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12873849 No.12873849 [Reply] [Original]

How do I start with the dinosaurs?

>> No.12873895

bump i want reccs for dinosaur picture books

>> No.12873901

Thoroughly debunked pseudoscience.

>> No.12873930

bump for interest

>> No.12873960

Start with the Cambrians, then the Permians (the stuff in between is mostly filled with restatements of Cambrian evolutionary thought) then skip the Triassic and go to the Jurassics and then the Cretaceous.

>> No.12873965
File: 14 KB, 250x375, When-the-Invasion-of-Land-Failed-McGhee-George-R-9780231160575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Tetrapod Pill

>> No.12873976

Digging in with the dinosaurs.

>> No.12874125


Fossils are a textbook example of the delirium inherent to the Empirical.

>> No.12874136

>And that mystery knoweth why the reptiles have arisen and why they will be destroyed.

>> No.12874145


>> No.12874146

Take the Pyepill and realize that Terraformers kickstarted the Cambrian explosion. Read into Intervention Theory, please. It's very sound and the current narratives regarding evolution do not square with the empirical histories they are tethered to.

>> No.12874155

Guys, where do I begin with anthropology? I know absolutely nothing about it, but want to become very knowledgeable on it. Fossils, the Cambrian Explosion, Lucy, all of it. Where's a good starting place?

>> No.12874166

Sure is /x/ in this fucking thread.

The correct word is paleontology.

>> No.12874182

Thank you, kind anon. And what are your thoughts on Intervention Theory?

>> No.12874213

they made up all the big skeletons during the bone wars

>> No.12874229
File: 50 KB, 429x648, 1526253527052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good dino lit bros?
Only thing I've ever seen on /lit/ is pic related, with mixed opinions

>> No.12874235

read a book about birds heh

>> No.12874242
File: 33 KB, 315x474, 51J1S7CGDML._SX313_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not actually read pic related, but it seems like something you'd want

>> No.12874250

this warms my heart a little
just a man excelling in a very specific field, writing the best book ever on triceratops
according to what im assuming is the number one t-rex expert

>> No.12874298


>> No.12874319

It is indeed quite adorable :)

>> No.12874335

start with the stegosauri

>> No.12874753


Suck fluoride dick much?

>> No.12874759

Don't say such mean things to him.

>> No.12874760

I want a fantasy story from the pov of intelligent dinosaurs.

>> No.12874766
File: 1.94 MB, 821x918, ivy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluoride is a choice.

>> No.12874783
File: 258 KB, 1024x1001, bs-20-02-DW-Kultur-Hamburg-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah

>> No.12874788

i think that one's up to you to write, m8. be the change you want to see in fiction.

>> No.12874816

what am i looking at?
diana worshippers? begone

>> No.12874959

I have these "Usborne fact cards Dinosaurs" that are kind of neat. But mostly i just read Wikipedia.

>> No.12875289

It's called imagination, and these books aren't aimed at Empirical folk, they are aimed at kids.

>> No.12875615

Patrician dinosaur

>> No.12875841

I love it too. The only reason I even know about it is I know of someone who did some art for it and he posted a pic on his instagram