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12879110 No.12879110 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is going on in America? The dictionary is doing this.

>> No.12879115

This can’t be real.

>> No.12879122

I liked the dictionary better when it was descriptive, not prescriptive.

>> No.12879124
File: 318 KB, 1240x1240, 52493E19-2E4A-408D-81E2-C10C4D675143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hell if I know, old sport. This was from an apparently serious article of journalism

>> No.12879125

>american society committing suicide
feels good

>> No.12879128

>What the fuck is going on in America?
People let women make decisions

>> No.12879139


Congress just demanded our president's tax returns from the IRS yesterday and Barr is about to be forced to release the Mueller report, actually

>> No.12879140

dictionary.com is not "the dictionary." If it's not OED, it's not "the dictionary."

>> No.12879148

We're just round2ing with this bad boy:
Progressivism is the term applied to a variety of responses to the economic and social problems rapid industrialization introduced to America. Progressivism began as a social movement and grew into a political movement. The early progressives rejected Social Darwinism. In other words, they were people who believed that the problems society faced (poverty, violence, greed, racism, class warfare) could best be addressed by providing good education, a safe environment, and an efficient workplace (read: legislating social problems out of existence). Progressives lived mainly in the cities, were college educated, and believed that government could be a tool for change. Social reformers, like Jane Addams, and journalists, like Jacob Riis and Ida Tarbel, were powerful voices for progressivism. They concentrated on exposing the evils of corporate greed, combating fear of immigrants, and urging Americans to think hard about what democracy meant. Other local leaders encouraged Americans to register to vote, fight political corruption, and let the voting public decide how issues should best be addressed (the initiative, the referendum, and the recall). On a national level, progressivism gained a strong voice in the White House when Theodore Roosevelt became president in 1901. TR believed that strong corporations were good for America, but he also believed that corporate behavior must be watched to ensure that corporate greed did not get out of hand (trust-busting and federal regulation of business). Progressivism ended with World War I when the horrors of war exposed people's cruelty and many Americans associated President Woodrow Wilson's use of progressive language ("the war to make the world safe for democracy") with the war.

>> No.12879156

I don't understand your gist

>> No.12879157

The progressive era lead to prohibition, mainstreamed concepts from eugenics, and were obsessed with social problems.
I'm salty about the prohibition, public distrust of mental health infrastructure, eugenicism, and government overreach.

>> No.12879166


>> No.12879180

Honk honk

>> No.12879182

>Retarded progs take figures of sperch literally


>> No.12879233

What the hell is wrong with America? When did all this social war start?

>> No.12879261
File: 163 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Merriam-Webster_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss me yet?

>> No.12879265

3rd wave feminism and SJWs taking over the humanities
The sexual revolution was a mistake

>> No.12879273

Women have mostly got what they wanted, this is just salt in the wound

>> No.12879278

Stop being insecure about your masculinity. No one should be forced to act a certain way

>> No.12879281

>"Women should be respected, if not feared."
If that's so why do are they ever doing retarded cringy shit like this that makes me pity them?

>> No.12879287

>No one should be forced to act a certain way
Yes they should.

>> No.12879291

MW suck too, they were frankly insufferable during the american election cycle

>> No.12879292

these lards do come up with most retarded shit

>> No.12879297

how are those bad things?

>> No.12879302

Letting kids choose how they want to express themselves instead of forcing antiquated toxic masculinity down their throats is a bad thing? Maybe if you despots let men express their emotions the suicide rate wouldn't be so high.

>> No.12879304

>standing up for masculinity makes you insecure about your masculinity the only way to be secure about your masculinity is to act like a woman
I know this is bait but there are people who think this is a serious argument and I don't get it. Like do they not think this out before they say it?

>> No.12879311

Who said its forced on them? What if that just more often than not the natural male behavior?

>> No.12879314

Reminder that every american sjw trend gets picked up by western europe almost as soon as it appears in the media.

>> No.12879317

If you wanted to do this you’d start by being empathetic to men on a personal level. But seeing as everyone is only really interested with virtue signalling on a mass scale, we’re going to continue to be fed this meaningless and aggravating bullshit while letting eachother waste away.

>> No.12879330

How about inventing a new phrase celebrating the inclusivity of blubbing like a faggot should you so wish? Instead of vlogging a tut-tut decree that a phrase in common English usage needs to "unlearned"? You sound like a half-brained budget price Stalinist with a cacti jabbed in your cunt when you do that.

>> No.12879332

Wow, you believe in a conspiracy theory.
Despots are "forcing antiquated toxic masculinity down throats"? To what end? Some subconscious psychological shit no doubt.
Nah, none of this is decided or forced by anyone. Grow up.

>> No.12879333

>only really interested with virtue signalling on a mass scale
Tbh this shit is probably more about click bait and traffic than anything else.

>> No.12879353


>Maybe if you despots let men express their emotions the suicide rate wouldn't be so high.

there is something very ironic about this sentence...

>> No.12879362
File: 128 KB, 740x503, FABE99AB-C057-4C41-9DA7-A50ED683DCDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his country doesnt have an almost royalty-like group of lingüists dedicated to preserving and investigating its language

>> No.12879373

If you are self aware about your masculinity you don't have it. It comes naturally to you. Only beta faggots spend their day obsessing about how to act alpha.

>> No.12879378

Because men are conditioned to be stoic and courageous from birth. It's ingrained in the culture, the media, the literature, etc. Phrases like 'boys don't cry' -- when considered in context of the cultural discourse boys grow up in -- can have extremely pernicious effects. This is borne out in all of the psychological data. Homeless men, for example, are much more likely than homeless women to say that they don't need support despite facing similar plights. This cyclical pattern leads to men feeling like they have to live up to their ideal Manliness which culture imposes on them. Gender norms completely antithetical and hostile to individual expression.

>what about muh nature
1. Naturalistic fallacy is not valid. 2. Even if it were, I am positively convinced at this point that evolutionary psychology is just a conservative fabrication intended to justify the status-quo.

>> No.12879408

Is that a problem?

>> No.12879416

The only reason anyone is self-aware about masculinity is because faggots keep trying to tell men that it's masculine to act like women, which rips masculinity from a natural state into this whole giant question as to what masculinity actually is. Responding "no" to some transnigger who says "well actually the most masculine thing you can do is turn yourself into a woman" is the most masculine thing you can do in that situation. Otherwise you're just letting faggots potentially corrupt people who might not be as secure with themselves but who would otherwise have been able to become great men given the chance.

>> No.12879423

>-- can have extremely pernicious effects
citation needed

>> No.12879425


>> No.12879440

Even if there were absolutely no measurable effects (there are), don't you think that it's bad, on principle, to preclude people from expressing their emotions? Making them bottle it all up? Any psychotherapist will tell you that this is an unhealthy mindset.

>> No.12879453
File: 46 KB, 500x375, 1553385944788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine knowing this little about men and the challenges they face and running your mouth about it and expecting others to listen to you

>> No.12879461

>Gender norms completely antithetical and hostile to individual expression
maybe holding "Individual expression" to be the most important thing leads to societal chaos and general unhappiness?
maybe telling boys it's okay to indulge their emotions whenever and wherever they fancy it creates unhappy, incapable men who can't respec themselves and who aren't respected by others?
maybe the last people who should be sticking their fucking oar into this discussion is women who a) have next to no what it's like to be a man , and so b) have no idea what makes men emotionally functional and adapted, because c) they don't have fucking penises.
If they're really keen on "being respected" not smearing their vaginas about way outside their field of competence, fucking up the mental health of young boys and coming across like dick-envying shrews and harridans would be a useful first step, to my mind.

>> No.12879464

American traditions alright. The sooner this meme of a nation collapses, the better.

>> No.12879472

I long for american balkanization but my region would need lightning-fast organization to avoid a chinese takeover. Let alone the economic consequences, we might become a chinese vassal state anyway.

>> No.12879475

>wah people are conditioned to how I dont like they should be conditioned to how I LIKE

All you had to say desy

>> No.12879481

>don't you think that it's bad, on principle, to preclude people from expressing their emotions?
The phrase doesn't do that. I grew up hearing it. I let myself cry when I feel it's appropriate.
Attempting to re-engineer language on the basis of your (quite possibly nuts) ideological preferences is more sinister than any phrase could be
>bottling things up is unhealthy
Yes. Exactly and that's exactly what this dumb vlog is aiming at.
>Even if there were absolutely no measurable effects (there are)
How the effects of the contrary aren't worse?

>> No.12879482

Id rather the Chinese take over than the puppeteer-ed corpse of America

>> No.12879483

>ree the way things are done have unintended negative consequences, my theoretical other way of doing things would have much less negative unintended consequences ree!
Works in simple systems but never in complex ones, let alone something as amorphous as "the culture"

>> No.12879484

>t. ping ling ding

>> No.12879486

Objectively it would be worse to be China's bitch.
You think the fed humiliates you and tramps all over your rights holy fuck you would not like what it's like living in Tibet or Taiwan

>> No.12879505

>evolutionary psychology is just a conservative fabrication intended to justify the status-quo.
because you don't like the conclusions. fantastic, roastie.

>> No.12879520

Yeah I generally think people should be taught that violence, rape, bottling up emotions, etc. are bad things. Unlike you, I don't appeal to tradition or nature to justify this; I just think it would increase happiness for society.
>The phrase doesn't do that. I grew up hearing it. I let myself cry when I feel it's appropriate.
Your personal experience is utterly worthless in this conversation. It is an indisputable fact that men are less likely to seek help and more likely to hide emotions, which you admitted were bad things.

>> No.12879533

All that stuff has always been taught as a bad thing. Weird that you'd throw in "bottling up emotions" alongside violence and rape. One is a byproduct of wellness culture which is objectively bad for everyone, the other two are actual crimes and generally considered to be immoral and shitty. Are you trolling?

>> No.12879556

t. discord tranny

>> No.12879558

Pff as if...

>> No.12879559

>Weird that you'd throw in "bottling up emotions" alongside violence and rape.
I didn't 'throw in' anything, I was listing properties of toxic masculinity.
>Violence is already frowned upon
The phrase 'boys will be boys', which is what the OP references, is precisely used to justify violence amongst boys.
>One is a byproduct of wellness culture which is objectively bad for everyone
I'm glad you admit it's objectively bad for everyone. Now you just need to admit that it disproportionately affects men because of toxic masculinity.

>> No.12879562

>No one should be forced to act a certain way
Should we stop people from murdering each other?

>> No.12879563

They never seem to adress toxic feminity I guess thats just >implied or whatever excuse they make

>> No.12879564

>Your personal experience is utterly worthless in this conversation. It is an indisputable fact that men are less likely to seek help and more likely to hide emotions, which you admitted were bad things.
No, my personal experience is not worthless in this conversation.
There's no evidence that that phrase is linked to men not seeking help or hiding their emotions.
There's no evidence that inappropriate displays of emotion are not even more damaging to men than stifling them would be.
Men need to be taught to engage with their emotions more fully. That doesn't mean telling them it's ok to piss them around wherever they feel like it is healthy for them or others.
> I just think it would increase happiness for society.
OK. Teach parents, mainly fathers, that's it's good to interact with their sons on an emotional level. Don't chuck your weight behind hamfisted feminist language policing campaigns.
DId you catch the spite in the video? - "women are to be respected, if not feared" - kek.

>> No.12879567

theyre just setting this all up so women accept the draft when it happens next.

buy a farm, horde old books, drop out of society

>> No.12879572

that vid is toxic feminity

>> No.12879576

I know 1984 is a cringe reference but come on. That is archetypal Newspeak.

>> No.12879589

>No, my personal experience is not worthless in this conversation.
Stopped reading there. If you analyse cultural phenomena through anecdotes you have nothing interesting to say to me.

>> No.12879591

Uncle Ted here has it right. At this point there's no stopping the storm, just ride it through.

>> No.12879594

>minor rough housing is full on violence

Yikes, also the term isnt just used to justify rough housing its just the popular one in femqueers concious

>> No.12879598

>The phrase 'boys will be boys', which is what the OP references, is precisely used to justify violence amongst boys.
Good. The interaction between boys needs to contain an element of violence. That needs to be managed so as to not overstep the mark and not lead to bullying. The phrase is useful for that.

>> No.12879599

What else would he use, Pure Reason? This was settled hundreds of years ago anon, we must not stray from experience.

>> No.12879602

The French academy is bad too. Just because they’re prescriptivists doesn’t mean they are immune to the trends of the times. I read they were looking at accepting alternate spellings and grammatical usages so that banlieue-speak would be just as valid as anything.

>> No.12879603

Wtf is cultural phenonmena besides a collection of anecdotes?

>> No.12879606

>Stopped reading there.
Personal anecdote has relevance to informal discussion. By all means stop up your ears, I couldn't care less.

>> No.12879623
File: 745 KB, 720x960, 1541506823629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, masculinity is something that naturally comes from all male beings (most of the time) and they shouldnt be forced to act in other ways and break male-to-male relationships and behaviour that naturally comes. Stop trying to teach something that isnt natural to their behaviour then. The video is the same equivelent of saying that homosexuality is not normal.

>> No.12879624

2013. Rise of mainstream Twitter adoption. Trayvon Martin's death was the exact moment things started getting bad.

>> No.12879633

Do you understand that a collection of things can perform unique functions that a single thing cannot? I.e. Data is valid in analysing culture; my experience is not.

>> No.12879635

SJWism just puritanism in a different dress.
Remember America is a highly religious country. It will take a while for this to change.

>> No.12879640

Has it ever occurred to you that the suicide rate is so high because more men than ever are expressing their emotions without actually learning how to be stoic and strong? Of course not. Now fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.12879643

Natural yes, but normal? As in the norm?

>> No.12879644

We can all tell that you are either an actual woman who has no idea what she is talking about or some gay guy who was constantly bullied based on how you have been responding across this thread.

And look, we get it, you think that in your situation you would have liked to have not been bullied or whatever. But can you step back and look at it in a more detached way? The point of all this is to harden men regardless of whether they are gay and feminized or not. YOU objectively benefit from having a tougher skin as a result of that and to argue otherwise is delusional and nor borne out in studies.

On the other hand if you are a woman fuck off, nobody is telling women they need to stop hazing other women on their appearance. Because that is OBJECTIVELY good also.

>> No.12879645

99.9% of people should shut up about everything and leave cultural matters to social scientists. That'd solve our problems,

>> No.12879655

It will absolutely happen in the next hundred years, no doubt. I do not belong in the same country as >>12879378. We are nothing alike.

>> No.12879657

I think scientific articles suggest that it can be "natural" but homosexuality isnt the norm since they dont make more than 50% of the world's population.
The "values" behind the slogans of "boys will be boys" and "boys dont cry" are also derived from natural male behaviour that comes from boys interacting with each other. So making a video denying that and forcing them to something else is also "wrong".

>> No.12879661

Real quick, I'm taking you seriously because if you honestly believe what you're saying and aren't trolling I think this might be a teachable moment. If you're trolling, congrats you tricked me into typing a 4chan post for at least 3.5 minutes. Ready?
Not all violence is bad violence. It's a subtlety you'd have to be a male immersed in male culture to pick up on so I'm not surprised you missed it (if you're a girl or a guy who was raised in a sufficiently "woke" culture), but this idea that "all violence among boys is unacceptable" is completely missing a massive part of socialization. I can tell you that most guys are able to identify a guy who has missed this part of socialization, there's some deficiencies in the way they interact. It's subtle, but it exists. Males who don't sufficiently bond to other males, males who act with a certain degree of entitlement or arrogance, males who fail to recognize the agency in other men (and yes, women), all could have been insufficiently socialized. Imagine raising a kitten away from other kittens- they would never fully gather that "claws=pain" and would be way too scratchy. Similar with human men, except much more complicated.
You're absolutely right that brutality, bullying, and cruelty among young men is wrong and should be discouraged and stopped by responsible adults, and often lazy adults use the phrase "boys will be boys" as an excuse for their inadequacy, but just blanket saying that violence is always negative is pretty naive. You are throwing the baby out with the bath water, so to speak.
Here's the main takeaway: Some violence among young males is extremely healthy and part of normal socialization. It teaches them how to interact with other boys, restrains them from behaving poorly in nonviolent ways, and is good for bonding. They need to be around adults and adults need to pay attention to them. Instead of applying broad concepts like "zero tolerance for violence because it's toxic and male," you'd need to actually get to know the kids involved and understand the social context of the violence. This takes a lot of effort and is nearly impossible for a bureaucratic institution.
I'm saying that the concept of "bottling up your emotions" is objectively bad for everyone as a byproduct of a wellness ideology which has no bearing in evidence, experience, or the real world in any way. Withholding expression of emotions is extremely healthy in most cases. Imagine if you expressed every negative emotion or feeling that you felt, would you be a useful member of a group or someone who others wanted to be around? Probably not, right? Anecdotally, lots of emotions I feel turn out to be pretty temporary, often they're immature, if I acted on them or expressed them I would be behaving like a child. So "bottling up" emotions is not always negative, I think you'd agree, which shows that both of these ways of being have more tolerance for deviation than you seem to be letting on.

>> No.12879665

Your experienxe can very well be some of the data that is collected though. Shit doesnt just come out of thin air

>> No.12879672

>teachable moment.
good post otherwise

>> No.12879678

Yes and unlike homosexuality the boyish behavior that feminists are trying to supress is indeed normal I would say

>> No.12879685

I kind of doubt it. These deflating empires take like several generations to putter out.
It's gonna be expensive but they're gonna keep this old nag walking.

>> No.12879692

I get that it's funny and overly earnest but I'm actually serious. Being a polarizing prick to people who don't understand something they'd have no reason to understand due to lack of exposure doesn't help anyone.

>> No.12879697

No, legit, who ARE you quoting?
Also no one in this thread actually seems to be having fun

>> No.12879698

lol, imagine letting women educate your sons

>> No.12879704

Masculinity and femininity are myths outside of phenotypical expression tbqh

>> No.12879712

it's a line from the video in OP
i was having fun. venting a little anger. i enjoy it. weka father, insufficiently socialised. net's only place i get to do it.
fair comment. but it's fun. and it's only 4chan.

>> No.12879725


This is one of the keys to adulthood really. I was very happy and proud to be raised almost entirely by my dad. Made me into the successful person I am.

>> No.12879733

Homosexual behaviour can come naturally trough kids aswell. It also has to do with their genes.
I grew up in a more rural and "tradicional" area of europe and my younger sister had a boy at her class that really naturally enjoyed to play more with the girls and had a more feminine expressions and his parent didnt brainwash him with any propaganda.

>> No.12879741

I agree 100% and I would never make the absurd claim that violence is always wrong. The point is to channel that violence in a healthy and disciplined environment such as MMA or boxing classes and never excuse streetfighting amongst kids with 'boys will be boys'. This is how girls are treated and it seems to work.
>So "bottling up" emotions is not always negative
Obviously nobody thinks that there no cases in which expressing emotions is unacceptable. You probably shouldn't cry in a professional setting, for example. It's interpersonal relations that are most affected, however. Men are taught that they should never show sadness even to their loved one's for fear of being perceived as 'weak' and 'unmanly'. It's pathetic.

>> No.12879742

Yeah you're right. It's kind of a cope.
If I don't take some of this shit seriously it'll feel like I'm REALLY wasting my time lmao

>> No.12879747

clueless social engineering that makes people taking part in it feel good but that won't take responsibility for their failures

this charade will only continue as long as progressives get to play the role of the underdog while at the same time controlling all power structures. once they have to answer for what they produce it will crumble down in a week

>> No.12879755

if you're >>12879661
you taught me some things, so thanks

>> No.12879756

debatable, most gay celebrities acknowledge having been """initiated""" at some point by someone much older

>> No.12879761

>Obviously nobody thinks that there no cases in which expressing emotions is unacceptable. You probably shouldn't cry in a professional setting, for example. It's interpersonal relations that are most affected, however. Men are taught that they should never show sadness even to their loved one's for fear of being perceived as 'weak' and 'unmanly'. It's pathetic.
thinking open expression of feelings will make them feel better is an unsupported assumption

>> No.12879773

Like people (mostly females) can be completely forthcoming about their emotions and still be emotional wrecks. So much of it really does come down to our natural brain chemistry

>> No.12879783

I gave the example above how homeless men are more likely to reject support than homeless women despite facing similar plights. You don't see how this has a negative effect?
Not only that, virtually every psychotherapist urges their clients to talk about their emotions all the time. The 'open up' meme comes from psychotherapy.

>> No.12879791

the difference between natural and normal is important. homosexuality is natural, not normal

>> No.12879797

>Men are taught that they should never show sadness even to their loved one's for fear of being perceived as 'weak' and 'unmanly'. It's pathetic.
you can help by teaching women to not think men are pathetic for crying in front of them. leave off the advice for men though, they can handle that.

>> No.12879800

Omg what does the thesaurus think about this

>> No.12879803


>> No.12879811

I thought "boys don't cry" was basically a way of saying "the shit your sad about right now doesn't fucking matter, save your tears for more important shit"
Crying after losing a football game or not getting your way is gay, crying when losing your mother or wife is fine.

>> No.12879816

I don't think that the only options are either streetfights a la West Side Story or MMA/Boxing classes
There's plenty of little scuffles within a group of friends from elementary school through to teenage years.
I don't mean to be a jerk to you but what you're expressing here makes me think you don't really have experience with what you're talking about, which makes me wonder why you feel so qualified to lecture about it. I mean this in the least accusatory way possible- it sounds to me like your ideas about this are overly simple and highly entrenched by some kind of bias confirming process, maybe reading a bunch of tweets/memes/medium articles.
That being said, here I go doing what you do and talking about shit I have no experience in, in response to your comment on how "this is how girls are treated and it seems to work"
Girls are treated horribly by the culture, their conflicts are simultaneously repressed through social expectations of meek and quiet behavior, while expectations on their appearance and social attitudes are incredibly high. This leads to a brutal type of social hazing which amounts to shit like eating disorders, organized bullying, toxic cliquishness, etc.
Also (soapboxing here) a result of the adults who know them best (their parents) being otherwise occupied and not tuned into their young social worlds, and the adults who are most immersed in their social worlds (teachers, principals) not caring to get to know them, or having their responses to these situations constrained by one-size-fits-all disciplinary projects. They're socially constrained from physical violence and from social confrontation and so have crafted a particularly toxic set of behaviors which leads to alienation and reinforcement of fucked up messages from the mass culture, namely "you are not good enough" in so many words through appearance, personality, and competence. Boss bitch feminism has only increased the expectations and made it worse.
re: suicide rates, men are just more successful at suicide because they tend to use guns.
>Men are taught that they should never show sadness even to their loved one's for fear of being perceived as 'weak' and 'unmanly.' It's pathetic.
Damn salty. I was raised in what most would call a toxic masculine environment and expression of emotions was never taboo. It was way more about context and manner in which you express them. If I was crying about pain in the midst of some type of situation where I was expected to accomplish a task, I'd be chastised. If I held it til the end and talked to someone who cared (my dad or mom), that would be welcomed and I'd be comforted.
There's a lot of cultural ways of socializing men. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find some actual group of people who conform to this caricature you're crafting, maybe some particularly unhealthy family units or individuals but no group large enough to cover the type of systematic critique you seem to be interested in levying.

>> No.12879819

>you can help by teaching women to not think men are pathetic for crying in front of them
Obviously. Cultural notions of gender influence men and women. It's toxic femininity for girls to think men are pathetic for crying.
>leave off the advice for men though, they can handle that.
Honestly just go home and kill yourself, you spooked faggot.

>> No.12879820

Why does it feel like this only happens a in America and never in Europe?

>> No.12879835

psychotherapy positive outcomes are statistical artifact compared to psychiatry outcomes.

>> No.12879843

A common error. It actually means, "Shut off your feeling like a nun's cooch and become a Myrmidon rapist in-waiting." Luckily feminists are dedicating emotional labour to steer us right.

>> No.12879846

>and never in Europe
Lets not lie to ourselves anon. This kind of shit also happens in europe. Probably not at the same level but you have to remember that every movement that happens in the USA eventually comes here aswell. They are almost part of this continent.

>> No.12879849

>Honestly just go home and kill yourself, you spooked faggot.
Lol. Inappropriate display of emotions. This is a teachable moment.

>> No.12879850

Its quite clear these people have never actually herd these expressions in any kind of personal context and just seem to care about the phrase literally.

>> No.12879851

These people are literally against stoicism. They think its toxic. I am not exaggerating

>> No.12879858

new slave morality

>> No.12879864

A culture that feminizes (systematically weakens physically + emotionally) its men is heading down a dark path. Men should be tough, fit, disciplined, stoic, wise, and just. That is the optimal human being. Women should be whatever maximizes this sort of being. Historically that has been nurturing, submissive, loyal, fit, chaste. They are equally important. Any deviation from this balance is suboptimal. We see the disastrous results everywhere in the West. Men are weaker than ever and women are more miserable than ever because of it. Men should be on these types of message boards right now debating about how we are going to colonize Mars. Instead we are wasting our lives trying to logically explain basic truths to masculinized, brainwashed women rather than simply putting them in their place by force and addressing more important matters. I urge the male anons reading this to not engage with feminists in logical debates. Unironically tell them to shut the fuck up and go away. Then ignore them. We have more pressing matters.

>> No.12879868

Your post reminds me of that guy who dipped his balls in glitter.

>> No.12879869

they hate boys being boys. that's it. they don't like boys acting like boys. they find it threatening and disempowering.

>> No.12879877

because europeans are too poor to access the internet and your government/corporations are weak

>> No.12879881


>> No.12879885

Awesome post, great job

>> No.12879886
File: 83 KB, 1300x957, young-man-relaxing-comfortable-bed-clouds-51579535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I go outside and none of this SJW bullshit even exists, women still want masculine men and basically you're all a bunch of ultrafaggots

>> No.12879892

you must not be in one of the coastal economic centers.
those of us who actually, ahem, care about prestige and wealth actually do have to contend with this type of rhetoric from institutions and peers quite frequently

>> No.12879899

i wish i had your lack of object permanence. for me i remember everything ive seen no matter where i am

>> No.12879902

>you havent experienced this
I grew up in a poor area, I've been involved in many fights don't worry
>girl problems
My point was that fighting among girls is never excused on account of their gender. I wasn't trying to make a broader comment about feminine gender norms.
>muh anecdotes
again, this is irrelevant. Literally all the data shows that men are less likely to seek help and more likely to suppress emotions. I'm just repeating myself at this point.

>> No.12879903

unironically, the problem stems from liberalised divorce laws and not being able to legally chin your wife. evolution is to blame. i'm not saying that going back to the old strictures and rule of thumb is preferable, merely that this is what was bound to happen. men and women are engaged in a game of chicken to see who'll crack first. it'll be women (men like a struggle) but society will probably crash first, or we'll get over the whole biology thing over using science. it'll be nothing if not interesting. enjoy what you can of the ride.

>> No.12879909
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It's all so tiresome.

>> No.12879918

The funny thing is, women are currently “doing whatever maximizes that sort of being.” That’s what feminism is. That’s what #metoo is. This is a massive shit-test, only there to weed the weak-willed and compliant out of the gene pool. Toxic masculinity still works in this environment, for all purposes, just not if you’re stupid, ugly, or otherwise unfit. Ask Houellebecq. The sexual marketplace is hyper-competitive, and there are new games being played.
Incels and trans people are being resigned to the same waste-basket, and Darwin is laughing and laughing and laughing.
Just my opinion desu.

>> No.12879926

>Literally all the data shows that men are less likely to seek help and more likely to suppress emotions
This is not true.

>> No.12879934

This desu, the toxic or non-toxic chad will ALWAYS be more desireable and seen as masculine no matter what. Just how it is

>> No.12879941

I think the only real chance we have is to reach some sort of post-human state before we destroy ourselves. Most of my focus these days is on AI, VR, and life extension. A guy in that film Waking Life has a really cool rant about neo-humans that always gave me hope for the future.

>> No.12879946
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>it's like /pol/ but for smart people the thread

Is it that hard for you faggots to stay on your containment board?

>> No.12879947

>Women in charge of guiding boys through their development into men
We're going from a nanny state into a single mother state.

>> No.12879949

maybe because they would feel even worse about themselves and patronized if they accepted that type of help? maybe it would be better to change the approach from pure charity to some way that would allow them to feel useful and a real position on society beyond being taken care of by somebody

>> No.12879957

>you can help by teaching women to not think men are pathetic for crying in front of them. leave off the advice for men though, they can handle that.
yes, whatever they say women /vote/ with their pussies, no way they are ever going to start getting wet when some guy starts crying about tfw no gf

>> No.12879961

You can't help but be self aware of your masculinity when all the brainwashing propaganda you're subjected to is openly challenging it.

>> No.12879962

How do you actually collect data on that though? What if most men dont actually have emotional problems or feel the need to seek help? Dont think its that black and white especially data for these kind of things.

>> No.12879965

Not a bad point at all. But a lot of otherwise strong men are being woefully miseducated to the detriment of our society. Lesser men who are raised 'traditionally' should not be the de facto Chads.

>> No.12879966

>single mother state
The US has been there for about 60 years now, it's why things are the way they are.

>> No.12879970

Dictionaries are /lit/ though.

>> No.12879974

because it takes around 5 years for europeans to import the bleeding edge of degenerate culture from america

though it may be speeding up now

>> No.12879980

except they love it, it's just a shit test

>> No.12879983
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>I get my parenting advice from dictionary.com!

>> No.12879984

Any kiwis still here? Does new zealand suffer from this? I just want to live in a culture that focuses on shit that actually matters and not this clown world bullshit

>> No.12879985

>Incels and trans people are being resigned to the same waste-basket, and Darwin is laughing and laughing and laughing.
incels and trans people are the same, it's just that trans are trying to game the system by becoming women and climbing to the top of the intersectional hierarchy by cutting their cocks off

>> No.12879990

that takes care of itself in 1 generation, it won't be pretty though

>> No.12879993

>country steadily turning into Mexico from massive immigration
>homicide rate still among the highest in the 1st world
>ridiculous wealth gap
>clown tier politics

>nah, some woman talking about masculinity is the real problem

>> No.12880007

>he doesn't realize that with proper masculinity among white men none of the other shit would be happening
not gonna make it

>> No.12880012

>all of this is unrelated
it's all part of the same capitalist degeneracy combined with failed progressive social engineering

>> No.12880016

The increase of Mexican people isn't a bad thing unless you are talking about the economic factors that are leading to it in the first place.

>> No.12880020

>only economics and productivity matter
based and productionpilled

>> No.12880029

Lots of things “shouldn’t” happen, anon, but evolution doesn’t operate on a normative or moral basis. It can be cruel as all get-out.

>> No.12880032

The only ones forcing men to act a certain way is this scum promoting the idea that masculinity is something bad and unnatural that needs to be reformed. It is truly disgusting to see these "progressive" parents enforcing transsexuality on their children. Oh no it must be a just a coincidence, the kids wanted it surely. Sickening

>> No.12880033

Imagine unironically using phrases like 'toxic masculinity' and 'toxic femininity'.

>> No.12880040

what could make a kid happier than pumping him full of hormones and going through regular plastic surgeries?

>> No.12880045

Getting raped in a gay parade

>> No.12880046

I'm talking about the happiness of the people. Open borders should be a human right

>> No.12880053

Ideas and culture influence behavior and not all ideas and culture can be reduced to the material or economic causes. Mexico is a shitty country because Mexicans have bad ideas and those ideas don't disappear when they cross a border, so immigration from Mexico would be bad even if every one of them were economically well off.

>> No.12880054

Based and extremely redpilled.

>> No.12880055

>SJWism just puritanism in a different dress.

Care to elaborate?

>> No.12880059

Open houses should be a human right. Where do you live?

>> No.12880061

As long as the world is unequal open borders is a farce for oppurtunists.

>> No.12880069

>Open borders should be a human right
that just means that people are interchangeable and only their productivity matters

>> No.12880082

It was always prescriptive. Read Foucault again

>> No.12880083

that's just the same ideology that told you that you could bomb Iraq into democracy, it didn't work then and it won't work now because people are more than economical units to be shuffled around for your progressive social engineering games

>> No.12880085

The French Revolution

>> No.12880086

why should trump have to release his tax returns?

>> No.12880087

This was a great troll

Literally everyone posting here is a fucking retard for engaging in such a shallow conversation.

>> No.12880092

>excusing retarded behavior by saying "boys will be boys," is an attack on masculinity
I don't think that masculinity and crime/idiocy are synonymous. You seem to though.

>> No.12880094
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pic related, I suppose

I didn't read it, but it's probably the same theme. Extreme moralizing and witch hunting that has characterized puritanism and similar anglo Christian sects.
Now that Christianity is no longer cool, the religious minded people switch to being SJWs.

>> No.12880096

>No one should be forced to live in a certain way
He says, supporting an extremely authoritarian movement which seeks to police an entire gender’s self identity through social intimidation and economic exclusion (which if were honest, is how most progressives opperate) if not outright legal legislation while also lionizing fundamental sexual interactions like fucking flirting as potentially dangerous and evil (and paradoxically celebrating cultures with less feminist bullshit to wade through in social relations for their vibrancy, openness, and sensuality, while fiercely criticizing their own for lacking these attributes).

America’s progressive movement is such a hot mess of of Puritanism, bad conscience, and Freudian weirdness that it would be funny if they didn’t export it like crazy.

>> No.12880104

Ah, I think I understand. So it's a fusion of the former structure without the religious inclinations.

>> No.12880107


Oh shit, did Goad actually use the same cartoonist who did all the WAR cartoons

>> No.12880116

Retarded according to who/what?

>> No.12880119

>not enjoying bait threads
you don't know what's good in life

>> No.12880124


>> No.12880125

it's still a religion, just without god

>> No.12880132

>Unironically tell them to shut the fuck up and go away


Wanna solve all your women problems? Ignore them. Don't even think about them. Women hate not being the center of attention. Maybe it even gets you a gf

>> No.12880136

Chinese takeover is ba-

>> No.12880155

Which was caused by the Enlightenment and the printing press

>> No.12880160

>I am positively convinced at this point that evolutionary psychology is just a conservative fabrication intended to justify the status-quo
should have started with that instead, it makes it faster to discard your retardation

more and more scientific researches show that the purely "socially constructed" categories are in fact in big part rooted in biology, I do understand why you would want to ignore them

>> No.12880170
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don't even need any studies, just have to look at separated cultures in the world

it doesn't mean there are no other possible cultural arrangements that could work, but it probably means progressives are not competent enough to socially engineer a competing cultural arrangement that survives longer than a generation, specially when they take no responsibility for any of their failures

>> No.12880173
File: 122 KB, 780x620, 1553309024822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cart goes before the horse
>anything else is a conservative fabrication

It's a fun moment when you realize leftists are cultural Creationists

They genuinely believe human beings are magical blank slates at birth, and every human behavior is somehow learned. The New Man, who acts totally contrary to every other human before him, can be created just through teaching the right habits!

And the total failure of these insane theories, after now decades of trying to apply them, makes them even more certain they're right.


>> No.12880176

Gamers, we have to rise up

>> No.12880183

Well, to use the retarded Gillette commercial you people are so mad about, bullying/fighting over backyard disputes.

What non-retarded thing do you think is frequently excused with "boys will be boys?"

>> No.12880200

>naturalistic fallacy

>> No.12880205

lol, imagine unironically believing the boys in the Guillete commercial are bullying/fighting

i hope you are a woman at least

>> No.12880209

>fallacy fallacy

>> No.12880210

where is the fallacy

>> No.12880220

Am i the only one who thinks that USA is just merely experiment : the country?

>> No.12880222

>things that conflict with my insane ideas, such as all available evidence and the results of decades of trying to make said ideas work, are fallacies
>because I said so!


>> No.12880223

>No one should be forced to act a certain way
>Start making programs to unlearn

>> No.12880225

Fuck you for making me watch it again. Yeah the little red headed kid is smaller than the other and clearly not into it. Then the dad say, "settle it between each other," clearly implying there was a dispute, which lead to one kid knocking the other down and pinning him to the ground. That's called a fight and only scumbags do that shit as adults. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're only a retard for thinking that encouraging such behavior in childhood won't carry over into adulthood, rather than a scumbag.

>> No.12880237
File: 32 KB, 624x438, _104444910_prevalence_by_gender_and_age-nc-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if physical violence is so bad why do girls have way worse mental health? sounds like boys know how to manage their mental health much better and girls have a lot of learning to do

>> No.12880240

The commercial is one giant strawman, who cares

>> No.12880246

>1. Naturalistic fallacy is not valid. 2. Even if it were, I am positively convinced at this point that evolutionary psychology is just a conservative fabrication intended to justify the status-quo.
Bugs will be bugs.
But seriously, this is good bait.

>> No.12880248

>puritanism is a threat today
This only proves his point. You congratulate yourselves on making big statements about pointless, tiny things, while the media prevalence of sentimental grievance bullshit increases by the day.

I wonder what sort of person this film appeals to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samba_(2014_film)


Oh, based! I like this one, not because I'm a eurotard with a guilt complex who can't wait to perform as a "friend" of this large black man, but because it's a genuinely amsuing movie!

>> No.12880257

The naturalistic fallacy is the idea in philosophy that just because something is natural does not mean it is good or should be striven for. Read Hume on the is--ought distinction.
Furthermore, evopsych cannot account for the variance in culture. There exists variance even on biological matters such as sex (think the 1600s and now). I would not be so foolish as to say biology has no effect on human behaviour but it seems all the more foolish to say 'we used to be hunter-gatherers, therefore...'.
The point about evopsych should be taken as a footnote anyway as appeals to nature would still be invalid whether or not evopsych was valid.

>> No.12880258
File: 236 KB, 845x912, 1549488780-screenshot-2018-03-14-08-41-461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The data revealed substantial cross-country variation in gender differences in preferences. Gender differences were found to be strongly positively associated with economic development as well as gender equality.
oh no

>> No.12880261


People like you are why we have school shootings.

Fighting someone bigger and stronger than you, as a kid, doesn't hurt. It teaches you to handle conflict as part of life, even ones that you lose. It might teach you the need for learned ability ("shit, I'd better sign up for karate") over natural talent. It is, in fact, essential to developing basic male skills for living life.

If you can't handle a fight at 8 years old, you're going to have serious trouble dealing with rejection at 17 years old and asking for a raise at 25 years old.

>> No.12880263

I'm not sure what your point is. You think that all boys fight all the time and this is why they have fewer mental health issues than girls? You think that discouraging fighting like gutter trash will cause boys more mental illness? That's pretty tenuous.

If you want to fight go play football or wrestle. Only smelly little hood kids get into fistfights more than once or twice in their lives.

>> No.12880268

So the adults who see a bigger kid attack a smaller one should just let it happen to teach the little one a lesson? What about the moral development of the bigger kid/aggressor?

Clearly not since there are guys in this thread defending the dads in the commercial.

>> No.12880273

Men, in their nature, use power to express their emotions. See: every tyrant that ever lived, every hero that ever lived, every artist that ever lived etc. etc.

>> No.12880282

>You think that discouraging fighting like gutter trash will cause boys more mental illness?
it's not clear what it will do, and i don't trust you to honestly evaluate the results of your social engineering games if they go against your previous leftist assumptions

>> No.12880283

>quotes 18th-century philosopher in a discussion about evolutionary biology

Holy fuck, liberal arts majors need to be removed.

Humans are primates. Conscious self-awareness, if it indeed exists, does not undo a million years of evolution. You can observe almost all human social behavior in a pack of chimps. The same rules apply that have always applied, and always will apply -- trying to train an evolved chimp into the Glorious New Man always, always results in an unhappy chimp and neurosis.

>good or should be striven for

These are imaginary concepts. Should cancer cells divide? Is it good that a lion eats a gazelle?

>> No.12880285

>parental discipline = social engineering games
wew lad

>> No.12880286

>falling for the progress meme
even worse than the social constructivists in this thread

>> No.12880287

>Conscious self-awareness, if it indeed exists
stopped reading there, lol

>> No.12880289

>So the adults who see a bigger kid attack a smaller one should just let it happen to teach the little one a lesson?
yes unless it goes to far
>What about the moral development of the bigger kid/aggressor?
that's up to the kids to decide

>> No.12880292

Good is not a relative concept, it is a divine concept. Existing in reality is what it is: a trap of various vices.

Eating, and indulding in overeating, are sinful activities. But you must take from the world unfortunately. If we could translate the lion's thoughts to human, that's what he would say, as every creature submits and fears God, as per the Koran.

>> No.12880293

>a greater labor force is positively correlated with economic development
wtf im an end of history libtard now

>> No.12880295

I'm not sure if you're trolling. Obviously I wouldn't quote Hume on the subject of evolutionary psychology. The is--ought distinction is an ethical idea; evopsych makes no normative claims.

>> No.12880301

nobody cares how if you want to raise your own kid as a failure, you know this isn't about personal decision and the people pushing for this aren't reproducing themselves but playing social engineering games with other people's kids

>> No.12880302

Stop replying to him, we encourage enough shitters on this board as it is.

>> No.12880305

>So the adults who see a bigger kid attack a smaller one should just let it happen

Yes. It's two children having a fistfight. Neither of them is going to get hurt.

Uneven conflict is the nature of existence. The better you get at handling it, from either end of the experience, the better off you'll be in life. It's generally better to be the bigger kid, but everyone will be the smaller kid many times in their life. And being the smaller kid doesn't mean death. This is just an unbelievably important lesson to learn, and denying it to kids in the name of some trendy concept of what "Should" be or what's "good" fucks them up.

>> No.12880317

>Good is not a relative concept, it is a divine concept.



It is unethical to try to train an animal out of its natural behavior -- you either fail outright or end up with a neurotic animal.

>> No.12880318


>> No.12880319

Lord of the Flies wasn't an instruction manual. Kids learn how to act in society from their parents. If you want to raise kids who use violence to settle interpersonal conflict that's up to you but they're going to be shining my kid's shoes when they grow up if they aren't in jail.

>the people pushing this
Pushing what? That it's a bad idea to encourage kids to attack each other over disputes? Not exactly new age shit my guy. What's their villainous endgame, less crime?

>> No.12880324

>Boys will be boys
An excuse for bad behaviour

>boys don't cry
Men are taught not to show emotion. I don't think this is as bad as it seems, since it is weakness, but women don't know that they don't like sensitive men :)

>> No.12880326

Wait, what did Roxy Music and the Cure do wrong?

>> No.12880332

>That it's a bad idea to encourage kids to attack each other over disputes?

That actually is pretty new age shit, and is depriving children of practice in basic social behavior.

>What's their villainous endgame, less crime?

That may be what their intended endgame is, but what you end up with is a generation of males who can't handle conflict. And social life, for a male, is generally a series of conflicts.

>> No.12880333

You're correct in that uneven conflict is going to happen no matter what. You're mistaken in thinking that childhood fistfights in front of adults are the only or even an especially important place where that happens to children. Having to live in a society where you can't just lash out physically when something frustrates you, so why doesn't that lesson matter?

>> No.12880335



>> No.12880342

>fighting in public is proper basic social behavior
Does this apply to adults as well?

>a generation of males who can't handle conflict
What ghetto shithole do you live in? Fistfighting is a garbage way to handle conflict that exposes you to huge liabilities and will make you a pariah in any social circle that can help you get ahead in life. Why don't you consider verbal resolution valid?

>> No.12880345


You got bullied in high school,didn't you

>Having to live in a society where you can't just lash out physically when something frustrates you, so why doesn't that lesson matter?

Because a childhood fistfight is a social conflict reduced to its most simple and harmless form. It's easier to understand, like everything a child needs to learn.

There a dozen important life lessons you can learn from a childhood fistfight. And they're all essential

>> No.12880360

Sounds good to me, toxic masculinity is harmful to men.

>> No.12880362

>can't understand basic concepts yet pretends to intellectualism on the internet

>I had to spend all that time in Grade 1 doing single-digit addition
>what sort of shithole do you live in where you have to add 5+5 all day?!

Can you understand that children require simplified lessons

>> No.12880367
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Didn't he release them a year or two ago and revealed he actually paid more than Sanders or Hillary?

>> No.12880371


Just the one year

>> No.12880380

nothing indicates women behavior works better at solving conflicts, seeing their higher rates of mental issues, what makes you think forcing this behavior on boys will do anything?

>> No.12880381

Maybe harmful through a feminine worldview

>> No.12880382

>You got bullied in high school,didn't you
No, but I did live around ghetto kids for a while. They got into fistfights, including with me (no I didn't lose I was big for my age and a wrestler). Then I moved to live around kids who were going somewhere in life. They didn't get into fistfights at all.

You know what I remember about childhood fistfights? They generally took place where adults couldn't see. Only the really special kids with no impulse control whatsoever tried anything like that in front of adults. The idea that adults should've just let the absolute most at-risk kids act up wherever they felt like it is the most retarded take on parenting I've ever heard in my life.

>> No.12880400

Yeah children require simple lessons like "no don't sperg out and fight in public." Pretty basic society 101 stuff.

I don't think that men are limited to physical violence to solve conflict and I don't think their non-violent methods are the same as those used by women.

>> No.12880404

Lol, being on a computer is unnatural. Technological advancement is not natural. Leadership based on anything but brute force is unnatural. Humans are much more complex than just nature, Ted.

>> No.12880407

>The idea that adults should've just let the absolute most at-risk kids act up wherever they felt like it is

>No, but I did live around ghetto kids for a while. They got into fistfights, including with me (no I didn't lose I was big for my age and a wrestler).

Lol, you got the shit bullied out of you and you managed not to learn the basic lessons involved - the reasons why kids have fights, which are the same reasons why kittens pounce on each other and play with string.

To be male is to exist in a world of varying conflict. One of the best lessons to learn early is that you'll be outmatched sometimes, but you don't need to fear losing. It's a lesson a kid learns in a fight in about 25 seconds.

>> No.12880419

Insisting that I must have been bullied as a child is not an argument.

My entire point is that kids get into fights whether adults tolerate it in their presence or not. Tolerating fighting in public doesn't prevent conflict and fighting, it just teaches kids that it's okay to fight in public.

>> No.12880420

>I don't think that men are limited to physical violence to solve conflict and I don't think their non-violent methods are the same as those used by women.
and plenty of those "non-violent" methods are way more brutal than an inoffensive 20 second physical fight that the kid will forget in 5 minutes

>> No.12880424

>Yeah children require simple lessons like "no don't sperg out and fight in public." Pretty basic society 101 stuff.

But weirdly, before the recent and disastrous "make boys be girls" trend in child-rearing, the streets were not full of adults punching each other.

So maybe it's possible for kids to fight, and yet not turn every adult disagreement into lucha libre -- see The Entire History Of The Civilized World Up Until Now

>managing to be wrong on every sentence

Leadership's based on conflict and consensus. Technological advancement is of course natural -- we're part of nature and we do it. Birds and fish make tools. Humans are more complex than nature, but imposing an imagined "good" that contradicts human nature just causes suffering.

>> No.12880436

>boys should not be boys
>boys should cry
>237 replies
is this peak clown world?

>> No.12880437


Literally nobody is or is ever advocating that kids should fight at public gatherings. That's just stupid -- so stupid it CANNOT be what that retarded commercial was trying to depict.

>> No.12880439

>Literally nobody is or is ever advocating that kids should fight at public gatherings
lol speak for yourself libtard

>> No.12880442

it's up to the kids if they want to fight or not

>> No.12880450

>this guy replied to everyone who replied to my post and said something retarded

I didn't mean to come off as though I thought the two things were bad, I'm just used to faggots from /pol/ showing up here without the tiniest sliver of awareness of what's going on in reality

>> No.12880451

>Technological advancement is of course natural -- we're part of nature and we do it.
It follows that anything that is done by humans is natural, making the eradication of gender norms and individual expression natural. Thanks Ted.
>Birds and fish make tools.
Yeah to eat maybe, not to have discussions on imageboards about why people born with penises should be forced into being stoic and competitive.

>> No.12880465

Can you really not conceive of a way to deal with conflict where abject cruelty isn't part of the equation? That's pretty weak.

>but people will be cruel so you must learn to cope!
Yes they will, so you will. It doesn't have to be encouraged by adults.

>violent crime hasn't been on a downswing for decades

It's getting tiresome repeating myself. Kids fight anyway. Lots of adults for a long time have not tolerating said fighting when they happen to see it. This is not new. Teaching your kids to fight in public is retarded because they will do it when you aren't there and cause real trouble for themselves.

>> No.12880471
File: 21 KB, 600x600, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why invoke "Puritanism"? Morals and "witch hunting" pre-dated "Puritanism". The claim is obscure Jewish German Marxists in the 1930s created the ideological movement known as Social Justice Warriors to destroy Western civilization but Puritanism is highly integrative and most of the un-PC crowd don't see Puritanism as being problematic. If SJWs are cool and Christianity isn't is pointless if they're the same thing. If anti-Puritan forms of thougth are just whatever is anti-social at a given moment definitionally then it can't be hegemonic. Anti-SJWs just invert things. Cultural Marxism oppresses white heterosexual men. SJWs are repressive, their tolerance isn't liberal enough for more fully tolerant secular minds. Tolerance needs to be extended, etc. It's all still going in the same direction.

>> No.12880476


>> No.12880484

I am raising my sons traditionally. They'll be stronger and better suited to handling life. If you don't want to do that that's fine, but you're not going to force my children to 'unlearn' very basic aspects of our species. If this polarization continues the country will inevitably balkanize into clown world and normal world. If clown world tries to stop it a lot of people will die needlessly and it will happen all the same.

>> No.12880489

>I grew up in a poor area, I've been involved in many fights don't worry
I thought that anecdotal evidence wasn't valid.

>> No.12880491

Have fun trying to define "traditional," lmao.

>> No.12880495

why shouldn't he? if he's got nothing to hide?

>> No.12880504

Butterfly you better have lied about having sex.

If you didn't, I'm going to be pissed :3

>> No.12880509

>Why invoke "Puritanism"? Morals and "witch hunting" pre-dated "Puritanism".
I don't want to spend time explaining, but it has to do with subtle cultural differences between how Americans/Anglos and others treat these "SJW issues".
>The claim is obscure Jewish German Marxists in the 1930s created the ideological movement known as Social Justice Warriors to destroy Western civilization
I don't agree with that claim, so whatever.

>> No.12880512

What works for more than one generation

>> No.12880529

This is a good thing.

t. Has never read anything liberal philosophy
Social contact is basically being forced to act a certain way

>> No.12880535

>It follows that anything that is done by humans is natural, making the eradication of gender norms and individual expression natural.

It most certainly does not, and you'd have to be an absolute Creationist to think so. The invention of technology is natural, because technology allows us to better achieve natural aims. The Internet helps us communicate -- we are social animals. The microwave oven helps us cook, which helps us eat.

Declaring that since we've invented hammers, we can cut off our sinful sinful legs is not natural.

>why people born with penises should be forced into being stoic and competitive.

It is literally the reason for our existence. It is why there are always slightly more males than females born -- nature guarantees from the outset that men must compete to reproduce. It's why male IQ is so varied -- we're the experimental lab of the species, and our fitness to reproduce is determined by our ability to compete.

Sorry that you don't like this -- your ideological cousins over in Bible Land are just as mad at basic evolution, if that helps.

>> No.12880537

>No one should be forced to act a certain way
Great. Let's all be a bunch of spineless faggots, then.

>> No.12880543

Oh so you're going to work 100 hours per week and give your paycheck in whole to your wife who has sex with you twice a year. They've been doing that for generations in Japan. Must be good shit.

>> No.12880547

>Teaching your kids to fight in public is retarded because they will do it when you aren't there and cause real trouble for themselves.

Again, literally nobody is advocating that. It's such a silly strawman that it can't be the point of that part of the commercial.

>> No.12880551

Why do countries with the stricted social norms like Arabia and Africa have such low suicide rates, but the most liberal places do?

The most liberal places have the highest used of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicaments, they have the highest suicide rate and have no family structure. Problem is there isn't enough rules

>> No.12880556

>I don't want to spend time explaining, but it has to do with subtle cultural differences between how Americans/Anglos and others treat these "SJW issues".
So first as tragedy, then as farce?? WRONG, totally non-isomorphic.
>I don't agree with that claim, so whatever.
But accepting it as an Anglo-American phenomena instead of alien isn't common. Everything retrospectively becomes problematic.

>> No.12880560

this is true

>> No.12880565

>ha gottem

Actually, teaching kids to work hard to provide for a family's not bad at all.

I'd rather teach my kids to work 80+ hour weeks, like I do, and make a ton of money than be the 40-hour mediocrities working for me.

>> No.12880566

People in this thread are defending it so I'm talking directly to them. I didn't expect it to be so popular when I brought up that hypothetical but here we are.

>> No.12880570

When i see this many people defending men should cry and show emotion. It makes me smile.

This means chads have even more power

>> No.12880575


Boys fighting with each other is great. Doing it at a neighborhood barbecue is not. How about that?

>> No.12880577


>> No.12880582


It is kinda sad, though. Males who'd otherwise just be on low end of desirability, and who could've improved, actually buy this life-destroying leftist religion instead, and quickly make themselves completely unattractive to everyone

>> No.12880588

>he thinks people work those hours in Japan and Korea because they're being so productive
They're doing it because they've been taught that time spent at work is the measure of a man's worth. Everyone knows they're spinning their wheels half the day, but it would be too shameful to go home at a normal time and be with their families or improve themselves. Again, they've been at it for generations.

which, btw, is an example of masculine expectations turned toxic (expecting men to work isn't on it's own toxic) but that wasn't my point.

>> No.12880596

The spread actually seems more random when it comes to social mores:

>The most liberal places have the highest used of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicaments
Source? If true it's probably just because they're also the most developed and wealthy so can afford it.

>> No.12880598

That's much less retarded but still a little retarded. Using physical violence to solve things is associated with poor impulse control and intelligence, two things that drive prosocial behaviors, success and life satisfaction.

>> No.12880600


Anything taken to its logical extreme is going to be bad. Good job for noticing a bad thing!

>> No.12880604

>people should be taught that violence, rape, bottling up emotions, etc. are bad things.
This is the stupidest fucking non-argument
Show me where boys are sent to "how to rape" classes when they're kids. Show me where male-geared media promotes rape.
Poll a hundred guys and ask them if they think rape is cool.

>> No.12880615

It's not sad, they deserve it for allowing it to happen.

If funny when I see women say "we want men to show emotion" but when a man does that, they instantly lose attraction to him. They then go for the "barbaric" third world man who'll be traditionally masculine.

>> No.12880619

I'm who you were originally responding to and this doesn't address anything I've said. There's nothing insecure about defending masculinity against transniggers and faggots who are attempting to rebrand the feminine as masculine. If anything, it's those who stand by and do nothing to stop it who are insecure, too insecure to do the right thing and stand up to the fags for what's right.

>> No.12880622

1. I'm going to be traditional
2. Anything that can be sustained for multiple generations is traditional.
3. Living like a Japanese salaryman is traditional and therefore a valid option for me.

If you meant the "toxic masculinity" bit, good job on figuring out what people actually mean by it.

>> No.12880623

>poor impulse control and intelligence

That sounds almost like some sort of a child or something!

I'm sorry you didn't learn anything from getting bullied, so I'll try to help by making this as simple as possible:

Violence is the simplest form of resolving a conflict. Conflict is the nature of male existence. Children require simple lessons that can lead to understanding of more complicated subjects.

A childhood fistfight is optimal for learning all sorts of lessons about conflict and its resolution. It is the 2+2 = 4 of handling conflict. It is the kitten pouncing on another kitten of handling conflict.

It is inappropriate as an adult to solve most problems with a fistfight, just as it is inappropriate as an adult to be proud of getting 9/10 on a single-digit addition quiz.

But it's very useful of a child to take that quiz.

>> No.12880631


Birds are animals
Humans are animals
Therefore Socrates is a bird

>> No.12880636

There are ways for men to behave that are neither feminine, toxic, nor new to the world. That you can't conceive of this says more about you than anything else.

>> No.12880642

>Men are taught that they should never show sadness even to their loved one's for fear of being perceived as 'weak' and 'unmanly'
That's literally not true unless you're a cholo or something. The only time you'll get a negative response to expressing emotion is if you're doing it over inane shit like a hysterical woman. I have a friend who I love to death, but he'll burst into tears if he's having a hard week at school, or if you disagree with him over something like politics. It's an incredibly offputting habit for EITHER gender, like getting pouty and huffing away instead of continuing a discussion.
It seems like all arguments that masculinity is "toxic" revolve around shit that's literally made-up. Same with "we need to teach boys that rape is bad!" When the fuck has rape been portrayed as a cool, manly activity?

>> No.12880645

It's all in how you sell it. I think there was a Roman author who advised young men to lick their thumbs and wipe it just under their eyes to make it seem as if theu were just struggling to hold back their tears. Works a treat if you can time it at the correct emotional point.

>> No.12880647

>Men should be on these types of message boards right now debating about how we are going to colonize Mars.
Lol, STEMfags aren't men. There is no point in colonising Mars, and it is incredibly unlikely that will ever be possible (requires radiation immunity). People only think about it because we wrecked this place.

>> No.12880649

Its a great life lesson, women dont know wtf they want. Its an important step in not taking women seriously

>> No.12880661
File: 341 KB, 1173x1600, foucault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys don't actually believe in "human nature" do you?

>> No.12880663

>The invention of technology is natural, because technology allows us to better achieve natural aims
Not that anon but since nature is a blind process, why does that mean self destructive behaviors aren't natural. (You could argue they would be short lived though absolutely). Nature does not purposely look towards better outcomes, so why should your definition?

>> No.12880664

>masculinity is "toxic"

"Toxic" masculinity is a fun way for bitter feminines to lump together "violent crime" with "masculinity" and pretend they're the same thing

>> No.12880670

you don't believe in AIDS do you?

>> No.12880671

Regardless they are still trying to force on you how you should be acting.

>> No.12880675


Oh, self-destructive behaviors are absolutely natural! This is a really excellent point. I even consider our insane cultural Creationist friends to be just that -- exactly what you'd expect to see in a dying superorganism.

But they'd probably object to being thus described

>> No.12880682

>reading 20th century French philosophers for reasons other than amusement


>> No.12880685

That you equate masculine with toxic says more about you than anything else.

>> No.12880686

Anyone else unaffected by this nonsense of 'toxic masculinity'?

I will continue to be masculine regardless of what the zeitgeist is. If you want to become a woman go ahead.

I'm gonna move to a traditional society if I'm ever going to have children, can let these schools brainwash them.

>> No.12880692

Correct, that was not a useful definition of "traditional." That was my point.

Yeah sometimes there are retards with poor impulse control and you have to fight them when they spaz out. It's weird that you think this is some grand life lesson and key to success. FYI kids show their ability to control impulse early on and it tends to follow them through life.

>> No.12880694

Give me 1 toxic thing (no obvious ones like rape)

>> No.12880699

isn't french philosophy just a series of fetishes?

>> No.12880701

So is
>>It follows that anything that is done by humans is natural
Valid or invalid then?

>> No.12880702

I explicitly separated masculinity from toxicity.

>> No.12880706

yes, but where to have kids that won't be socially engineered by clueless progressives?

>> No.12880727

Somalia. Now be on your way.

>> No.12880735


No you didn't. You've repeatedly called posters "insecure" for rightly stating that men are not women and should not act like women and anything that men do that women don't typically do is toxic. Fuck off faggot you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.12880737

Somalia is literally a progressive socially engineered state

>> No.12880741

It's socially engineered yes, but not progressive

>> No.12880745

>Correct, that was not a useful definition of "traditional." That was my point.

My bad, I thought you were being facetious for no reason. I get it now.

>Yeah sometimes there are retards with poor impulse control and you have to fight them when they spaz out.

If that's all you took away from it, I feel for you. Me, I got my ass kicked a few times, realized I was never going to beat the kid on sheer size, and so took up boxing. And then I knocked the kid on his ass. We've been friends for 18 years now, and neither of us punch anybody else outside of sports. It might've been the most important lessons I ever learned -- conflict sucks to go through but it isn't that bad, even if you lose, you'll often be outmatched and have to fight anyway, if you're outmatched you can learn something to even the scales, it's possible to fight and still be friendly, etc.

That's foundational stuff for a male psyche, at least a healthy one. If you can fight a bigger kid, you can ask the boss for a raise. Loss isn't death, and acquired skill can even the odds every time.

>> No.12880754

thinking you can socially engineer african countries into liberal democracies is a progressive egalitarian view of the world

it's the same ideology that tell you you can bomb Iraq into democracy or that you can have open borders because people are interchangeable economical units

>> No.12880761

I've fought someone and come out of it closer as well, but I'm not that attached to the notion that it was necessary or good to fight.

>took up boxing
You're talking to a college wrestler and judo black belt lmao.

>> No.12880762

Phew toxic as used in the social sense should just be ridden of at this point

>> No.12880773


Stop putting them together then. What you mean by "toxicity" is, 9 times out of 10, actually "violent crime"


On the ultra-meta level, literally everything humans do is natural, since we're part of nature. Out of the realm of mental abstraction and down where we actually live, trying to condition children into self-destructive behaviors that will make them neurotic and miserable for the rest of their life is unnatural.

>> No.12880778

It's a cheap game though, you can't expect for some awkward kid raised on corn syrup and "live to get along with everyone" to suddenly wake up and smell the coffee.
My dad basically let my mom raise me, and she basically brought me up as a girl- not out of any intentional scheme, but because it was all that she, a woman, knew. Only fairly recently have I unlearned the groveling nice-guy act. A lot of people I know are still doing it, and scoff at any suggestion of embracing masculine values because like me, they were barely ever even exposed to them. Most guys will see the light eventually, but it can take years of life shitting on them for it to click.

>> No.12880779

Thank God my father was a Victorian in mindset. If he was a boomer I'd definitely be some progressive.

>> No.12880783

it's tactically useful so it won't

>> No.12880786

>It seems like all arguments that masculinity is "toxic" revolve around shit that's literally made-up
ding ding ding ding ding

>> No.12880790

>Homeless men, for example, are much more likely than homeless women to say that they don't need support despite facing similar plights.
being independent is a good thing

>> No.12880801

>remaining a drain on society because you won't accept the temporary leg-up you need to become productive again is a good thing
Prime example right here.

Violent crime which gets excused. Check out the UMontana rape cases.

>> No.12880808


Let's try to do this simply

1. Children require very simple forms of lessons -- play, in young social animals, is pretty much how these lessons are taught. Kittens pounce on each other because they're practicing hunting skills. 2+2=4 is necessary to get to e=mc^2
2. Play behaviors that have existed for thousands of generations almost certainly serve a useful purpose, because evolution is efficient.
3. Conflict and competition is what life, especially as a male, is all about. That is why there are ~1.05 males born for every female. That's why male IQ is so vastly widely distributed compared to female. Nature wants us to compete.

4. A childhood fistfight is a truly excellent way of teaching all sorts of things about conflict. The fact that they are universal across cultures and history means it's extremely likely that natural human child play behavior and thus useful.

>> No.12880816

>>remaining a drain on society because you won't accept the temporary leg-up you need to become productive again is a good thing
i didn't say any of those words except the last three

>> No.12880821

>Violent crime which gets excused.

Nobody excuses violent crime, you lunatic.

Those of us who aren't whipped into a hysteria have long recognized that the downside of due process, namely that guilty people WILL go free, is vastly overshadowed by its benefits, namely that much much fewer innocent people go to jail for things they didn't do.

That is the basic idea of our system of justice.

>> No.12880826

being independent doesn't mean being economically productive

>> No.12880830

Yeah, same. If other kids are raised to be weak and act unnaturally, if your kids are strong and natural, they’ll be better off.

>> No.12880831

You made the argument that the technological advancements are natural because humans do it and we are a part of nature. It follows from that statement that any action humans take is natural because we are a part of nature.
> The invention of technology is natural, because technology allows us to better achieve natural aims.
Not always my fucking dude. What's natural about reading philosophy? What's natural about playing video games? Or watching films? Experiencing art? Splitting atoms? Exploring space? Pure mathematics?
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a creationist
Ok buddy

>> No.12880833

No violent crime was excused because no violent crime was committed. He was cleared of wrongdoing and he's actually being given a large sum of money because overzealous trannynigger idiots like you punished him with no due process.

>> No.12880840

>muh nature
I think it's you who needs things oversimplified. Kids are quick learners.

Homeless people who want to improve can benefit greatly from certain kinds of temporary assistance in doing so. If they refuse it then they most likely will not get better. You think it's a good thing that these people don't think they need a hand.

>> No.12880851

>gets excused
>cites a case that ignited national outrage because of how inexcusable people deemed one person's ruling

>> No.12880852

>You made the argument that the technological advancements are natural because humans do it and we are a part of nature.

I did not. I said that technological advances are natural because humans (as well as other species) make tools to advance natural goals -- eating, communicating, fucking etc

>It follows from that statement that any action humans take is natural because we are a part of nature.

On the ultra-meta level, yes, of course. However, we don't live in a giant God's-Eye mental abstraction. We're down at the animal level

>what's natural about a bunch of dopamine-producing activities

No idea brah

>> No.12880857

Yup, you don't know what was going on. It was a dense string of cases over the course of years. Maybe they did overreact and hurt the QB once it was uncovered that they'd been covering up for everyone else, but that's a separate thing.

>> No.12880861

>I think it's you who needs things oversimplified.
>"uhhh no u"

You sure showed me!

>Homeless people who want to improve can benefit greatly from certain kinds of temporary assistance in doing so.

Not him, but if they don't want it, by what standard do you have the right to force it on them? And do you expect it to have any long-term benefit? Will they continue to use it after you stop forcing them?

>> No.12880872

jeez your slimey

>> No.12880879

>Out of the realm of mental abstraction and down where we actually live,... for the rest of their life is unnatural.
Ah, so you do just mean unnatural as a synonym for a bad thing.

>> No.12880892

>goalposts seen rocketing across the continent

Taking you at face value, you think a large youth institution allegedly covered up violent crimes because of "masculinity" and not say "not wanting to have its reputation ruined, federal investigators crawling all over it and lose enormous amounts of prestige and money"

Good Lord

>> No.12880895
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>muh dopamine
Doing drugs is natural? God you're the dumbest nigger on this board.

>> No.12880903

>I only started paying attention in the last year and that's my interlocutor's fault

Who said anything about forcing? Recognizing that there are gender disparities in who recognizes and admits they could use some help when they're at rock bottom is just basic information that can be helpful when trying to deal with the homeless. If they don't think they need help they won't seek it and are thus more likely to become and remain homeless.

>> No.12880906


At that level of abstraction,. Union Carbide dumping polychlorinated biphenyls into Bhopal's water and killing all those people is entirely natural. Serial killers are natural, oceans full of plastic are natural, napalm is natural, nuclear explosions are natural.

It's so abstract the word "natural" has no meaning other than "something that exists" -- meaning it has no meaning at all.

That's not useful for a conversation.

>> No.12880910


If they don't believe they need help, do they need help?

>> No.12880916

>animals using things to do animal things better is not natural
>animals pleasure-seeking is not natural

Do you think this is a point you're making?

>> No.12880919
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*clears throat*
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the idea that Boys Will Be Boys and that Boys Don't Cry.

>> No.12880920



>> No.12880923

Based and white

>> No.12880927

If OP suck cocks but doesn't admit it, are they still a faggot?

>> No.12880929

Does a homeless person need help? Yeah they almost certainly do. Once you no longer have a home it's extremely difficult to get back on a productive path. Even something as small as having a safe place to store your belongings while you do things like job interviews and a mailing address is a big deal and has significant effects on outcomes.

>> No.12880935


Why is economic productivity the most important thing about a person?

>> No.12880945

This guy >>12880929 is a neoliberal transnigger, he'd rather you dress your son up in $500 dresses than be homeless because then you'd be a good little consumer.

>> No.12880953

>no I'm not insecure but you're a tranny who's trying to steal my penis

>> No.12880967

based and realitypilled

>> No.12880978
File: 79 KB, 446x435, 1549940883798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you fight me you're insecure because secure people will let me win

>> No.12880987


The fact that lefties go for "insecure" is an interesting illumination of their minds

>I mean, from the outside it sure looks like my entire ideology is based on feelings of insecurity, inadequacy and envy
>but it's really YOU who's insecure!
>now let me have my way!

>> No.12880997

how can a frog be so based

>> No.12881004

>men should cry every day
>but if you slightly complain about anything i disagree, i'll mock your insecurity
really makes you think

>> No.12881016
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 234989201348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on writing up an article on something I call the Law of Projection, which I believe can be applied to almost any accusations the left makes against its enemies. I believe it's sort of self-explanatory but I think an in-depth look at certain examples, like this, will solidify its validity.

>> No.12881031


Maybe the Law of Leftist Projection


They don't even get the contradiction

>men should express emotions the same way that women do
>lmao look at this fragile baby

>> No.12881041

you should probably check Ted Kazinsky's writtings about oversocialization:

>> No.12881055

if you are good you should try to get published on Jacobite

>> No.12881068

It's bullying in a very feminine way. The left treats the right the same way a manipulative girlfriend treats her boyfriend. They want men to express their emotions, just not the WRONG emotions.

Believe you me I'm familiar with Teddy K.

I've thought of starting my own blog or something and pushing it on Twitter but Jacobite is a decent idea too. I've got a few outlined ideas that I have yet to formally write up.

>> No.12881079

Obama's election and popularization of Tumblr.

>> No.12881185

>bump limit reached
it was a good one lads, see you on the next one

>> No.12881227
File: 492 KB, 500x252, 1553815059964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The naturalistic fallacy is
>If it's natural it's good
None of those were the naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.12881245

not the old dears who make feminism videos. they want boys they can mother and control and who young women aren't interested in

>> No.12881420

No it's just that most people define 'natural' as instinctive or found somewhere in our evolutionary history. Your definition makes the term vacuous.

>> No.12881573

The fact that metoo got so big in France just proves the other guys point. I'm German and we have adopted all the retardation about inclusion, equity, poc/allies, heteronormativity, etc.. It's real.

>> No.12882329

she missed a spot

>> No.12882374

>Read Foucault
Which work?