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/lit/ - Literature

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12859295 No.12859295 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12859389

Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.12859510

catch 22, id also like to recommend the movie "the lobster" to any fans of kafka

>> No.12859555

My name is Jazz

>> No.12859571

Posting on 4chan for 13 years and then a bunch of newfaggot jannies start banning people for saying the nigger word or much less

>> No.12859778

Borges, Nabokov, and the DFW of oblivion all inherit a lot from Kafka.

>> No.12859805
File: 1.02 MB, 1500x802, the-red-tower-small1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ligotti's The Red Tower

>> No.12859816 [DELETED] 

Nigger lovers burn in hell so it will all work out.

>> No.12859975


>> No.12860123
File: 58 KB, 600x914, The_Tartar_Steppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book qualifies, and is one of my favorite books, as of several years now.

>> No.12860168

Just realized Jacques Brel's song Zangra is based on this book. I thought the song was just a good story, I'll have to read the book

>> No.12860542


>> No.12860565

Will check it out. Thanks.

>> No.12860594

The early stories of Ilse Aichinger are very much like Kafka in terms of theme and atmosphere, quite different language though.
Highly recommended in any case (might be my favourite female writer).

>> No.12860607

And of the thousands of Standard Operating Procedures at work.
>tfw need to be compliant on over 400 SOPs, and they're all written by retards.

No joke, if i was to follow the SOPs to the letter, there would arise situations where I have to change into new scrubs for each and every clean room I enter, because the SOPs applying to the facility were written by a team of people who never once read each others work.

>> No.12860625

Invitation to a Beheading by Nabokov

>> No.12860627

"I never thought it would go so far. He left in July 2014, and said that he was in Germany. He called in late August, 'I'm in the caliphate.' "I asked him, 'What are you doing? You've signed your own death warrant, people don't come back from there.' I think "It was worse than Kafka."

>> No.12860640 [DELETED] 

I just got done with a 14 day rangeban for saying nigger in a n-word dare thread.

>> No.12860646 [DELETED] 

ABK 225 kill all niggers

>> No.12861021

Haven't seen the Lobster but Synecdoche, New York was definitely inspired partly by Kafka's Trial.

>> No.12861023


>> No.12861036

>catch 22
I too, passed 8th grade

>> No.12861056

Any news article about Gavin McInnes or Pewdiepie

>> No.12862412

Gulag Archipelago

>> No.12862423

that episode of deep space nine where o'brien is on trial for the crime of being guilty

>> No.12863501

I was making an account in a government website the other day for my business and I made my password "this fucking bureaucracy is a kafkaesque nightmare".
When I went to log in, it wouldn't let me, making an already stressful day worse. I clicked "forgot my password" and it sent me an email, containing (in plaintext tsc, tsc) my password, except it had been chopped in half, no doubt to fit into some maximum character limit. There had been to warnings of any kind. It took me a solid few moments to recover from that fucking experience.

>> No.12864194


>> No.12864514

I've never read Kafka.
Are all his stories "kafkaesque" or is it just like the two most famous ones and people keep saying that because they don't know any better?

>> No.12865779

Surprised no one has said Invitation to a Beheading.

>> No.12865818

The news since 2017.

>> No.12866715

Nigga no. I love Kafka and despise The Lobster with every fiber of my being. While the first act was somewhat enjoyable, the second and the third can go boil in in hell's deepest and hottest cauldron along with whoever the fuck it was that directed that pseudo intellectual bullshit portrayed as an ironic and satyrical critique of modern society. Not even the cinematography of the movie is that great. And it's not even "kafkaesque" because it's not told from the viewpoint of a lost hero who doesn't know jack shit about the world and all these illogical things are happening to him - everything that happens is perfectly logical in the established world of the movie and the hero is more of a passive opposing force rather than Alice in Wonderland. JESUS I barely woke up and you just had to remind me of that fucking art project unworthy of being called an arts grad student's summer project FUCK

>> No.12867002
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