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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 83 KB, 507x763, 1542942475812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12875989 No.12875989 [Reply] [Original]

So what's up with the hate on Capitalism? Why doesnt anyone realize that there is no system nore efficient than the market economy? Literally just open up any economics book and educate yourself instead of poisoning your mind on relativist resentful postmodern neomarxists who just want to destroy the system like Butler, Foucault and Deleuze. Why do they hate freedom so much and want to be babied by the gubment and why do they resent the people at the top who were clever, hard working, and knew how to play the market? Start hussling and do something of value instead of being lazy pseudointellectial pricks who think they know everything because they read gibberish like Anti-Oedipus or edgelord pseudointellectual writing like Simulcra and Simulation. Learn to code and actually learn something about economics, Marx isnt taken seriously by any real economists and intellectuals. Your humanities degree doesnt mean shit. Reading 13 year old edgelord sadboi tier musings like Pessoa and Bernhard doesnt make you smart or better than anyone else it was a phase I got out of in like 6 months when I was a teen get out there and start hussling and have sex you are not deep for reading those hacks.

So yeah all of /lit/ ETERNALLY BTFO

>> No.12876000

t. freshman CS bugman with no literary soul who watched a couple of ben shapiro and jordan peterson videos

>> No.12876006

yikes and cringepilled

>> No.12876139

t. salty english majors who will work as baristas when they graduate

>> No.12876145

All-in-all, I think economics is the true message of the Almighty – it is how he expresses His will on this Earth. The free market is the perfect messenger of His will to us, if we are prepared to listen. It is through the economy – and the free market – that he rewards the just and punishes the unjust. A controlled economy – socialism and communism – is nothing more than efforts to undermine God’s perfect instrument for enacting His will.

I would suggest you read Marx more in-depth, my friend, he was a true neoliberal.

>> No.12876152

I have six STEM degrees, was most of the way through a seventh, can code ok (better than many people who have jobs in coding anyway), and am currently working in a completely unrelated field because nobody would hire me for even an entry level IT job. I'm also pro-capitalist, but I've had to spend a lot of time figuring out why capitalism has failed me, because it has. My conclusion is that capitalism doesn't exist: that what we have now is an irrational system run by primates with proto-market elements, and that we won't have real capitalism until after all the serious decisions are given over to AI (most specifically, hiring decisions).

>> No.12876157
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i can't believe i share a board with morons like this

>> No.12876163
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wow I too was once a freshman poli student reading Fukuyama for the first time. now you either go full Hegelian or if you're a pussy go full neolib; either way, not even Fukuyama buys Fukuyama's bullshit anymore

>> No.12876167

economics is a science like and is subject to change. It's meant to proven wrong in place of something better. the fact that people still cling on to 19th century economic ramblings and treat them as gospel is really sad.

>> No.12876192
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>> No.12876203

man, I wanna go to the doctor

>> No.12876281
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Capitalism is flawed, the free market is a myth, freedom is a myth. Most liberals are shills waged by the big capital. That said, marxism is much worse because it essentially has more and bigger flaws.

WW3 must happen sooner than later, population growth is out of hand, economy just had the best bullrun in history. Therefore, we are set for a big correction which translates into a war; China and the US are doomed to go at each other quite like it happened in the Peloponesian War. Hopefully after it we can finally achieve globalism, which we should since technology allows it.

You niggers just can't understand there's perfect system and they all tend to rot and become corrupt.

>> No.12876286
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>out guy was right
Anyone doubted it?

>> No.12876306
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>waaahhh why I'm not rich if I studied a lot
>me smart STEMfag why me no rich
>fucking capitalism doesn't work!!!11!


>> No.12876316

I said entry level job, dude. I didn't say a damn thing about being rich.

>> No.12876317


It is not efficient if the aim is to have a stable society in which people are virtuous and have respect for ecology.

Capitalism gamifies debasement of the human being and the squandering of nature. Capitalism is the intellectual component of unchecked industrialization. It is the moralizing element of the bulldozer that erases nature.

Capitalism seeks to measure mean as machines of production, to commodify life itself and to self it off, if at all profitable. It is one of the most repugnant and disgusting tides of human corruption to bring its rot onto earth.

Capitalism is amoral and is therefore a fundamental opponent to anyone with an ethic.

>> No.12876330

You a pinko or Uncle Ted?

>> No.12876334

Get your shit together, I'm not even 25 and I have 100k living in some shithole country. Learn to play the fucking game of money.

>> No.12876342

I'm not an animal. I don't know how to play animal games.

>> No.12876360
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I understood this since a very early age, real life is literally like an RPG. Go farm some gold and then start min-maxing at the auction house. If you can't pull this off, enjoy your McDonalds.

>> No.12876388

Agreed , anti-capitalists are butt-hurt control-freaks who think they know.

>> No.12876441


>> No.12876451


>So what's up with the hate on Capitalism? Why doesnt anyone realize that there is no system nore efficient than the market economy?

He really thinks modern capitalism means market economies.

Oh boy, do I have news for you.

>> No.12876459

If you want a serious answer from a fervent anti-capitalist, capitalism is in my eyes fundamentally antagonistic towards the aspects of humanity I value and so I will oppose it no matter what argument about "efficiency" or "muh breadlines" you make.

I also maintain that it's deeply, deeply ironic that a board that continually bitches about how modern literature has degenerated into mass-produced samey YA shit focus tested to be as inoffensive and bland as possible WHILE defending capitalism, what do you think is causing the former geniuses?

>> No.12876464


Neither. I think aspects of capitalism can be useful as a tool to serve human purposes but it has instead grown to be an all encompassing ideology in and of itself. It has become the single biggest degradation of humanity we have known. Not even the USSR saw such a complete destruction of the home life and family.

I genuinely believe that western culture has been largely erased because of corporatist ideology. The family is gone, community is largely gone, ethics are strangled by market forces, people are more insular and selfish. People have less and less time to themselves and have little agency over their own lives.

Many of my criticisms probably overlap with those of communists, Kaczynski types and even eco fascists (minus the virulent racism, I agree in terms of the importance of the land in culture and way of life)

I believe that human society has to radically restructure itself as a part of the natural world again. We need to fit within the equilibrium of the natural order. That does not implicitly mean abandoning technology but it does mean abandoning irreconcilable gluttony and the growth obsessed ideology that has supplanted humanity oriented culture.

TL;DR: I want humanity to abandon ideologies focused on economic growth and to instead regain our connection with the land, nature and our place in it. I want a cultural restoration centered around families and communities, ecology, and a respect for the human condition.

>> No.12876477

>open up a book and educate yourselves
where the fuck do you think you are retard

>> No.12876492

>having 6 degrees
jfc dude what went wrong in your life

>> No.12876496

Do you actually want to know?

>> No.12876506
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pick one, no peeking big boy.

(also, not a coincidence that a considerably well read forum supports the abolition of social privileges in the name of equality and true freedom.

>> No.12876514


>> No.12876533

Capitalism only benefits the top few while the rest languish in decay.
Capitalists only care about profit. Not nation or people.

There is no such thing as democracy. There is no difference between the republican and democratic party besides a few cultural wedge issues. The president is a manager meant to preserve the neoliberal status qou. The people who actually make policy are faceless and unelected bureaucrats.

What is the actual end game of capital? It seems to be to turn the entirety of all western nations into third world Brazilian slums while a top few live in walled off private luxury. Decaying streets and monuments, The sidewalks filled with homeless heroin addicts pissing and shitting everywhere.

No interest in improving the economic conditions of the lowerclass. No interest in preventing immigration.
Its very clear that if you are an average plebe that electoralism is a fraud. The only way to actual change would be a bloody revolution

But the vast majority of your fellow plebes are idiots. Too busy entrapped in the never ending culture war concocted by the media and activists who employ bourgeoisie identity politics in order to divide people of the same material conditions.

Some turn to nhilism. Others to relgion.

Personally, the philosophy of Schopenhauer has helped me. They say he is a pessimist but that is good. He doesnt deal with politics, he deals with the eternal. If there is one thing that is real it is suffering

I really have no idea how you can encounter a never ending parade of pol tards babbling about race, or a never ending parade of sjws babbling about white people. and come to encounter the thoguht that the world could be so much better, it doesnt have to be like this. We could overthrow the bourgeoisie and end it all but it isnt going to happen

we could be heroes

And realize its not going to happen and not want to kill yourself or go live in the mountains and not develop a vile hatred for humanity and the demiurge

oh yes, its all made me go quite mad


>> No.12876537
File: 7 KB, 654x597, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're above the age of 20 you should consider hitting yourself in the head with a hammer and see what happens. Or just go back to reddi/tv/.
If you're below that just read more and stop posting for a bit because you're cringe.

>> No.12876587

Age 7: Diagnosed with either ASD or ADHD (don't remember). Either way, mom rejects diagnosis. IQ tested. 144+ on WAIS, 99.9th percentile on Raven APM. Recommended for gifted and talented program. Mom decides against.
Age 8: Parents divorced. Joint Custody. Mom goes shopping for other diagnoses. Hears about OCD paxil trial on NPR, coaches me on what to say to doctors to get diagnosed. My sister tells me later that she was dosing my food with extra paxil from this point onward.
Age 11: A series of diagnoses and medications have fucked with my brain and made me manic, among other things. Simultaneously I am hypereffeminate and cannot keep the emotion out of my voice/body for whatever reason. Teachers say I should be sent to an alternative school where I would benefit from discipline. Mom agrees.
Age 12-15: Tortured by religious fundamentalists at alternative school. Eventually expelled. Secretly stop taking the meds, become more or less sane as a result.
Age 20: Realize the hypereffeminate stuff means I'm trans, that it's not going away. Start transition. Dad kicks me out. Mom kicks me out. Go to community college, start studying IT. Living off student loans.
Age 22: Get first two 2-year IT degrees, can't find work. Keep going to school because otherwise I won't be able to afford to live, decide to go on for a bachelors
Age 25: Finally start the bachelors program after lots of remedial study, at a top 20 engineering college. Suffer from extreme depression. Develop psychosis via depressive type schizoaffective disorder.
Age 28: Have struggled my way to senior year in a CS BSc but get expelled due to complications from mental illness. In the meantime all the credits I've acquired translate to 4 other Associates degrees. Look for work. Can't find it. Run out of cash/credit. Am homeless for two years. Finally find a job doing something completely unrelated, manage to get an apartment through a housing program and a bank account through a small local bank.

That's it. Can elaborate as needed, but that's basically the raw details.

>> No.12876698


>> No.12876717

I know you are

>> No.12876842

which postmodernist thinkers should i read where do i start? it seems like a lot of morons are against them so i would like to read them.

>> No.12876975

Foucault, deleuze, rorty, Derrida

Rorty is a postmodern liberal but his idea of liberalism isn't really the enlightenment. He's also a breeze to read.

Derrida is perhaps the most interesting of the lot but he's impenetrable to read at times so don't start with him at all.

>> No.12877066

Different Anon but thank you for sharing and I don't mean that ironically.

>> No.12877072

> dude nose to the grindstone lmao
> dude at least you have an iphone
Nah. People want to live good lives and if the the market won't give us one then we'll look for something better, and we can definitely do better than what we have in most Western countries.

>> No.12878326


>> No.12878337
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24 carat bait

>> No.12878473

Yeah man I really feel the freedom when the only ISP in my area decides to arbitrarily raise prices and not provide adequate customer service. REALLY felt the liberty when I was born into a working class family and had to work hard for everything I have while some little rich bastard got everything handed to him. Damn I feel so emancipated knowing that 1% of the population own over 50% of the worlds wealth while people are literally homeless and starving. I feel so FUCKING FREE going to work doing exhausting menial labour for 8 hours a day where there is a HUGE power imbalance in wage negotiation while stockbrokers and real estate investors literally do NOTHING for 10x my salary. It's so great knowing that I can not pursue my philosophy degree for fear of being unemployed. It's nice knowing that race is a huge determining factor on one's success. feel so liberated when I read about the fracking companies buying off politicians and scientists to peddle the lie that global warming doesn't exist (after all it's mostly us working class folk who will experience the negative effects so who gives a fuck?)

>> No.12878504

>So what's up with the hate on Capitalism? Why doesnt anyone realize that there is no system nore efficient than the market economy?
People don't care about efficiency. They mostly just hate that some people are rich.
This feeling is fueled even more by the fact that
1. material wealth is valued so highly
2. some people didn't really earn it

Ironically, the best way to fight the evils of capitalism is with more spirituality and more nationalism (roughly speaking). I say ironically, because right now most commie larpers tend to be fervent atheists and anti-nationalists.

>> No.12878505

The problem is inside you. Stop resenting those that have power and learn how to play thr market instead of wasting time on a humanities degree aka intellectual nasturbation. Do something of value.

>> No.12878510

I don’t like the idea of profit being the end all be all.

>> No.12878514

>this is the most free society
>if you don’t do what you want of course

>> No.12878516

also grow up. your ancestors were hard working stop being soft they didnt care about frivolous things like whether or not they can learn neomarxist gubberish in their humanities classes you are soft stop resenting those that have power.

>> No.12878517

Classic JBP bait thread

>> No.12878522

it is free for you to find a job and work hard and make money like everyone else stop being a baby

>> No.12878524

So just as free as a socialist country that gives you a job they want you to do then?

>> No.12878528

Nothing wrong with JBP I see that you are a baby that spends his time reading neomarxist propaganda and thinks he is entitled to shit without doing work. You have no argument.

>> No.12878532

>Capitalism is good
>just don’t do anything that requires you to think
>i certainly don’t

>> No.12878540
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Not that Anon, but this is the most wage cuck thing I've heard all day. Objectively, a majority will work shit jobs and die never aquiring anything substantial finanically. If they didn't work the shit jobs, the economy currently as it is now simply wouldn't function.

>> No.12878553

>has 6 degrees
>has the thought process of a child
ahhh, either fake, or a sharp indictment of our education system

>> No.12878557

He’s just baiting, that or he’s a literal 17 y/o from reddit in which case he should be banned.

>> No.12878559

Yea except you have the opportunity to work as what you want, the government doesnt take your shit, your country is more innovative, and you don't have to wait in line for bread lol
I make 200k and bang more women than you learn how to play the market and stop being resentful

>> No.12878562

>h-he is just baiting
I see that you have no arguments

>> No.12878566

Yeah except anything that hasn’t to do with the market
>government doesn’t take your shit
It most certainly does lol

What would happen in your world if everyone took your advice and played the market?

>> No.12878572

Dude, if i made 200k for playing the market i would literally kill myself.
I have a comfy job where i decide my own hours and have 600k set wage

>> No.12878574

>Yea except you have the opportunity to work as what you want,
Literally impossible for everyone. Don't just go around lying to justify yourself.

>> No.12878579
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>Why do they hate freedom so much and want to be babied by the gubment and why do they resent the people at the top who were clever, hard working, and knew how to play the market?

>> No.12878580

>Yea except you have the opportunity to work as what you want
Can’t read of course

>> No.12878581


Capitalism causes cultural degeneration and by extension societal degeneration. Regulated capitalism is fine though.

>> No.12878585


bro I do CS and I am none of those things you take that back

>> No.12878587

It’s carzy that some governments actually sell out core societal jobs ment for the government to handle to private businesses, and it fucking always goes to shit.

>> No.12878592

Because i like to have basic human rights, like water.

>> No.12878604

You have water, what you want is being able to sit cozy at home reading neomarxist propaganda and watching anime while being lazy and not working getting gibs from the gubment and being the farthest away from reality as possible.

>> No.12878606

No, i’m from Flint:)
Good job cherrypicking ONE response and then fucking it up.

>> No.12878608

Theyre losers, corpratism is a problem though

>> No.12878618

>I make 200k
lmao pathetic, so this entire thread is you trying to find solace in your shit wage

>> No.12878621

should've studied stem or doctoral humanities

>> No.12878628

are you memeing or that really happened?
If true, I'd like to know more about your childhood

>> No.12878629

Inoffensiveness and blandness are products of capitalism yes but they got even more by new leftist movement's need to be even more inoffensive and therefore bland.


>> No.12878635

i wipe my ass with 200k

>> No.12878643

>in the name of equality and true freedom


>> No.12878656

Stop watching anime.

>> No.12878664

The fucking irony! You claim we have freedom but only if we are obedient slaves to capitalism.
I agree with Stirner: too many lefties blame the rich for poverty as if the poor were not equally to blame for riches. If we had a backbone we would a) demand higher wages or b) take up arms.
>the problem is inside you
Typical capitalist propaganda designed to dissuade dissent and destroy any dreams of modifying/reconstructing the oppressive systems we live under. If you honestly, wholeheartedly, believe that we live in a meritocracy then you are beyond reach.

>> No.12878666
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Western capitalism doesn't care about decent human life and allows trashy people to prosper.

>> No.12878805
File: 14 KB, 220x309, 220px-Jordan_Peterson_June_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durrr the problem is all inside you bro just keep sucking corporate cock and be happy :)
how do people actually believe this bootlicking logic

>> No.12878821

What fucking degrees are those?

>> No.12878842

>Art creators forces to work meaningless jobs
Thanks for proving us right

>> No.12878854

nothing pisses off the campus crusaders more than the sight of somebody excited to be alive, not while there're endless outrages under every rock, behind every closed door, it's the guilty conscience that breeds resentment, the four fingers pointing back at you

>> No.12878857

>Western capitalism

Is there any other kind?

>> No.12878860

capitalism is anti-art

>> No.12878863

living in your head rent free. Also, have sex

>> No.12878864

>d&g is anti-capital
either this is bait or you're retarded. either way here's a (You)

also efficiency is not always positive

>> No.12878865

OP doesn't seem to be excited to be alive

>> No.12878868

Asian capitalism, such as in China or Singapore. Those are closer to what we think of fascism.

>> No.12878871

Yeah because it has a harder time capitalizing on it.

Mark has some good talks on the subject. He goes a little overboard with the "there was no sound of 2005" stuff though.

>> No.12878876

It's still private ownership of capital by the bourgeoisie and developed from western ideas.

>> No.12878896

That’s an actual vision of hell. Fantastic pic.

>> No.12878900

As if constant barrages of meaningless art would be that good either. Fact is doesnt matter what the system is art cannot be a full time pursuit for anyone that wishes to do so would be to unstable for society overall. Perhaps making more free time a possibility is more desireable

>> No.12879020

It's from a movie.

>> No.12879223

This thread is cringe

>> No.12879229

>Pathetic, I work My own company and make 3m fluctuating between profit margin.
I kill high class hookers for fun.
>going on the internet for lies and deceives

>> No.12879660

What would you like to know? I was brought up middle class, so I didn't have any experience with material poverty until I was 20. Why father was there but aside from taking my sister and I out to eat a few times a month he absolved himself of any responsibility to do anything about the abuse that was going on. Everyone thought my mom was nice but she was a psychopathic narcissist. She wanted to send me to Diamond Ranch Academy. She was always saying things to me like "You're just like my father" or "I don't want you to turn out like my father". She has Lewy Body Dementia now and is dying a slow and painful death and I'm glad.

>> No.12879808

Thats the problem with capitalism. Things that make life meaningful aren't profitable.

>> No.12879826

>basically running with the environment as an inherent subsidy

>> No.12879898

Capitalism or not your life will have some kind of work that just isnt meaningful. You think anyone wants to be a manual laborer capitialism or not? Someone still has to do that shit so the artist might have to put the fucking brush down. If our society will truly be communal its likely you wont just strictly be one discipline

>> No.12879948

There will always be people who find labour work meaning and there is a shortage of jobs because all of those are already have people working them. But instead of people thinking of it as a good thing that we typically have more work done that we need we take it as a negative thing and complain about unemployment rates

>> No.12879988

music and art are highly profitable.

>> No.12880005

only trashy music and art, though

>> No.12880015

Nah thats just a coping mechanism under capitialism. If a society truly were to give everyone equal oppurtunity fucking no one would choose labour jobs. Its why the left has to hedge their bets so hard on automation getting rid of this work and getting everyone college educated

>> No.12881180

reminder that "capitalism" and "socialism" mean literally nothing and we should stop using these words.

>> No.12881210

a pseudoscience you mean

free market is not a myth, it however does not rewards skills
what free market allows is it allows them to get LUCKY

>> No.12881229

you can do meaningful things outside of work you are aware of that right?

>> No.12881274
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I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.12881304

The early game is more interesting than the late-game in this RPG, though. Also I accidentally used cheat codes (investing in crypto early) and now I actually have respect for people who work at McD's for such low wages. It takes real patience to work at a place like that.

>> No.12881331

work should be meaningful

>> No.12881345

Most people are doing boring menial office work for more than half the day and are too distracted today and feel exhausted after work to focus on anything meaningful

>> No.12881423

>thinking your art has inherent value and that people are obligated to support it

Nobody fucking cares that you make "art". If no actor ascribes value to your art for the achievement of their desired ends, it's literally worthless.

>> No.12881450
File: 39 KB, 664x500, 0CB16274-E567-4EA9-8618-E8182207CBCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not going to read this thread but I want you to know I misread Capitalism as Catholicism and thought it was a lot funnier

>> No.12881454

Ideal government is an absolute dictatorship with an entirely free market

The hard part is preserving both characteristics

>> No.12881458

Ever read Mencius Moldbug?

>> No.12881465

Why would I want poisonous "let's use every useful resource to create useless shit" market economy if I can have god-tier NLRBE? Educate yourself instead of breathing those emissions, dumb animeposter.

>> No.12881493


Who or what determines what is and isn't useful?

>> No.12881519

Society and individuals.

>> No.12881532
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1647771134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what else to say other than I'm sorry this all happened to you anon. This world truly is a bitch.

>> No.12881552

It can't be both. Either the individual determines what is useful to him, or some other entity. I don't see how society can make any unanimous verdict on what is and isn't useful.

>> No.12881570

Societal trends dictate you what is useful.

>> No.12881572
File: 50 KB, 880x698, Venezuela-Cuba Plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, Venezuela-Cuba Plan! Leftists, any objections?

>inb4 capitalists deserve that
Having nice safe space without you insane idiots was plot point of Atlas Shrugged, but I bet you will cry on prospect of living without 'capitalist oppression'.

>> No.12881575

you havent read any of those writers fuck off

>> No.12881584

They already do that by their purchasing choices in the free market. Instead of a central body of government deciding what's good for them, every individual can make that choice for himself and the free market will efficiently allocate resources towards producing and pricing those goods based on supply and demand.

There were warehouses full of excess goods rotting in the Soviet Union and yet you also had regular shortages of goods because they had no idea what to produce. How much of each good should we produce? Where are the limited resources best used for? How much should you price things? All those questions are answered by the free market in real-time and a planned central economy will never be that efficient.

Read a book.

>> No.12881588


>> No.12881617

You're comparing ascetic Soviet production to excessive supply of useless entertainment and products of the free market. Look up the spike up in diamond business at the beginning of the 20th century and try to understand how and why it happened.

>> No.12881631

Oh boy I love this useless thing lefties always love to bring up. Makes me want to be "leftie" just so I can decree that food and clothing is useless for revisionists, revisionist of course being actual lefties.

>> No.12881635

Nice strawman.

>> No.12881641

Fuck you revisionist. I'm a true socialist and I can single-handedly decree what is useless and what is not. Food for you is useless. Stop being counter revolutionary, stop eating! Greedy capitalist fascist pig!

>> No.12881652

>excessive supply of useless entertainment and products of the free market

If it was useless, no one would buy it or USE it. The companies that produce "useless" products go out of business in a free market.

>> No.12881653

You have friends, one of them starts using this cool app for social interaction, recommends it to his other friends, etc. It's a social trend. App is a product, it uses resources, such as electricity and labor.

>> No.12881667

Do you really think social media is useful? Do you really think bad entertainment is useful? For the elites who want you to eat this up, maybe. But definitely not for you. Look up, for example, what Nixon said about bad entertainment and pornography.
You're assuming that I called actually necessary products and services, such as food and healthcare, useless, while I actually did not and provided an example for you to research. Fuck off.

>> No.12881670

>So what's up with the hate on Capitalism?
A lot of stupid people who kept taking out loans to continue indulging themselves and their children rather than to ever save/invest in something that would help them or their children grow and become more independent now find themselves plummeting towards certain financial disaster as they get older and their children are unable to take care of them. What you have left is a bunch of people looking to blame their failures on something, and that something right now is capitalism.

Have no sympathy for anti-capitalists. They are all shitters, every single one of them.

>> No.12881671

so who cleaned the toilets in the Atlas Shrugged utopia?

>> No.12881675

But the actions of the Federal Reserve constantly devalue products and money, how can one save enough to be independent?

>> No.12881676

das rite brota in socialism that labour value waste is non wasted becos they all workan coal mnes and lumber and shiet with our hands man while me an my homies we are party member big bozz ofcz

>> No.12881694

it's a lot easier to make fun of anti-capitalists then actually engage with Marx's criticism of capitalism.

>> No.12881696

>how can one save enough to be independent?
By not constantly buying shit you don't need, spending all your earnings on "feel-good" trends, throwing your money away at various gambles and cheap thrills, and above all, investing in products that do not provide a substantial return for you.

>> No.12881710

Be that as it may, who the fuck are you or anybody else to decide what's good for me? As unfortunate as many societal trends are, they are a reflection of our highest values of liberty and personal responsibility. If you want to be a bootlicker, fuck off to Venezuela or North Korea and let them decide when you will work, eat, sleep and shit. Watch the propaganda on their TV stations, read their revisionist history, fuck your assigned wife and eat your 2 potatoes ration.

>> No.12881712

Abolish the fed?