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File: 114 KB, 793x980, bumjeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12896743 No.12896743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Chronic masturbator here. What books can help me let go of my carnal obsessions? Nothing religious please.

>> No.12896752

how about instead of jerking yourself off you come over here and share some love with papa?

since you jerk off all the time maybe you can show me some techniques and hand positions? no homo

>> No.12896754

Anything which promotes a feeling of pride in you. If you feel proud you will be less inclined to debase yourself.

>> No.12896773
File: 300 KB, 838x793, great.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science discovers the physiological value of continence (pic related).

>> No.12896816

Yeah, I'm sure these people achieved greatness thanks to nofap, not their 150+ Iq or incredible talents or any such things. Now explain why millions of virgins around the globe aren't reshaping mankind, curing cancer and inventing the hyperdrive.

>> No.12896822

>thanks to nofap, not their 150+ Iq or incredible talents or any such things
combination of all these things.
>Now explain why millions of virgins around the globe aren't reshaping mankind, curing cancer and inventing the hyperdrive.
they're addicted to masturbation and play out their lives in an instant gratification habit loop and are under the fog of prolactin.

>> No.12896826


>> No.12896876

NoFap is a meme but NoPorn is the real deal

>> No.12896896

Pornography caused your habitual masturbation in the first place. Further indulgence of it, only reinforces the habit.

>> No.12896901
File: 236 KB, 1002x978, 1553736182992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12896909

>hey guys i Have an infection What should I do?
>no antibiotics please

>> No.12896914

Why would Marcus Aurelius use *nglo archaisms like "thou" and "thee"?

>> No.12896915

This doesn't logically disprove nofap. What you should have said is that there can exist porn addicts and sexual tyrannosaurus that achieve noteworthy feats in science, literature and philosophy. I'm struggling to name one though.

My own suspicion is that to be a person who actually produces things, you MUST have a rigorous daily routine that tempers your brain to think about things other than pussy

>> No.12896972

What's the point in posting an unrelated picture that won't attract the best people to get the advice from?

>Now explain why millions of virgins around the globe aren't reshaping mankind, curing cancer and inventing the hyperdrive.
The fact that you actually wrote out and posted this without realizing that virgins can masturbate makes you too stupid to even bother trying to argue with.

>> No.12896977


>> No.12896986

>tfw your dick doesnt come off

>> No.12897002

Richard Fenyman was a sexual conquistador and genius.

>> No.12897009

the height of 1936 psychology.
el mayo

>> No.12897011

Lol faggot why don't you go get nailed on a cross like your worthless kike deity?

>> No.12897020

Underrated post. kek

>> No.12897022

This. Nothing wrong with a release. It clears my head when I'm frustrated.

Watching porn takes a 5 minute session and turns it into a 2+ hour session, and something to do whenever I'm bored.

>> No.12897025

>Richard Fenyman
Dishonest with a Pontius Pilot tier approach to physics. "Magnetism???? What is magnetism?". Sort of guy who impresses brainlets and midwits. A Jordan Peterson of the sciences.

>> No.12897030

t. retard

>> No.12897035

zaps motivation
makes you want to do it again
wastes time
makes you tired
weakens the brain
makes you seek porn in the future

>> No.12897065

If you're the kind of person whose motivation vanes after fapping you weren't destined for greatness to begin with.

>> No.12897074

You're the one that lacks the consciousness to notice background processes in the body.

>> No.12897105

Any achievement that you have but did not do for yourself is an exercise in vanity.

>> No.12897110
File: 31 KB, 480x360, crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasted my 20s, instead of chasing goals, asking women out I was addicted to porn. The dopamine kicks were common enough to stay sedated, artificial stimuli was enoughnto be happy. I will never quit, self inflicted pavlovian conditioning rewired my brain, that can only lust for artificial pleasure now. Somaesque state was too comforting and too attainable. I became wanker, destroyer of ambition.

>> No.12897114
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1552950799622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change your ways.

>> No.12897118

:P laughed

>> No.12897121

This book specifically adresses the problem of porn+masturbation addiction though, it's not directed to letting go of carnal obsessions/desires in general. For that Nicomachean Ethics is probably good.

>> No.12897135

based mentally retarded poster

>> No.12897137

>asking women out in 2010s
>implying that is less of time and energy than just jerking off

I am struggling. Cant decide if all the porn and fapping changed me or if I was like this from the start.

>> No.12897148

Not him but never used any video porn until 20s. Sex drive and fapping became worse than ever before, worse than during puberty.

>> No.12897149

Women today are disgusting, but you can still dedicate time to your community, family, church, and God. You might even find someone worth getting with in the process.

>> No.12897153

and by worse, i mean stronger.

>> No.12897162
File: 107 KB, 990x1200, 3336468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to dig myself out of that hole. The most important thing is to realize that sex is not that important (not now at least), and that you must expunge all the fantasies from your mind. Stop ogling women, don't watch porn, don't think about sex. Clear your mind! YOU DO NOT NEED TO MASTURBATE OR OBSESS OVER SEX, IT'S A LIE. Then, begin to space out your masturbation sessions and decrease the frequency over time until you're at once per month, then quit for good.

It can be done, I did it.

>> No.12897176

Never wanted to have sex, but can't quit fapping. How the fuck am I supposed to stop and "expunge the fantasies"?

>> No.12897182

This. I also suggest using images, non-moving and not hardcore as you quit. Masturbating to the imagination seems to increase fantasy and recollects past hardcore video pornography consumption, strengthening or at least maintaining what you are trying to purge.

>> No.12897197


>Then, begin to space out your masturbation sessions and decrease the frequency over time until you're at once per month, then quit for good.

>> No.12897201
File: 14 KB, 236x318, E29A938A-49F9-46DB-B03E-6137BF65611C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I became wanker, destroyer of ambition.

>> No.12897212

¡Vaya culo!

>> No.12897216

>type of Jordan Peterson
I think not

>> No.12897226 [DELETED] 
File: 706 KB, 1313x1591, bookstore hottie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else creep on hot girls in the bookstore?

>> No.12897235 [DELETED] 
File: 760 KB, 1080x608, preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12897239

Papa hemingway

>> No.12897246

Source on the girl?

>> No.12897252 [DELETED] 

Barbara Palvin

>> No.12897258

>not a pornstar
Thanks for nothing

>> No.12897263 [DELETED] 
File: 467 KB, 856x1968, bookstore hottie 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun, you should try it.

>> No.12897267

Isn't it obvious? The women in porn would have been models or actresses if they were cut out for it. Most porn actresses are rather average looking.

>> No.12897269

>bookstore hottie
>colored hair
>nose piercing

>> No.12897288

Does anyone know how to stop thinking about having a significant other in general? I find it pathetic that I constantly repeat these kind of things to myself and I just want not to care. Do I just continue as is and eventually it doesn't hurt as much? I don't want it to even hurt, I think it is wrong and stupid that I even care in the first place. I think its pathetic that I characterize it as hurting me. Is living alone forever enough to atone for this?

>> No.12897292

How does being in prison, in exile or blind stop you from masturbating?

>> No.12897301

>no ass
>no tits
>look-at-me le quirky xd hairstyle

0/10 apply yourself

>> No.12897308 [DELETED] 
File: 982 KB, 1489x2161, img3409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, how about this one?

>> No.12897311

don't listen to em anon she's a qt

>> No.12897323

>shit posture
>those retarded pants that look like a sock pattern knitted by grandma
>can only see a tiny bit of face and it's still enough to tell that she looks fucked up
>brown boots with a black top. what. the. fuck.

>> No.12897327

Honestly, porn isn't even really arousing to me. Consuming it is just like eating food or drinking water, I don't even really notice anymore.

Also, putting 'what books can help me' in your OP is a really poor excuse for a NoFap thread

>> No.12897334

She's cute (I like gingers) but I think you need a real hobby buddy

>> No.12897338

>chronic masturbator
>"Just stop masturbating and sex thoughts"
>wow thanks I'm cured

OP, You might be hypersexual embrace it), some people jerk it daily and still deal with their shit.

>> No.12897342 [DELETED] 
File: 363 KB, 1344x1696, img039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, wait, wait. I have one more from a waiting room.

>> No.12897349

>some people jerk it daily
look at this peasant
I jerk 3 times a day minimum, used to do it even more when I was living on my own

>> No.12897352

Not what he said.
Masturbation and porn fuels hypersexuality.

>> No.12897354
File: 285 KB, 1024x1532, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I will lead a life of chastity and purity until I find a reasonable man to getting married with."

>> No.12897357

Once you get caught and your ass kicked by one of these chicks (let's face it, you couldn't take any of them) please make a thread so I can laugh at you

>> No.12897362

It's probably a bad sign if you have pictures like this in your phone or computer. You should probably delete them like asap.

>> No.12897363
File: 953 KB, 5184x2912, _MG_1703 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12897382

I know you have more, keep posting

>> No.12897386
File: 698 KB, 1200x902, cb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I will lead a life of chastity and purity until I find a reasonable man to getting married with."

>> No.12897414 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 696x1432, im98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caught this one outside a burger place late at night.

>> No.12897423

quick question: why don't you approach these females and court them instead of photographing them like some weird faggot seems like it would be way more productive

>> No.12897434

>those shorts
What a whore, wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole

>> No.12897447 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 1032x1600, im09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was a pleasant surprise while I was waiting at the mechanic all morning.

>> No.12897453

you're a very strange kind of fuckup

>> No.12897456 [DELETED] 
File: 492 KB, 1096x2448, im334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one I had to get quickly while standing in line for coffee.

>> No.12897464

THIS x 9000

>> No.12897475

there's nothing there.
do you masturbate to these pictures?
What's the point?
If you kept them to yourself it could be seen as empowering. But you share them which makes you look beta and pathetic

>> No.12897482

Nice feet. Based creepshot anon

>> No.12897495

shut the fuck up bitch
ignore the haters anon, you're a based guy

>> No.12897499

Where do people get this idea of talking to random women in the street? Never heard of it IRL, only from the internet. It seems socially unfeasible.

>> No.12897515

>shut the fuck up bitch
suck my filthy, uncircumcised, minuscule schlong, you jew fuck you

>> No.12897516

>crop top

>> No.12897524

alot of elderly people do it. They dont give a fuck so they start chatting to people and enjoy it. They've got past the point of giving a fuck, or getting defined by negativity...so they do what makes them fell good......like talking to hotties about the weather. or talking to fatties about dogs. its all good

>> No.12897528 [DELETED] 

These defeatists now have IQ to use as an excuse for everything

>> No.12897536

Did you save the qt from picking up garbage like The Hate U Give?

>> No.12897546

Is this supposed to help people stop fapping

>> No.12897551

people like you are the worst. putting doubt in others mind because you want to cope with fapping to traps. kill yourself :)

>> No.12897554

Jesus I'm in love

>> No.12897558
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 734sat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realise that the only real solution is to get a girlfriend who will satisfy your sexual cravings and everything else is a cope

>> No.12897566

I dont see why I cant obsess over pussy? Pussy pushes me to excel man. I know I will never be able to find true love so at least let me wallow in sexual degeneracy

>> No.12897593
File: 112 KB, 806x1024, 2cbe0446b82a498d804204f79582dffa7b8b1febd2a77a82b8a0330d171418dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realise that's easy as fuck

>> No.12897709

Are you still here? I thought I told you to fuck off

>> No.12897722

It was Tyler the Creator by the way.

>> No.12897756
File: 398 KB, 640x1080, black+freckles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the retards op

>> No.12898442

God I fucking hate when women wear boots like this, it completely destroys their proportions and I wish they would know better.

>> No.12898553

Why are women? The only women that seem worthwhile are written as Hollywood characters. Is this some type of ploy? Is virtue signalling a symptom of shitty unrealistic screenwriting? As in, do women see this plot driving arvhetype and think “wow if I copy that I’ll get stuffed with more cock“? Why is life suffering?

>> No.12898566
File: 132 KB, 510x320, correlationvscausation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12898586
File: 19 KB, 284x350, 1527486247307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more women holy fucjk 221 years a birgin fuck this kike whore life

>> No.12898647

damn if her stomach wasn't exposed I'd say she looks just like my ex

>> No.12898682

just do a quick wank and move on. 5 minutes to jerk, 10 minutes to shit, 15 minutes to shower. the rest of the day is yours.

>> No.12898792


>> No.12898800

This is what being a slave to your senses looks like.

>> No.12898807

The sources cited for this are from the fucking 19th century.

>> No.12898816

Enjoy your diminished motivation from masturbating in the morning.

>> No.12898821

>le current year

>> No.12898830

im even hornier the rest of the day if i masturbate in the morning

>> No.12898844

citation needed

>> No.12898852


This. Obviously, smarter, more intellectual people are the ones who would give a shit about "chastity", so there is a correlation, but chastity is not a necessary condition of "amounting to anything".
>and there is yet to be recorded one individual who freely expended seminal fluid who ever amounted to anything.
Citation fucking needed lol. Furthermore, chaste people are more likely to leave records about their sexuality. Who the fuck is going to write about their chronic masturbation?

>> No.12898855

>prolactin increases after fap/sex
>dopamine related to motivation

>> No.12898869

>Who the fuck is going to write about their chronic masturbation?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

>> No.12898889

I just fap whenever I want. Can be 3 or 4 ejaculations in a night, but no desire for a week or 2 after.

>> No.12898900

Where did he write about it?

>> No.12898907

His confessions and some of his notes.

>> No.12898915


>chastity is not a necessary condition of "amounting to anything".

it is a precondition to greatness, at least temporarily. a man who is happily nut busted each day with a woman or with his hand is not going to have the will to do much of anything of lasting importance. he might be able to go through the motions, but he won't have that vital spirit

>Who the fuck is going to write about their chronic masturbation?

any orgasm addict ever from japan

>> No.12898932


>> No.12898965

That's way oversimplified. Prolactin and dopamine have a negative feedback loop. Dopamine represses secretion of prolactin, and when prolactin is secreted after dopamine, it then controls how much dopamine is in the bloodstream.

So due to the male's refractory period, you do end up with lower motivation temporarily. But your profile balances out, which is why you can have sex/masturbate again.

It's been a while since I've studied this, but I'm pretty sure everything I said was right, and that your overall hormone profile won't be affected for more than like a half hour.

>> No.12899413

>old bad new good

>> No.12899497

I'm beginning to think i'm addicted to porn and jerking off. On my days off i'll jerk off the moment I wake up and maybe 2-3 times in the day. Spend hours looking for the right video. Dabble in hypno hands free shit and trannies. Even after an intense blowjob or something i'll have to immediately jerk off after thinking about it or watching porn.

>> No.12899500


>> No.12899508

This is the around the same time cornflakes were invented to lower sex drive because it didn't have all the satantic lusty influence of spicy food

>> No.12899566

That's not why.

>> No.12899580

asking for a friend, is the same negative effects true also for females?

>> No.12899606

Not as bad but habit and it's snare is still there and will control you.

>> No.12899619

Bullshit. Blaming jacking off/sex for making you lazy its the biggest copout ever. I can jack 5 times a day and still get everything I want to get done. You need to create your own motivation.

>> No.12899621

This might actually make sense. The correlation between high amounts of shark attacks and ice-cream sales may be due to the fact that ice-cream is mostly sold during hot weathers and that is when most people are at the beach swimming and more likely to be attacked my a shark.

Just an idea though.

>> No.12899627

I understand that feel.

>> No.12899642

t. Moron who never entered into a flow state
You lack the sentience to assess the harm in the first place. You're at the level of an NPC compared to the chaste.

>> No.12899651
File: 188 KB, 736x944, J-Lacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it linked with like anxiety

>> No.12899665

What's incorrect about this? Kellogg believed healthier and wholesome foods lowered sex drive and that spices increased it.

>> No.12899675

As a person who works in computer programming, i'm in flow state a lot of the time. Continue talking out of your ass and blaming your failures on unrelated things.

>> No.12899684 [DELETED] 

>satantic lusty influence
You can't think of a motive aside from religion.

>> No.12899710

>satantic lusty influence
You can't think of a motive aside from religion. Cereal was a health food meme of the day too. People even then wouldn't have went nuts to buy an anaphrodisiac. Might have suggested it to lower sex drive but it was never marketed or invented for that purpose.

>> No.12899718

>if I ignore the coconsequences that means they aren't happening
>claims to be in a flow state, gets distracted and masturbates 5 times

>> No.12899751

I'll grant you that there was a focus on general health as well. But the decreased sexuality component was a major part of his motivation and can't be divorced from it. But don't let the hyperbole derail the point. The point is, Kellogg was a medical professional who thought bland foods were healthier and decreased sex drive. There's plenty of reason to be skeptical about health research and norms from the 19th century, especially regarding sexuality.

>> No.12899787

>The point is, Kellogg was a medical professional who thought bland foods were healthier and decreased sex drive.
And my point was that this was not the reason it was invented.
You said it was invented for a particular reason. IIRC the other Kellogg brother was in the foodstuffs industry, and was the bigger player early on. It was invented purely as foodstuffs, and early if not all marketing had nothing to do with lowering the sex drive even, if Dr. Kellogg claimed it was his cereal.

>> No.12899820

I hope you are being sarcastic.

>> No.12900676

oh shit i think i might quit this habit for good now thanks to this because if you think about it he's 100% right. just close the fuckin tab, what am i? retarded?

>> No.12900755
File: 55 KB, 850x400, 1544047411347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing religious please.

>> No.12900800

Demons of the Flesh by Nikolas Schreck and Zeena LaVey

>> No.12900825


i'm sure you're functional enough to do your job, but i have doubts as to how difficult it is, or how much work you actually do if you manage to do that 5 times a day

>> No.12900834
File: 722 KB, 245x245, 1537350916038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz he old

>> No.12900878

god I wish that were me

>> No.12900898
File: 438 KB, 5000x5000, 1542329911553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no really, if you stop masturbating you become a productive, enlightened individual
>spend hours of your day on a mongolian fermented horse milk bulletin board

>> No.12900914

Some people are lonely.

>> No.12900929

>ctrl+f meditations
>0 results
read Meditations you filthy wanker

>> No.12901028
