834, barberini-1935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mickey's always been alt-right, nitwit.

>> No.12910028

>everyone else is responsible both individually and collectively
A European state is being held responsible AS a state, you race-obsessed loon. Nobody is going to come after people who are ethnically Belgian/Spanish/French etc. if they don't live in Belgium/Spain/France, and obviously people who are not ethnically European who live in these states are going to do their part as well.
> Napoelon
His was one of the attempts. Since when is Napoleon a figure of authority in Judaism?

>> No.12910044

>you race-obsessed loon
So... Jewish nationalism is bad?
>Since when is Napoleon a figure of authority in Judaism?
Read my post again retard. It is perfectly clear. They convened a Sanhedrin to meet with Napoleon. You claim that a Sanhedrin has not been convened in over a thousand years. You are wrong.

>> No.12910083

>So... Jewish nationalism is bad?
Sure. Who cares? We're not talking about whether Jewish nationalism is good or bad. We're talking about reparations, and the issue of who pays them. Like I said, the state of Israel shouldn't be held responsible for European colonialism because it doesn't represent Jews as an ethnicity, religion, or otherwise. States are the ones being held responsible, not ethnic groups. The state of Israel should be held accountable for its own evils. There is no shortage of those.
>They convened a Sanhedrin to meet with Napoleon.
It was convened on HIS orders. In other words, he and his lackeys brought in a bunch of dudes and called it a Sanhedrin. Who the hell is he to do that?

>> No.12910100

>Nobody is going to come after people who are ethnically Belgian/Spanish/French etc.
A state and its people are inseparable. That you could believe otherwise shows you're part of the problem.
> if they don't live in Belgium/Spain/France, and obviously people who are not ethnically European who live in these states are going to do their part as well.
Demanding more after the apology is totally doing their part.

>> No.12910106
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1547167281425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says this and then goes on to justify reperations

>> No.12910123

>A state and its people are inseparable.
They absolutely are. I'm of Russian descent and yet I've spent a grand total of 45 minutes or so on Russian soil waiting for a connecting flight when I was 7 or 8. I have no connection to that state nor do I want one. What exactly ties me to that state?
> muh genetics
I'm a mutt of some kind anyway. Am I part of every state that my of my ancestors belonged to?
Reparations are not a new concept. Social change is not a new concept either. If you think it's wrong, that's fine, but if you think that the very idea of having a discussion about this is somehow out of line you're the one who lives in clownworld.

>> No.12910164
File: 211 KB, 1001x858, D3v5VPsW4AM1Lhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12910177

>a concept existing is basically the same thing as politicians and media treating that concept seriously

>> No.12910187

Even in a strawman comic they can't make a good point.

>> No.12910190

>implying the far right doesn't want reparations or social change
they just don't want either of those things to benefit the same group as you

>> No.12910207

>Reparations are not a new concept. Social change is not a new concept either. If you think it's wrong, that's fine, but if you think that the very idea of having a discussion about this is somehow out of line you're the one who lives in clownworld.
The morality that allows it to become a policy which governing bodies enact upon themselves is the absurdity. To be fair, it's more the logical effects of globalism and digital mediathan it is absurdity.

>> No.12910219

the sad thing is that's not a strawman

>> No.12910233

Too be fair, she would be angrier in real life.

>> No.12910234

Cool it with the anti-semitism, bro

>> No.12910252

who cares the point is polshits are cleft of the same cloth

>> No.12910267

americans are illiterate so when things like hyperreality become a material problem it scrambles their brains. "nothing makes sense it's all a joke" is a rationalization

>posting matt bors comics

>> No.12910270

No, pepe was just a meme that caught on, it has nothing to do with any kind of trick that is being played.

>> No.12910280

wait, do /pol/ insert themselves into clown pepe? eww.

>> No.12910313

ITT we post characters that are literally me. I'll start.
For me it's the Joker. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.12910317

none of the memes depicted in that picture are a 'trick"