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/lit/ - Literature

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12869493 No.12869493 [Reply] [Original]

>"Most people don't read complicated books because they're too tired from work"

>> No.12869497

This is true, though. After 8 hours of being a wageslave the last thing a person with no literary background wants to do is crack open Kant or Dostoevsky.

>> No.12869511

Or coerced by groupthink in various ways to think it’s over their heads or just not that important

>> No.12869833

I agree, but it's not to say that in this day and age people don't have options... audiobooks, podcasts, people are tired to read and lack the energy to dispend in the focus reading request.

>> No.12869844

Idk if it's the reason for most people but it certainly is for some. Some jobs are incredibly draining.

>> No.12869966


>> No.12869987
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Yes, we know
>there are people one /lit/ who have still not read Adorno

>> No.12869994

>audiobooks, podcasts
ah yes, what better way to make things easier than not even being able to try to get through the ideas at your own pace and instead having to keep up with someone else

>> No.12870010

Yeah this part has never really made sense to me. I think audiobooks are fine for history books that are rather straightforward, but anything more difficult than that just seems to be doing a disservice to yourself.

>> No.12870018

Or because they don't give two fucks. What is my fucking gas station attendant going to get out of reading Kant? I can tell you exactly: ZIP. Apply this to most people who work shitty unfulfilling jobs they were forced into because they were too retarded for good jobs. Most people who work good jobs don't have to work very hard.

>> No.12870061

Think they just don't want to. They make time to do the things they want to do.

>> No.12870686

It's called a fucking pause button, you imbecile.

>> No.12870698

>I'll take things that neets don't understand for 500.

>> No.12870846

>having to keep up with someone else
Narrarators speak far more slowly than I naturally read. I set all my audiobooks to 1.5x speed. I'd go faster but that's already the highest setting on my player.
Sorry you're a brainlet too stupid to even be embarrassed to admit you're a window licker.

>> No.12870867

It's really not tiring to read. People just can't focus their attention on books for long enough to read anything and they make excuses. That or they simply find the book boring and are too infantilised to force themselves to read through the boredom. Most people would genuinely rather watch TV because they don't have to do anything. The only reason people work is so they can have money to buy food and keep a roof overhead and that is the ultimate aspiration of the majority of people.

>> No.12870877

I've read more literature during my lunch breaks than at any other time.

>> No.12870924

most people don't read anything because they're too busy having sex

>> No.12870981

chasteanon was right

>> No.12871012
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I don't read because all I can think about is the sex I DON'T have

>> No.12871052

>m*lefags entirely controlled by their penis
What's it like to be so inferior?

>> No.12871208

Wow there, kant is way harder to read than dosto

>> No.12871230

it sucks, my dick doesn't work so i perceive myself as ineffectual, when faced with confrontation i turn tail and run, i'm surrounded everyday by young, attractive, intelligent people happily getting on famously with everybody around them and enjoying themselves body and soul, as a crucial part of my anatomy lacks function i too lack particular function, encounters with women leave me humiliated, i have to accept that it's simply not a realistic expectation in my life, i have resigned myself to being one of the eunuchs sara silverman says she wants men to become, hopefully i am part of a greater tide of impotent men dropping out of society, leaving the fruits of civilization to be harvested by the strong, the healthy, the beautiful, the virile, the competent, when i read books like the elementary particles i can't even identify with the pitiful likes of bruno who, while insecure, still finds the drive to seek out those pleasures he sees others enjoying, i'm so beaten i can't even pretend to want sex, i spend my entire life on the verge of tears and often they burst forth, it is an excruciating, painful, lonely life i lead and i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy

>> No.12872693

I'm fortunate to be at place in my life where I am able to sustain myself without the need for a regular job and therefore have a lot free time. Video games having become stale I decided to commit myself to reading, and let me tell you, despite being fully alert and having all the time in the world it has not been easy. It's one thing to imagine yourself intelligent, to be a person who thinks "one day I'll read all these difficult books," but it's very different to actually do it. Is it fair to blame our ADHD age? Has youtube melted my mind?
Reading is hard work. Often I am not enjoying it all. When I noticed myself skimming over passages I started analyzing what I was doing and was forced to admit the truth which is that I often don't understand what I'm reading. I want to be a person has had read books. I want to be perceived as intelligent. I want to feel good about having read books. But the actual reading, the actual understanding? What am I really doing here? What is the goal? Is it like Alan Watts says, and I'm just searching for another "goodie", that imaginary pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? I miss my youthful days of reading Science fiction and enjoying it as such, but those sci-fi twists, they are too expected to my adult brain, thus I turn to Heidegger and Schopenhauer for my fix.

>> No.12872735

I bet you feel very profound using this word.

I feel what you're saying. That's why I push myself harder to read, even though sometimes my brain doesn't even process a line after I read it. It's because of video games which give you fast impulse stimulation that your brain expects stimulation to simply arrive in your brain and for you to "press a button" to interact with it, if you will, as opposed to processing what is on the page which one never does when they play a video game or watch youtube. The modern age has done the thinking for us, and therefor many of us are left with brains which have become neglected, shrivelled, and developmentally handicapped.

>> No.12872770

How much does the average person read per year ?

>> No.12872785

> Americans read a mean average of 12 books per year, and the typical (median) American has read four books in the past 12 months.

>> No.12872789

More than i expected desu

>> No.12872804

So 1 book in 3 months ? That's not so bad.

>> No.12872806
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More fun stats

Interesting how big is the difference between Chinese and Japanese

>> No.12872814

overworked salary man has only time for his waifu

>> No.12872836

If anything it should be indicative of the type of works that have influenced my vocabulary rather then the pretentiousness of my post, though I do appreciate the knowledge of how it comes off.
You say you push yourself to read, but why? What is your value-system that places a brain receptive to text above a brain receptive to video? An intelligent reader in today's world comes across as anachronistic, quaint even, much like how you feel when I say "thus". Is that what you want, to have your in-group be comprised of long dead men from another age, to be a stranger in your own time?

>> No.12872842

Uk is strange though

>> No.12872872

The system adapts perfectly to support itself, like water in a pothole. Most people can't into philosophy because they are too psychologically exhausted from the day-to-day bullshit of their lives. This means that most people will never choose to question the system we live in and certainly won't do anything about it.

It would be interesting to see what the world would look like if the boomers hadn't killed prosperity and we now had 20 hour workweeks working six months of the year. Would people branch out and open their minds or would they get too scared and revert to different types of hedonistic escapism?

>> No.12872876

>the last thing a person with no literary background wants to do is crack open Kant or Dostoevsky.
Obviously you'd build your way up to that, and like other people have said, normies can make plenty of time to do things that they find rewarding.

>> No.12872881

path of least resistance

>> No.12872884

how do I build up to reading more difficult works anon?

>> No.12872886

This post is wrong on so many levels

>> No.12873093

Are you low on time, or energy?

>> No.12873205

Given a life of leisure, most people wouldn't. Just as obviously some people would if they had sufficient leisure. Obviously a single person with an undemanding job is going to have more leisure than a married one with a demanding career. I've never met a doctor or an engineer who is all that literary or artistic, though I did hang out with a molecular biologist for a time, who enjoyed Milton for his encyclopedic allusiveness, which is about as literary as taste in reading gets.

>> No.12873224

>equating dosto and kant
And that's how I know you have never read either.

>> No.12873314

nobody cares if you can listen to YA at 1.5x speed, actually complicated non-fiction is nigh impossible to listen to and get everything at the first read

>> No.12873333


>> No.12873343

"The worker is transformed by these manufacturing developments. He loses some of his identity in order to fit his specific job; he must become an appendage of a larger machine. Marx says, "the worker is brought face to face with the intellectual potentialities of the material process of production as the property of another and as a power which rules over him." The worker becomes impoverished of his individual productive power. Capitalists wish to discourage imagination, and they make the worker machine-like. Manufacture attacks the individual at his very basis, and is thus "the first system to provide the materials and the impetus for industrial pathology."

>> No.12873370

Egypt haaa! This chart is full of shit, everyone knows Egyptians don't read, half the populace is functionally illiterate.
And these numbers are self-reported right? I big brain, I report many books, not hurt pride in admitting to no read book!

>> No.12873379

anyone watching the football tonight?

>> No.12873383

Such a lazy lie
I do mentally draining office work and find time to read literature every day

>> No.12873387
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I read more now as a 50+ hour a week wage slave than when I was a NEET. In my NEET life I wandered from bedroom to kitchen and jerked off all day, in a haze. Years passed in seconds. Now I come home from work, go to the gym, shower, and read ~50 pages a day, depending on how hard what I'm reading is.

I'm still a brainlet, but I'm glad reading has opened up my little window into our world a bit more.

>> No.12873425
File: 155 KB, 259x287, tumblr_ms4unsuPyK1qfv9xlo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like the problem is not capitalism but industrialization

>> No.12873547

fuck me this bitch is hot
supposedly shes had multiple lipo operations, she's obviously a fat fucking cow just with an artificially flat belly
which I find hot because she can be a hopeless pleasure-addicted glutton and still look conventionally hot, compounded with the fact that thicc is in right now she'll be hot no matter what

>> No.12873557

why are u double quoting

>> No.12873560

Engineered to be creampied. A pinnacle of modern science.

>> No.12873564

The two are intimately tied.

>> No.12873584
File: 53 KB, 653x539, 1526938276355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I work 8 hours a day as a security guard
>tfw I'm being paid to sit around for 8 hours and read
I beat the system

>> No.12873588

Emotions are more real than numbers. Humans invented numbers, but emotions were innate.

>> No.12873594

it's a meme. what the fuck is wrong wit u?

>> No.12873606

I take memes seriously because they are living things will a will to propagate if left unchecked and unexamined.

>> No.12873626

Yes, capitalism leads to industrialization, but so does communism

>> No.12873982

or the specific form industrialization takes under capitalism, when the aim is subjutating humanity to efficient profit production

>> No.12874009

The image does not say anything about the reality or unreality of emotion. It says they are weak and gay. Then it says that numbers and logic rule, which is true. The world is literally ruled by bankers. Sounds like maybe you are weak and gay, and lacking in logic.

>> No.12874388

marxists believe all kinds of cringe

>> No.12874413

Im shitposting right now until my feet stop hurting. Very tiring day. Gonna keep reading Pynchon in a few minutes.

>> No.12874479
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Yep, the only thing that appeals to me after working is sleep. During NEET life was the only time I've actually read books, I just browse /lit/ while at work to try to relive the experience of freedom.

>> No.12874761

She isn't "still conventionally hot" or even "thicc" she's morbidly obese to the point that many everyday tasks are probably difficult or impossible for her
She is absolutely revolting and you should feel bad for thinking otherwise, this is shameful

>> No.12874765

Factory farmed and image manipulated for masturbatory pleasure, this is very much like the abuse of farm animals to produce huge amounts of meat.

>> No.12874771 [DELETED] 

I think most of us browse /lit/ at work

>> No.12874867
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>not reading during work

>> No.12874877

shut the fuck up you actual homosexual

>> No.12874885

Being a wageslaves kills your soul.

>> No.12874924
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>> No.12874963

>If you don't want your girl to weigh 300 pounds you're gay
I'll bet anything you're fat and out of shape yourself

>> No.12874964

The problem is currency. Love and servitude are the solution.

>> No.12875084

On the topic of mental exhaustion, does anyone have tips on staying sharp for longer? Between college, work, and learning russian on the side, I just don’t have the endurance to read as much as I’d like. I drink a little too much, but otherwise I get enough sleep and eat well.

>> No.12875089

sounds like a miss

>> No.12875134

Exercise three to five times a week. Cardio is good, lifting is also good. I lift three days a week and run on my off days.
Exercising with a serious routine makes you more alert, gives you better endurance, and essentially forces you into eating and sleeping better.

>> No.12875145

Most people are also out of shape, and as a result probably are more prone to being out of energy at the end of a work day than people who are fit.

>> No.12875699

This post is right on so many levels

>> No.12875784

I don't know if it's because of the way her face is blurred but it looks way too fucked up.