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12904309 No.12904309 [Reply] [Original]

>character walks towards the door, pauses, turns around and says something important they should have said earlier before leaving
Why cant people just finish a fucking conversation and leave? Why cant conversations ever just be completed? Why do writers always feel the need to have someone throw in some sort of gotcha line at the end?

>> No.12904329

Does it really happen in books that often? I only know it as a movie/TV trope.

>> No.12904331
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Clichés like this instantly put me off and I'll probably never read something from that writer ever again.

>> No.12904384


Did you know that people actually do this in psychologists and psychiatrists offices? They talk about lighter things and when they are leaving the office and the doctor reach his hand to compliment them they say something like: “By the way, I was molested when I was a kid. Haha. Well, see you next week”.

They even coined a name for this type of confession but I don’t remember how it was.

>> No.12904391

happens irl too when you wanna make sure you get the last word in and prevent the other person from responding.

>> No.12904400

This. I specifically ignore tv because of these shit tropes

>"Get out..."
>"I just wented to-"
>"GET OUTTT!!!!"

>> No.12904408

Imagine being dismissed during a confession of molestation

>> No.12904412

Murder should be legal in these instances. I’m sure we’d make more progress as a civilization.

>> No.12904453

Fill in the blank.
>...oh and by the way_______

>> No.12904464

It happens irl

>> No.12905267

it's called the Reverse Columbo. Instead of turning around to ask a question, you instead make a confession.

>> No.12905826

I fucked your wife

>> No.12905832

I've done this lmao

>> No.12905857
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It's easy to fuck with people who do this. You just ignore them. My mother and my wife both did it, they'd come in the room and yell at me about something or smash things and I'd just sit in my chair and watch and eventually they'd say their "final" line and storm off. Then I'd just go back to what I was doing.

Thing was, when the final word tactic doesn't work, they actually get stuck on repeat. They'd come back after a brief pause and actually do it all over again.

>You're still sitting there? I just told you that if you didn't stop playing video games, I was kicking you out. Now I'm going to call the cops.

Then they'd storm out of the room again, but they'd be back three or four more times with more ultimatums.

>> No.12905891

Great, thanks manchild.