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12902014 No.12902014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Naught is the life of the world save a pastime and a sport.

-Qur'an 6:32

Pickthall translation, available here


Is there any wonder that Nietzsche felt the Islamic sense of detatchment toward worldly affairs was beautiful compared to people salty about the world?

Here is some stuff on Evola and Islam

>Evola then moves to the spiritual doctrines of Islam, the highest pillar of which is to testify that there is only one God to be worshipped, without associating any partners to Him. Islam is distinct from all other faiths in how absolute it is in its doctrine of Divine Unity, or tawhid:

>Evola writes,

“Islam presents a traditional completeness, since the shariah and the sunna, that is, the exoteric law and tradition, have their complement not in vague mysticism, but in full-fledged initiatory organizations (turuq) that are categorized by an esoteric teaching (tawil) and by the metaphysical doctrine of the Supreme Identity (tawhid).”

>“Islam also not only rejected the idea of a Redeemer or Savior, which is so central in Christianity, but also the mediation of a priestly caste. By conceiving of the Divine in terms of an absolute and pure monotheism, without a ‘Son,’ a ‘Father,’ or a ‘Mother of God,’ every person as a Muslim appears to respond directly to God and to be sanctified through the Law, which permeates and organizes life in a radically unitary way in all of its juridical, religious, and social ramifications.”(15)

>As we shall see, Evola also admires Islam for its action and it is exactly this reality that distinguishes Tawhid from monotheism. “Tawhid is not monotheism, it is not a metaphysical principle. Allah is beyond what is attributed to Him, therefore beyond logos. Allah is not a mono-theos, nor poli-theos, or tri-theos, or a-theos. Allah is not theo-logical or onto-logical. Allah is neither a theory nor a principle. Allah is not contained by definition.”(16)

>Comparing Christian and Islamic mysticism, Evola notes that what lacks among Christian ascetics is going further than the vows of silence, “the practice of the most interiorised degree of this discipline, that does not only consist of putting an end to the spoken word, but also to thought (Ibn ‘Arabi’s notion of ‘not speaking with oneself’).”

>> No.12902039

Q1-Q4, clockwise, note hand movements and symbolism.
Q1, Communist (the revolutionary)
Q2, Fascist (the thinker)
Q3, Socially liberal left (the madman)
Q4, Anarchy-Capitalist (the beggar)

>> No.12902050

>Q1, Communist (the revolutionary)
The open hand is soon to close into a fist, like Lenin.
>Q2, Fascist (the thinker)
Deep in thought pose.
>Q3, Socially liberal left (the madman)
Points to the head, showing either a vicarious death drive or the origin of mental illness.
>Q4, Anarchy-Capitalist (the beggar)
No teeth, no dental care. Points to finger gun as a means of self defense.

>> No.12902051

Why is this board inundated with these Islamophiles? Where did they come from? Why are they here? What is the point of this post? Please OP, kill yourself and enjoy being with 72 other virgins in the afterlife you utter drone.

>> No.12902059
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>35 And if their aversion is grievous unto thee, then, if thou canst, seek a way down into the earth or a ladder unto the sky that thou mayst bring unto them a portent (to convince them all)! - If Allah willed, He could have brought them all together to the guidance - So be not thou among the foolish ones.

>36 Only those can accept who hear. As for the dead, Allah will raise them up; then unto Him they will be returned.

>37 They say: Why hath no portent been sent down upon him from his Lord ? Say: Lo! Allah is Able to send down a portent. But most of them know not.

>38 There is not an animal in the earth, nor a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are peoples like unto you. We have neglected nothing in the Book (of Our decrees). Then unto their Lord they will be gathered.

>39 Those who deny Our revelations are deaf and dumb in darkness. Whom Allah will sendeth astray, and whom He will He placeth on a straight path.

>> No.12902065

Nietzsche, Evola, Guenon, and Napoleon were all Islamophiles

>> No.12902098


And the point of this statement is?

>> No.12902118

Some cancers deserve only purging. Islam is the first among them.

>> No.12902134

Evola and Guenon are esteemed by many on this board, Nietzsche and Napoleon universally

>> No.12902159


I know who they are, that is not the point of your post. I want you to be honest but you seem incapable of being so or you are simply unwilling to be.

>> No.12902217

The honest answer is pretty simple, a few interesting OP's on Islam sparked interest, it will either dissipate or become a fad, same as atheism and Christianity here were at their seperate times

>> No.12902276

Based and redpilled

>> No.12902325

Islam is obv better, only retards deny this, im a former islamophobe turned islamophile, its great when you finally see the light

>> No.12902344

Yes, it's a very decent religion. Good values over all. I really like Islamic "adab" (manners), for example. I can't see myself practicing any religion, I'm too much a child of post modernity, but I have a lot of respect for Islam. That said, I also have respect for Catholicism (minus the morose obsession with sin).

>> No.12902386

>nooooooooooo stop destroying western culture

back to t_d, fella

>> No.12902436

Cervantes, Shakespeare, Dante, Milton, Proust, Joyce, etc. were all christians though.

>> No.12902474

>I can't see myself practicing any religion, I'm too much a child of post modernity

Same here. I agree with what religion defends like the family structure and community but not the beliefs of them. I think a religious society is all in all a healthier one.

>> No.12902548

What a bunch of Islamo cucks ITT
To anyone struggling with believing in Christianity, read St. Aquinas.

>> No.12902667

Shakespeare and Joyce were cultural Christians at the most, Shakespeare *published* homosexual sonnets, and Proust....

Dante was a Christian but the most famous part of his work, the conception of hell, is taken from Islam even though Muhammed is featured in it.

Aquinas doesn't make Genesis or the Gospels less problematic. Why would the Father incarnate His Son instead of Himself? If He were loving as said, wouldn't He through it? Why is the Crucifixion necessary, God is powerless to forgive? Why does Jesus have two geneologies, which one is made up? If a Gospel writer is willing to make up stuff, how can we trust them?

>> No.12902759

The Gospels make a lot more sense if your read the Ramayana and Vedas.

>> No.12902816

The Bhagvad Gita seemed to align but it doesn't resolve the blatant issues suggesting the Bible has been distorted by ad hoc and purely human alterations, expansions and interpolations

>> No.12902838

So have the Mahabharata and Ramayana, critical scholarship has established that their traditional forms have large interpolations. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

>> No.12902851

But I am not shilling for them, this is a contrast with the Qur'an. Muslims believe many other holy books were dictated by God (including the Q Gospel) but that every one but the Qur'an was tampered with.

>> No.12902862

Christianity got a nice retcon (NT) so it's a religion of peace. Jews with only their OT are almost as bad as sandniggers but Jahwe at least never says you should kill ALL the infidels.
Are you at least a shitskin, OP, or are you merely an enamored faggot?

>> No.12902871

the fuck is "t_d"?

>> No.12902877

tranny discord, it's where that poster came here from.

>> No.12902887

The Qur'an doesn't say to kill all unbelievers, in fact it says Jews and Christians can go to paradise

>> No.12902891
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>> No.12902940 [DELETED] 

The stages of western civilization since WWII. Currently on stage three

>> No.12902946
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The stages of western civilization since WWII. Currently on stage three.

>> No.12903214


Didn't say that at all you dumb schizo

>> No.12903329

It's always nice when you don't believe in any god and someone in the media says islam is no problemo, christians can gobto heaven.

>> No.12903352
File: 96 KB, 768x512, Jesus-Christ-Resurrection-58ff5be53df78ca1591f3c0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but Jesus literally rose from the dead and is God, so I can't be a Muslim.

>> No.12903355

>is God
No, he isn't.

>> No.12903364
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Yes he fucking is.

The more devout a Catholic I've become, the more I've grown to despise Islam. It's a religion of liars. They lie about my Lord and Savior. They lie about His divinity and they lie about His resurrection from the dead. The Quran is a book of lies and the "angel" that gave it to Muhammad was almost certainly a demon. Every page of the Quran spits in the face of Christ the King.

>> No.12903367

Still butthurt about Saladin lmao?

>> No.12903372

Well then your God sucks.

>> No.12903385

That depends, are you still butthurt about Lepanto?

>> No.12903403

There are far too many wars where the turks raped christcucks for me to even begin listing. Half of SE europe has turkish blood from all the christian women raped during the centuries lol

>> No.12903426
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Mudslimes, you will never conquer Europe, stop your delusions, death and slaughter awaits you, you worthless subhumans, the day you shall overstep your boundaries.

>> No.12903438

Back to your cesspool of a board /pol/yp

Europe will be 30% muslim in the 22nd century, the tipping point is nearing, and you incels certainly wont stop it

>> No.12903442
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I could go on. The Ottomans had their skulls crushed, in the end.

>> No.12903471

I bet OP is the same guy whoposts the jung and evola blacked quotes. Probably also the amazon cuck porn. What a sad existence this depravity eschews.

>> No.12903477
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nice cope

How many christian women (in the tens of thousands) do you think were raped by turks and moors?

>> No.12903486

How are you convinced your faith is any less true than Hinduism or Judaism? According to every adherent of their faith their religion is true. I mean, nothing wrong with faith. But comments like this are pretty silly don't you think?

>> No.12903490
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If I'm coping, what does that make you? Rape is a sin, anyway, and all those turks and moors are currently roasting in Hell.

In the end, Christianity will triumph. It's inevitable. Islam's teeth will be knocked out of its skull, and its empty lips will kiss the feet of the crucified Christ. The power of God will ensure this.

>> No.12903491

You're literally explaining how a system takes over a person's whole life and commands complete obedience and explaining it as if that is a good thing. Fundamentalism is idiotic and not recognizing it is retarded; Islam breeds fundamentalism by the very rules you're posing as its strength.

>> No.12903500

>>12902887Oh great, makes sense. The Hindus, Confucians and everyone else can burn in hell but the Jews and Christians, they cool though.

>> No.12903510
File: 57 KB, 968x681, pope-francis-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will kiss the feet of the crucified Christ
whats with you christcucks and this feet fetishism?

>> No.12903587

What respect do you think is due to the king of the universe?

>> No.12903605
File: 332 KB, 1200x1177, Istanbul,_Hagia_Sophia,_Allah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no king, only God.

There is no respect, only submission.

>> No.12903621
File: 128 KB, 996x996, Pope_Francis_in_March_2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your prophet is a liar and is in Hell. Repent and submit to the Pope.

>> No.12903719

Give me one (1) piece of mussi lit worth a read (not the Quran etc)

>> No.12903740


If there's intelligent life in other planets, the "son" part of the holy trinity is a personal Jesus for every planet, or god only cares about earth?

>> No.12903741

Nobody fucking cares about Islam or what LARPers like Guenon or Evola have to say.

The world is and will continue to be dominated by atheistic materialists, whether in Western countries or East Asian ones.

>> No.12903748

Wouldn't bet on that. Those "atheistic materialists" aren't doing kids.

>> No.12903764
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You LARPing xenophiles are so self loathing as to advocate for an entire reversal in thought simply because "muh great author thought Islam was cool." This thread is unironically embarrassing.

>> No.12903869

If you live a materialist life, antinatalism actually makes sense. Faith lets people see things from a different point of view with good vs. evil morality. Unfortunately the West and East are losing that.

>> No.12903898

The thing is that this antinatalism is going to create a relative growth in Muslim population everywhere (except for Latin America, IIRC). This "atheistic materialism" isn't going to last for too long.