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/lit/ - Literature

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12886122 No.12886122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>”Bullying is fucked up man”

>> No.12886128

who's dat?

i wanna touch her boobs too

>> No.12886135

I'm surprised the baby is not black.

>> No.12886145

missed /pol/ again, huh?

>> No.12886158
File: 1010 KB, 2278x3222, 777338313d929c7482db3698e0de4234b4f38a7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of literature do soibois read? Probably a mix of Marvel comics and novels like pic related, no?

>> No.12886169

reading is a soiboi activity. It's a hobby designed for women and invalids.

>> No.12886179

"We are raising our children atheist so they can be open minded!"

>> No.12886181

State of this board

>> No.12886185

What is /pol/ doing here?

>> No.12886190

No it's not. I was bullied relentlessly in middle school. Never stood up for myself. Learned it later in life. They should have bullied me harder so I would've been forced to learn to fight for myself. Wish I could go back, but the past is the past and there will be bullies yet for me to beat up.
Bullying is right and just. Early and often.

>> No.12886191
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Did you learn nothing from /fitlit/?

>> No.12886199

Yes, allowing children to torment other children is awful. It will cause damage to the victim in the short term, and both parties will be damaged in the long term.

>> No.12886209

>and both parties will be damaged in the long term.
How so?

>> No.12886212

t. seething discord trannies

>> No.12886228

Who the fuck allows children to bully, you dumb fuck? They do it anyway, and if you snitch you get it even worse. Children shouldn't be taught to tell an adult, because that always makes things worse. They should be taught to defend themselves. Ignoring doesn't work either.
And if someone bullied my kid, I would go beat up his dad.

>> No.12886265

I don't give a shit about muh psychological trauma, but do you not realise how fragile human bodies, especially young ones, can be? A wrong punch, one push too hard, one unlucky fall can fuck up your life permanently forever. Whatever idiotic notion of badass school of life you attached to bullying just isn't worth it, aggressive violence is bad period, and whoever causes it should be stopped with doubled force and viciousness. The ancient principle of eye for an eye lost it's relevance and it's fucking up modern world hard. Violent criminals shouldn't be given jail time, they should be killed, and violent children shouldn't be given a stern talk by the principal, they should be instantly expelled.

>> No.12886284

what if his dad wasn't in the picture, would you beat up his mother's husband?

>> No.12886288

Ok I understand what you're saying but why did you say that both parties will be damaged in the long term?

>> No.12886296

Why is this on the literature board?

>> No.12886298

Someone obviously shoved you down a flight of stairs at a young age.

>> No.12886301

Wasn't me m8

>> No.12886304
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Why the fuck is this on /lit/

>> No.12886306

shut up, cuck we do what we want here

>> No.12886321

As far as the victim is concerned, it should be fairly obvious. Apart from missing out on a good childhood experience due to some asshole's caprice, victims of bullying experience lower self-esteem, trust issues, etc.
As for the perpetrator, there's the intuition that seems to me most people on /lit/ would have as well, and that's that being cruel is not going to make you a better person. If you grow up to be a moral person (which is not a given if nobody is going to stop you from being a cruel kid) you'll hopefully feel guilty about what you've done. But that aside, there's also scientific evidence for this. For example, even perpetrators of social exclusion experience negative, especially when you're just playing along instead of being the main perpetrator.
OK tough guy. I assume you were bullied as a kid, right?

>> No.12886328

Are we waiting for Them to bully your outsider opinions into submission? Public shame for your outsider life.

>> No.12886332

>defends public schools

>> No.12886351

Schools shouldn't be a thing at all. Kids should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, go the fucking bookstore and hit the books. If you need instruction or socialisation you're probably just going to grow up to be a limp-wristed communist and the free market has decided that you're not needed.

>> No.12886354
File: 35 KB, 644x800, 3A4A6FE8-6513-4B47-ABD6-91B5769066E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, why are you focusing on the stylistic choices, diction, obscure allusions, and complex sentence structures? It’s all about the character interactions and personality traits!

>> No.12886358

is he wrong?

>> No.12886361

Okay, so if schools are banned why would kids still be their own isolated authority?

>> No.12886365

The free market. It's human nature.

>> No.12886376

Why are you trying to ruin this board by posting irrelevant content?

>> No.12886378

>free market
You need some bullying, sweatie.

>> No.12886385

Bullying is as natural as capitalism. If people decide to bully me then so be it. The market can't be wrong.

>> No.12886388

This cuck has a kid, wtf is your excuse /lit/?

>> No.12886390

quit your impotent bitching you wannabe janitor faggot

>> No.12886395
File: 62 KB, 631x640, nodog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if your kid is getting bullied in the park you are just going to stand there and allow it to happen?
(Not a left/right fag. Image for demonstration purposes only. Do not try this at home. Not liable for any injuries or defamation as a result of this meme.)

>> No.12886403

I probably bullied people like you in high school and I still feel terrible about it

>> No.12886405
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>> No.12886409

If he doesn't adopt and persevere then he's definitely going to become a woman and nobody needs someone like that.

>> No.12886412

I did the bullying in my high school, cuck and here I am bullying you again now and you look like a bitch in front of the whole board
>c-can we get back on topic pls?
how about fuck you and suck my dick you whiny little nerd?

>> No.12886416

This but completely non meme unirocinally

>> No.12886422

Please, stop. This is a work-safe board. Profane, hideously disgusting, nausea inducing spiritual gore like the image you've posted belongs on a NSFW board.

>> No.12886427

i never got the anti-hunting thing till i just saw this image

>> No.12886429

>P-please don't be mean to my terrible thread!
You are a pathetic faggot and I wish I knew where you were so I could stomp your skull in, you gay larper

>> No.12886432

>as natural as capitalism
You need to be bullied

>> No.12886435

>people still dont fucking understand trophy hunting

Who cares that some fat fuck wanted a retarded photo op

>> No.12886447
File: 210 KB, 511x420, suzuha_disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything more gaudy and unseemly then these disgusting hunting selfies? It's doubly true for trophy hunting. "Look fellow boomers, I got off of my fat rotting ass and waddled my way here, and shot an animal". Good job, you fucking savage.

>> No.12886450

>obscure allusions, and complex sentence structures
holy cringe

>> No.12886454

Adam Smith wrote about how God's influence is weilded through the market, which means that it's obviously the more natural type of society, and the most moral.

>> No.12886455

I am in Stafford Township, New jersey you punk bitch. I'll drive an hour any direction to fight you free of charge, or you can buy me a plane ticket and rent me an uber and I'll personally come to your shitty little flyover city and beat your nerd ass. You have probably never stomped anything in your life you pussy. Quit talking shit you're embarrassing yourself punk!

>> No.12886458

I thought I was being bullied in middle school when this jock kid I went to elementary school with called me names. After watching anime where bullies threw food over people and forced them to drink toilet water, I realized I'd been a pussy as a kid.

>> No.12886461
File: 210 KB, 1024x681, 1543500160768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at the life of the child compared to its parents through the eyes and facial expression. Innocent and true Being, but it will become corrupted by the parents. Will be surrounded in a personal spectacle of false emotion where a magical car sings a song for ten hours.
His parents will soon enough teach him about the 'wonders of capitalism', and any current social ideology that's popular.
The once true soul, will become another battery for the system.

>> No.12886463

>As for the perpetrator, there's the intuition that seems to me most people on /lit/ would have as well, and that's that being cruel is not going to make you a better person. If you grow up to be a moral person (which is not a given if nobody is going to stop you from being a cruel kid) you'll hopefully feel guilty about what you've done. But that aside, there's also scientific evidence for this. For example, even perpetrators of social exclusion experience negative, especially when you're just playing along instead of being the main perpetrator.
I think everyone alive aside from the masochistic would rather be the perpetrator compared to the victim, those who are instructed are just victims to a lesser extent.
>For example, even perpetrators of social exclusion experience negative, especially when you're just playing along instead of being the main perpetrator.
You do realise that only the most overempathetic would have lifelong negative effects (most likely the sort of select few people they used in these tests volunteering for a study like this in the first place) and the effects would be negligible compared to those of the excluded.
>Although targets were negatively affected by exclusion, the sources of exclusion also suffered negative consequences.
If they are in a position of power over the excluded and they are in control of their own actions, how does feeling a little guilt compare to the life long debilitations suffered by the victim? Who is most likely weak already

>As for the perpetrator, there's the intuition that seems to me most people on /lit/ would have as well, and that's that being cruel is not going to make you a better person. If you grow up to be a moral person (which is not a given if nobody is going to stop you from being a cruel kid) you'll hopefully feel guilty about what you've done.
This is just incomparable, the effects are delimiting in a way you most likely wouldn't even realise or care about if you did these things anyway, you'd just live in bliss and suffer no meaningful effects whatsoever.

>> No.12886481

>I think everyone alive aside from the masochistic would rather be the perpetrator compared to the victim, those who are instructed are just victims to a lesser extent.
I didn't say that they would be damaged equally. I'm just saying that adults should consider bullies from the perspective of rehabilitation in addition to punishment.

>> No.12886483

it's a good thing incels like you won't get to breed in the first place.

>> No.12886484

you know where I am bitch, what happened to the tough talk? are we gonna fight or are you gonna tuck your tiny dick between your legs and apologize?

>> No.12886486

it's the evident value difference between that sad excuse for a man and that beautiful creature of the plains. he does not deserve that kill.

>> No.12886490

>I'm just saying that adults should consider bullies from the perspective of rehabilitation in addition to punishment.
You mean making them docile, overempathetic and oversocialising them

>> No.12886496

I thank god I have never been to a state as flyover as New Jersey you wop cuck.
>Y-you buy me the plane ticket! P-please!!
Totally pathetic, get some money, it's a $400 flight. Unless you're too poor? Couldn't save the lunch money that got shaken out of your pockets?
You seem like you piss your pants whenever confronted with something
>S-see guys, it took him a minute to come back to the thread! He's not zealously monitoring it like I am! What a pussy, right guys? Guys?
Suck my dick you retard

>> No.12886509

I'd rather be the victim, I can at least forgive, if I were the perpetrator I'd feel shame, guilt and regret.

>> No.12886510
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a system that works on mass production and consumption, makes different corporations focus on different groups to advertise their propoganda towards, destroys nature all around the world, scatters immigrants everywhere so a constant birth growth is present and capitalists get cheap labor work, makes human connection a privilege, gives the mass 'freedom' which they have no idea what to do with and end up dragging themselves nude on the street as an art performance covered in fake blood while screaming "I am an abortion individual!", gets the mass addicted on food and medicine
On and on it goes. There's no morality here, this is falsity, a world built on destruction and being untrue to ones self.