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12905203 No.12905203 [Reply] [Original]

books that changed your perspective on life

>tfw you will never crash land a plane and survive in the Alaskan wilderness for months and learn valuable life lessons

>> No.12906141

>tfw you can not learn the lessons life gives you and lust after the lessons in fiction.

>> No.12906359

Why not go backpacking in Alaska? This is literally an option in life

>> No.12906372

I think he means the life and death survival, trail and error in the face of serious repercussions, personal responsibility, survival skills, and so on. Merely backpacking isn't the same and forcing such a dire situation isn't something anyone wants to actually do.

>> No.12906379

That really depends on your economic situation. The average American doesn't have the savings to pay an extra utilities bill let alone take a vacation that evolves buying plane tickets and missing at a few days of work.

>> No.12906386

But we're not the average American, right anon?

>> No.12906389

Most of us are pretty close to their economic situation especially given that the average user here is in his mid 20's.

>> No.12906424

And yet college students drop everything and travel the world on a shoestring budget, bike across countries, live in hostels, camp and backpack and think nothing of it, the average American is a slave to their routine and the comforts of modern life.

>> No.12906435

*And yet college students with a well off families and sizable financial safety nets who lie to themselves about being "middle class" despite their daddy pulling in just under 200k per annum drop everything and travel the world on a shoestring budget, bike across countries, live in hostels, camp and backpack and think nothing of it


>> No.12906469

Not really, my parents made 90k combined, both my sister and I traveled a good deal after highschool, we saved our money, came back dead broke and found a couch to crash on until we found a job and a room to rent. The only thing my parents offered us was free housing as long as we were college, neither of us took it, we both move out, worked hard, we paid our way through college and spent the summers traveling.

>> No.12906486

So in other words you still made twice as much as the average american family and were still on the high end of what any reasonable person would consider middle class but you think of yourself as a common man and poor college student(something a lot of people don't get to be) because you worked a few retail jobs after taking the luxury of wasting tons of money on a European vacation.
How's the kid from a single parent trailer in a park with an average income of 15k per annum supposed to your fancy self-realization through travel option in life?

>> No.12906500

My parents made 90k, not me or my sister, we had no support from them once we moved out after high school.. We worked full time jobs while in school, lived as cheap as possible and saved everything we could so we could travel during the summers. It is not that hard. You can try and make it out that we had a silver spoon, but we didn't, we worked our asses off.

>> No.12906508

I'm sure you believe that but it doesn't make it true. You still had that safety net to fall back on and thus never faced real hardship or a chance of absolute failure. If you had, you wouldn't've wasted so much money soul searching.

>> No.12906977

>You aren't a literal dirt farmer with nothing but a burlap sack and a bucket to your name therefore you have never faced hardship

Fuck off.

>> No.12907902

That shit is for 6th graders

>> No.12908874

>a literal dirt farmer with nothing but a burlap sack and a bucket to your name
I actually believe I said a person from a single parent home in a community with an average income of around 15k so the backstory of a solid chunk of Americans, including myself. Why don't you fuck off.

>> No.12908920

This book taught me that you release large amounts of gas when you have a heart attack

>> No.12909073
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>> No.12909112

That's great and all but kids with higher income parents get to have all of those experiences while still maintaining a financial leg up over the average American. Whether you went on those vacations or not, your well off peers are now significantly ahead of you in wealth.

>> No.12909115

Average spread across the entire country has little to do with anything, we were below average for were we lived, my parents busted their assses so they could give us better than they had. At least make a sane argument, average income in any major metro is well about 15k, even for single parent households, your just playing with numbers so you can continue living in denial that you are not to blame for your shitty life, take some accountability.

Call it soul searching and make it out to be that I lived a privileged life, simple fact is my parents had good work ethics and lived within their means, qualities which they instilled in me. You have no idea what hardships my family faced, and we did face them, you really need to grow up.

>> No.12909134

We did not go on vacations growing up, it was a sacrifice my parents made so we could live in a better neighbor hood with better school and likely why my sister and I traveled, we grew up surrounded by people that took big vacations every year and heard all the stories.

>your well off peers are now significantly ahead of you in wealth.
Some are, some are not.

If you insist on reducing things to black and white terms you will never get anywhere in life.

>> No.12909409

>Average income of 15k
Okay so you're a poor fuck? You want a fucking medal?

Median household income in America is 56k, just because you're a retarded poor fuck does not mean everyone else is having everything handed to them on a silver spoon

>> No.12910147

You've entirely missed the point.
You're the one telling people to just drop everything and go on a life affirming vacation. The majority of people can't do that. You're out of touch.

>> No.12910158

>your just playing with numbers so you can continue living in denial that you are not to blame for your shitty life, take some accountability.
My life is pretty great to be honest mostly because I'm not a spoiled rotten fuck like you.

>> No.12910230

I thought he was in Canada. Also Based Brap Pilot.

>> No.12910279

You can die on a backpacking trip if you dont know what you are doing, you are all alone in the middle of nowhere afterall.
I make minimum wage and still find the time to go on a few trips a year, you just have to prioritize your expenses, sacrifice luxuries to get the things you actually want, if you actually want a test of your own resilience and survival abilities you can find them.
It sounds to me like OP wishes he could be put in a situation where he has to struggle instead of being willing to work hinself into such a situation, which to me seems like a sign about how well he would do trying to survive.

>> No.12910336

I don't see how what I said was a black or white comparison. All things considered if you had a well off friend with the same life experiences as you they are better off then you. If I only have 5000 dollars and I travel the world with that money, and you have 2000 dollars but your parents pay 5000 for the same trip as me, you are ahead of me in wealth.