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File: 88 KB, 768x1024, Pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12877991 No.12877991 [Reply] [Original]

>tries to critique Pinker's love for reason using reason.
Why are Pinker's critics so dumb?

>> No.12878012

He looks like my grandma

>> No.12878015


>> No.12878174


>> No.12878178
File: 287 KB, 696x1118, 1554156682452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12878586


>> No.12878603

Is this a fake tweet?

>> No.12878611 [DELETED] 

niggers and so and on. me out.

>> No.12878739


>> No.12878779

It's not that his love for reason is unreasonable, it's that he is unwilling to recognize the fundamentally liberal ideology that underpins his exclusive understanding of reason. Science is fairly shallow epistemologically, and unless one can be certain that they understand the numerous (often near infinite) factors that go into running a particular experiment, replicability on a micro scale does not necessarily warrant that the concept will function as a macro-phenomenon. Science works very well for certain specific disciplines, but is not a particularly effective basis for a worldview as it fundamentally will need to rely on non-scientific axioms to orient ones people when it comes to questions science is ill equipped to directly address.

>> No.12880025
File: 36 KB, 200x237, smug hamann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love for reason

>> No.12880060
File: 342 KB, 690x1111, 1536709749225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real one

>> No.12880077


I think the real issue is that he tries to mindlessly compare new and old as though we are supposed to bow down and be grateful that we don't have it worse. It is just shallow moralizing that doesn't really have any impact. The ancient world had more killing yes, but it is about as useful to compare ourselves to that as it would be to compare ourselves to an alien planet. "Haha the aliens shit out their mouths? Aren't you grateful you don't? Look how good we have it?" So I'm not allowed to have grievances because it has been worse? Fuck you this is 101-tier garbage. This is why sociology and psychology are falling apart as fields of study.

>> No.12880446

you can hear the hands rubbing from here.

>> No.12880503

We're hasty to declare the brain changes in opiate addicts as damage when they've adapted themselves to a post-pain lifestyle. A Green future requires more men to ingest pharmaceuticals than risk sobriety.

>> No.12881970

He uses so much data. People act like he isolated two or three variables.

>> No.12882620

>Science is, like, fairly shallow epistemologically
Imagine typing this dreck in good faith, holy shit.

>> No.12882888

Everything about modern life is unsustainable. Once the observation of "fringe" types, its now evident in every scooter-ferried Harkonnen-aspirant that shambles through their local widgets & syrups warehouse. The subtext of the ACA ("Obamacare") being impossible to finance drew this point home with every apocryphal tale of the absurd costs of heroic American medicine: Americans and any person living a modern lifestyle are unambiguously disgusting, differing by slight degrees but socialized to think they're somehow not salient and fluid to a great pestilence poured out onto their own civilization let alone the greater Earth. The hideousness is measured in the "market solutions" of specialized beds, winches, cranes and medical specialties to care for industrially obesified human beings, exemplars of the transubstantiation of homo sapiens into adipose capacitors for a wretched capitalist circuit, consequent to their role as bipedal launderers of industrial agricultural chemicals that are themselves merely a physical embodiment of vast layers of financial speculation and shrewd strategy, shrewd for the plutocrats and their toady underlings while a macabre fact of life for the social pyramid membership. This isn't even broaching the vast opportunities for medical business harvesting a population perpetually bathed in pesticide drenched produce, bioaccumulating the petrochemical run-off, let alone actual pharmaceuticals, many prescribed in untestable combinations, hammering patients with whatever is needed by profitable laundering of pharmaceutical materials, as grotesque as the leeches, laudanum and mercury, only diabolically more altering, precise, systematic, binary, dialing and tuning human beings according to the horrors they're enduring for it all, for venal quip-prone fucks like Pinker to continue the university market's sinister surfeits of destroying knowledge, subjugating cohort after cohort of youth in a doctrinaire cynicism characteristic of the risk-averse geriatrics.

>> No.12882894

I refuse to believe even stinker would sink this low

>> No.12882896

that looks like an ass

>> No.12883522
File: 34 KB, 220x340, serveimage-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh data shows dingz r guud

>> No.12883603
File: 66 KB, 693x417, Screenshot_20190114-142951_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12883607


>> No.12883619

Where are the niggers? Where are the faggots?

>> No.12884463

It is. Science is very useful for specific micro phenomena in which we can either control or understand the contribution of nearly every factor involved. It is significantly less useful for macro phenomena which require an approximation of the effects of innumerable contributing factors. The closest we can get is the various applications of Stochastic analysis in certain subdisciplines of science, but even then often the conclusions drawn from those subdisciplines tell you more about the assumptions the author made than the specific conclusions of the paper.

>> No.12884467
File: 153 KB, 460x325, 1529420226300 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do not even try anymore to hide their genocide.

>> No.12884470

His data is often less important than the assumptions he makes prior to implementing his specific aggregation process. For example when he talks about how people generally speaking have it better, he is assuming that material wealth and stability translate are effective substitutions for long term happiness when many studies (and just sort of a basic skepticism of the concept) display that assumption as not necessarily holding water. Often people are happier in conditions in which they are materially less stable yet have the ability to actualize themselves through their community vs having a stable and prosperous material life but feeling isolated and alone/nihilistic.

>> No.12884481
File: 121 KB, 956x768, o7e5rhkpoZBfopCXayWwvHHGRfQ1UrZARkbZe9mYuEw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Pinker's critics are retards but that doesn't mean Pinker isn't a retard with a 'logic' fetish himself.

Pinker is what pic related could've been if he wasn't retarded.

>> No.12885436


>> No.12886783

>logic' fetish
Imagine being anti-logic.

>> No.12886805

It's not his love of reason I criticize. It's his poor reasoning.

>> No.12886876

Imagine not being anti-logical and logical at the same time.

>> No.12886939

Plinker's entire shtick is self-congratulation. He only "loves reason" insofar as he identifies himself as "reasonable".

>> No.12886974

t.b.h. he is an autistic jew, I like him but it's like he's on some other wavelength from everyone else and reality. I read his style manual, The Sense of Style and it's as >>12886939 said, i.e. in the intro he interviewed several authors about what reference manuals they had read as he was attempting to write his own, and they all answered "none", so he essentially decided it was probably retarded to continue but then decided fuck that lol I'm going to write it anyway because I'm so great

>> No.12886976

Yes. The actual tweet was a link to an article about why we shouldn't deny neurological differences between the sexes.

>> No.12887003


>> No.12888282

Postmodern nonsense. Rationalism is the only serious school.

>> No.12888299
File: 728 KB, 2326x3085, der junge Goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.12888322

Fuck off retard

>> No.12889105

His hairline is fuller than mine at nineteen years old. For this reason I conclude he doesn't understand struggle in the same way I have. Therefore I don't want to hear a word from him about quality of life.

>> No.12889109

Blood transfusions from graduate students can do wonders for your youth. thats why it's so important for you to be vegan

>> No.12889235
File: 35 KB, 342x432, Johann_Georg_Hamann_(1730–1788).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look upon logical proofs the way a well-bred girl looks upon a love letter

>> No.12889305

Grug learn big word

>> No.12890836 [DELETED] 

Just get plugs bro.

>> No.12890859

I critique Pinker by opening my ass and landing a steaming turd over his face

>> No.12890951


>> No.12892107

It's sarcasm

>> No.12892174

This guy reminds me of white chocolate with strawberry bits

>> No.12892199

Spoken like a man who has not lost his hair. If you get plugs (5 digit surgery) your head will shed them right off if you don't medicate daily with a testosterone inhibitor for the rest of your life.