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12863658 No.12863658 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your routine like?

>> No.12863672

pretty much like farming 24/7

>> No.12863773

Honoré de Balzac's name sounds like honor the ball sack, amusing.

>> No.12863801
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>everyone besides Kafka is only wagecucking for a couple of hours a day or not all

>> No.12863824

maya angelou...no thanks

>> No.12863838

how do they even know this

>> No.12863839

Kant's day job was as a lecturer so does that really count ?

>> No.12863841

What's other, and Balzac's fat

>> No.12863859

GP appointment (asthma)

>> No.12863936


write somethings down
Hey I have asthma too anon

>> No.12863972

>Wake up 10 - 11 if I'm lucky
>Enjoy a tremendous breakfast consisting of whatever I feel like spread over 2 hours
>Check Reddit and 4chan for shitposting opportunities
>Stare at want ads that are all for things I'm not physically capable of doing
>Contemplate suicide
>Have lunch
>Go for a run or play a videogame
>Shitpost more
>Contemplate suicide again
>Wonder how much my parents must regret my having been born
>Think about how life could have been if I had made better choices
>Lay in bed with headache
>Play another video game
>Make some paltry effort to improve my situation which usually involves cooking or doing laundry
>Shitpost until around 2 am and then go to bed
Hemingway ain't got shit on me

>> No.12863980


Diaries most likely

>> No.12864038

I finished doing SL a few months ago and now I'm doing a PPL

>> No.12864048
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Sleep 12-1am until 7-8am
Gym 1 hour
Work 10-3/4
Unwind/internet/social media/nap until 5
Read/write 1-3 hours
Make music 1-3 hours

>> No.12864074
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>> No.12864078

>Wake up at 10
>Go to Class
> eat lunch/read news
> more classes
> get home at 4PM
> work on homework/ do whatever I want.
> sleep at 2am

>> No.12864186

I have no routine. General breakdown would be 70% screwing around or wageslaving, 20% reading various things, 10% writing.
I masturbated 3 times today but only spent an hour at most on writing. Maybe 2 hours reading.

>> No.12864458

Damn Milton and Dickens must have been juicy as fuck with 3h/day exercise

>> No.12864492

How to escape the wage cage?

>> No.12864498

there's another chart that says the 3h/day exercise by milton was just walking around his garden or something like that

>> No.12864505
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and dicken's exercise was just walking too

>> No.12864517

>wake at 7AM, instantly consume preworkout
>workout from 7:15 until 8:30AM
>shower, brush teeth, cook, eat, and journal until 10AM
>eat lunch at 12PM, drink weight-gain shake, drink a small shot of coffee if feeling sleepy
>eat dinner at 6
>play some WoW vanilla or WoW cataclysm private server for an hour
>turn off electronics, wind down around 8:30-9PM with some chores, books, journaling, and tea
>go to sleep at around 9:30-10:00PM
That's a good template for my weekday schedule. I hate not going to bed and waking up early. Unfortunately, even if I practice good hygiene and fall asleep easily, I have a hard time staying asleep throughout the night, so I need to plan for 9-10 hours of sleep in order to guarantee at least 7 hours of sleep.

>> No.12864524

What kind of exercise would malnourished anglo scholars even do? Lifting a book?

>> No.12864577

>>12863658<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x2668;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.12864640

>all these guys did EXACTLY the same thing every day.

yeah sure dude.

>> No.12864653

>every writer went to sleep at night
I call fucking bullshit here, what are you trying to sell me?

>> No.12864773
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>> No.12864787

Based patrician exercise

>> No.12865422

does sex count as 'leisure' or 'other?'

>> No.12865724

11am - wake up
take some opiods
lift some weights listening to some energetic music (been listening to swell maps and mx-80 sound recently)
12pm - check my computer
1pm - go eat something
come home, usually either watch a bit of tv if im tired or get back on the internet and do whatever ive been doing
2pm - either go to sleep or keep staying on the computer, unless i have plans
5pm - go out and drive around and maybe i see something that piques my interest
8pm - take some more opiods and go to the library
8pm to 1am - work on whatever i'd like at the library (recently been doing a mix of reading zeno's conciousness and the last psychiatrist archives)
2am - eat something small
2:30am - go to bed

>> No.12867010
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You can't write if you sleep well and comfy.<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/trash@2x.gif"></div>

>> No.12867032

That's cooked, I'm lucky and run on 5 hours of sleep. usually takes me an hour to drift off but when I'm out its blackout, so I only need to plan for 6.

>> No.12867036

severely underrated

>> No.12867055

I want to murder people who require only a few hours of sleep. I require at least 10 hours and I still feel like shit when I wake up.

>> No.12867083

>Walk up and down his garden for 3 hours
Absolutely based

>> No.12867084
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A true patrician. Ceiling staring and pillow drowning are activities befit of an intellectual.<span class="fortune" style="color:#2a56fb">

Your fortune: Better not tell you now[/spoiler]

>> No.12867091


>> No.12867232




>> No.12867241

They were born upper class or these schedules are based on their routines after they 'made it'.

>> No.12867246
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>> No.12867271

>voltaire slept for 4 hours
That whole list reeks like a mound of shit

>> No.12867283

There wasn't as much work to do back then. Now we make up jobs just for the fun of it

>> No.12867285

Why is that unbelieveable?

>> No.12867293
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>> No.12867301

4 hours of sleep as routine will absolutely fucking break you in the long run.

>> No.12867385

>work 6h a day
>commute for around 3h a day or more
>sleep 7 to 8h, still feeling exhausted
>1h lunch
>try to exercise for 1h
>virtually no time or energy for anything else
I fucking hate this miserable life. Why do we still have to work with all the technological advances we've achieved so far? IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR

>> No.12867389

It doesn't say they stuck to these schedules. It was probably what he himself say anyway so none of these are probably that accurate

>> No.12867393

>commute is half of your actual working hours

What are you doing?

>> No.12867404

companies aim to make as much money as they can. capitalism isn't about putting humans first otherwise it wouldn't be as profitable

>> No.12867411

I live far from my job, and my city has terrible traffic
as soon as I start earning more, I'll move to a closer place though

>> No.12867415

>7am wake up
>7:30am go to work
>8:00am wage slave until 6 fucking pm
>7pm arrive home, some leisure time(reading, visit a friend, family,etc)
>9pm chores and prepare dinner
>10pm spend some time with my wife
>go to sleep around 00:00am
the trick is to sneak in reading during the day at work like prentending to read Email when you are actually reading Ebooks from project gutenberg in txt. format disguised as Emails. wagecucking is a inside hell we can win over these tiny battles.

>> No.12867429

>10-12 wake up
>wait until 5
>5pm cook and eat
>wait until 11
>go to bed

>> No.12867459
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I want to murder people that get 10 hours of sleep, I cannot for the life of me fall asleep before 2am, even so if I try to go to sleep at 1am I will be sprawling in bed staring at distant figures in the dark, looking at the ceiling, asking myself whats morally "good",asking myself if one does not believe in the divine then what is the purpose for life, why am I able to question a purpose for this life?;Neo-china from the future or aliens made us so they can observe and collect data to better understand humans. I literally attempt to suffocate myself with my pillow so my eyes will shut; but usually what happens no matter what is I distract myself with random thoughts whilst feeling the crisp night wind graze against my skin(I leave my windows open for this sole reasone alone) then I black out at around 2:30am waking up and falling back to sleep till I get up in the morning for breakfast at 6:00am, i'm seeing shit in the walls because lack of sleep hehe.

>> No.12867484
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>> No.12867486

>>12867301 --->>>12867459
I see, note taken I was planning on getting less sleep to be able to work more but my roommate does this exactly and hes already becoming and looking like a schizo. Rather sleep for 8hrs and work a good 3 then sleeping for 6 and working for 5 whilst going insane

>> No.12867503

vote socdem

>> No.12867559

Freud doesn't really count either

>> No.12867607


>> No.12867668

Take Kafka's schedule, and and remove the day-job slab of green by extending the sleep session halfway into it, then from its other end, by extending the yellow smidgen of leisure back to fill the rest of it. This yields my "reverse siesta" of waking during the middle of a long sleep. But the graph would be only an average. I'm not so nocturnal, since not only does it slip forward by about an hour each day, the proportions vary dramatically by whim. Sometimes I have the thrust for 16 hours of writing every day for a solid week, and spells of almost complete inactivity to the descriptive and persuasive impulses alike. The Muse comes on or off, the goddesses take their turns, and it is only when I am free to yield to their promptings, that my mood has the immovable stability it does now. I can easily bear, and slight, almost any idiotic provocation--except noisy disturbance that has not been scheduled for holiday effect. Then all the wrath I have in me rains down on the source of it.

>> No.12867686

Even as a wee lad, this was pure nightmare fuel to me.

>> No.12867712

"Why do we still have to work with all these technological advances?"
Because Capitalism hasn't reached the catalyst of its own destruction yet. When technology was first developed that enabled a tiny minority to grow all the food needed for all society, it was suppressed, because it woulf create a massive pool of people who were no longer needed to grow all the food, but whom the ruling class would never allow to join their ranks. It was only in the aftermath of the intermarriage between the Aristocratic and merchant classes, the political reshuffle of the American & French revolutions, and the transition of manufacturing from the skilled-merchant/equally-skilled-but-legally-discriminated-against-journeyman system to the proto-fordist division of labour documented by Adam Smith that the solution presented itself. Wage-Labour. Make it so that instead of paying rent as a percentage of crops directly, make farmers sell you their crops, then pay their rent in cash at a flat, (and extortionately high) rate, then offer to sell those masses driven off their farms due to technical advances rendering their labour obsolete. When they complain that they have no money with which to buy said food, point them to the local guildmaster, and have them sell away hours of their life to him in exchange for the cash they need to survive.
A similar thing is happening now. Technology is rendering the vast majority of human labour obsolete, and nobody has a fucking clue what the next step is. Serfdom was replaced by wage-labour, and wage-labour will be replaced by someshit, but the bourgeoisie will not end exploitation just because it is rendered needless.

>> No.12867733

>going to sleep a 6am
what a mad man

>> No.12867828

>6 am wakeup, medicine, leisurely poo with a book, shower
>7:30 am walk to work or class
>8:00 am- 11:15 am wage or student slave
>11:15- 12:15 lunch, read, write, or dick around online
>12:15-5:30 pm wage or student slave/study
>5:30-6:45 pm gym
>6:45-8:00 pm go home, make dinner
>8:00-10:00 pm leisure, writing
>10:00 pm bedtime
My work is very tedious so I can think about writing or listen to music while I work. The hours are flexible too, so if the spirit moves me I can clock out whenever and just go walk around town or write before returning. I write my clean stuff then, and write erotica at home. I give myself an extra hour of sleep on the weekends and clean house, study, do errands, and prep meals. In the summer I work 8-5 everyday. Small college town life is pretty comfy.

>> No.12867848

>Not the 1%

Grow up, commie.

>> No.12867892

the only good routines in this thread

>> No.12867913

I have no routine. My life is total chaos. No control, nowhere to go.

>> No.12867935

No one noticed how they put Murakami among the "most original artists, writers and musicians"?

>> No.12867955

Up by 8:00
Go to class
Eat lunch
Go to the rest of my classes
Come home and rest if I have time
Go to work
Get home at 9:30
Do homework/read/fuck off
In bed by 1:00

>> No.12867964

Do you have sleep apnea, anon? That's not normal.

>> No.12868273

t. too young to be here

>> No.12868434

i struggle with this big time but its 9 hours for me... though i step into 10 sometimes. but i think if you see having schedule as a "beautiful" thing it helps you some. lately i've been going to sleep in a routinely manner more or less, and trying to nail the exact hours in a timely manner every day is motivating. also this sounds like hell >>12867459

>> No.12869941

This hit too close home

>> No.12870020

Feels bad man. I used to have a 5 hour a day commute, I didn't even have time to eat food. Kept losing weight because I couldn't do more than throw down a protein bar or two.
What should have happened: progress in productivity thanks to technology lets us have a 5 or 6 hour workday
What actually happened: the rich absorbed all the extra profit generated, cut jobs, and still made everyone else work 8+ hours a day, and since more people were out of work and job seekers were desperate, they CUT wages while effectively having each slave pump out more output.

>> No.12870166

5:00AM Wake up
5:01AM Fap
5:30AM Go to work
4:00PM Get home
4:01PM Fap
4:30PM Eat
5:00PM Languish
8:00PM Try to write
8:05PM Fap
8:30PM Plot suicide
9:00PM Quietly watch loaded gun in my hands
9:15PM Fap
10:00PM Go to sleep

>> No.12870282

>wake at about 9:30 and then snooze button two or three times
>coffee, instant. half milk half water, and a croissant or donut
>shitpost for a while
>daily poo, usually stay in there for a good 15 to 20 minutes and get some reading done
>shitpost some more
>shower, shave if I have to
>if I'm working that day (only do three or four days average) I leave 15 minutes before I start as it's only a short walk away
>just a food and drinks stand in a pretty empty area, mostly listen to music/ podcasts, or read until the shift is over
>if not working I play vidya, shitpost or waste way too much time watching reactionary pseuds on youtube
>lunch and dinner if I'm home, skip lunch if at work
>write for my blog for an hour or so in the evening
>chamomile tea at 23:30( it cools after about 40 minutes) and then I read until 01:00 when I go to sleep

Tonight I didn't read though, but that's the general pattern I follow

>> No.12870510

6:30 - 7:00 Wake up
7:30 - 8:30 Drive to work
8:30 - 1:00 Work
1:00 - 2:00 Lunch break spent reading
2:00 - 5:30 Work
5:30 - 6:30 Drive home
6:30 - 10:00 Waste my life on 4chan + dinner at some point
10:00 - 6:30 Sleep, maybe read a little beforehand

>> No.12870554

>Wake up
>Go to the liquor cabient
>Por drink
>Get Drunk
>Pass out.

>> No.12870838

Do you have any ambitions to move on from this food and drink stand or is this what you're settling with for the time being? Is it really enough to keep you sustained with this current lifestyle?

>> No.12871172

I'd say you're oversleeping:
>In a global sample of over 10,000 people, we demonstrated that cognitive performance, measured using a set of 12 well-established tests, is impaired in people who reported typically sleeping less, or more, than 7-8 hours per night – which was roughly half the sample.

>> No.12871220
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>seeing shit in the walls because lack of sleep hehe.
Had a roommate with this exact issue, could not sleep he just ended up blacking out after sprawling for hours on the bed, his peak hours were 9-1am prob like you anon. The issue is he never really slept the lack of sleep made him have horrible dreams and he'd tell me about figures like the pic you posted that he'd see, pretty fucked up if you ask me. He was always half-awake half-asleep, really good guy the only bestfriend i've ever had, anyways he went into psychosis after months of this, dude was extremely talented too he wrote the best prose i've ever seen from someone my age. Dude went to a sanatorium far off in the woods of my state, he left his dream journal and a few other notes, and let me tell you his dream journal is filled with the most nightmarish shit ever.
I'll give you a few excerpts
fuck hes dead
drill holes in that girls eyes dont fall asleep;everyone is on pills dont fall asleep
is everyone without hanging out with me?
napkins shoved up her cunt instead of a tampon
He posted on here all the time, im sure one these excerpts were posted here b4 he was obsessed with his dreams although I never knew they were this.. strange? Anyways get sleep anon otherwise you will go insane.

>> No.12871235
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your friend is picrelated

>> No.12872042

my god i am sleeping too much.
is it just a case of adjusting to 4 or 5 hours a night or is it a biological thing? i feel dreadful if i get less than 8

>> No.12872094

Basically everyone on that chart gets 7-8 hours, which is the standard. Don't think you're a savant that gets by with 4, you'll just kill yourself in traffic. If you've got fullblown autism you could try scheduling your sleep in hour long sessions throughout the day to save a bit of time.

>> No.12872150


>> No.12872188

Vote YANGGANG, duh.

>> No.12872258

I hope you don't sound like such a twat in whatever you're writing.

>> No.12872311 [DELETED] 


>> No.12872529

I have slept 4-5 a hours a night for my entire life, every so often I sleep a ridiculous amount of time, generally it is middle of the winter, It is just too comfortable in my warm bed to even think about sub zero temps so I just go back to sleep, sometimes it is so I can resume a dream. Been this way since birth apparently.

>> No.12872586

I tell people when I'm asked this in person that I "don't want to do this forever" and it's true but only because of the social stigma of someone in their late 20s or older doing a job like what I do (I'm 21 atm) unless they own the thing.
I am more content right now than I have been since the age of about 14. Who knows, perhaps one day I'll be promoted to the manager position, the current manager started here doing what I'm doing and I've already been given a raise since I started.

I just want to read books and be /comfy/ man, I'm very easily contented

>> No.12872644

I have daltinism and i cant tell red from green

>> No.12872672

Lol, fag

>> No.12873582

pretentious academic lifestyle

8:00-8:30am: wake up (this is a process)
8:30-9am: prepare for the day
9:00am-10:00am: read the news, drink coffee, head to campus. no breakfast
10:00am-11:00am: classes or work
11:00am-2:30pm: open time for lunch, work, or leisure. Typically chat with friends, meet colleagues, or read and write in this time
2:30-4:30pm: work and study. In the zone
5:00pm-8:00pm: Academic meetings or events. Most structured part of my day. Usually have dinner but not always
8:00-9:30pm: read and write alone OR head home and have an evening drink
9:30-11:00pm: have drinks and try to relax at home before I get my late-night spark of motivation
11:00pm-1:00am: Work on whatever until I burn out and fall asleep sometime in this window; very unstructured time

My schedule has been less and less structured lately. Need to get it together desu

>> No.12874238

>1 meal a day
dunno how you're still alive

>> No.12874287

I live like that, most days. I'm 6’ 2¾” (*) and 154 lb.

(*) [that's what the conversion from metric says. Tell me, do you usually put a fractional part like that? Feels a little like saying "I'm 43 and a half years old"]

>> No.12874294

explain voltaire and mozart then

>> No.12874657

It's more like 1.5 meals a day but I'm lanklet af and have no appetite

not sure why I'm still alive, much less how

>> No.12874694

you can still be a writer and a wagecuck, just get a low iq job, like factory work or truck driving, let your mind wander literarily while working, and write down what you thought of during breaks.

>> No.12874728

Fuck that got me laughing out loud

>> No.12874822

Lol you drive in LA don't you

>> No.12875317

>he doesn't use the uberman sleep system

>> No.12875386
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>spend at least one hour, usually closer to two hours, every night tossing and turning before I fall asleep
>wake up in middle of the night, takes at least 1 hour to fall back to sleep
>if I sleep 7-8 hours per night a few days in a row I feel so fatigued I'll collapse and sleep for 12 hours, ruining any semblance of routine
>oversleeping leads to headaches and malaise

>> No.12875400

didnt voltaire drink 60 cups of coffee a day or something

>> No.12875568

hey man. got a lot my own sleep problems as well: insomnia, really disturbing nightmares, fatigue, etc.

try taking melatonin, it's available over-the-counter and if it doesn't work it's not ridiculously expensive. it helped me out a lot, at least to start

if it's a persistent problem you need to get it checked out. it'll mess with your life. seems like it might already be. you can try all kinds of measures (room temperature, weighted blankets, etc) which might help, but if it's a real problem you gotta do a sleep study and get a diagnosis. it's a common problem and you shouldn't just live with it if you can help it

>> No.12875761
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>he can fall asleep at all
>he gets 7-8 hours of sleep a day
>he doesn't wake up 4 times in one night
>he doesn't have the feeling that he hasn't been sleeping at all every other night
>he can sleep 12 hours without the aid of strong sedatives
>he's not on prescription drugs
>he's still complaining

just get some melatonin and establish a rigorous sleeping routine, you lazy retard

>> No.12875801

>not sleeping at least 10 hours
wtf is wrong with you

>> No.12875955

I "sleep" for 9 hours but I wake up multiple times during the night. I need to supervise myself so I don't clench my teeth, which always happens when I roll over, so by willpower I started forcing myself to wake up just before I start to change position, manually get myself to not clench my teeth, lay on my side for 10 minutes, then roll onto my back again because I'm not allowed to sleep on my side.
How autistic am I?

>> No.12876454

trying to write more often

7:30: wake up
7:35-8:00: cold 1st shower, coffee if I'm tired, no breakfast
8:15-10:30: classes
10:30-12:30: read, study
12:30-1:00: lunch and friends
1:00-2:00: last class
2:00-4:00: read, a movie if I'm lazy, volunteering Tuesdays and Thursdays, get on pc w/ friends if nothing else to do
4:00-5:30: lifting and cardio, 2nd shower
5:30-6:00: piano practice
6:00-6:30: dinner
6:30-8:30: usually spend time w/ gf after her shift
8:30-10:00: head home and study, small sip of coffee if super tired, get motivated for writing
10:00-11:00: write
11:10: 3rd shower, clean up my place in my robe
11:30: read and sleep by 11:30 on the dot hopefully

>> No.12876619

>What’s your routine like?

You really want to know?... I get up at seven and write straight through till twelve. Twelve to one I read Russian poetry – in translation, alas. A quick lunch, then art history until three. After that it's philosophy for an hour – nothing technical, nothing hard. Four to five: European history, 1848 and all that. Five to six: I improve my German. And from then until dinner, well, I just relax and read whatever the hell I like. Usually Shakespeare.

>> No.12876639

That was balzac

>> No.12876742

I wake up whenever my body decides, usually still slightly drunk from yestereve's reveries (I'd say 5 hours of sleep on average. "It is a mental torture I find debasing, I simply cannot get used to the nightly betrayal of reason." etc.)

I push aside whatever hapless waif I happened to have bedded the night before, and go downstairs to my poached egg and half bottle of Tio Pepe, lovingly laid out by Lupita – the maid.

Then it's two hours of Attic Greek, one each of Latin and Sanskrit. Sometimes a half hour of Mittelhochdeutsch before lunching at the club. After luncheon I work on modern languages (often with a short break for some Milton or Pope around 4:30 – soul-refreshment).

Before my evening meal I usually produce a short monograph on a given philosophical or linguistic topic that has occupied me of late (today it was a near line-by-line commentary on Leibniz's Monadology – en français).

I then woo some succulent co-ed from the local community college's literature department (some lines of Donne usually do the trick). We betake ourselves to my opulent mattress and nurse a few glasses of Calvados before playing bodies until the wee hours.

>> No.12876787

5:00am Wake, get dressed and ready then either drive or ride bike to work
6:00am Start work
9:30am Finish work, head home and get changed (Only wagecuck a few hours because I get student payments)
10:30am eat breakfast of oats, catch up on headlines etc.
11:30am Start studying at my computer, or head to university library and study there
1:30pm I usually eat again at this point but something like popcorn i can eat wehile i study
4:00pm prepare soup for dinner, just throw a heap of beans and shit in the electric pressure cooker and set it for an hour
4:30pm Walk dog to dog park
6:00pm Return home, eat soup
7:00pm household chores or more study
8:30pm Shower
9:00pm get into bed

>> No.12876803

my ideal life

>> No.12876827

youre killing the microbiota on your skin

>> No.12876895

My daily schedule is highly dysfunctional, boys. Used to make me feel unique -- now, it's just a hindrance.

12:31 pm -- 3:00 pm -- Get out of bed; compose myself; sunbathe if the weather is nice
3:01 pm -- 4:00 pm -- Dread going to work
4:01 pm -- 8:00 pm -- Teach Eng. 12/tutor privately
8:01 pm -- 12:00 am -- Eat first full meal of the day; play the drums/piano/guitar; fuck girlfriend (alt: go on date with random whore); amuse myself with research or dumb shit.
12:01 am -- 5:00 am -- Night-walk; cortisol rushes; frantic writing (poetry, short stories, essays, nonsense); gambling (bad day); crippling loneliness
5:30 am -- finally crash

Started this routine back in high school. It's been a solid eight years.

>> No.12876908

The dream, desu. Also, your humour comes through nicely here.

>> No.12876983

>9:00-10:00 wake up, browse the internet, eat
>10:00-1:00 read
>10:00-12:00 read
>12:00-1:00 lift
>1:00-1:30 get ready for work, eat
>1:30-9:15 commute and work
>9:15-12:00 leisure

wage slavery is time consuming

>> No.12877006

I wish writers understood hard labor like they used to. Flop out Balzac or Voltaire, and somehow their leisures are standard rather than specific. Bullshit.
>wake up 4-7 am
>work until 1030 pm, if not on small occasion later, throwing thousands of pounds of freight
>every day, 42 days since last day off
>amphetamines, opiates, and gallons of alcohol weekly throughout the day
>rarely eat, sleep when drunk and off work
I win.

>> No.12877012

>published at least
>didn't change a thing

>> No.12877027

>nobody sleeps more than 8hours
how can I compete? I need full 10hour undisturbed sleep every day

>> No.12877038
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Should be creative work