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/lit/ - Literature

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12882672 No.12882672 [Reply] [Original]

>Clarice Lispector, Brazil's finest author of the 20th century

I was going to reply to that person individually. However, I've seen this belief getting so widespread around this board that I decided to make a thread in order to clarify one thing: Clarice Lispector was not our finest writer, and not even our finest novelist of the past century. I understand that someone might argue she was near the top, but calling her the best is expressing a very radical opinion which is by no means shared by the majority of Brazilian critics (although, curiously enough, it is very popular among Brazilian teenage girls who are also fans of Paulo Coelho).

If you do not know any Portuguese, you should refrain yourself from engaging in this discussion.

Now, so as to illustrate what I am saying, here are ten 20th century Brazilian authors who are better than her: Guimarães Rosa; Carlos Drummond de Andrade; João Cabral de Melo Neto; Murilo Mendes; Jorge de Lima; Manuel Bandeira; Bruno Tolentino; Gerardo Mello Mourão; Cecília Meirelles; Euclides da Cunha. One could also include Cyro dos Anjos, Lima Barreto, or even the Campos brothers (both), depending on one's aesthetic vision. Or Machado de Assis: he published Esau e Jacó in 1904, and O Memorial de Aires in 1909. And Ferreira Gullar could be added to the bunch too. Not to mention Oswald de Andrade, if one's into experimentalism. And there's also Érico Veríssimo, who wrote a gigantic novel which I haven't read yet, but is considered the very magnum opus of Southern Brazilian literature. Raduan Nassar's prose is probably as personal and touching as Clarice's. And what about the poor Alberto da Cunha Melo, whose poetry develops the style of João Cabral into something a lot more real and contemporary, but has been unjustly forgotten due to the relative isolation in which he lived? If one thinks literature should have a social purpose and believes in left-wing ideals Jorge Amado is also a possible choice. If translators are to be counted, what can we say of Carlos Alberto Nunes, who translated the complete works of Homer, Plato, Shakespeare, as well as the Aeneid of Virgil? Or Jenny Klabin Segall with her beautiful renderings of Goethe's Faust and a whole bunch of French plays?

>> No.12882675

I think it’s very sad to see the status which Clarice has gained among foreigners (Americans, that is) as the 'best Brazilian novelist' of the past century. She is not. No one in Brazil thinks so, and it's been only in recent years that foreigners have elevated her work to a status which it doesn't really deserve - they deny it to Os Sertões and Claro Enigma -, mainly because of political reasons and because it’s easy to turn her into a feminist icon. They couldn't do that with the old, Catholic Cecília, a great poet, and much less with Adélia Prado, so they had to choose Clarice instead. And it doesn’t stop with her: now Brazilians are doing the very same thing with that laughably untalented carioca junkie from the 80's whose name does not deserved to be mentioned. Very soon she's going to be translated and looked at as 'the best Brazilian poet of the second half of the 20th-century' (after Chico Buarque, of course). It's ridiculous. And they’ve been doing the same to Hilda Hilst too, although, like Clarice, she at least had some talent. What's next? Gregório Duvivier? Somebody kill me before it happens!

Meanwhile, conveniently thrown ‘’nos aguaçais dos Igapós dos Japurás e dos Purus’’, Mello Mourão, a better poet than many of the Anglo-American masters, remains drowned in the waters of oblivion, beautifully untranslated, waiting to be found by those who know enough to seek him.

(And I haven’t even mentioned Otto Maria Carpeaux).

>> No.12882688

>If you do not know any Portuguese, you should refrain yourself from engaging in this discussion.

Just try and stop us

>> No.12882696

nobody catres faggot

>> No.12882702

pretty people get all the attention, I think that is basically what it comes down to

any great female authors who write in a similar vein but do it better?

>> No.12882758

>Machado de Assis
Didn't know people argued against him being the best.

Looking forward to checking out the others.

>> No.12882766

Machado de Assis and Rosa are the ultimate bosses of Brazil. There's no doubt.

>> No.12882789

you see here... the american 'woke' cancer is now spreading all over the world. short of 2 years ago it wouldve been a joke of how eternally banal american issues are. and now everyone is sulking on a copy of a coast to coast artifact of silicon valley and the ny times built overnight smackdab on their quaint communities. the haven they once knew where they could savor coffee beans and sling in-language jokes are now eroding from beneath their leather loafers. and no, there is no manager you could complain to. congratulations.

>> No.12882809

Im reading Guimaraes Rosa (im brazilian) and cant understand it quite well, only generally but not the details, i get lost quite easily because of his vocabulary (im reading Tutameia)
Am i a brainlet?

>> No.12882811

Machado's best novels were published in the 19th century

>> No.12882820

>Am I a brainlet
No, bro.

>ost of the book's spirit is however lost in translation, as the Portuguese original is written in a register that is both archaic and colloquial, as well as full of the author's remakable neologisms, which makes the aesthetics of the book a challenging task to transpose to other languages. The combination of its size, linguistic oddness and polemic themes caused a shock when it was published, but now it is widely regarded as the greatest work of Brazilian literature and one of the most important novels of Portuguese language literature and South American literature. In a 2002 poll of 100 noted writers conducted by the Bokklubben World Library, the book was named among the top 100 books of all time.[2]

>> No.12882827

Oops I skimmed your post and thought you were talking about Grande Sertão hehe but I guess it's the same in all of his works

>> No.12882862

>no based Ariano Suassuna

>> No.12882872

>no Zé Lins do Rego
>no Graciliano Ramos
>no Rachel de Queiroz
>no Raimundo Carrero
>includes Bruno Tolentino

Lmao, just ignore the OP, he's a brain dead retard. Clarice is good and I'd rather have her at the top than some paulistano whatever.

>> No.12882875

The thing is im reading it in portuguese and i constantly feel dumb and that im not enjoying and experiencing it as i should. Also, i wanted to try Anibal Machado after this, what do you think of him?

>> No.12882880

Does the OP claim it's a exhaustive list?

>> No.12882883

someone should rangeban hues

>> No.12882885


>> No.12883128

His selection evidences his literary gaps, and they are enormous.

>> No.12883208

You're just trying to show off

>> No.12883284

>Best author of Br
>Born on Ukraine

>> No.12883298 [DELETED] 

She grew up in Brazil

>> No.12883308

She is not the best author of BR and she grew up in Brazil. She arrived at the country when she was 2 years old

>> No.12883336

Clarice Lispector, Machado de Assis, Paulo Coelho and Aluísio Azevedo are memes that need to die.

>> No.12883339

Machado isn't a meme, you retard

>> No.12883346

Neither Clarice, nor Machado not Aluísio Azevedo are memes. You're a retarded. She isn't bad at all. And, my god, if you can't see the genius in Machado, you're not fit for literature.

>> No.12883353

Machado is shit.

O Cortiço is shit.

>> No.12883366

What is her best book? I want to read her work now.

Thanks for introducing me to a good female writer who doesn't write in English.

>> No.12883376


>> No.12883388
File: 16 KB, 248x400, The_hour_of_the_star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most reviewed one in goodreads is this one so it's probably this one

>> No.12883389

>Clarice had to live with the possibility that her mother conceived her as a cure for the disease. She said she carried the guilt of her mother’s death with her for the rest of her life.

WTF is this nonsense? Are her books full of such self-pity too?

>> No.12883396

Thanks, anon.

This is a terribly written article. You could've at least warned me.

>> No.12883416
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There's also this one. According to wikipedia
>Its canonical status was recognized in 1988 by its inclusion in the Arquivos Collection, the UNESCO series of critical editions of the greatest works of Latin American literature.[1]

>> No.12883426

>premier Latin American woman prose writer
>woman prose
WTF is that?

I dunno man, the more i read about her the more i think she's overrated. I guess i'll have to read her to find out.

Thanks anyway

>> No.12883600 [DELETED] 

You probably are. Do you have nigger blood?

>> No.12883961


Just bad translation of the Wikipedia article, not that "woman prose" is a thing, but that she was a woman and wrote in prose

Go read The Hour of the Star, it's great

>> No.12883967

>Machado de Assis
>Aluisio Azevedo

Authors aren't memes just because they made you suck at highschool/vestibular

>> No.12883972
File: 77 KB, 630x354, claricelispector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't pretty

>> No.12883973

Nah ur wtong

>> No.12884002 [DELETED] 

>uppity macaco at it again with his copypasta
monkey be glad someone gives a shit about anything from your shithole in the first place

>> No.12884025

she's sort of pretty?

>> No.12884146

Nice Bolano rip off OP

>> No.12885018

>bolano rip off

How? She wrote her first book in 1943 and her last one in 1978. Bolaño published his first novel in 1993

>> No.12885254

Yeah but who cares what Brazilians think

>> No.12885266

You know the people producing the literature maybe just maybe might be in a better position to judge their own literature than outsiders. I know, I know such an extreme idea!!

>> No.12885613

This often happens with authors from a particular country. Edgar Allen Poe is considered an influential, high-brow, proto-modernist writer by a lot of Europeans, but he's generally thought of as entry-level by Americans.

>> No.12885648
File: 348 KB, 1200x1800, too poor to replace torn clothes very sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to low effort bait at all
>replying to low effort bait with exclams

>> No.12886630

He's saying OP ripped off Bolaño. Maybe it has to do with Bolaño's dismissal of Octavio Paz.

>> No.12886654
File: 134 KB, 736x1085, rdaDxIx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone gets ugly when they grow old.

>> No.12886669

She cute. Fun thing: she lived her formative years in my city. There's a life size bronze statue of her in front of her old house (which is, sadly, pretty much abandoned).

>> No.12886687

She turned into a bitter hag once she got old. Look it up on youtube.

>> No.12886733

escuta aqui seu filho da puta, é melhor você começar a sustentar seus argumentos para o tanto de bosta que você tá digitando por linha seu anacefalo do caralho

>> No.12887902

eu nem me esforçaria em responder um reply ridículo desse. Quem faz uma declaração dessas não merece consideração.

>> No.12887908

Meio fora de tópico: existe um chan brasileiro?

>> No.12887939

Beauty belongs to the youth

>> No.12887989

shut the fuck up

>> No.12888021

Oi, vc é recifense?

>> No.12888069

Nem queira

>> No.12888086

Absolutely basão

>> No.12888317

>untalented carioca junkie from the 80's whose name does not deserved to be mentioned.
is she A.M.M. ? its probably because she went into "exile" in the 70s, now more than ever it gives any bum a hero status.

its like the BR lolocaust, or huelocaust

>> No.12888356
File: 781 KB, 527x625, augusto dos anjos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Se tu é o cidadão que tá falando merda de Machado, por favor, tá passando vergonha.


>> No.12888572

O treco em Suzano saiu de um. Como outro anão disse, nem queira. Só a nata da merda frequenta chans brasileiros.

>> No.12888703

>Denying Clarice's talent because she's more marketable than Hilst or obscure poets
Anon please don't be a pseud
I think there are 2 but they're both shit. Full of wannabe ebic 4chanarians. Don't waste your time there.

>> No.12889028

God this pasta is old

>> No.12889091 [DELETED] 

I just found out that she had a lisp with the letter r.

>> No.12889710

>No one in Brazil thinks so
not an argument

>> No.12889735

>>12887908 sim, e está cheio de marginais.

>> No.12889744

Are Portuguese really that insecure about their 2nd (if not 3rd) rate artistic canon ? Maybe op should stop typing and translate some of these local geniuses in a decent language first.

>> No.12889754

because they post in my board and it makes me mad!!

>> No.12889774

>decent language
maybe we should translate it to spanish or french or italian or even romanian, then because seeing any romance language translated into such a shitty one like english is a displeasure I'd rather not have.

>> No.12889812

Let me guess, this was written by a disgruntled olavate.
inb4 commie. Fuck those faggots too.

>> No.12889819

Sure, don’t care. Portuguese won’t cut it though.

>> No.12890089

chan brasileiro só presta em momentos cítricos no Brasil. O /b/ no dia em que Bolsonaro foi espetado estava absolutamente magnífico, mas em situações normais é absolutamente asqueroso, como os anons já apontaram.
>banido por forçação de barra tentando discutir literatura só porque dei uma babada nos ovos de J. Joyce

>> No.12890154

vc é estudante? seria bacana ter alguém do /lit pra trocar uma ideia na federal

>> No.12890250
File: 10 KB, 316x159, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>momentos cítricos

>> No.12890778

She's called 'Brazil's finest female author', you nitwit. And she is good.

>> No.12890792

não dei nenhuma indicação se tal atentado e suas consequências foram positivas ou negativas, mas negar a importância deste acontecimento é retardo puro, parceiro.

>> No.12890817

by the way, outro momento crítico recente em que o /b/ estava bacana foi o museu do Rio indo pras cucuia.

>> No.12891205

>No one in Brazil thinks so,
Speedo wearing, soup de macao eating, hung hue traps I'd suck off (no homo) aren't by any means relevant here, tho

>> No.12891322

She's Jewish, did you know?

>> No.12891360

Amber is HOT goddamn

>> No.12891404

what literary character would you have her play?

>> No.12891480

She had a lisp with the letter r

>> No.12891495

Mmmmmmmh honnêtement je me suis jamais posé cette question pourtant je tape que dans les wannabe amber heard des cours florents

>> No.12891602

OP is a pasta and she is respected in BR, I mean I don't think gringos would know about her if she weren't respected at home since all of her work are in PT but your post is so retarded. Imagine if french people translated Bukowski and only him, read only his book in french and then said "This is THE best writer in the US. Who cares what Americans think?"

>> No.12891699

It might be because she was a jew.

>> No.12891772

Yes. She's very disturbed.

>> No.12893111

Releia o post do limão atentamente

>> No.12893141

Ariano Suassuna could also be mentioned, right? I haven't read him yet but heard and read a lot of good things about his works, specially Romance da Pedra do Reino.

>> No.12893179

Ariano Suassuna e Jorge Amado são basões e só incels e metidos a neoparnasianos discordam.

>> No.12894122

>carioca junkie
Great post btw, 100% truth

>> No.12894136

Fun thing: I live 300m away from where she spent her last decades. There's a statue of her here too. Also, one of my family members had an affair with her in the early 70s

>> No.12894396


>> No.12894566

Based. Hour of the star is milk and honey tier

>> No.12895135 [DELETED] 

fucking stupid shithead favela monkeys

go swing on the favela bars u poor cunts

kill urselves

>> No.12895218
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>> No.12895266
File: 408 KB, 978x1440, claricelispector3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wasn't ugly

>> No.12895272

wtf that's not her

>> No.12895300

Fuck, you're right that's Alice Denham. Sorry for the misinformation.

>> No.12895392

Também achava que baseado era a tradução oficial de based.

>> No.12895941

Alice Denham...
Grow up.

>> No.12896118

Pra mim era basado, nem basão, basõe ou baseado.