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/lit/ - Literature

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12878512 No.12878512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

on your mind

>> No.12878519

>own hold sweet 18yo Lorraine tight as she squirms and comes for the first time to a man, or a boy, in a hotel room you booked in unbeknownst to your classmates, in the last night of your Matura trip
So why fret, why bother? The peak moment of our lives passed in an instant, and we never even had the chance to reach at it.

>> No.12878523


>> No.12878539

isn't that a fucking dark elf or something off elder scrolls?

>> No.12878595

damn brothers, sixty more years? let's make it ten tops

>> No.12879067

I have written a story that begins with this line:

"I've been obsessed with sucking cock for 10 years, have no nationality, no personality, and no love"

There's this deli clerk that I was buddy buddy with, all giggles and smiles, and one day I tell her that Id like her opinion about my story and a warning that its filthy. Next they everyone that works there got so assmad buttblasted and told me to GTFO and watch who I share this with

I havent had a laugh like this in 10 years probably.

>> No.12880472

almost like "My mother died today or yesterday i dont know"

>> No.12880510

wow that is fucking high praise my man, thanks. I will try and get it published by some sort of bizzarro house, and if they dont care then on my own

>> No.12880538

So I walk up to this bitch (apparently right after she got divorced) and say "what's up Karen you wanna go for a jog this afternoon haha" and she's like "please just leave me alone" and I'm like "whatever bitch" and then like an hour later get called into our HR person's office and they're like "you gotta stop harassing Karen she's going through a lot right now, she's just signed her divorce papers"

And I'm like "hah who'd married that skank, someone with a wheelchair fetish?" And my HR person (Hank) was well like "come on man, they've been married for 16 years. They've been having trouble since her accident last year. She thinks he blames her for getting into the accident that killed their kids" and I'm all like lol

So I leave and I'm hungry so I go to grab my lunch (turkey and provolone) only to see, lo and behold, that dumb bitch Karen set her bag of lunch RIGHT in front of mine!! so I write out a note saying how glad I am to be working with her but if she puts her lunch in front of mine again I swear to fuck I will finish the job that God couldn't

So I go through the rest of my day joking around with Karen every time I see her even though she is I giant cunt about it (my favorite was 'accidently' dropping a pair of scissors on her colostomy bag lol) and I have to ignore the picture of that fucking rat whenever I walk by her desk

So I finish my day asking for her ex husband's number since I need a new wingman to look for some babes with and she fucking flips it and when she's yelling at me I'm all like "maybe if you don't want to get divorced you shouldn't have gotten hit by a drink driver you ever think of that bitch" and then she rolled away aggressively

So that was my Thursday

>> No.12880805


>> No.12880900

8 more days, then I take my flight

I still haven't quite grasped it, I think once i'm on trail though it will come quickly. I'm confident in my ability, and not nervous really, I just want to get out there and see what it's like. I hope I can just stay strong, because if I fail be ashamed.

>> No.12880998

>not enough time in life to learn all you want to learn

>> No.12881009

I woke up had sex
I cleaned my appartement
I went to work
I cleaned my workspace
I worked some more
I went to the gym working out
I traveled back home
, ate
I played some video game
I danced at an event
I came back home with my date
I had sex and slept
>I will throw this all out for not caring

>> No.12881012

just enough time to be a slave to shekelstein though

>> No.12881023

>"That's cute. Real cute. I'm in a good mood, so I'll give you one chance to get fucked before I slit you open chin to crotch

I'm trying to find variations on the whole "slit you open ___ to ___. It's not going so well, but at least the fbi thinks I'm a serial killer now.

Anyone know any?

>> No.12881032

cock to cunt

>> No.12881038 [DELETED] 


>"That's cute. Real cute. I'm in a good mood, so I'll give you one chance to get fucked before I slit you open chin to crotch

I'm trying to find variations on the whole "slit you open ___ to ___. It's not going so well, but at least the fbi thinks I'm a serial killer now.

Anyone know any?

>> No.12881040

I wish it were warm already. This weather puts me in a mood.

>> No.12881081

where's the "i'm so fucking lonely" part?

>> No.12881086

You faggots don’t read and now that I’ve stopped pretending I read and actually committed to it, I can really tell. When you are just a beginner it’s easier for people to fool you into thinking everyone has read what is memed here, but you aren’t fooling me anymore. Ive been here a long time and there are a few exceptions but I’d say out of the 100+ threads that are on the board at one time, maybe 3-5 of them at most are actually interesting, the rest are baby-tier people reading Orwell or Fahrenheit 451 for the first time, wanting to cure their depression with books, or complaining about the fact that they are reading Gaddis or late-era Joyce and don’t understand it, glossing over the fact that they haven’t read a book (manga doesn’t count) since 8th grade so how could they possibly expect to understand shit that is a quantum leap or two above their reading level? This is further proven by reading the critique threads which has some of the shittest writing I have ever seen. The problem, and what keeps me coming back, is that once in a blue moon, like 0.1% of the time, someone will somehow wander into /lit/ and they will actually be a genius, a nugget of gold in a mountain of shit, but it keeps you hooked. It’s like a treasure hunt. I sincerely believe that a many of the next great writers in the coming generations will have visited here, though they will probably recognize /lit/‘s limitations and move on after a while

This board is good for nothing except collecting charts and hearing authors names for the first time so that you can then read them on your own time. Discussion is not worth it, memes are not worth it, waiting for the nugget of gold in the mountain of shit probably isn’t even worth it

>> No.12881091

bzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz based ansed anseed a seed dumodumodudmo dude more dude no more help me dude bzzzzzz

>> No.12881108

No one fucking reads, not even literature students, not even literary critics. All they do is pretend and form their opinions off of other snips and chunks. Theres no time to read in this world. Also yeah discussion is not worth it, its better to just read and dont give a fuck about other readers, whats the point to bother caring what they think?

>> No.12881121

ah man pretty good, 7/10, haven't seen this style in a while

>> No.12881122

I remember reading an interesting post about Hegel and Gurren Lagann but I can't remember if it was here or some other board.

>> No.12881124

>its better to just read and dont give a fuck about other readers
not the guy you're talking to, but i agree with you and i hope you'd written that in better English

>> No.12881133

Not him but could you tell me what's wrong with his English? I want to improve.

>> No.12881149

don't listen to this guy, he's a skeleton

>> No.12881171

the time spent on 4chan talking to some retarded fag could be better spent reading an actual book

this board is a mistake

>> No.12881179

wtf are you smokin? that was utter le edgy meme shit

>> No.12881240

i finally gave in and made a discord, maybe i will make some internet friends

>> No.12881261

I still dont have a clue what that is and kind of dont feel the need to find out. Who /boomer and proud/ here?

>> No.12881270

it's like irc but with images and voice chat and controlled by a single company

>> No.12881293

just takin it in, boss. just taking it in.
spending time with my favorite people here on /lit/.
my sweet little angels whose wings are books, flapping open and closed open and closed.
tonight, i will have wine, and write.

>> No.12881305

it's quite possible to have positive exchanges with people here, you know. you are the one who chooses who and how you engage with others.

>> No.12881863

I'm terrified of getting literally any response from the universities to which I send PhD applications. A negative answer will bum me out, a positive one will force me to leave everything behind to somewhere I've never been, all alone. I wish I could freeze time and live constantly in the last two semesters.

>> No.12881874


Don’t do a PhD. I have one... it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

>> No.12881930

I can then throw the last 5 years of my life into the trash bin as well then cause I'm a STEMfag
I think (I hope) this feeling will go away once I do get any answer

>> No.12882098

what do people think when they see me?

>> No.12882147
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The plants won the Game. We've lost to the most base and absurd forms of carbon based automata. And, they're mocking us with their monstrous vagina like blossoms which we've unwittingly capitalized into our society.

>> No.12882163

what would my friends and I think of each other if we met now for the first time?

>> No.12882169
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>> No.12882226
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>tfw want a qt black gf
>tfw no social skills

>> No.12882242

some plants even brazenly trick animals into getting covered in plant semen. I fucking hate those cheeky bastards, mocking us.

>> No.12882295
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Why do most people in workshop classes write shit about relationships? It's boring critiquing 500 stories about some guy's girlfriend. I love the stories that do anything different even if they're objectively terrible.
Some plants even make fake bee pussy

>> No.12882312

>another episode of hunter x hunter? No I really shouldn't, I have work to do
>oh well, if you insist...

>> No.12882318

they also brazenly smother your noses and causing your sinus to be inflamed from their cum. the plant fuckers. they fuck a lot, that's for sure.

>> No.12882391
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Life is a silly fucking joke. The most absurd thing in this world is living, everything seems to be a big fuckin nonsense like how come i got here and why and there is no answer to that i just am. For a month now i feel like i am only pretending all the time to not come out as a retard but dudes iam losing it and i think i am going mad help

>> No.12882513

Why would someone do that, go on /lit/ and tell lies?
I read 2 1/2 novels in the past week and a half, about 8 or 9 short stories, 1/2 a textbook (for fun), and 9 or 10 essays.
I agree the crit thread had some of the worst writing I've ever seen, but still, at least this place is half a notch better than /r/books or someplace. Anyway, you just admitted to being one of those phonies in the past, don't be too hasty to look down on someone else. There's at least three intelligent posters on this board. More than the rest of 4chan combined.
Also charts are cancer.

>> No.12882716

your parents fucked. your mom became pregnant. and, here you are. i hope i've alleviated your existential anxieties and introduced new ones.

>> No.12882957
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Watched a movie last night that starred an up and coming actress. I hadn't seen her before and looked up her biography. Turns out I'm only four days older than her. The paths of our lives are so different though. If we ever met, I'm not sure that we would have anything in common to talk about. I simply cannot even imagine what it would be like to be born and guided into a life path like her. To not have to deal with childhood poverty, or other deprivations. The challenges that I have to deal with are at a complete tangent from hers and yet we are both human, living on the same planet at the same time, and even speaking the same language. And to think that I'm not even that high up on the food chain and that my life is radically different from those separated by both time and geography. It's given me a lot to think about

>> No.12882967

I'm feeling happier than I have in a long time because I thought i had some permanent damage to my leg but it'll subside if i lose some weight get stronger. I'm looking forward to training my self by to health, feels like I have a mission, felt like I was on autopilot to death for the past year. Summer is gonna be /lit/

>> No.12883037

I made the decision today to ask out one of my female friends who I have known for a while. She gave me a soft rejection due to her own legitimate reasons, but I saw something in her eyes. It felt good expelling all of that pent up anxiety. I can put these feelings behind me now.

>> No.12883040

my summer is going to involve working part time and spending the rest of the day sitting at my parents' house watching anime

>> No.12883065

Whom impregant her?

>> No.12883108

my soul hurts

i need new shoes

>> No.12883470
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it's been years since i'm not in this site. i guess im coming here because when i used to feel lonely i just browsed this. i broke up with my bf we've been together for years and now i don't know what to do

>> No.12883534

I'm bulimic but I'm going to stop being bulimic now

>> No.12883545

O man is a beast most diverse,
In skin and hair and eye
Yet yon the flesh his fabled curse,
The spirit his famed lie
For the colour of mind's raiment
Does change with patron line
With saturn and with eros does chameleon spirit sigh

>> No.12883614

Head to toe. Keep it simple.

>> No.12883635

>In Yet The For Does With

>> No.12884044

No shit. The question is how me as a person got into that body.

>> No.12884049

I wrote this, it is small and stupid but I like it. a small snip from a larger piece.

"Old melancholic thoughts were moved to my pallet, and I suckelled on their sweet nostalgic stem."

>> No.12884924

I hope you retards know that an ideology must not be judged by how exotic it is. An idea could be popular or boomer tier and still be true, the same way an extremely biased person can reach valid conclusions. There's nothing more embarrassing than retards being scandalized after finding out Nick Land was a run of the mill libertarian.

>> No.12885092

That motorised marvel vexes me
Deafens me and fills my lungs
Can't hear my thoughts
My melodies die
Smoke of my funeral pyre
Stuck in a chemical mire
Come pick me up on that stallion of yours

>> No.12885452

when I say that I miss my oneitis what I really mean is I miss believing that I could have at once both an innocent, childlike conception of life and companionship with another. I don't think I've ever talked to anyone who quiet understands this feel and it saddens me to be alone in feeling it

>> No.12885518

Berkeley abided to bethink above brain
From believing brute bounds we better abstain
Bodies being but bound beside bent
Better yet, but bound inside it

Much a mistake my misguided man
Matter amounts to what makes up your dam
Madness methinks must march from your maw
Making the motions muster at all

Bereft by abstraction you beggar about
Believing perceiving brings bare without

Mangled messiah you manage to miss
Mind's impediments your matters dismiss

One wonders what makes so, when waking we find
Matter's existence depends on the mind
While bent is but bundles of bodies and beasts
Trial break one away; the other deceased

>> No.12885543
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typewriter gang rise up

>> No.12885655

i know that feel. usually i just go to sleep or listen to sad music to instantly increase the meaningless

>> No.12885677


whatever works for you comrade

>> No.12885792

>cares about thots
You are an embarrassment to your country.

>> No.12885806

Fucking beta orbiters make me sad.

>> No.12886177

when the gamers finally rise up you will all be sorry

>> No.12886194

>pyre mire rhyme
hello jim

>> No.12886364

I have no idea what you mean by that, anon

>> No.12886523

shut up you retarded fag

>> No.12886635
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>> No.12886640

It's so sad how powerful and simple brainwashing truly is.

>> No.12886665

>my life is becoming notes from the underground

>> No.12886692
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where did hibarichanposter go? i don't usually like tripfags but he was nice

>> No.12886852

Lol you got this from watching an actress? Who cares about actors, I pity them actually. I had a crisis like this with athletes though. Used to race karts when I was younger but never had enough money to move up formula Ford so my racing career ended before it even began. When new f1 drivers were literally a couple weeks younger than me I fell into a deep depression and I couldn't even watch the sport because I was so damn bitter. I've gotten over it now and made peace with my own life path, I'm sure you will too

>> No.12886854

old people are cool, they'll say something as they walk by even if it's disingenuous
most young people either don't look up from their phone or avert their gaze from anyone in their path
watching people is neat

>> No.12886867
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Its another lonely friday night in my life, i had so many of them that it almost doesnt get me seeing all my friends having fun. Although i feel like an old man in the shell of 18 yo because of my lack of social connections and i must say it i feel a little bit disconnected from the world or maybe more than a bit i dont know

>> No.12886870
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>Nick land was a run in the mill libertarian
Oh no no no no no no

>> No.12886875

IVE GOT A tip for ya
>dont vomit after you ate

>> No.12886886

>18 year old
Time for me to leave this fucking site. Weird knowing I'm only 4 years older but that you were 14 when I was the same age. I can't be surrounded by people like this. Time to move on

>> No.12887193

you know fucktard that age bounder is vanishing at some point? Imagine talking to a 30 yo who says to you that you cant be seen with him only because you were 4 when he was 12. Your stupidity is outrageous cunt

>> No.12887209

jannies deleted a shitpost of mine because it contained the n word and now I'm actually mildly upset senpai

>> No.12887239

You jumping off a cliff, anon?

>> No.12887244

Maybe he's going to go for his pilot's license. Don't be so cynical.

>> No.12887295


7 days to go now, just final preparations left.

>> No.12887311

dude why would you prepare for suicide? After all you are going to be dead so why bother?

>> No.12887323

i'm not killing myself

>> No.12887351

wait 10 years

>> No.12887407

The same rhyme is used in the song 'light my fire' by the doors, the lyrics being written by Jim Morisson.

>> No.12887531


>> No.12887540

I want to die

>> No.12887547

jannies are niggerfaggots, they've been 404ing these threads and pushing them to /r9k/ even when only like 20-30% of posts max are >tfw no gf

>> No.12887566

You really think you're breaking new grounds with that claim fuck boy? Thank you for proving my point in why I don't want to talk to fucking 18 year olds, they don't know shit yet their confident based on nothing. If a 30 year old wants to hang around 21 year olds that's fucking pathetic, they should kill themselves. 18 year olds are the worst though, Ill rather talk to literal children, because they don't have a delusion of third opinions and thoughts being anything but immature trash

>> No.12887611

I feel bad for jannies. have to delete /r9k/ and /pol/ posts constantly from here. Can't you guys all just stop being faggots? janny is overworked.

>> No.12887847

I crushed a guy's confidence only because I've been sitting alone at a bar, reading a book on my phone and occasionally looking right past the face of a girl because there is a TV screen behind her, I was checking the result of the Southampton vs. Liverpool game, didn't even give a shit about her, but she thought I was checking her out and she set herself up to reject me.

I left my place. My way out was to her right and from that side a poor fellow approached her (while I was out of her sight), she answered, without even looking at him, with a really rough "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" and the guy just says "I just want to say hello" (turns out they knew each other, but they weren't that close) "WELL, HELLO, SORRY I'M BUSY RIGHT NOW" (her conversation was jack shit, I overheard some of it), the guy left the place baffled.

God damn. Was I just indirectly rejected? I mean, I've had worse, this one is just funny.

>> No.12887880

damn, what an agro cunt

>> No.12887907

I want to serially publish a novel but I don't know where to do it.

Also these threads and this board suck and I don't know why I ever posted here. At least on lebbit I get the opportunity to shill my work while dealing with retards.

>> No.12888080

I love this, did you write it?

>> No.12888758
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I just want to be free from busy bodies and petty minded rules-makers. My parents said that they would shun me if I left their religion and would make the rest of my family do it too.

It's not even an interesting or beneficial religion, just shitty Pentecostal sentimentalism cooked up by a schizophrenic childhood rape victim (who is unironically probably an unaware MKULTRA test subject, not joking). I hate how sentimental and emotionally laden American religion is. It's embarrassing. One time during a meeting, an old carpenter lied down in the aisle and started convulsing because he thought he was possessed by a demon, of course he never visited a psychologist in his life, didn't have those in the pioneer days. It's all so transparently bullshit, no one wants to say the emperor is naked. One time multiple people did and the pastor ripped them a new one and kicked them out of the church. He stopped a meeting a couple of hours into it and literally made the whole congregation choose sides: the people who thought he was the prophet and those who didn't. Just like the most depraved stalinist, his first task was to find the main threats to his power and liquidate them. He didn't have any rebellions like that for the next fifty years.

For all of those decades the pastor had a captive audience, hundreds of people waiting on his every whim and forced to endure his tirades. He would drag Sunday meetings past midnight with no breaks many times, just him speaking to them for hours at a time. I've heard his life story dozens of times. He so obviously wanted someone to psychoanalyze him but was looking for it in the wrong place. All of his childhood traumas, his bad relationship with his father, the time he was raped as a child, the period of his life when he was a college sex addict (he would be considered a serial rapist by modern standards): all of these I've been forced to endure for countless hours on church meetings and bible study. I used to pity him, than I hated him, now I just don't care. He has cancer metastasized across his whole body now, has had it for years, but that doesn't stop him. I won't be visiting his funeral

>> No.12888765

(・o・) ( ・o・)
we need to revive emoticons!

>> No.12888880

>black gf
They’re thinking is so much their it’s not even relevant to from the beginning so it’s so weird seeing something like that and it happens almost like they mean it to they’re reading.

>> No.12888937

i feel numb

>> No.12888954

I shared a rough draft of the first 50 pages of my cyberpunk novel with my friends about a month ago and got some good feedback and the editing process was going well. They are eagerly awaiting the second draft, but about a week ago I seemingly lost all motivation to write. I've dealt with writer's block before, but this is a particularly bad case. I write every day, but I've barely been able to force out a paragraph these past few nights.

I'm about to work on my current draft again, but I feel so tied, like my brain is low on creative fuel.

>> No.12888960

nape to navel

>> No.12889384

Saw a few memes regarding personality types and understanding that particular expiriences described in them apply to me makes me butthurt. Speaks volumes about what an ordinary entity I am, but don't misunderstand I am not angry about not being some special snowflake. It's something different, hard to describe.

>> No.12889407

it's time to forge a body of IRON and a mind of STEEL brothers, do you feel it? I FEEL IT

>> No.12889471

No i didnt you shithead but you seem to dont understand that 4yo difference is not so fucking big and you are clearly picturing yourself better only because of your age. No one can be That fucking stupid

>> No.12889546

I should read for fun and not to impress people i don't know online.

>> No.12889689

Physiognomy is extremely useful but "scientists" don't want to admit it

>> No.12890486

What church in specific?

>> No.12890854

The church is its own thing but it broke off from the Missouri Lutheran Church I. The '70s

>> No.12890891

>tfw ive been grinding Zulrah for 300 kills and got no fucking unique drops
Probably not /lit/ related but it really fucking pisses me off.

>> No.12890959

I remember when I was like 13 and was big into grinding in WoW. Did stratholme five times a night so I get get the epic mount drop. Was nice to have a routine like that, but goddamn, that was such a waste of time

>> No.12890985
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Sure did. Thanks mate

>> No.12891287


>> No.12891304

>didn't even give a shit about her,
that's a lie, brother

>> No.12891613

Have a pathetic orbiter and can't even get any money or gifts from them. How the fuck do women do it?

>> No.12891620

Sometimes I wish God would burden me with the suffering of my family. Can't bare to see them like that. I'm not strong but God made me resilient.

>> No.12891621

By being women.

>> No.12891948

FUCK off cunt

>> No.12892048
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Everything I'm about to say is completely true, everything happened exactly as described.
I had a seizure a while ago while I was writing. I got too stimulated. It was an overload. I remember getting out from my chair and heading to my bathroom. I washed my hands and forgot everything else.
When I came to, I had a bruise on my head, a dislocated shoulder, and a massive scar on my hand. My bathroom was completely wrecked. My cleaning supplies were everywhere, bathroom roll knocked out from the wall from the nails and I was overwhelmed with a sense of mystery, suspense, thinking that I've finally gone too far with my work ethic and drive.
The next few days I became completely sick and bedridden. I had intense abdominal inflammation and breathing became intensely difficult. If I did anything slightly stressful or difficult, I would fall down and seize again and again without exception. I had to stop everything: Juuling, working, caffeine, marijuana, all of my vices. I stopped eating for a while and lost about 10 pounds over the course of a week. This wasn't water weight because I was compulsively drinking liters and gatorade.
I got some steroids from the ER and an inhaler. After the treatment I've been better. The seizures have stopped, but now I'm stuck in a stupor of comfort and ease, which I previously despised. I regained a ton of weight as eating was the only thing left to do.
I have so many things I want yet can't have. I hit a brick wall of striving. I realized (at way too young of an age) that pleasure and stimulation is a finite resource. I reached my limit at what I can do. I'm stuck at 1.5 when I need to be at a 10 or atleast 8 to really be satisfied with myself.
Should I go back to my previous lifestyle of intense striving, without the nicotine or caffeine, or should I sink into a pleasant day-to-day routine of ease and voluntary complacency?

>> No.12892064

I want to put my pennies in your anus.

>> No.12892782

Do you spend your time daydreaming?
Do you dislike your friends but fear loneliness?
Do you avoid sexual situations, but crave companionship and love?
Do people consider you either too soft or unsympathetic?
Do you nurture strange beliefs motivated desperation?
Do you see most activities as a chore?
Do you despise others and yourself?
Do you constantly feel like you have fucked up?
Do you strive to improve, but feel like it’s going anywhere?
Do you use computers and cellphones as a way to distract yourself?
Do you feel simultaneously fascinated and displeased by the common experiences and behaviors that you fail to indulge in?
Does your resolve seem ridiculous?
Perhaps fragile?
How much more can it take?
Do you have a plan for when it breaks?

>> No.12892823

That picture is normie, and so is the "oh no no no no no no" shit, die, and die in a way that will maximise the total sum of suffering for yourself and the people around you.

>> No.12893036

I ate some beef sausages on Tuesday and have had really bad poops. I have also been sharting. Luckily not in a mart but still annoying. Prior to those I had not eaten beef for about two and a half years. Unlike my shit, this has solidified my choice to continue not eating beef.

It sucks. Sharting. Not big sharts but small ones. Still.

>> No.12893103

>Do you spend your time daydreaming?
Only if I don't do anything else, like working, sleeping, eating etc.

>Do you dislike your friends but fear loneliness?
I don't have friends, I'm content with loneliness, because I don't like the people around me.

>Do you avoid sexual situations, but crave companionship and love?

>Do people consider you either too soft or unsympathetic?
The consider me to be a deceptive asshole; which isn't completely wrong, tbqh.

>Do you nurture strange beliefs motivated desperation?
Yes. But I believe my beliefs are consequential, when searching the truth.

Do you see most activities as a chore?

>Do you despise others and yourself?
No, this is wrong.

>Do you constantly feel like you have fucked up?
No, I could've done worse.

>Do you strive to improve, but feel like it’s going anywhere?
Yes, absolutely.

Do you use computers and cellphones as a way to distract yourself?
Yes, unfortunately.

>Do you feel simultaneously fascinated and displeased by the common experiences and behaviors that you fail to indulge in?
Yes I do, it's a quite ambivalent feeling.

>Does your resolve seem ridiculous?
I haven't yet figured out a resolve.

>Perhaps fragile?
No, not really.

>How much more can it take?
I never say or think this unironically.

>Do you have a plan for when it breaks?
I'm going to defend my ground, until I die.

>> No.12893106

I don't know who I am or what should I do anymore. Those shrooms really fucked me up. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

>> No.12893152

Here, I'll start a poem and somebody else finish it.

Oh, my salty asshole, you're stretched and pained quite so
I try to keep you satisfied, yet shit still seems to flow
sometimes as I take a shit, you like to flip and flop
Yet as I am on the go, you never seem to stop

>> No.12893363


>> No.12893872

do you think normal non-racist people would find the boy unlikable in this scenario?

>street urchin boy runs errands for a petshop and is in love with the owner's teenage daughter
>unfortunately, teenage daughter is super racist and preaches about the yellow peril to the boy who believes every word
>owner lets a lonely asian man to adopt a puppy, infuriating the daughter and causing street urchin to go off and kidnap an innocent man's puppy because he's afraid the man intends to eat it

>> No.12893906

Are men really just more free with their money? How do I go about subtly "pushing" a female orbiter into giving me money and such?

>> No.12893913

Wow, now aren't you truly the next Job?

>> No.12893944

deduction is not your forte

>> No.12894050

Wanna talk about it? I'm the anon who wrote those questions.

>> No.12894254

stem to stern

>> No.12894403
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Goddammit, I think I'm too dumb to do life. Like, I can't even play video games right.

>> No.12894426

that's why taking the elevator makes sense when there's like 40 floors but in my country the biggest i've seen is 12 floors which can and should always be done by stair, an elevator is wasteful of electricity. of course it's great when you are moving from or to an apartment in a high floor, or are elderly or disabled

>> No.12894733

"Jokingly" refer to her paying you stuff; ask her out (not on a date, but stay ambiguous) for eating outside for example and either "ironically" says stuff like "your treat ;^)" or do the whole "forgot my wallet" routine. Alternatively, you can mention how money is tight right now. Repeat. If she's really a beta orbiter she won't mind. And remember: ambiguity is what you should always aim for

Yes I'm very poor

>> No.12894822

I feel like I'm making myself nuts, the combination of philosophy, literature, and a general interest in what is going on in tech with regards to surveillance and data is making me seem paranoid to those around me.
When I'm with my friends and i start talking about things that concern me I always get this look that's either concern or confusion.

>> No.12896327

Was hit with a very sudden, violent depressive wave this morning, realizing that there are a lot of people like me, with the exact same interests and thoughts. It's not that I'm absolutely determined to be "unique", but I feel cookie-cutter. I feel like another blank face in a market-audience.

>> No.12896595

odd... what country? is it so poor that electricity usage for things like basic utilities is so much of a consideration to people there?

>> No.12896674


>> No.12896739

Severely hungover, had a realization about the way I relate to people and the burdens I place on them by wishing that they could bring meaning to my life.

My new plan is to extend that mindset and overlay it atop everything else. Everything brings meaning to my life by virtue of its interacting with me, and every instantiation of being is in and of itself meaningful.

This has been disastrous for my love life because I've basically been searching for a Godlike figure which would make obsolete every other facet of my life, I wanted to be subsumed. This is neither possible nor desirable, really.

I no longer want to sincerely die but I can't figure out what to do

>> No.12896756


But then this still is displacing responsibility and value formation onto external agents, which isn't that great an idea either...

>> No.12896782

read L'Allegro and Il Penseroso, it may provide a fresh perspective

>> No.12896835

I panic, I'm constantly regressing, every day I get stupider and more trite, I was never very clever to begin with but I feel like a moron now. I don't do drugs and I drink very rarely, I don't eat as much as I should and I struggle to fall asleep. I hooked up with a casual friend a few times and I'm starting to regret it because it's made me feel lonely and I'm starting to crave more, but I don't care for her as a person much at all. Meanwhile the girl who I actually want to date doesn't seem to notice me half the time, the other half it feels like she's leading me on. I'm pathetic and self-loathing, but still prideful enough to be insulted at the idea of being mistaken for a beta orbiter and this causes resentment toward her. My last gf always acted like she was trying to finesse me, but if she knew me at all she would realize that she doesn't have to scheme to get what I'm happy to give away. I don't mind covering someone I love, but she always assumed that she would have to manipulate me to e.g. get me to pay for her dinner. In retrospect I'm glad she left.

The more people I meet the fewer I know.
^ My head is full of teenage angst like this now. I've Benjamin Button'd my way back into my high school mentality. I don't post on /lit/ these days, jannies are overeager with the 24hr bans here.

>> No.12897078
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Another insight thanks to mindfulness meditation. I've been aware of it intuitively for a long time, but now it's very clear in my consiousness. I have to renounce my circle of friends. For the past couple of years I've been forcing myself to interact with them out of some kind of social pressure, and I've regretted it every single time. I don't know if I should make this next step on my path, but everything seems to warn me with bright lights to finally stop, like before a railroad crossing.

>> No.12897116

Careful not to leave a void in your life. Cutting out rot is one step, but the next step is replacing it with something healthy and that's just as important. Don't just leave bad people, find better ones.
Best of luck anon.

>> No.12897156

>find better ones
All I wish for is one person that could understand me. I'm simply heading in the opposite direction than everyone. I'm yet to meet a pair of eyes with that soft repose and a bit of distance.

>> No.12897274

>My head is full of teenage angst like this now. I've Benjamin Button'd my way back into my high school mentality.

I'm 26 and this is how I feel now, as well. Acting like a sulking teenager. This is great I love this

>> No.12897324

That's what I've been doing for the last few days. It's going ok

>> No.12897469

Despite what you may hear from the top, physiognomy is extremely real and relevant for everyone

>> No.12897480

A widespread taste for pornography means that nature is alerting us to some threat of extinction.

>> No.12897511

Lime sorbet tastes of immeasurable loss.

>> No.12897555

I know this feel exactly. I had no doubts we'd be together forever then she left me.

>> No.12898354

I wish that was me. I've completely fallen into boomer mentality. Defeated complacency and inactive, dormant anger at increasingly mundane concerns about jobs, commute, money etc. I want to be a raging teen having existential crisis again.

>> No.12899943

no, my country is quite rich indeed and it's not a problem in and of itself, it's just that all this climate talk has got me thinking of ways to reduce carbon emissions and i really do not understand why people take the elevator (DOWNSTAIRS especially) in my apartment building which is 7 floors, i like to optimize things in my head and don't like wastefulness in any sense and not taking the elevator is just one of those small things

>> No.12899955

Can someone recommend a good short story I can read in an hour and that can be found free in pdf?

>> No.12900037

I must have aspergers or something. How can I tell if I'm autistic or just socially maladapted?

>> No.12900043

Honestly? Go to a doctor or psychologist.

>> No.12900056
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>> No.12900274

I hate sinning, and I want to stop sinning. Every single time I seriously sin I regret it and wish I'd never done it. I've heard God's voice speak to me, and I want to follow the Lord perfectly. I want to empty myself out and fully let Him into my life.

>> No.12900297

Have you tried not sinning?

>> No.12900300

either extremely breadpilled or extremely schizophrenic, either way good for you anon, best of luck in your quest to stop sinning

>> No.12900311

Yes, but I always manage to fuck up and sin anyway. I sometimes feel like the Christian life has a Sisyphean quality: we sin, then confess our sins, then we are absolved, then we sin again, and must confess again. It is a wheel we seem never to break. But I want to break it. I want to shatter the wheel of repetition and transcend the rhythms of a sinful life.

>> No.12900331

Even just having woken up, I am tired. I sleep, yet I do not rest. I breathe, yet there is no release. I eat, yet absence fills my belly. I drink, yet my bones remain dry and wanting. I have seen several die, yet if life has value so does it it ever alludes me. I am severely tired of this fleshy hell where nothing is anything in particular but lies and baseless hedonism. If there exists any molecule of mercy in this dull place strike me down, I am tired.

>> No.12900815

I'm still sharting a bit and not trusting farts. I think it's because of my pretty shitty diet. I've not been eating a lot of fibre so I need to change that. I used to have an eating schedule. Oatmeal in the morning, mashed potatoes and a salad at night. Sometimes I'd deviate but it had everything I needed and helped me lose 80lbs. Now I eat like shit again and have gained 8lbs to 13lbs depending on how much I gorge myself like an ogre.

I'm going to start counting my fibre intake but it feels stupid. I just feel a bit spooked on it being unmanly for some reason even though I know it isn't and even in I really don't care but still, you know? I don't know how to explain my feelings on it for some reason. Still going to do it.

I don't know, lads. My butt's always sweaty too. It's getting humid again. Life is a nightmare lately.

>> No.12900815,1 [INTERNAL] 

trawling the archive and i can't find it. Pretty sure it was written here