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12902527 No.12902527 [Reply] [Original]

Was Mark Fisher right in Exiting Vampire Castle? Should the left refocus their attention on class instead of identity politics?


>> No.12902596

duh. he told some """leftists""" to read Marx and they sperged on him

>> No.12902604

But what should be done about stuff like sexism, transphobia etc.

>> No.12902630
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Who would take priority? Abolishing slavery or making sure that black slaves were treated as well as white slaves?
This is of course not to say that we should simply ignore those that suffer more, but it is wrong to fossilize oneself on smaller issues, when they cannot be permanently and positively eliminated while capitalism reign supreme.

also fuck that dumb ass pic.

>> No.12902651
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commies and fags in the same mass grave

>> No.12902652

all the "etc." are produced by capitalism
it's literally whiny kids demanding new toys

>> No.12902668

go read your fiction kid, the adults are talking here.

>> No.12902711
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k enjoy chapo queer cabin's newest book for the cheap cheap price of 59.99™ while I take in the great soul nourishing works of fiction

>> No.12902727

You should refocus your attention to twitter towards growing a some peach trees in your back yard and maybe even a bee hive or two.

You seem like a smart young man OP, don't waste your youth and brilliance trying to change the world.

>> No.12902731

OWS was killed by the progressive stack. just imagine if the OWS people had gotten on the same page with the tea party types, that's why identity politics is the perfect weapon of our global financial kings

>> No.12902752
File: 28 KB, 354x486, 154445485-slavoj-zizek-attends-the-premiere-of-the-perverts-guide.jpg.CROP.promovar-medium2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Identity politics doesn't aim to change the system they claim is oppressive, all they want is to see (their idea of) proper representation within that oppressive system. It's a form of symptomal healing, what Marx called Vulgar Socialism, the idea that the problem is (re)distribution of wealth/power rather than a revolutionary change in the mode of production. Take the idea of "tolerance", Zizek makes a great point here: could you even imagine someone like Martin Luther King arguing for tolerance? It's an embarrassing idea to even imagine, he was fighting for nothing less than political and legal equality. To reduce true revolutionary civil movements like that to mere tolerance is to reduce it to a farce. This is why you can get literally millions of people in the street protesting the financial system or the president and all the change that comes of it is selfies and Instagram stories and a feeling of #makingadifference #Pepsirevolution. If you want to be a neoliberal, I wont stop you, but don't pretend to be a Marxist at the same time. Read the Critique of the Gotha Program

>> No.12902843

They should be acknowledged, confronted, and challenged
Just like we confront and challenge sexual abuse, pollution, global warming, etc.
But fighting all those things isn't socialism and doesn't address the core problem at the heart of society (capitalism)