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12864559 No.12864559 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone help me understand why girls get wet over this book?
I'm trying to fuck a girl that likes it and would appreciate some psychological insight tips.

>> No.12864568

tldr is bitches like violent powerful men

>> No.12864578

All she really wants is for you to pull her hair and spank her. She'll probably run if you try anything actually kinky.

>> No.12864581

Don't try to understand women, I tried and now I'm a full blown mysoginist.

>> No.12864594

It's about a rich, successful, fit, handsome man who desires an unremarkable woman. He has a dark past which makes him both mysterious and sympathetic. He has complete confidence and dominant sexual desires and taboo tastes which titillates women. He has had tons of partners (highly desirable) and yet when the protagonist comes he immediately chases after her and wants a relationship with her only. He is also very protective of her and shows possessiveness, he objectifies her (every straight woman wants to be objectified by an attractive man). He is very rich which means the woman will live a life of semi-infantilization, having no responsibilities or uncomfortable independence, simply living a life of privilege very close to that of a child.

>> No.12864597

I think they want to feel like they're doing some out of the ordinary while still being carbon copies of one another. That's why the whole kinky bdsm thing mixed with the play by play definition of a woman's ideal man sold so well. It's just a guess though.

>> No.12864605

girls like: spanking, light choking, hair pulling, being held down, aggressive dirty talk, and the really wild ones like getting slapped sometimes

don't do anything more kinky than that or you are a weirdo creep

>> No.12864610

Based, upvoted

>> No.12864612

the guy in this book actually rapes her though, the bdsm people got very butthurt about it when it came out.

>> No.12864619

girls creep me out<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F44C;</div>

>> No.12864630

Yes, that is unsurprising

the ultimate desire of a woman is to never have to show any outward sign of sexual attraction to an desirable man, instead, at the exact point where she is most attracted to and filled with lust for him, she wants to be taken and to pretend that she doesn't want it, thus maintaining her purity at least mentally

>> No.12864649

to put it succinctly, they have cooties

>> No.12864678
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But she has a successful well paying career and I'm a meek neet yet I have a date. It's confusing. Perhaps she sees the potential for me to be a handsome dominant fit rich guy?

>> No.12864679

Just get some of those fuzzy handcuffs, boss her around, and spank her for a little bit before you fuck. You can ramp up the kinkiness from there if you want, but otherwise just do this every now and again and you're golden.

>> No.12864684
File: 222 KB, 822x844, uuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck writes this shit?

>> No.12864687

It's a fantasy dude. She doesn't expect you to be the guy in the book anymore than you expect her to be 20 year old Scarlet Johansson

>> No.12864688

Jesus Christ how fucking horrendous.

>> No.12864698
File: 199 KB, 1200x630, 1514232603749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only get away with half of that crap if you're ultra-alpha male (basically, wealthy, /fit/, good looking, successful in business)...and if you're on here, then probably not.

>> No.12864699

ah prez obummer is a fan of the Anamaniacs too, I take it?

>> No.12864704
File: 53 KB, 500x335, sweet-mommy-gf-im-so-proud-of-you-anon-i-29256499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part about all these posts is that no matter how much I hope they aren't true, deep down I feel they likely are. Do you male sages mind telling me how many women, proportionally, you imagine as being of this variety?

I'm personally a very submissive male, who deeply longs for a relationship with a maternal dynamic to itself, wherein I'm her sweet little boy and she's my loving caring mommy - I don't have a bone of dominance in myself, or a single desire of the kind found in the above book or comments.

Do you guys personally consider me hopeless? Will my fantasies never find actualization, because there simply is no woman in reality who would share them? Is there any advice you could give to me? I really don't think I can ever become dominant, or even see women in a submissive role to me, I can only view them maternally and really just wish I had a girlfriend that embodied this essence. I don't even feel sexual desire, I might be asexual - I only want love and more love.

And please don't tell me to kill myself, thank you. If I'm defective and it offends you then please just say that, and stop there.

>> No.12864762

Generally, do women really find men with tons of previous partners to be attractive? They don't appreciate innocence and inexperience, in this case?

>> No.12864774

body count is like a quality assurance program

>> No.12864788
File: 42 KB, 261x491, 2019-04-01 19_59_10-download.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, since the so-called sexual revolution.

>> No.12864793
File: 117 KB, 320x263, fingerless-gloves-fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf if I work out women will like me more society is so fucked???

>> No.12864794

But men's desires correspond to the very opposite than that of women in this regard...are women really so practical in their approach to romance? Having no consideration for the beauty of a person's soul, but more for the logistical dimensions of them, as corresponding to her own personal, physical needs?

>> No.12864802

if you think for even a second about how male and female reproduction differ it should be obvious how this works. But that's 'evopsych' and clearly 'pseudoscience'

>> No.12864810

You're completely fine, just make sure to not force your expectations on people but make sure you're both on the same page.

t. Guy in a healthy relationship who also thought his situation was hopeless

>> No.12864843

It quite literally is pseudoscience, not to mention empirically incorrect, as we know from history that these same preferences were not what they are today. The only question is whether women innately find men to be more attractive when experienced or not, barring the cultural factors that result in the visible answer changing across periods. It can also be said that many men like sexually wild girls, which they'll often cheat on their actual wives for, showing that clearly it's not true that men aren't against experienced women either. The question is merely: for long-term partners, who innately prefers what? For men of any time period it's certainly innocence; for women, what is the stable answer?

>> No.12864852

Women like social media, weed and bdsm culture, it's nothing new really.

>> No.12864853

Thanks for the advice - are you the smol one in your relationship?

>> No.12864862

bitches are dumb, they went from hunger games to this

>> No.12864883

clearly untrue that men are entirely against experienced women*

>> No.12864903

you're just lying to yourself my man, you can call it pseudoscience if you want

>> No.12864904

It's what the other anon said: the man has many partners (is highly desirable) yet once he meets the girl any items experience he had is put at shame.
It's like if you met a 11/10 supermodel that has fucked hundreds of guys, but you are the best out of all of themand she becomes a fully devoted loyal wife after she meets you

>> No.12864933

I am in some ways, she is in others, that's the thing about relationships though. Whether people call it give and take or equilibrium, the rules is it can work so long as both people contribute what they can.

>> No.12864943
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>ITT /lit/ proves it has less experience with women than /r9k/
Holy shit dudes, what the fuck?

>> No.12864950

>For men of any time period it's certainly innocence

You'd be wrong to make that assumption

>> No.12864967
File: 189 KB, 1600x800, 1600x800-paulie-sopranos-2-43-jpg-ef00d469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why fuck women when you can read about it?

>> No.12864976

Correct it then please, as if I'm mistaken I wasn't aware. Which societies showed different? You're only helping to disprove the evopsych perspective though, which I myself don't believe in.

>> No.12864997

Fucking faggot, you have some endocrine disorder and are basically one half step away from trannydom.

>> No.12865009

PROTIP: If you actually put effort into finding a gf you will get one. Even if all your whining about being defective is true there is some equally defective woman willing to give you a shot.
Stop being faggots.

>> No.12865015

Okay anon, I guess anyone who disagrees with you is "lying to themselves".

>> No.12865021
File: 32 KB, 657x527, 601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay but does this gf have a penis?

>> No.12865076

How do I put in effort towards finding a gf? I'm /fit/, have a successful job making decent money, an active social life, and I know I'm not ugly (I've been complimented too many times by different girls for being cute/having nice eyes/etc to be ugly) yet I'm a 23yo virgin. Where do I go to meet gf-tier girls?

>> No.12865114

Tldr, deep inside every woman you meet beneath your standards, there's a real woman who wants to escape. Put aside your pride wrt partner count and look for maturity, emotional intelligence, good judgment... Think of what you would want in the mother of your children. But recognize that people improve over time, and that no one really starts out as gf or bf material, they prove they are by trying to become. Look for women who seem to be trying one way or another.

>> No.12865195

Bdsm is almost always boiled down to cops and robbers but with sex. Childish joyous pleasure with adult privilege of having sex

>> No.12865229

>Put aside your pride wrt partner count
>look for maturity, emotional intelligence, good judgment... Think of what you would want in the mother of your children
It's not like I'm exclusively looking for a virgin but I don't see how a girl with a whore-tier partner count is going to have any of those traits. Regardless, this is like fortune cookie advice that isn't really helpful. "When looking for a gf look for a girl you could spend the future with", thanks this is exactly what I needed to hear to not be a 23 yo virgin anymore.

>> No.12865287

Lol, what a fag. Check your testosterone levels.

>> No.12865300

He also said that people change.

>> No.12865352

I'm no expert, but sounds like you need more test. Get a doctor to check it out, or just stay lifting heavy objects 3 times a week, or just take some super male vitality or something

>> No.12865363

Don't worry. Those hyper masculine posers also need a loving gf that will take care of them like a mommy. That's why they dream of having a loyal gf but also fuck around if they can.
You just have that desire turned up to 11.

>> No.12865366

Practice dating then with girls who seem more or less compatible. Is your issue where to take them out or something?

>> No.12865372

just because a woman is going on a date with you doesn't mean you are here highest ideal

>> No.12865408

I'm sure there are women who like role-playing that caring mommy stuff sometimes, women can be dominant and I'm sure they can be dominant in a caring way. It will just be rare.

I had a girlfriend that got the desire to punch me when she was on the edge of orgasm, and would bite my shoulder and leave a mark. I didn't really like it and would pin her arms down so I wouldn't get popped in the face. She also liked being dominated and told what to do though so idk

>> No.12865888

No my issue is that I don't know where to meet them. I haven't been on a date in over a year.

>> No.12865973

>If I'm defective and it offends you then please just say that, and stop there.

>> No.12866057

I pray to God that pic is fake.

>> No.12866069

That's Pynchon. Nice try!

>> No.12866082

look at the title, it's a spoof book