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File: 1.18 MB, 1500x1500, autism copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12870802 No.12870802 [Reply] [Original]

Or would they have destroyed her unique mind?

>> No.12870894

The goal of mental health techniques (even traditional psychoanalysis) is to make you a streamlined conformist member of society. They fervently deny it but if you read how they describe the ideal healthy man it becomes very clear

>> No.12870905

Modern mental health techniques hardly help anyone at all, so I doubt it.

>> No.12871216


>> No.12871240

Looks like this good boy has been taking his meds!

>> No.12871586

I'm really terrified to live in america sometimes because attitudes like these are becoming scarily normal

>> No.12871594

yeah you should really leave

>> No.12871605

I'm trying. No one will take americans though. It's like there's a shadow travel ban

>> No.12871707

Please don't take me for a /pol/tard because that's not the angle I'm coming from here at all, but with the current refugee crisis pretty much every country you'd want to immigrate to is prioritizing people from conflict zones or low HDI states, not Americans. Your best bet to actually get out of the US and be allowed to stay somewhere is aliyah (see if you have any matrilineal Jewish heritage) or using academia. A lot of countries allow extended-stay academic visas for researchers and other faculty that do not have to go through various quota or need-based determination systems.

>> No.12871752
File: 30 KB, 621x455, overtime4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your pills goy

>> No.12871768

He can marry into citizenship

>> No.12871771

Mental health is anything but.

>> No.12871817

anyone who takes the word of 'mental health professionals' deserves to have their immortal soul tranquilized

>> No.12871837

Most art has and will always be made by the mentally ill and retarded.

>> No.12872211


On the diagnosis end it’s an absolute clown fiesta and when actual scientists come in (the behavioral geneticists) they’re going to tear apart the old literature on “mental illness”. There’s some techniques that exist (not psychoanalysis that’s mostly pseudoscience) which do help, although it’s ultimately just helping people get over their problems and lead a better life (I.e., if your life sucks no amount of therapy and pills will make you happy).

>> No.12872232
File: 39 KB, 960x720, 5836B696-7DCC-4224-B89D-14E1420D5C6B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should leave because the United States has become a soulless consumerist hellhole that idiots delude themselves into thinking that they like because they imagine that one day they’ll be the top dog who gets to laugh at the underclass or that the founders’ vision for this country even remotely matches the reality that lays before us. The only places left that are even worth living in are rural areas and some gated suburbs. Once I save up enough I’m going back to my home country to live out the rest of my days away from this accursed place.

>> No.12872320
File: 320 KB, 1280x703, usyq9qy1ihm21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a palestinian Christian
>family lives in the same town for 550 years, growing olives and weaving cotton
>everything's chill
>Jews fuck it up
>forced to walk to jordan
>Grandpa manages to immigrate to the Bay area in 1950
>everything's chill, Paris of the West and all that shit
>finally have a place we call home
>Jews fuck it up
Should have gone to chile like the other families FUCK

>> No.12872331

These are the same people who think trannies are mentally ill and should be institutionalized. Crazy country.

>> No.12872391

refute it. identity may be biologically arbitrary, but it's not nothing, and some of us want to hold on to it.

>> No.12872429

She would probably resist therapy, not because she wanted to write but because she wants to play Minecraft on a furry Vocaloid RP server.

>> No.12872431

Reading that, I think I may have a very mild autism. It actually sounds a lot like me except I can travel around with minimal problem and my fantasy world has always been self-conscious.

>> No.12872458

>are becoming scarily normal
More likely you are just finding yourself around different sorts of people, it was a more normal of view 20 years ago by far, just go watch some 80s/90s sitcoms. Look at Frasier, the brother that does the silly call in radio show is taken more seriously than the one that took the time to get to know his patients, who were mainly there to be the butt of jokes about nuttos.

>> No.12872523

pills won't make you bourgeoisie but they will turn you to their bugman which you are.