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/lit/ - Literature

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12856068 No.12856068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/, femanon here! I'm new to /lit/ and browsing through some threads i ended up being recommended On Women by Arthur Schopenhauer. I'm not sure why you guys like it so much... It's the most generic piece of sexism a 19th man could provide. The essay is fine actually, but it isn't really insightful, and i think Schopenhauer wrote it because he was mad with someone. Maybe he was cheated on or something idk or hated his mom. Anyway, what are some good books that really touch on the female nature? I want to discover more of myself... So much of literature is aimed at men, what about us women? Thanks in advance :)

>> No.12856072

john norman's gor

>> No.12856073
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>> No.12856076

The second sex

>> No.12856077

Yeahyeah, here's your (you).
Tits or gtfo

>> No.12856078

imagin I lick your pusy

>> No.12856091

Why do you guys hate girls so much? This is so childish... Like i never did anything to you, you don't need to insult me...

>> No.12856097

“But anon women CAN be funny!” When will this meme die?

>> No.12856102
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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.12856107

Hi, I'm a lesbian. Are you single?

>> No.12856116

fuck off she's mine.

>> No.12856119

stfu you beta cuck.

>> No.12856120

Why do w*men hate unattractive men so much? It's so childish...

>> No.12856122

> us women
instantly spotted a tranny or male larper

>> No.12856125

Women don't hate unnatractive men... What are you on about?

>> No.12856128

Please be in LONDON

>> No.12856129

>Women don't hate unnatractive men...
Factually wrong

>> No.12856134

How? Did you have bad experiences with your mother or your female colleagues? I'm sorry anon, but that's not all women... Generalizing like that is not only unhealthy but statistically wrong.

>> No.12856143

>Generalizing like that is not only unhealthy but statistically wrong.
So then why is it okay for w*men to generalize non-sex-having men

>> No.12856148

What do you mean by this? How do we generalize virgins?

>> No.12856151

Right-wing uncle culture. I legit think the suffering that happens on this board stems from toxic whiteness.

>> No.12856153

>What do you mean by this? How do we generalize virgins?
W*men perpetuate the "incel" meme

>> No.12856155

Kill all white people. They only exist for the destruction of humanity.

>> No.12856156

Is there anything more lame than referring to yourself as a "femanon"?

>> No.12856157

Stop larping. Every woman on the internet is a man until proven otherwise.

>> No.12856158

You are reading twitter too much, anon. In real life women don't know or don't care about virgins or "incels".

>> No.12856162

sex and character by otto jewlastname

>> No.12856165
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god PLEASE be in London

>> No.12856168

If you really are a girl then why are you reposting a photo of some random chick from somewhere else. Tits or gtfo.
Feels good that the subhuman races still are butthurt about not being white

>> No.12856169

There was a girl on my local Bumble who said "no fuckboys or creepy stalker incels" on her profile. Stop.

>> No.12856173

*rapes your mom, sister, and gf*

>> No.12856174

We don't hate girls. We hate girls on 4chan who need to proclaim that they're a fucking roastie all the goddamn time. If you were genuinely looking for book recommendations you would have just stated the latter part of your post. Not the roastie introduction shit. Back to /soc/, whore.

>> No.12856178

I'm female.

>> No.12856179

yup, that's exactly the response you would expect from a nigger

>> No.12856182

That's not statistically relevant, anon... Women couldn't care less about virgins. That girl only put that there because she's probably a normie who read on twitter about how incels are going murder and rape all females.

>> No.12856183
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>> No.12856188

And? Was it an absolute necessity to state that? Tripfagging whores like you are the reason quality boards are going to shit. As I said, back to /soc/.

>> No.12856189

I'm not black. I'm malay.
Bitch, you thought.
And they said white people are smart. Hah!

>> No.12856192

I didnt say anything about virgins or virginity. You w*men will shame and harangue men for being unattractive and/or not having sex, regardless of virginity.

W*men are genuinely 100x more hateful and spiteful towards unattractive non-sex-having men than w*men pretend men are towards w*mem

>> No.12856196

I'm really happy that we all worked together to derail this roasties thread. Good work guys!

Yes because intelligence is determined by how one can tell exactly what race another person on the internet is. How proud of yourself you must be.

>> No.12856199

Dude if you are ugly you are not going to get an attractive woman, it's that simple. I am a virgin and girls still like me, cause I am attractive.

>> No.12856202

Literally not a single girl cares about your virginity, anon... The type of girls that shames virgin men are probably related to the same sub type of men who shames virgin men; the bullies in high school or something. Basically, they are idiots, and there are idiots in both gender. Also, a lot of girls will shit talk men saying "fuck off virgin" and things like that because it's an easy insult. Not because they actually care and want to shame virgins or whatever. They are low iq that's all...

>> No.12856204

Most of the misogyny is an expression and not an actual comment on behavior or desire for behavior by the general public. It's a form to vent, in the same way that women vent about men as being shallow pigs.

Why? Sexlessness is part of it (30% of men 18-29 haven't had sex in the last year, vs. 18% of women, which hasn't changed much). Porn is part of it. Online dating is essentially a boon for women and a blight for men. There is a creepy possibility that, if IQ is valid for proxying as intelligence, then the top 2% of men will almost never meet a woman smarter than them. As part of this group, and many posters here (we can act like this board has brainlets, they may not be geniuses, but they are certainly not stupid) are in that group. They have never met a girl smarter than them, but they've met countless men smarter than them. MeToo has allowed women to feel like their claims are to be believed no matter what, when false rape reports are common (per the head of special victims unit in Manhattan). Art has validated solipsistic feminity. The Guggenheim's exhibition of Af Klint is a crime (Look up the pieces, the one with the swans is admittedly a masterpiece, the rest would be nice in a partial exhibition at best). I think it's a combination of those factors, but it's also a genuine frustration that comes out as hate, when it's really just simply that most men's lives are getting harder because of liberalization.

I think another aspect is equality is genuinely new. Don't act like in all other previous cultures misogyny wasn't widespread, it was and aggressively so. I'm not sure what will happen but probably the beliefs in equality will slowly die out because religious factions, i.e. mormons, that value traditional roles, will out birth them, but I don't know.

>> No.12856206
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>> No.12856209

Exactly. W*men exhibit infinite amounts of vitriol and spite towards men who have done nothing wrong other than be unattractive.

You must be illiterate. Read the post you replied to again, w*man.

>> No.12856211

>like dude race is real and biological. other races are inferior because of their genetics and they should be segregated
>i can't tell the race of the person through the internet
if race was all that important it should be easy to spot people's race through text. but no, you can only spot race by the warped image you have of them

>> No.12856216


>> No.12856217

Why do incels have a problem with "it's about looks" thing? What are you guys, fucking 12 years old? It's obvious looks are a major part. You will NEVER have a cute GF being a 4/10 fat fuck. Kys. Or looksmax. Retards.

>> No.12856220

Are you retarded? I have never met a malaysian in my life how the fuck would I know how they act online? I just assumed you were a nigger because you were acting like one.

>> No.12856222

Bevause w*men are capricious hypocrites who whine about men being "shallow" or who whine about "fat shaming".

>> No.12856223

>Why do incels have a problem with "it's about looks" thing?
they don't. are you retarded?

>> No.12856229

Yes, they do, they cry about it all the time about how it's over for them because they're ugly. Most of them are not that irredeemable to begin with. For the truly few that are indeed 1/10, there are aesthetic surgeries.
Who gives a fuck about women dude? They literally irrelevant.

>> No.12856231

What do you expect? Women are not very intelligent. Just because they are hypocrits doesn't mean you deserve attention from them though.

>> No.12856232

Imagine being so triggered you have to assign me a race so you can be mad about something

>> No.12856235

When did I say "I deserve attention from w*men"?

You're only half wrong. W*men control discourse in social and cultural media nowadays especially in the first world "developed" nations.

>> No.12856238

Please be in my

>> No.12856239

I'm not mad that you may or may not be a nigger. I'm mad that you are propagating an anti-white agenda.

>> No.12856242

>they cry about it all the time about how it's over for them because they're ugly
>stop saying the truth you crybabies lol

>> No.12856243

it's anoudda wh*te shoah!!!

>> No.12856244

Yes, but what i mean is that women are childish. They don't know what they want. You shouldn't listen to anything they say.

>> No.12856246

You make anti-nigger propaganda 24/7 on this site. It got boring, nigga. Saying nigger isn't as cool as before. Fuck whites desu, they ruin everything.

>> No.12856247

Again, you're not wrong. However, w*mens childish whims still dictate what is shown in movies/on TV, and even what is published in books and literature.

>> No.12856250

Cope. There are a lot of procedures for you to lookmax and go from a 3 to at least a 5. There is NO excuse, stop coping.

>> No.12856253

PSRURALT? What kind of acronym is that?

>> No.12856254
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>/lit/ takes the bait hard and knowingly
But why

>> No.12856256

>dude just surgerymaxx

>> No.12856258

>dude stay whining on the internet when you could change your situation
Pathetic cope.

>> No.12856259

Schopenhauer was right about basically everything though.

>> No.12856262

"Fuck whites" he says while using his computer, invented by white people. Using electricity to power it, discovered by white people. Etc etc.

I'm not even a colonialist type of guy. I just think every race should stay in their own fucking country.

>> No.12856263


Reminder that Schopenhauer got pushed down a flight of stairs by his mother.

>> No.12856265
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>> No.12856269

>just you wait chad, once I have all my surgeries you'll see who the real chad is
transdimensional cope

>> No.12856274

hard incel cope

>> No.12856280

Fuck niggers.

(that was fun!)

>> No.12856282

this went off topic inmediatly and right away turned into a shit storm

>> No.12856284

>you're using their technology, that means you can't complain about them
>just like you can't complain about your dad raping you, because remember, he was the one who made you in the first place!
i'm not even a nigger, not even an american, i couldn't care less about your pathetic race relationships. but i understand the niggers on this one

>> No.12856285

sure if you're 12

>> No.12856294

>not even a nigger but still thinks they're right
you are, may Allah forgive me for using this word, a cuck

>> No.12856296
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Fuck off to /soc/

>> No.12856297

i don't even know why this board exists, it's obvious no one cares about literature. i'm not even memeing, no one heres actually read, save for a few anons. this thread is proof of it, there are several other threads on the catalog that are empty and on their way to death. this shitty thread has 76 replies already, and people fighting about /pol/tardism, women larp, inceldom, looksmax etc etc

>> No.12856300

No, it went exactly as it was supposed to.

>> No.12856304

Nice argument, and I'm a volcel. But it really doesn't matter what I say, you hate me because I am white.
I'm not an american either. I live in a country where no slaves were forced to come or anything. The minorities that live here came here voluntarily because my government let them in. So I feel justified in saying it gets me angry that these people that my country has let in, get angry at us for not treating them the exact same as someone who was born here. Obviously I'm not talking to the malaysian guy here I'm just trying to explain my point of view.

>> No.12856312
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>I'm a volcel

>> No.12856319

Your welcome ;)

>> No.12856328

Men hate women because women completely lack self awareness of the consequences of their own actions and the realities of the systems that support them. Generally speaking women are damn near useless in not only physical professions, but especially professional class careers which require critical multi-step thinking and objective management of complicated risks. All the while this is going on in an environment where I am told that I am privileged for getting to participate in this society which vampirically sucks my labor and effort to women who have no fucking clue what even goes into their daily survival, and that it is actually me who is the oppressor and the one with power in this situation.

Modern women are generally speaking total wastes of oxygen and to the extent they are useful it is as a piece of meat to use and then dispose of. You complain about how men objectify you, yet have built a culture in which the only way you're useful is as an object because you're definitely not much use in the actual world of sentient beings making real decisions. Your actual complimentary utility alongside men has been denied from you (primarily raising children and effective maintenance of the household) and what you have substituted instead is a pale imitation of being a male in the workforce while also seeking the attention of being a sexual object with none of the ramifications of such pursuits.

>> No.12856330

It's not that anybody hates girls, it's that this is an anonymous board where nobody gives a fuck about your identity. Stating that you're female when making the thread for no necessary reason makes you come off as though you're posting here to gain attention. Whether or not that's what you're doing, nobody fucking wants to know you're female, its anonymous for a reason. Unless your gender is absolutely necessary to disclose or you're gonna post tits (as that's the fucking rules, don't come here and try and change them), don't fucking disclose it. Lurk Moar.

>> No.12856335

I am mostly memeing when I say that, really just am waiting for the right women. The only women I have ever had the chance to hook up with were absolute whores so I turned them down.

>> No.12856336


this. anonymous boards are the last hope for actual discussion.

>> No.12856352

nobody forces you to use an iphone like you're forced to grow up with you're parents you seething mongoloid

>> No.12856353
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The response count on this post is pathetic and all of you should be ashamed.

>> No.12856359
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I'm entirely convinced this board is composed by 2016 faggots from discord that stick around in the hopes that they will earn knowledge without effort from the erudite anons that genuinely is here for literature. These people, who have nothing better to do, create numerous shitpost threads in the hopes of "feeling accepted" here while justifying to themselves their ignorance, and these threads are populated by the very same discordites.

Soon enough (if not already) this place will be a dry husk, an eternal reminder of what a community that does not moderate itself becomes.

>> No.12856365

bait or no bait, 4chan's going to shit enough already, we need not forget the rules and allow threads like these to pop up

>> No.12856368


>> No.12856376

I'm the OP and i'm sad... I just wanted a few book recommendations...

>> No.12856380


It's what always happens. People who are interested and engaged in a field and possess a modicum of intellectual ability to make a functional and enjoyable community will always attract a lot of people more interested in the image that comes with being part of said community stemming from its repute as opposed to joining out of interest. I think it happens in all walks of life.

>> No.12856384

lurk moar

>> No.12856387

I disagree. The days of shitposting are over. I think we should be willing to slow down the board a bit and delete low quality posts. We might be able to get some actual discussion about literature that way.

>> No.12856393

shut up nerd
God damn I'm so fucking horny and lonely

>> No.12856395


>> No.12856402

I just wish these anons from a few months back told us where these greener pastures are.

>> No.12856409

The board is open for discussion, people could always post something interesting, but they don't. If you're not posting good, thoughtful discussion, you're part of the problem. The philosophy posters are the one keeping the /lit/ spirit alive. Even if they're not that intelligent, at least they discuss the theory of the philosophers, while no one, absolutely no one discuss literature on this board.

>> No.12856413

There is maybe 0.2% chance OP isn't bait. If that was the case, you need to lurk more because this outcome was obvious. (And a poor way to fix your loneliness, you clearly a young male OP.
Yeah that's more like the truth. )

>> No.12856419

I meant 4chan as a whole. I like discussion but there was once a time when newfags new they weren't allowed to post and if they did the stuck out got ridiculed, which mediated the quality of the community. I hate to say it but threads like these quite literally belong on reddit. That website is for random normies to go ask questions to other random normies without any standard of ethic as long as what they put out isnt offensive or something. That's not what this site is for, but that's what its becoming. The elitism that once gave 4chan its magic is dissolving.

>> No.12856423

>newfags new
knew* autistic phoneposter my bad

>> No.12856428


>> No.12856431

The faggot mods ban people for upsetting gookmoots advertisers and think they're improving something when they delete someone's 50 on topic posts all over the board for saying "nigger" in a thread. After a while no one cares anymore.

>> No.12856436

We can't go back to these times, anon. We're too far into irony. Going back to a time where we unironically care about our board's quality, and protect it from low quality invaders, is simply not possible. It's too sincere and idealistic. And being sincere and idealistic is gay.

>> No.12856438

shut up incel
>why'd my niggers thread get deleted? it was on topic
lmao kill yourself.

>> No.12856443


go back to plebbit please thanks

>> No.12856444

Discord trannies are starting to make me feel disgust for all cockless men.

>> No.12856445

>like dude lmao imagine caring about internet boards lmaaao internet srs business huh hahahaha fucking LMFAO
Anons would simply act like this if we went back to pre 2016 /lit/, where you'd be ridiculed to death if you posted half of the shit we post now.

>> No.12856453

Why do you come to 4chan? Do you get a joy out of disrupting our discussion? You obviouslly are not providing anything to any conversation.

>> No.12856454

This thread is doing exactly that. Shaming some normie for being dumb. (Although OP was just trolling) Other mewfag normies will see it and learn to avoid a shitstorm by keeping irrelevant personal details to themselves.

>> No.12856458

make me, cuck.
you sound like your step dad rapes you lmao

>> No.12856460

Imagine being triggered straight into illiteracy lmao. You people are going to be brutally murdered in the next couple of decades and no amount of bitching to the mods will save you.

>> No.12856461
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>> No.12856466
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>> No.12856469

I come to 4channel to funpost on my phone when I' bored and watching tv or taking a shit.

that is all this website is for, it would be PATHETIC to think otherwise.


>> No.12856474

based delusional schizo poster

>> No.12856477
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>> No.12856486

>tfw only my ironic shitposting got linked instead of anything I unironically shitposted
Take that, Jews!

>> No.12856489


>> No.12856490
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A honey bee (or honeybee) is a eusocial, flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade. They are known for construction of perennial, colonial nests from wax, for the large size of their colonies, and for their surplus production and storage of honey, distinguishing their hives as a prized foraging target of many animals, including honey badgers, bears and human hunter-gatherers. In the early 21st century, only seven species of honey bee are recognized, with a total of 44 subspecies,[1] though historically seven to eleven species are recognized. The best known honey bee is the Western honey bee which has been domesticated for honey production and crop pollination; modern humans also value the wax for candlemaking and other crafts. Honey bees represent only a small fraction of the roughly 20,000 known species of bees.[2] Some other types of related bees produce and store honey and have been kept by humans for that purpose, including the stingless honey bees, but only members of the genus Apis are true honey bees. The study of bees, which includes the study of honey bees, is known as melittology.

>> No.12856509

Is this like a public service? Will you actually derail the derailment?

>> No.12856511
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>tfw these posts are all me

>> No.12856524
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The Phasmatodea (also known as Phasmida or Phasmatoptera) are an order of insects whose members are variously known as stick insects, stick-bugs, walking sticks or bug sticks. They are generally referred to as phasmatodeans, phasmids, or ghost insects. Phasmids in the family Phylliidae are called leaf insects, leaf-bugs, walking leaves, or bug leaves. The group's name is derived from the Ancient Greek φάσμα phasma, meaning an apparition or phantom, referring to their resemblance to vegetation while in fact being animals. Their natural camouflage makes them difficult for predators to detect; still, many species have one of several secondary line of defence in the form of startle displays, spines or toxic secretions. The genus Phobaeticus includes the world's longest insects.
It’s called bugposting, I learned it from /mu/. It’s the fastest way to derail a thread, I only use it on thot threads and shitty threads in general.

>> No.12856526

it's called you being autistic.

>> No.12856529

I mean I don't like being called a bugman, but thanks for derailing the thread.

>> No.12856536

Plz be my trap gf

>> No.12856543

I'm FtM.

>> No.12856544

I'm female (female).

>> No.12856554

>pls stop talking about stuff I don't like
>pls stop BTFOing me

>> No.12856555

Myrmecia is a genus of ants first established by Danish zoologist Johan Christian Fabricius in 1804. The genus is a member of the subfamily Myrmeciinae of the family Formicidae. Myrmecia is a large genus of ants, comprising at least 93 species that are found throughout Australia and its coastal islands, while a single species is only known from New Caledonia. One species has been introduced out of its natural distribution and was found in New Zealand in 1940, but the ant was last seen in 1981. These ants are commonly known as "bull ants", "bulldog ants" or "jack jumper" ants, and are also associated with many other common names. They are characterised by their extreme aggressiveness, ferocity, and painful stings. Some species are known for the jumping behaviour they exhibit when agitated.

>> No.12856559

enjoy your 3 day vacation

>> No.12856565

where can i fill the application

>> No.12856566
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>> No.12856568
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Mantises are an order (Mantodea) of insects that contains over 2,400 species in about 430 genera in 15 families. The largest family is the Mantidae ("mantids"). Mantises are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats. They have triangular heads with bulging eyes supported on flexible necks. Their elongated bodies may or may not have wings, but all Mantodea have forelegs that are greatly enlarged and adapted for catching and gripping prey; their upright posture, while remaining stationary with forearms folded, has led to the common name praying mantis.
The closest relatives of mantises are the termites and cockroaches (Blattodea), which are all within the superorder Dictyoptera. Mantises are sometimes confused with stick insects (Phasmatodea), other elongated insects such as grasshoppers (Orthoptera), or other unrelated insects with raptorial forelegs such as mantisflies (Mantispidae). Mantises are mostly ambush predators, but a few ground-dwelling species are found actively pursuing their prey. They normally live for about a year. In cooler climates, the adults lay eggs in autumn, then die. The eggs are protected by their hard capsules and hatch in the spring. Females sometimes practice sexual cannibalism, eating their mates after copulation.
Mantises were considered to have supernatural powers by early civilizations, including Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, and Assyria. A cultural trope popular in cartoons imagines the female mantis as a femme fatale. Mantises are among the insects most commonly kept as pets.

>> No.12856575

Describe your feet

>> No.12856587

imagine being this assblasted that people are bumping a thread you don't like on 4channel.

>> No.12856593
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>> No.12856601
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The Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) is a species of scarab beetle. The adult measures 15 mm (0.6 in) in length and 10 mm (0.4 in) in width, has iridescent copper-colored elytra and a green thorax and head. It is not very destructive in Japan, where it is controlled by natural predators, but in North America, it is a noted pest of about 300 species of plants including rose bushes, grapes, hops, canna, crape myrtles, birch trees, linden trees, and others.
The adult beetles damage plants by skeletonizing the foliage, that is, consuming only the leaf material between the veins, and may also feed on fruit on the plants if present, while the subterranean larvae feed on the roots of grasses.

>> No.12856605

ITT. a bunch of faggots that can't understand a bait

>> No.12856635


>> No.12856716

Weininger was right

>> No.12856717
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When the elderly Schopenhauer sat for a sculpture portrait by the Prussian sculptor Elisabet Ney in 1859, he was much impressed by the young woman's wit and independence, as well as by her skill as a visual artist.[199] After his time with Ney, he told Richard Wagner's friend Malwida von Meysenbug, "I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man."[200]

>> No.12856741

Men hate dogs because dogs completely lack self awareness of the consequences of their own actions and the realities of the systems that support them. Generally speaking dogs are damn near useless in not only physical professions, but especially professional class careers which require critical multi-step thinking and objective management of complicated risks. All the while this is going on in an environment where I am told that I am privileged for getting to participate in this society which vampirically sucks my labor and effort to dogs who have no fucking clue what even goes into their daily survival, and that it is actually me who is the oppressor and the one with power in this situation.

>> No.12856746

dogs are objectively more self-aware and overall useful than women

>> No.12856752
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give this a whirl love

>> No.12856762

I really do hate dogs, they always sniff at my crotch and it makes me afraid that they'll bite my balls.

>> No.12856763
File: 2.09 MB, 2739x1772, A8F25C65-D984-47FE-A781-E8A5CC046DD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12856818

arab or nigger?