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File: 197 KB, 900x1466, The Virtue Of Selfishness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12893259 No.12893259 [Reply] [Original]

What's your thoughts on the philosophy of objectivism ?

>> No.12893265

The fact that entire (long) books were written about such simple concepts boggles my mind. Read the Wikipedia article on it, done. I haven't even read the Wikipedia article let alone the books but I'm pretty sure I summarize the important points anyway.

>> No.12893410

Ayn Rand is a total autismo. Tom Snyder has to keep reminding her that they are on the air doing an interview


>> No.12893438

Still baffling that she has any kind of following whatsoever in 2019. I understand teens and young college students reading Atlas Shrugged and thinking she's cool, but anyone with a semblance of philosophical training being into her is just shameful.

>> No.12893531

Philosophy for genre fiction fans and gamers.

>> No.12893623

here, I'll summarize it
>I get super triggered whenever someone helps anyone else for any reason that is not for eventual personal gain

>> No.12893636

I think having read any of the Western canon and being a fan of hers are mutually exclusive states

>> No.12893938


And it's not even condemning for the largest part, you thin-skinned putz

>> No.12893951

(also I know how much of an eyerolling blog name 'Daylightatheism' is. I only found out about the site because they did a let's read of Left Behind)

>> No.12894199

Very developed philosophy that outlines the epistemological method present in mis- and dis-integrative thinking methods and how to deautomatize them in your approach to introspection and logic. Bar-none best theory of concepts ever formulated.
I see most itt are the sort who are given all their opinions by the likes of https://www.salon.com/2013/01/19/ayn_rand_is_for_children/
Please go back to r/philosophy

>> No.12894267
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>the 1%
Stopped reading there.

>> No.12894283

it's fake and gay

>> No.12894314

Based fake and gay poster

>> No.12894525
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Based and goldpilled

>> No.12894608

>you don't like drinking piss? Hehe lots of people don't like drinking piss, why not think for yourself, sheep!
Doing the usual Randroid waffle to disguise the lack of academic rigor I see

>> No.12894682
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Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology and the efforts and formulations made by Peikoff later were plenty rigorous chap. Yet here we. The joke that is modern academia degenerating more every decade. Rand simply didn't fit the mold of what "" academia"" deems acceptable philosophy. The sciences are the last surviving bastion of rationality in the university system, but the humanitites are a joke and everyone knows it. Rand's iconoclasm to to the university ethos' stagnant subjectivism literally did nothing wrong.

>> No.12894706
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"Don't waste time defending yourself against those committed to misunderstanding or misrepresenting you."

>> No.12894741

It's neither objective nor a philosophy.

>> No.12894771

Do you know why it's named Objectivism?

>> No.12894784

Because the person who wrote it was retarded?

>> No.12894912

I have tried living according to different moral systems, kantianism is very depressing while egoism is weirdly empowering. So when it comes to ethics, she's based.

>> No.12894916

So that's a no

>> No.12894917


>> No.12894923

*Yet here we are

>> No.12894929
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The Objectivists have a pretty nice website under their belt. http://rebirthofreason.com/Articles/

>> No.12894942
File: 471 KB, 888x813, kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll elaborate further.
>Long time to make a decision
>"Does this violate the categorical imperative? Depends on your interpretation of the imperative. How are conradictions even possible?"
>No sex before marrige
>Needs god to even be a feasable morality

>Straight forward and easy to use practically
>Get a job
>Lift weights
>Take a shower
>Get a clue
>Makes life better

>> No.12894985

Slavish capitalist degeneracy facilitation.

>> No.12895625

Plus, the deveopment of the ego is what lends potency to one's acts of benevolence and the enjoyment from elevating the people one can respect is where morality should start, and only can. How many apathetic nihiliist louts can we avoid if we actually start advocating an actually psychologically healthy (and effective) morality? There is literally nothing wrong with having the good one performs fuel and boost your ego. Men with massive egos are a thing to be strived for, not avoided.

>> No.12895640

>sees the world he wants to build superimposed on the dark world around him
So he's built himself a crappy hyperreality. Why is this good again?

>> No.12895678

It's fun to trigger lefties; and about on the same abysmal intellectual level as Marx.

>> No.12895686

Rand is retarded but
>heh, why do you drive on roads then buddy?

what a dumb faggot who does not even understand the brainlet concepts of Rand, salon knocking it out of the park as usual. also
>dude I went to china it was bad, regulation haters BTFO!

just as childish as objectivists themselves

>> No.12895710

Did you mean to post "wasn't" there retard?

>> No.12895735
File: 82 KB, 478x480, 0013foxandgrapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern academia degenerating more every decade.
>the humanitites are a joke
>iconoclasm to to the university ethos

>> No.12895794

This except the grapes are kind of a fucking faggot too. Best thing for Randfags to do is simply reply fuck """"academia"""" when fags post academic shit.
Water meet duck.

>> No.12895815
File: 307 KB, 292x551, 1545793652242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what that means.

>> No.12896710

She engaged in none of the economic fallacies he did

>> No.12897144

You find Objectivism has a lot of content when you go through the effort of seeking it out.

>> No.12897230

>admits her philosophy is the instinctive behavior of a 2 and a half year old

self btfo

>> No.12897256

Based and cringepilled.

>> No.12897808

Before it was developed to full fruition she thought Nietzsche was swell and his philosophy good. Then she grew up.
Don't be disingenuous.

>> No.12897836
File: 31 KB, 467x330, Start with the greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leonard Peikoff's history of philosophy is unironically one of the best lecture series on the subject.
>that part where he quotes Aristotle's self-assessment on his work on logic
Pure kino.

>> No.12898367
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Determinists btfo

>> No.12898400

>this is a common talking point so it is not true
good rhetoric there

>> No.12898495
File: 155 KB, 728x1107, 1545981565638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It being common is not the reason for it's untruthfulness

>> No.12899560

My favourite part of Atlas Shrugged is when they left a failing Capitalist society to make a Socialist Utopia

>> No.12899586

This is bait but the America of Atlas is clearly hyper-interventionist and on the precipice of full socialist. Every other country of the world had already formed "peoples republics".
Protip: a commune isn't commie or socialist if it doesn't opperate off the social-premise. Try Rand's nonfiction.

>> No.12900075

Selfishness as a virtue is a refreshing approach to morality

>> No.12900296

Altruism had it's chance in the Dark Ages and the gulags. Egoism is the only rational position.

>> No.12901264
File: 27 KB, 215x301, WTF am i reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only way to self-consistently hold determinism is to hold that conceptual beliefs are completely infallible, and that there is no such thing as a false belief.
What the actual fuck am I reading?

>> No.12901278

Sure bud.