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12853670 No.12853670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright bros, I’m about to do my first ever experience with shrooms. (Jannies plz don’t delete)

Please bros who have tried shrooms, tell me what you know, what I’m in for and any books to read or songs to listen too to prepare me for this?

Also have access to LSD but dunno if I’m gunna try that.

I’m 29 year old anon whose never dabbled.
Plz no bully.

>> No.12853677
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the strongest thing I've ever done was Benadryl

>> No.12853687


>> No.12853705


if youre gonna be tripping alone id suggest LSD instead. I prefer shrooms if I'm going out in nature with some friends, but otherwise there's an analytical element of acid that's much more useful for introspection and experiencing different points of view.

As for books, it can be hard to focus on reading when tripping so I usually go for something lighter, like pop psychology, or philosophy I'm already familiar with.

>> No.12853744

Unironically strong experience man, deliriants are no joke

>> No.12853748

Done Psilocybin and LSD
Probably do LSD if you're alone.
I've only had bad trips with mushrooms alone.
Watch those trippy video pink floyd albums on youtube.
Dark side of the moon with crazy visuals is insane on acid.

>> No.12853752

Dunno about books, but I always find Animal Collective to be good on acid.
Shrooms I find to be a lot more... scattered, unfocused. You will probably not be able to focus on one thing, or read etc. (except on the come down.)

Strongly recommend going out in nature to do the shrooms.

>> No.12853759

Shrooms are based. Hung out on a graveyard at night with my m8.

>> No.12853766


Thanks frens

>> No.12853772

Also give this a listen while you lounge

>> No.12853773

>books to read
Yup, never done shrooms before, you won't be reading.

Don't make a plan you anal fuck, just put yourself in a comfortable and safe place and follow your whims. Don't even consider what other people think is good music for such a situation, or what you think, if you get in the mood to hear music during the trip, put on what you want to hear at that time. This ain't rocket science, nor is it an answer, it can be useful and help you a great deal, but there are no recipes here, despite how some make it sound.

>> No.12853775

Finally coming down from a peak atm, call me if you want

>> No.12853780

how's he supposed to call you lol

>> No.12853790

forgive my ignorance, but acid scares me because of what I've heard about it relating psychosis and schizophrenia etc. is this rooted in truth?

>> No.12853792

its larping on drugs, just pick up a banana or a shoe and start talking.

>> No.12853795

Be relax and prepare you first trip. You're not used to psychedelics so I'd just watch a movie if I were you.

>> No.12853806

Lemme break it down
The only danger (besides doing something stupid while on it) is that hallucinogens INCLUDING mushrooms can wake dormant mental illnesses. They were already there, not caused by the drug. Weed and alcohol can do the same.

>> No.12853811

Oh deadass thought there was like a thing in the app you could call like wechat or some shit lmfao.

>> No.12853813

Possibly, no one knows if it actually causes the mental issue or it is latent and in waiting and the LSD just pushes the person over the edge. Most likely it is the latter and the person was going to go mental in a year or two anyways, the LSD just hurried the decline along.

>> No.12853834

That is not known, the information available leans that way, but it is not in anyway a fact.

>> No.12853892

People often can't handle facing their inner demons. I sat back and realized every fucking one of my problems was my fault and not some magical "other" person/people/group doing it to me. Some people can't hear that, but for that to be blasted in your face at the front of your mind for 8+ hours? I was made to realize that everything was my fault and all of my issues stem from the fact that I don't allow myself to feel emotions. I see why some people lose their minds after taking it, but it's merely a gate into your own soul if you think it is.

I am currently coming down from about 200mcg and did nothing but play basketball for a couple hours, bullshit with my brother, and shitpost on /lit/ for the past 3 hours.

I don't need to focus my energy inwards if I don't want, and I sort of know what to expect with a trip anyways, so it can't really go beyond my control and get me in trouble.

People want it to be this super life-changing spiritual awakening experience and it's not all flowers and sunshine at the gate. People want it to be a fun way to gently force optimism into their perspective, it turns out pretty well, except you also get to see suffering and it hurts that much more because why would anyone want to ruin this nice thing? What is the drive for people that want to see this happen, who would act like this? Compile a list, check it against yourself. Oh no, I'm not selfish. Except that one time. Oh no, I'm not petty. Except that one time. Oh no, I'm not trying to hurt anyone. Except she kinda deserved it. Wait, how can I say that about her? She's a nice person and does nice things. I wouldn't enjoy ever hurting anyone. What's the most horrible thing I can think of. Would I enjoy hurting them? I would enjoy killing them if it was bad enough. Now Karen has to deal with the fact that she has this evil person inside of her she now has to hide from everyone. She knows there's a potential where she could take that bread knife and cut into someone's throat and think that she wasn't doing enough. Some people stop only at the realization and never accept this as part of them. "I am capable of this great harm, but the fact that I choose not to every time the situation comes up is why I'm good, not my inability to do this act" would save these people. They get so emotionally devastated every time any situation comes up that reminds them they might be or do evil and it only catches up that much quicker. They resort to deadening themselves from these emotions or experiences which leads to disorders.

>> No.12853931

You are using your own personal experiences as proof of something other than your own personal experiences. In the research there are to many outliers to draw a definite conclusion at this time.

Your blog demonstrates one of the very certain facts, regular use of psycho active substances reinforces ones owns beliefs to the point of them seeming to be plain facts regardless of what others experiences are, the problem is not with me, it is clearly you! When taken a few times a year or so, there is little, if any evidence of negative mental effects, but as use increases the more the user is turned into their own personal echo chamber.

>> No.12853957


>> No.12853965

As someone who has done shrooms many times, here is essentially what happens. Shrooms create a serotonin like effect where you are super happy on the come up but then you get a little more somber and potentially depressed on the way down. Shrooms will make you face your problems if you want to or not. They also make visuals highly saturated while making you think you are in some type of a movie. Life is more grand in a way. Your conversation skills should improve ten fold. They did for me. All in all, it will make you understand the deeper problems in your life while giving you a view on how to change. Much less spergy after my quests. It only lasts about five hours. Used to microdose too and it was chill as well. Probably one of the drugs that allows you to function properly on it. Don't know why it is compared to acid when acid is way more intense and can last close to a day. Not even the same category of extreme. Mushrooms are less mindfucky than a strong edible. Have fun and relax. You have nothing to worry about. The come up is the only crazy part.

>> No.12853967

fuck you all,listening to homer is the most /lit/ thing a man can do

>> No.12853971

Peter Pan

it's about a little boy who never grew up.

>> No.12853977
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People I know who've used psychedelics become incredibly moody, almost as though they have bipolar disorder. I wanted to try them for the longest time but after observing say n=10 over the past 5 years or so dabble with them, and all of them giving themselves to the same pissed off state. They become incredibly irate and easily annoyed. The "muh it mellows you out" is a MASSIVE cope. It actually does the opposite. It makes you an asshole; not in a smug sense either but a impulse control sense that you need to walk on egg shells lest you get pissed off. For this cause, I will never try them.
Still better than weed users but still, it's better to never try psychedelics.

>> No.12853979

>regular use of psycho active substances reinforces ones owns beliefs to the point of them seeming to be plain facts regardless of what others experiences are, the problem is not with me, it is clearly you!
I was merely pointing out how I can see the logic between its use and how it can exacerbate some kind of small issue into something much greater. I can see where some people might have issues, I didn't just now write a thesis on the definitive answer between psychadelic use and mental illness, and even if I did, there's some research to prove it and prove the opposite. I'm making a statement on this thing called "mental loops" and how the drug allows people to come to conclusions they might not have come to otherwise. I'm sure someone's already made a study of this shit and tested it already, I'm just supposing for the sake of argument.

>> No.12854006

>I'm just supposing for the sake of argument.
I guess I can see that, but your approach is that of your standard stoner saying, drugs good, pharmaceuticals bad. With this new addition to it, I would agree.

>> No.12854077

To have a shadow should be a source of self-confidence and pride. You're a good person but you're not powerless either.
I wouldn't agree that this is LSD causing mental illness, in fact it sounds like one of the easiest "traumas" to help a person work through

>> No.12854221

The only issue I have with pharmas is the idea that people get somewhere that you just take this pill and everything is fixed, like therapy is some kind of courtesy after the fact or something. The pharma is supposed to get you to a point where you can manage your shit well enough to fix your own problems. Obviously not all problems can be "fixed", I've seen my grandfather suffer with catatonic schizophrenia.

A lot of depression/bipolar 2 people getting on this ever-expanding grocery list of medications and bragging about it in the group sessions before going and binge eating/drinking or even smoking in the parking lot outside against dr orders in particular bug me since it's all I grew up around. Maybe the meds don't make you feel happy because you still fall on the food to do that for you and still fuck with your sleep schedule with grams of caffeine a day. Did you tell anyone about this? It's some achievement thing to be diagnosed the most when I wanted betterment in these meetings.

I'm fantastic, my problem is that emotions are very strong things for me and I was always punished for expressing or even having them. The LSD fixed my issue of being traumatized every time I had an emotional reaction to anything about anything for any reason, but someone a lot less disturbed might come across something traumatizing and that lack of acceptance might snowball into other things, though it usually doesn't in my experience.

>> No.12854258

embarrassing post

>> No.12854352

I did acid for the first time the other day.
Listen to some music you're relatively familiar with, hang out with your friends or gf and enjoy the empathygains, don't try to force a spiritual or philosophical revelation.
Prep some decent snacks before you start to feel the stuff.

>> No.12854404
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Do the acid, mate. Stronger and more profound experiences await you there. Or if you can, do both acid and shrooms and smoke a little weed. I did that once with this guy I knew. Did almost every drug in the book one night and cake out the other end having processed so much shit that had been going on in my life.

Doing acid for the first time felt like hooking up an old laptop to WiFi for the first time in a while and updating its software

>> No.12854450

LSD can be the greatest thing ever, full of bright colours, happy feelings and novel impressions. On the other hand it can equally fast devolve into a nightmare of rushing thoughts, angry yelling voices, faces jumping out at you, thought loops and profound confusion. I think the best way to explain it to someone who never tried psychedelics is to compare it to a dream. It can be very comfortable, warm and fluffy, but it can also manifest itself as existential dread.
Don't play around with it if you are dealing with personal problems, if you are avoiding someone, if you failed your exam, lost your job, fighting with someone, or something of the sort. The experience will tend to drag all of it out into the open and when you are first in a negative mindset it will happily recreate distressing childhood memories and torment you with them. It is a very strange feeling when there seems to be another entity within you, a malignant internal voice speaking to your exterior, trying to cause you harm or ridiculing your actions and reactions.

>> No.12854867

What's your intended dose anon? Who are you taking them with? Where and when? How are things in your life at present? Are you introvert or extrovert? Religious?

>> No.12854872

>Stronger and more profound experiences await you there.
No. Psilocybin experiences are more profound than lsd