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/lit/ - Literature

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12903893 No.12903893 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best Ezra Pound anthology out there?

>> No.12903913 [DELETED] 

So right now there is an offtopic islam proselytizing thread up and several marxist threads.

Will they get deleted or will this one? I will be watching carefully...

>> No.12903932 [DELETED] 

Reminder the actual mods hang out on rizon aka irc.rizon.net #4chan. They have to know their new jannie squad has agenda pushers to do anything about it. You can use kiwiirc or mibbit as web clients to connect.

>> No.12903940 [DELETED] 

Based. I think its time to get people fired. They're gonna have to get their salaries elsewhere. Please others report them too. This has gone on long enough

>> No.12903954 [DELETED] 

I was banned for posting about fucking Chateaubriande in a right wing author stack thread. These fucking piece of shit jannies need to go

>> No.12903967 [DELETED] 

aye, we need to cleanse this putrid den, and discipline them as Hitler disciplined the jews

>> No.12903994

>banned for innocuously on topic posting in a thread
This is really a new low for the jannies who typically used to only ban OP for a thread that interrupted their hot pockets. I don't know what they think they're going to accomplish. Bans don't do anything except encourage people to make porn and gore and everything inbetween threads as penance

>> No.12903997

What was it?

>> No.12904002


>> No.12904029

*encourage seething mentally ill losers that will fume without accomplish nothing

>> No.12904040

imagine being new

>> No.12904056

Holy fucking shit mods

>> No.12904069

Try, just try, to defend Pounds ecomical writings


>> No.12904073

Oops sorry I didn't follow the NPC script in which I get to fit in with your losers.

>> No.12904077

>dude a poet isn't an economist
That isn't going to stop anyone from lining you up against the wall in a few years. At least you'll know we were technically incorrect according to st karl. I hope you'll at least have the resolve to ask "a-are you triggered?" before giving the bricks a pro-bono repainting.

>> No.12904081

imagine actually unironically being new and from reddit kek

>> No.12904093
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>> No.12904143

verbose but really saying nothing

btw 'karl' has nothing to do with it, stop inventing strawmen

>> No.12904158

Its good to see you again anon, have you calm yourself down with the dick and turd posting agaisnt the mods?

>> No.12904167

>npc memes
Yikes! Back to >>>/pol/ with you, or better yet maybe that trump reddit

>> No.12904392

Seriously someone please make a right wing authors infograph thingy.
Whomst else?

>> No.12904414

Someone saying jannies are banning right wing people

>> No.12904415


French frogs are pretty based

>> No.12904423


>> No.12904424

Yeah when they are based, they are based hard. Otherwise they are total shit cocks

>> No.12904437

This is one trick thread.
You don't know if OP is a /pol/ fag shitting the board, someone really interested in discuss all types (poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction) of literature created by right wing writers or someone who wants books about right wing ideas.

>> No.12904452

Imagine being such a schizo partisan that you think this makes the thread a 'trick'

Btw Virgil is the greatest right wing poet

>> No.12904476

>forgetting de Maistre, de Bonald, Baudelaire, Maurras, et al

>> No.12904482


>> No.12904496

What do you think of the theories of virgil condemning imperialism? Seem like total bs to me

>> No.12904508

Raspail is a hack that s usurping a much older name and hollaback is a meme and not even right wing. Try Boutang, Bernanos, Bloy, Rebatet, Brasillach instead. The rest of ypurblist is tight.

>> No.12904513

It's tricky because people who are interested in literature will make a few lists and try to discuss, but to the /pol/fags who are here just shitting everything, this thread is an oportunity to suck neocons who would be shot by everyone they pretend to care.
I could name a few. A French surrealist, a Russian short story writer and a Brazilian novelist. But you don't care, do you?

>> No.12904528
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lurk more redditfag

>> No.12904557

Just read Starship Troopers by Heinlein
What a ride.
Excellent book, I can see why it makes numales seethe.

'There is an old song which asserts that "the best things in life are free." Not true! Utterly false! That was the tragic fallacy which brought on the decadence and collapse of the democracies of the twentieth century; those noble experiments failed because the people had been led to believe that they could simply vote for whatever they wanted ... and get it, without toil, without sweat, without tears. Nothing of value is free. Even the breath of life is purchased at birth only through gasping effort and pain.'

>> No.12904575

I'm pretty sure Heinlein was a lolbertarian.

>> No.12904599

Irrelevant, he seems to explore different ideas in his books.
Starship Troopers is overtly authoritarian and fascistic, which is refreshing to read when presented in a neutral light rather than being portrayed as something spooky and evil.

>> No.12904710

Its good to see more and more people on the right getting back into reading literature. Something that's pretty much been dead on the right since WW2.
People with solid education, a solid conviction and world view is really what we need, instead of people who can barely communicate the problems they have with modernity and boil it down to some stupid message about biological race or something else equally basic (like certain recent movements).
The internet nazi culture of /pol/ has never achieved anything and it never will. We need men of action with solid ideas behind their actions and that all starts with reading.
There is so much more to fascism and other authoritarian right wing / third position beliefs than most people know and its a shame.

>> No.12904746
File: 960 KB, 1650x1650, 1553110856135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based peasants flinging shit at the tax collectors

>> No.12904763
File: 226 KB, 737x601, 1449006069421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the coming shitstorm when he gets reelected