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12905860 No.12905860 [Reply] [Original]

>finishing up some classics
>get to a clockwork orange
>book is literally just gibberish
>flick through the pages
>the whole book is like that

Like seriously, take this paragraph for example: "They had no licence for selling liquor, but there was no law yet against prodding some of the new veshches which they used to put into the old moloko, so you could peet it with vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom or one or two other veshches which would give you a nice quiet horrorshow fifteen minutes admiring Bog And All His Holy Angels and Saints in your left shoe with lights bursting all over your mozg". I just feel like I'm wasting my time reading a joke

>> No.12905869

i think you have dsylexia

>> No.12905879
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>> No.12905880

>they couldn't sell this shit because it was banned but this new shit isn't banned and if you mix it with this shit and that shit it gives you a good high

>> No.12905881

why am I a brainlet for not understanding made up nouns and made up verbs?

>> No.12905882

Because it is easy to understand due to the context?

>> No.12905890

>but there was no law yet against prodding some of the new veshches which they used to put into the old moloko

what fucking context could be this understood in

>> No.12905893

"They had no licence for selling liquor, but there was no law yet against producing some of the new things which they used to put into the old milk, so you could drink it with amphetamines or synthetic mescaline or adrenochrome or one or two other things which would give you a nice quiet good fifteen minutes admiring God And All His Holy Angels and Saints in your left shoe with lights bursting all over your brain"

>> No.12905894

the context of the book

>> No.12905895


>> No.12905896

they had no licence for selling liquor but there are these new drugs that arent banned yet that they put in milk you can mix it with an opiate a psychedelic an adrenaline or one of two others which give you a nice fifteen minutes contemplating god with visuals all around you

>> No.12905902

What context? Am I supposed to research if first or something? Bear in mind that this is the second page, and the reader has read nothing more than the title and page 1

thank you, but I would never have thought of this. What am I doing wrong that makes me not understand it, whilst everyone else automatically can?

>> No.12905904

two things to my advantage: i've read the book and i've seen the movie. but i struggled through it just as you are. it's jarring at first. the point is not to be readily read. the point is to immerse you in the language until you get a feel for it and begin to comprehend without necessarily word for word understanding. it's a lot like picking up bits of a foreign language, it's also a lot like reading Shakespear's english, much of Clockwork Orange's language is punning or ironic slang.

>> No.12905912

this is the information I needed

thanks man, genuinely appreciate it

>> No.12905941

I know russian so understanding nadsat was quite easy for me.

>> No.12905991

It's written in a constructed youth slang. It's supposed to be alienating.

>> No.12906029

>it's a lot like picking up bits of a foreign language
It literally is picking up bits of Russian

>> No.12906047

He is lower than a pseud. He is - may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - a brainlet.

>> No.12906491

You're an idiot.

>> No.12906498

LOL imagine how low IQ you would be to not understand this sentence. How the fuck do you understand any media set in the future where they use new words?

>> No.12906518

There are glossaries for brainlets like you. I'm sure your book also has one at the end but you were too stupid to look for it.

>> No.12906530

People like you are so obnoxious. I'm not OP btw

>> No.12906532

The context is selling and drinking liquor you absolute retard, it's literally in the same sentence.

>> No.12906651

Here you go. The idiots guide to a clockwork orange. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:A_Clockwork_Orange

How do you get on with reading Joyce with all the Latin thrown in or the French in any 19th century Russian? Do you just skip the bits in foreign language? It's really not hard to work out what they're saying in context.

>> No.12906811

There is literally context before and after the highlighted portion. You are just a low-IQ troglodyte who has sub-par reading skills (i.e. the inability to interpret context clues).

>> No.12906817

I read this book in middle school and could pick up the made-up sland easily. How old are you? I bet you're in your 20's. This is just sad. It's heart-breaking to realize there are people in the world as clueless as you.

>> No.12907296

People who are not able to deduct the meaning of words from their context or able to look up words and instead create a thread starting with "finishing off some classics" are even more annoying.

Imagine having all the available resources so easily accessible and yet resorting to posting on here.

>> No.12907304

Never go full retard.

>> No.12907523

Lol who has trouble understanding a clockwork orange, it’s like junior high tier

>> No.12907540
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use your imagination dude habe fun with it

>> No.12907596
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> westoids not understanding massacred russian pidgin
the nadsat slang is far better in russian translation btw. more variety and fitting jargon.

>> No.12908593

In the context and if necessary with the aid of the dictionary at the back.

>> No.12908697
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>> No.12908704

>clinically retarded
>death grips fag
checks out

>> No.12908716

>made up
they're russian words
the book is so much easier if you know even a little bit of russian
>bog = god
>moloko = milk
>mozg = brain
>i have literally no clue what the fuck veshches is supposed to be

>> No.12908772

jesus man, I read this book the other day and it was one of the easiest reads in a while, it cuts like butter

>> No.12908804

How do they translate it into Russian? Invent another pidgin that mixes in English words as slang?

>> No.12908808

>i have literally no clue what the fuck veshches is supposed to be
I think it just means "things"