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File: 145 KB, 902x668, Screen Shot 2019-04-01 at 10.44.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12865715 No.12865715 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with two writers you respect hating each other? Is it cognitive dissonance to act like there is no issue to resolve?


>> No.12865725

i respect neither of these fags

>> No.12865738

>liking either one

>> No.12865740

I think you are wrong to respect Peterson, are you a high school student or in your early twenties? You will grow out of it soon and understand Talebs point eventually.

>> No.12865750
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>> No.12865796

I'm not OP, but who is Taleb, and how different are his views from Peterson?

>> No.12865802

Taleb is cringe but redpilled, though I really don't see why you would ever fall for someone as cringe and bluepilled as Peterson.

>> No.12865803

>A modicum of insight wrapped in marketing BS
Sounds just like the writing of a certain Levantine Arab I know

>> No.12865809

but he's literally right. peterson's best advice is to clean your room, and you wouldn't need a pop intellectual to tell you that if only you had listened to your mom 10 years ago

>> No.12865813

Self help/ used car salesman type huckster vs. extreme europhile muslim

>> No.12865814

Taleb's ideas are essentially "watch out for unknown unknowns", interspaced with distain for the French.

>> No.12865816

taleb is a bigger meme than peterson

>> No.12865828

he think pp should be dirty instead of clean
wash ur pp mister

>> No.12865829

April Fools!

>> No.12865831

> peterson
> the effort you put into yourself will form a basis for self-respect and allow you to better shape your world, but you have to put in effort

> taleb
> i deadlift 2 pl8s at the gym bet peterson can't do that

>> No.12865835

>We must imagine the stock market happy.

>> No.12865843
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>> No.12865917

>Still using social media

>> No.12865939

Are both of you retarded he's a greek christian who was born in lebanon, Taleb is the furthest thing you can get from a arab muslim.

>> No.12865944

tfw taleb browses lit

>> No.12865956

tfw taleb browses lit

>> No.12865959

someone forgot to tell the shill bots they were only supposed to post once

>> No.12865961


>> No.12865967

didn't this retard get BTFO by based Faulk?

>> No.12865975

>disdain for the French
Wtf?! I didn't know Taleb was so admirable!!

>> No.12866001


>> No.12866022


>> No.12866088

he btfo's fragilistas, thankfully he's a self created barrier so its nothing you little whit boys would know about

>> No.12866217

Clandestine muslim butthurt that majority of his peers in religion don't have scholarly intellect and interests but rather are bunch of inbred retards. Big on constructivism, which helps him cope with his feelings of inferiority.

>> No.12866222

statistician who became rich in the stock market using his knowledge of statistics or something like that

>Lebanese–American (of Antiochian Greek descent) essayist, scholar, statistician, and former trader and risk analyst,[1] whose work focuses on problems of randomness, probability, and uncertainty. His 2007 book The Black Swan has been described by The Sunday Times as one of the twelve most influential books since World War II.[2]

>> No.12866225

why can't they sort out their differences, i need this kind of truth

>> No.12866229

He is not even muslim, you goof. He is Christian.

>> No.12866249

someone call him a sophist and see what he says.

>> No.12866304

Person of the book.

>> No.12866309

Taleb is unironically the only modern "philosopher" I can respect. Fuck Peterstein and his platitudes.

>> No.12866315

Something tells me you couldn't name very many modern philosophers, nor give even a cursory rundown of their ideas.<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F603;</div>

>> No.12866423

Go back to facebook

>> No.12866449

Are you retarded? Why would you base everything around them? Disagree and agree with various things they say, develop your own ideas, and no there is no issue to resolve. No wonder you 'respect' these two 'writers', you absolute cretin.

>> No.12866471

>a literal anti-intellectual shit talks a semi-intellectual

>> No.12866540

>a semi-intellectual
Probably the lowest IQ itt

>> No.12867033

>If you looked at Northern Europe from Ancient Babylon/Ancient Med/Egypt, you would have written the inhabitants off as losers who are devoid of potential... Then look at what happened after 1600. Be careful when you discuss populations.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12867041

I'm not sure if you can call these people writers in good faith. Would you also consider that quadriplegic that tours campuses giving motivation speeches a writer?

>> No.12867078

Obligatory for Taleb basedboys:


>> No.12867108

I don't see how people can take NNT seriously when he is so bitter and sensitive and desperate for recognition from the same people he calls IYIs and fragilistas.
I wouldn't trust his writing about anything except statistics, probability and finance.

>> No.12867120

I'm gonna have to check that out

>> No.12867128

>I know nothing of Taleb’s theories

>> No.12867130

wtf is psycholophastering?

>> No.12867167

Taleb's books are good and insightful. But he is so cringe with this "I'm not Arab, fuck withes"...

>> No.12867172

not my problem, or yours. stop listening to both of those morons. they depend on the gullible needy to fill their pockets.

>> No.12867186

Psychology is fake and gay, but why is he going after the most consistent findings which fulfill the scientific method?

>> No.12867197

What theories lmao ? The only good thing he's done is related to math, the papers are quite good and most Taleb faggots don't even know about those or have the capacity to read them.

>> No.12867227

pretty impressive of a "retard" to be good at math, no? maybe he's one of those savant mongoloids

>> No.12867239


>> No.12867273

It's time to live the examined life and stop following trends like a tree moving about according to the whims of the wind. Both of these people regurgitate everything before them in a dumbed down fashion to their followers who are usually completely ignorant to whatever they're writing about, they are akin to the band t-shirt wearing fans of musicians and bands that claim they're the best without a single understanding of music theory, claiming their own emotion to be an objective reasoning, living life vicariously through their idols. Start reading philosophy chronologically from the oldest texts to the newer stuff, read a basic textbook on psychology and you'll now have something to actually use instead of that self-help garbage where one idea is dragged across three hundred pages, of which people rate five stars because they neither read books in general nor have any self-awareness to realize they're in a cult of personality. Get rid of this garbage literature, stop being a follower and get a grip on yourself before the wind blows you towards another "author" to post about.

>> No.12867282

It's very low value granted despite twitter beef is so dank, it's global YouTube comments.

>> No.12867291

If you _can_ name modern academic philosophers, that's embarrassing.

>> No.12867307

>allow you to better shape your world
Peterson repeatedly says that shaping the world is a bad thing and you should "be humble" and not change anything

>> No.12867332


Tfw Peterson knows more about existentialism and phenomenology than 90% of this board.

>> No.12867348

Being good at sucking dick doesn't make me a woman.

>> No.12867352


Seriously you fucking idiots. I'm no fanboy but anyone calling this guy a pseud is frauding himself due to social pressure. Yeah he fucks up in politics. Yeah he should shut the fuck up more often. But he's actually not a bad thinker on the subjects he teaches academically.

>> No.12867483

Taleb can be obnoxious but I'd rather read his weakest works than anything Peterson wrote. Unlike Peterson, Taleb actually influenced the way I see the world and live my life.

>> No.12867498

What is with everyones obsession with Peterson?

>> No.12867500
File: 124 KB, 597x492, grug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grug and Jordug Pebbleson friends. Great big respect for pebbleson. help grug clean cave and get life in order.

But one day Grug see tan tribe taleb with bloodstick in cave . Draw MEAN things. Tabeb no friend of jordug pebbleson.

Grug try talk sense into him. but he no listen. he say he quack. grug MAD. grug say he quack? Grug take club and say, you skull crack. grug resolved problem real quick.

>> No.12867506

'your' world is different from 'the' world

>> No.12867517

>respecting Mr. IQ is pseudoscience or Ms. Humans are like Lobsters
kill yourself

>> No.12867525

You should start by picking less shit authors to respect. There is literally nothing you'll take from Taleb or Peterson that you couldn't take from some angry boomer at your local pub, they're just far more pompous about their boomerism.

>> No.12867527
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>Yeah he fucks up in politics
even if I had the same exact political opinions as peterson he would still be retarded
>But he's actually not a bad thinker on the subjects he teaches academically.
no he doesn't. pic related

>> No.12867622

Yes, I respect the mathematician

>> No.12867642

>moderate man bad

>> No.12867721

leftie memes dot jpg

>> No.12867743

wow you got me

>> No.12867745

Watch the vids I sent you fuckin mongoloid.

>> No.12867748

He's not SJW enough while acting as the sandtrap for euro-ethnopolitics. Both wings Gib downboat.

>> No.12867765

>not SJW enough
You know you're on 4chan, right? You might find more lefties on /lit/, but few if any 'SJWs'.

>> No.12867766
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peterson is literally trying to be jung, kinda like how young kids want to be eminem
he said that jung was feeding psych evals of hitler to the us government, like a traitorous rat
what does peterson do? he lurks /pol/ and tells jews about our plans
never trust a rat

>> No.12867773

I mean globally. He's in the Goldilocks place which makes him a two pronged target. Patreonbux is good cope.

>> No.12867791

based faggot

>> No.12867794
File: 13 KB, 264x264, 806EE925-B5FD-4427-B36A-1FF7F9BE9269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that always puzzled me is how rabid the cult of anti-Peterson lefties are.
It’s one thing to not like him, but why do they have to fabricate shit and crank out shitty propaganda for their circlejerk against him?
Like how fucking seething at a dorky professor making a buck by helping fucked-up kids do you have to be to make shit like >>12867527 or lurk /lit/ for a JP-related thread so you can write essays about how he’s a literal fascist who literally murdered fifty people or something?

>> No.12867796

neither of these people can do math

>> No.12867803

Why is Taleb railing against IQ now?
Nobody’s claiming that it’s perfect but it’s a good indicator of success in multiple criteria.
Seeing him say “IQ only measures how well you can obey orders to make money, maaaan” was weird, seemed more emotionally-charged than how he normally is.

>> No.12867811

That's why Peterson thrives. The modern young man does not take things for granted, he needs to be convinced that they are true, and Peterson gives reasonable arguments for a virtuous life.

>> No.12867943
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Only 2pl8?

>> No.12868042
File: 100 KB, 471x560, 560 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14.99 just to watch the Zizek/Peterson debate. Dragon. Slayed. lmao

>> No.12868054

Why do you respect either?
Taleb is a cunt and Peterson is a cult.

>> No.12868130

Why is Taleb so obsessed with IQ being fake? It's always blacks and Arabs that have a problem with it.

>> No.12868152

>that left shoulder drop
>head cocked to one side
>slightly curling with left arm to make up for balance
>sumo on lmao2pl
definitely not /fitlit/

>> No.12868182

>>that left shoulder drop
>>slightly curling with left arm to make up for balance
It's called mixed grip retard

>> No.12868209

>oh no, jews are going to find out what innocuous thing we'll convince clickbait news sources is a hate symbol next
your entire board is a worthless pile of shit. you constantly rail about an imagined enemy in a place that would be shut down if Zionism was as powerful as you think it is.you convince yourselves that you can sway world events and that you are always right, despite everything you accomplish being harmless pranks or supporting a candidate who won because of the opposition's incompetence.even /b/ recognizes it's own shitiness and it's full of kids who just learned about anonymous.

>> No.12868225

I mentioned it's mixed grip already, but it's still awful form

>> No.12868230

Yeah, and also I don't know why he only does 2pl8. Maybe he's old and has lost a lot of muscle?

>> No.12868246
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>> No.12868253

*hebraic screeching*
get fucked shlomo /pol/ is the future

>> No.12868260

>why are low-IQ people mad about IQ

>> No.12868269

Taleb is high IQ though

>> No.12868275

yeah, for a sandnigger

>> No.12868281


>> No.12868311

Indios never get worked up about IQ though. Always seems to be "Meds" and blacks.

>> No.12868322
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pay up, goyim

>> No.12868326

your board was started to contain all the stormtoddler refugees after /new/ got deleted, and has turned into a green text harvesting ground for redditors. if you has any effect on world events,4chan would have been shut down.

>> No.12868336

They always post their videos on youtube afterwards so who the fuck pays for this

>> No.12868338

why would I pay to see a couple hours of alternate tears of joy about individualism and slobbery plagiarism

>> No.12868341

his paypigs
they need to be milked by lobster man as often as he can

>> No.12868342

yeah in the middle of may

>> No.12868346

What do you need explained? Northern Europe was a poor, shitty backwater for almost the entirety of human history up until around the Rennaissance era when they actually began to get wealthy and influential.
And they literally went on to rule the world.
He's saying don't write off groups of people wholesale, because Northern Europeans were the "subhuman idiots" of the world for almost all of history, and look where they are now

>> No.12868347

>Zizek has chosen to give his money to charity
Not him though, he needs that money!

>> No.12868353

Don't know much about Taleb but he is right about Memerson he is a hack

>> No.12868356

Oh wow, I'll have to wait one month to watch it, however will I deal with not being among the first?

>> No.12868362

>just posted

you'll miss out on all the /pol/ memes

>> No.12868389

I'll learn them by osmosis, besides there will probably be mirrors of the conference popping up the day after

>> No.12868396

Complete jew move but based on how much attention it's getting, I can't blame him.

He's really unapologetic about making money. I think he makes like ~8 million a year and he still chose to keep the money.
How much does Slavoj make? Nowhere near that amount but he's a based lad.

Someone will just re-stream it for free or there will be shitty phone recordings.

>> No.12868468

>There is no depth. A modicum of insight wrapped in marketing BS, unrigorous psycholophastering (IQ, Big 5, 5 humors) masquerading as scholarship.
>In short, a quack.
But enough about yourself, Taleb, what do you feel about Peterson?

>> No.12868496

Taleb is an hack. By his standards we'd write off all cancer research.

>> No.12868533

Based and Rumsfeldpilled

>> No.12868908

I dont remember exactly what Peterson says, but that's not it. Iirc his argument is that people who want to change the world havent even sorted their own world out and are thus unlikely to be able to change the world in a positive manner. That's where the clean your room mean comes from. Clean your room > clean your life > clean your community >clean your world.
At least that's what I remember from two years ago

>> No.12868916

If an author has a Twitter blue checkmark he's not worth reading or respecting.

>> No.12868926

The hate bones people have for jbp are just as cult like. That's why I hate these fucking Peterson threads. The shit eating rerards come out in droves to defend their god or attack the false idol.

>> No.12868943

>/pol/ is the future
Pol is as fucking reddit as it gets. Highest concentration of boomers and reddit niggers who are their because they heard about memes originating from 4chan. The faggiest thing you can do is post on pol

>> No.12868989

>Highest concentration of boomers
That's accurate. I went on /pol/ recently to see how they were reacting to recent U.S news (Dem primaries and all) and stumbled upon a vaccination thread. It was full of anti-vaxxers. I refuse to believe that these people are anything but boomers. It's pathetic.

>> No.12869011

I cant find it but theres a screencap of some boomer on reddit asking for help on how to navigate pol and a bunch of reddit fags encouraging her as "the site can be quite jarring at first". Honestly the worst board at this point.

>> No.12869026

>le leftist intellectual bitching about /pol/ on /lit/

>> No.12869038

> "waaah why are all these people making fun of meeeeee"
It's not that /lit/ is intellectual, it's that /pol/ is for the most part astoundingly stupid. Go back to your safe space if you don't like it.

>> No.12869040

/pol/ is only good when there's some happening going on, otherwise it's shit.

>> No.12869120

that seems like a complicated explanation for why nothing should change. if you're poor then you should not be allowed to have input into economy and if you're rich you have no motivation to change the economy. and since when is the world a collection of independent person-bubbles?

>> No.12869121

This. If there isnt a happening, then pol is absolute garbage. It's just filled with boomers and reddit niggers, who missed out on the glory days of pol, trying to recreate those times by pretending that every little thing is a happening so that they can live out their fantasies of being here when pol was somewhat good.
Absolute trash board for the absolute worst people.
Boomers pls go
Reddit pls go

>> No.12869176

>since when is the world full of individuals with individual thoughts that only they have access too?
But in all honesty I think it's unfair to say that Peterson is saying that there should be no input by poor people. I think hes just more cautious than most people would like him to be in regards to making societal changes. I dont know for sure but I'm willing to bet, based on what I know of his "philosophy", that hes said "the path to hell is paved with good intentions" because that quote pretty much sums up his cautious behavior.
But desu, I dont want to defend Peterson here. I think hes a retard outside his self help and psychology shit, but I also dont like people just completely getting him wrong

>> No.12869189

110 tops

>> No.12869193

>Northern Europe was a poor, shitty backwater for almost the entirety of human history
no, this is propaganda. wealth per capital in Europe has always btfo most of the world

>> No.12869197

Literally virgin vs Chad

>> No.12869207

>wealth per capital in Europe has always btfo most of the world
no, this is propaganda. wealth per capital in Europe has always been btfo by most of the world

>> No.12869230

>110 iq understanding all that math

>> No.12870347

Where do you get sumo from?
The other points are valid but there are no signs that he is doing sumo.

>> No.12870389

IQ, Big 5 and 5 humors factorise profoundly well to the broader population, and are consistent even in typically divergent Chinese culture. Thus, they allow for efficient profiling to assist therapy. Maybe this semitic fucker should get a real job with tangible impact on people's lives before he considers others quacks.
Fucking number magicians.

>> No.12870455
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I love twitter

>> No.12870467

That's the thing, Peterson's good at psychology and that's it. He should stop trying to be some sort of messiah figure when he's so woefully unprepared

>> No.12870500

I mean for the irreligious a psychologist is essentially a priest of sorts. An original psychologist is kind of like a prophet

Not defending memerson, i know nothing about him except clean your etc.

>> No.12870504

Look, I get it. He's not really a "big ideas" philosopher. He's a reductionist, and most of his arguments center around making life more bearable.
The reason he got traction as a messiah figure was that he realized how many young white males were getting pissed off that in two decades their entire social inheritance was fluttered away by an in-group they'd been convinced by media to view as the victims.
Peterson saw the market-space: a crutch for young boys who are increasingly getting marched at high tempo towards a future of violence. His formula is simple. Absolve the rootless cosmopolitan, embrace individualism and create men from social cripples.

Why are so many people willing to knock him when he's trying to prevent the next violent revolution?

>> No.12870505

>barely deadlifting 2pl8
>brags about lifting
What the fuck, I can lift more than that and I'm a fucking skeleton.

>> No.12870513

When you're as old as he is, it's impressive. Any more and you're heading for knee/back snap city boogaloo in any 50+ year old not on PEDs. Ligaments be like that, yo.

>> No.12870514

because people entirely disagree with the idea that young white males have any problems specific to their demographic, and ruthlessly mock anybody who suggests that they do

>> No.12870529

being the least oppressed in-group is a kind of oppression. Minorities get to use guilt like a blanket!!!

>> No.12870570

Well, I hope for their sake they realize at some point it's like playing six-chamber Russian roulette. Just because a population is skillfully de-fanged during their youth does not mean a change of wind in their 20s won't lead to violence.
My personal belief is that Peterson understands the political situation and the broader populace's private beliefs more than most. His public image serves a purpose, unlike most philosophers.

>> No.12870583

Promoting individualism as substitute for white identity politics while the rest of kinds employ identity politics , a working tactic, is pitting whites to fail.

>> No.12870609

Pretty sure that's Peterson's very purpose, to be honest. Let them go gently into the goodnight.

>> No.12870619

>110 IQ is (mis)understanding basic statistics
honestly i'm being generous

>> No.12870622

Which is why I'm astounded so many marxists attack him. His public image plays so heavily into their own side, yet they take the "hurr individualist" bait without seeing the impact he has. Figuratively it's like seeing people throw the extinguisher into the fire rather than using it properly.

>> No.12870624

lying is wrong

>> No.12870627

He's obviously that malefactor- he's not making white men better, he's making women and third worlders worse, net result.

>> No.12870632


No one's posted a valid criticism of pic

>> No.12870643

>clear strawman
>Ahoy, Don Quixote! Fetch thine lance!

>> No.12870909

I'd be fine with Peterson if he didn't go around flaunting political rhetoric and I think most people would be too.

>> No.12870980

>"have debilitating spinal/lower back injuries and/or pain? DUDE just lift heavy things with strong emphasis on using those same muscles/bones LMAO"
What is wrong with this hack

>> No.12870988


>> No.12871001

That's jps thing, retard. You think people will randomly start to read more or look into thinks more intuitively? Rare. There's nothing wrong with jp being a mediator for the masses. I rather have 1 million people start with jp and end up somewhere else than be an edgy faggot school shooter or gay nazi inbred

>> No.12871022

bretty much this

>> No.12871024

Taleb doesn't believe in race and iq.

He's exactly an iYi he's always targeting.

Throw them all into the fire already

>> No.12871025

>an edgy faggot school shooter or gay nazi inbred
but that's exactly where peterson is leading them. the vast majority of young males identifying with his message don't care about the self-improvement part, they just want a diagnose of post-modernity's degeneracy and chaos.

>> No.12871045

>that's exactly where peterson is leading them
I doubt that. School shooters are too rare to be able to associate with large scale movements, and Nazis are way more subversive than Peterson types. you dont just decide to be a Nazi unless you are giving up on literally all of society

>> No.12871074

Well Peterson's a total charlatan so it should be pretty easy. He's literally disavowing climate change now because he realizes his audience are 20-year-old Trump supporter virgins

>> No.12871086

Most people I have met who like JP are struggling geeks trying to get their shit together. Personal anecdote, yes. And those are probably fake JP fans (which I acknowledge exist) because there literally is a chapter in his book that aims to combat nihilistic young mass shooters

>> No.12871090
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I remember when this guy objected to the bbc putting niggers in all their historical shows

white historians were not happy

>> No.12871097

Did he ever respond to this?

>> No.12871104
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You'll understand when you're older, hopefully.

>> No.12871109

ah, you see, OP is a faggot, and bases his opinion on the opinion of others. it (OP) cannot fathom forming its own opinion about an artist's work, so it relies on others to decide for it. when it senses contrarian opinions to its own, OP is sent into a world of contusion and pain as it tries to decide which opinion it needs to decide how it feels about works x, y, and z. the normal, non underage, OP is capable of this. however, it seems that THIS OP is incapable of doing anything besides virtually sucking the phallus of those whose works it enjoys.

>> No.12871125

Fucking saved. Good one tier

>> No.12871136
File: 31 KB, 424x640, th (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to gatekeep, but, holy fuck, what the fuck are you doing on this board???

>> No.12871150

Are you under the impression this is some sort of leftist board?

>> No.12871169
File: 16 KB, 474x355, th (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just not a stupid one

>> No.12871170

fpbp (upvote)

>> No.12871590

Another one of Taleb's forced memes.

>> No.12871686
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>> No.12872684

>Taleb is cringe but redpilled
Best description.

>> No.12872688

Taleb believes in race, just not an orthodox view.

He rejects IQ as simplistic (it is).

>> No.12872697

It is really pathetic to see people trying to meme themselves on 4chan. Worse, this dickhead even tried on /sci/ a couple of weeks before and is now going for /lit/ it seems.

>> No.12872759

Peterson always looked extremely neurotic to me, like some sort of Dostoyevsky in denial

>> No.12872764
File: 39 KB, 600x621, hillary-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drumphies can't read lmao

>> No.12873382

you're right, it's better that everyone just take a "meh" attitude to someone who is extremely influential and causing thousands of young men to adopt retarded fucking ideas that they espouse constantly to the general population

This is like asking why people get upset at any form of radicalization

>> No.12874111


I like how Tolstoy mentions having interactions with other writers like this in his time, and how he severely regrets wasting all that time bickering as to who was right about something. I wonder if modern authors will end up thinking similarly.

>> No.12874139

Dialectic is superior. It is always the lowest dogs in the pack who are constantly snapping at each other.

>> No.12874152



>> No.12874175

Never change 4chan.

>> No.12874211

>Taleb is cringe but redpilled

>> No.12874224

It’s okay to have made a mistake.

>> No.12875471

Taleb doesn't even know what 4chan is, you Arab.

>> No.12875479

you can literally lift that without ever working out

>> No.12875493

Yeah, the statistician can't do math.

>> No.12876119

this, Juden Peterstein is only liked by cucks

>> No.12876261


>> No.12876263


>> No.12877208
File: 119 KB, 1024x730, 1537551698826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taleb is core /fitlit/

>> No.12877901

taleb is friends with hip drahve man? wtf i love SS now

>> No.12877919

He writes that he is at least a nominal Christian in his books.

You sound like you didnt even bother reading his wiki.

>> No.12878005

Just because we are the least oppressed doesn't mean we don't have unique social problems, Jordan is a symptom of this denial.

>> No.12878205

Sure, Nassim.

>> No.12878208

We should.

>> No.12878992
File: 92 KB, 957x770, taleb rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, Taleb is milkpilled.

>> No.12879008

OP is a faggot

>> No.12879029

yeah like when mom overcooks the tendies, yikes!

>> No.12879187

white men are objectively the only oppressed group in the modern western world

>> No.12880435

>disdain for the French
Where to start with Taleb?

>> No.12880467
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>> No.12880481

What's with Peterson crying in every fucking interview?

And how do men even follow such a whiny guy, a psychologist. Shows you the state of western men

>> No.12881967

Squid Ink + GOMAD = seeing through Arab bullshit.

>> No.12881973


>> No.12881992
File: 67 KB, 923x519, 6a5e668b27618a81d64c863286a04206f5e1653cdf605b0dd8397d45770e56f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically.

>> No.12881997

Fooled by randomness.

>> No.12882011


>> No.12882018

You are missing the worst part of the picture: shoes with toes.

>> No.12882070


The guy is absurdly arrogant and belligerent, yet his ideas are potentially life changing and well worth your time.

>> No.12882116
File: 377 KB, 720x742, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh you are insane. Should have just said so.

>> No.12882174
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>> No.12882182
File: 706 KB, 2243x1338, zaporogzy_pishut_pismo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WASPs invented this 'scientific' test to show how smart they are, testing in aptitudes for careers associated with WASPs: paper-pushing, centralized management, monk-like scientific asceticism in pursuit of university publishing quotas -- basically any job that requires you to dedicate your existence to literal endless toil as a cog in a machine. These are the results that IQ hopes to produce. Don't high IQ countries have high GDP? Yes, but a high GDP means what to a poisoned consumer culture, exactly? The ability to buy a dodge challenger while making only 30,000 a year? Perhaps it means having four kids, sending them all to college, and then watch as they shackle your family name to hundreds of thousands of dollars owed to the banks and central state that own one another.
Meds... Those joyful epicureans... what's not to love? They value their free time and hate being bossed around by vampiric institutions. Their whole religion is their recognizing (correctly) that only God can keep them from chimping out over being occupied more or less constantly for hundreds of years. IQ doesn't predict success and right wingers pushing it are helping the government map America's intellectual topography, which will then be used as a means of control. I don't care what party you are, you start mathematizing phenomena, like intelligence, that have no firm definition agreed upon in any of the myriad fields in which it is a focus, not only will you get a result that is probably straight up meaningless (like IQ), you will give your rulers the ability to measure you like a goat. Wake up people.
This post made by Orthodox Integralist Gang

>> No.12882185

OH SHIT. and the mice scurry when the boot drops.

>> No.12882190
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>> No.12882191

>modern medicine is bad
>gmos are bad
>iq is bad
>black science man is bad
>alternative medicine good
>what i believe is science and what you believe is scientism

>> No.12882192


>> No.12882193

What are Taleb's point's exactly. Twitter sophistry doesn't count.

>> No.12882205

unironically that last thing there is true

scientism, mainly materialist scientism. is an ideology/faith/culture (kind of like Islam)
it even has eschatology in the form of climate change
neil degrasse tyson is a Scientist Imam

>> No.12883352

everything is true, with a qualifier for the first two.

>> No.12883412

Never change reddit.

>> No.12883927

This seems like a bizarre take. They don't have to agree on everything, but they aren't that far apart from what I've read.

Taleb's last book specifically points out the point that mythology contains more wisdom for day to day living than constructed textbook narratives. He's going somewhere slightly different with it, but drawing from the same well. Taleb also seems like he really enjoys being a little shit to people though, I like some of his work but his personality is ego-driven and edgy, so I'm going to refrain from reading too far into this.

>> No.12883974

>All arabs are muslim
American education everyone

>> No.12883980

>Lazy degenerate fucks get angry at psychologist who calls them out for being lazy degenerate fucks. More at 11.

>> No.12884084

try to separate the man from the ideas. Finding value and insight in his work does not mean you have to follow his every move on twitter or take his side when he throws a tantrum.
That said, quite a bit of his personality comes through in his books. They tend to ramble, be in your face, dissmissive and full of made up words.
Still good though.

>> No.12884112

Two third of mutt Arabs are Christians though. If anything arab=Muslim is an automated response from people around me in yurop.

>> No.12884548


>> No.12884582

well, desu any1 who has a doctorate and has been in the field for 20+ years has to know something.

You can see the downgrading on Peterson's depth as he went down the road of exposure to light; to non-academic people.

Compare Peterson from 2016 to his version on 2019. He needs to reach to common people, so he starts talking shit, cause common people talk shit.

That's why Zizek was never to mainstream, he has kept a level of rigourosity on his statements.

>> No.12884636

>m-muh IQ
People who obsess over IQ are mediocre NPCs who make up for their lack of personal achievements. I was deemed as "gifted" as a child and now I'm just an unemployed alcoholic webdev who spend all his free time shitposting on disgusting Anglo websites. You can probably train a monkey to have a good IQ score with enough conditioning. Taleb is right, IQ is only useful insofar as it can measure extreme retardness.

>> No.12884650

>t. IQlet

>> No.12884712

>climate change isn't real

The cult around Taleb is much more a form of religion. He makes himself out to be an everythingologist. Taleb's grasp on science is much lighter than most academics and science communicators' he criticizes. It isn't that he is anti-scientism, because he uses the pretense of being keen on the science of the matter at hand to lend credibility to his claims, he just doesn't have standards of scientific rigor for himself and imposes impossible standards on everyone else.

>> No.12886440

>Why is Taleb railing against IQ now?
Because it's an area where people pretend to know things far to complex for them to understand. A common topic for him.

>> No.12886457
File: 12 KB, 220x215, 5BD3680C-398D-42F2-971C-1D18F9F9D33C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bureaucracy is a construction designed to maximize the distance between a decision-maker and the risks of the decision.

>> No.12886460

fuck off, you pseud

>> No.12886475

emphasizing the importance of IQ is a dogwhistle for eugenics

>> No.12886488

Wow you got him. You proved that pseudoscience isn't pseudoscience by attacking his motives

>> No.12886504
File: 375 KB, 1536x2048, A5B728CC-FE58-4441-93E6-ED38FF3E1A6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because IQ tests intelligence insofar as you think intelligence is about finding patterns and relevant information. In his view intelligence is more about being able to tell when information is irrelevant.

>> No.12886636

Neah you're just retarded.

>> No.12886655

Peterson really is a snake-oil salesman

>> No.12886698
File: 455 KB, 844x417, left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually more like this

>> No.12886789


>> No.12888136

that is the ugliest thing ive ever seen, imagine having that on your desk

>> No.12888156

climate change being an eschatology doesn't have any bearing on whether it is real or not you sophist. completely irrelevant of you to say that

>Taleb's grasp on science is much lighter than most academics and science communicators' he criticizes
how? you are going to have to substantiate your claims pal

>> No.12888189

>WASPs invented this evil biased test to prove how smart they are
>yeah okay Asians and Jews consistently beat them on it but SHUT UP RACIST SCIENCE ISNT REAL

>> No.12888197

>im a failure so science isn’t real

>> No.12888207


>> No.12888214

>hmm he must not have seen it the first time I’ll just link it again
that article is a pseudoscientific swindle

>> No.12888216

muh reductionism

>> No.12888238

Peterson appeals the virgin incel.
Taleb the chads (over 6'4")