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1287390 No.1287390 [Reply] [Original]

Short story or poems about her turning into a blueberry?

>> No.1287409

inb4 willi wanker

>> No.1287447

Upon the dawn of man Helina saw far and wide, her presence gave of a powerful glow. Mere mortals trembled at her feet, save one: Yammifist Hoolpot. Together they lived in happiness on the vast, furtile planes of Dronidmina. All was well until man created and built and waged a bloody war against them, all in the name of Frunt.
Battles were fought, fortresses of immense size constructed and in the end Yammerfist was struck down by a poisened arrow. Heartbroken Helina hid.
However all was not lost, Yammerfist showed signs of life, albeit in a near comaitised state. Far and wide and under the cover of darkness Helina searched for a cure to heal her lover's wound.
After years of travel Helina found herself in a cave, shivering and seeing only by the light of a torch a serpent approached.
'Seek you security and safety or salvation of suitor?'
Upon answering the latter Helina was informed that a cure existed. It took the form of a berry, blue as the open sky. However a sacrifice as strong as the bond between the lovers must be made and thus following endless rituals our heroin took the form of a blueberry.

>> No.1287462

I'm on the edge of my seat.

>> No.1287569

What happens next? Does the fellow live? I must know.

>> No.1288213

The serpent slid silently the berry into the mouth of Yammrfist, and looking briefly into his now glowing eyes the serpent trembled slightly. This fear drove the serpent to clench his fangs into his ankle.
After his full awaking a wrath and pain of which had never been endured befell our healed hero. Without sign or tale he knew the distarous loss which had occured.
Within his imprisoned and wise mind Hoolpot ran out of the cave and climbed and climbed and stood.
He threw his delicate body passionatly from the peak, meeting the ground in an twist of emotion.
Opening his eyes yet again in an unfathmable horror Yammerfist screamed for days.
Discontentment and rage led to the destruction of all beatuty and acheivment. Violent and blind he waged destruction on every living being to cross his path.
Man dissaperaed and wastlelands desolate Yammerfist laid his head to rest and contemplation. In him stirred the essence of lost love, and with this thought hot tears streamed down his worn face.

>> No.1288454

I thought she'd be enormous. She's too small to go in his mouth.

>> No.1288724

What would you say her top is made out of?

>> No.1288745

Sudden urge to kiss her. Like, real bad.

>> No.1288773


But her mouth is busy, around my memmmm..oh god.memmmmber

>> No.1288776

Do go on. Keep in mind, she is a blueberry. You'd have to roll her around til she was at the proper angle.

>> No.1288794

Stacy awoke one morning to find that she was a monstrous blueberry. Her fat blue body was indented with thousands of dark indented squares, and within each square a nodule protruded out as a pimple. Billions of pimples. She sprawled on the dilapidated bedding, her fat bulbous body exposed and naked, except for the small blanket which hung precariously on one nodule.

She felt the pressure of her body on the nodules, and the pressure inside these nodules which teemed with succulent blue fluid. Outside the sun was full force; one sun-beam stretched through the window with it's paint peeling on to her skin, where it warmed the juices of several nodules. The heat dissipated through the rest of her body, but not quite to the cold surface of her underbelly. The sensation was frighting, foreign, non-sexual, and silly.

Stacy screamed in terror, but the sound merely vibrated, bounced off the blueberry walls before echoing and layering apon itself until Stacy's blueberry ears were bleeding blueberry blood.

Stacy was in a blue mood. 'Yo man what's up with this shit, why I be all blueberryin up in hurr?' she cried tantrically, 'can't some body give me a holla.'

As if answering her call Stacy's little sister, LeFonda, bust in to her room. 'Oh snap that be some blueberry? Aww shit yeh I'm gonna get my some blueberry ON' the girl cried in a rustic bass voice like Louis Armstrong. The girl who was now a blueberry felt the scrapping of finger nails as her sister's hand rummaged through one of her folds. She winced. Stacy then cried her blue-berry tears as her sister clenched before tearing from her body her blue-berry entrails.

Stacy screams echoed a thousandfold, but they were silent, the only sound that of the little girl's laughter as she consumed the blueberry piece by delicious piece.

>> No.1288801

She's blubbery, she's rubbery,
She's lapiz-lazuli in hue:
She's rolling through the shrubbery,
She seems to have turned blue.

From rubbery to blubbery
To blueberry, girl who
Once here beneath the shrubbery
My purple penis blew.

>> No.1288811


Give this man a hive five.

>> No.1288842

> horror

What the fuck do you think a blueberry is?

>> No.1288856
File: 25 KB, 400x400, tomcruize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something non-sexual and silly?

>> No.1288864

I spread her peachy thighs so wide
To better pop her ripe cherry:
I thrust my banana deep inside---
She turned into a blueberry!

>> No.1288979


>> No.1289074
File: 29 KB, 482x499, very803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.1289850


>> No.1289869
File: 33 KB, 416x300, _42791641_tracy_beaker_bbc_gall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This show really spoke to me in my adolescence....

>> No.1289891

Oh. I remember the last blueberry thread, just hope this will be as awesome as the last one.

>> No.1290118
File: 409 KB, 775x774, vlcsnap-2010-05-09-01h16m36s105 bt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only with great prose will it become great once more.

>> No.1291487



>> No.1292051

What show would that be?

>> No.1292053

Tracy Beaker. Think I cried many times watching it.

>> No.1292385

Why on Earth would this thread remind you of anything but Willy Wonka?

>> No.1292663
File: 26 KB, 409x500, birth993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really needs more descriptions.

>> No.1292930
File: 24 KB, 500x375, rd16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually had to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for a course recently and this girl DOES look suspiciously like Violet. With her "mop of curly brown hair" and all.