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File: 40 KB, 506x640, 8DA03FEC-50EB-417E-A00C-3FD8B4A8B122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12853260 No.12853260 [Reply] [Original]

Who would be the poet laureate of the Make American Great Again state? What is the most /MAGA/ like poem out there?

Is it somebody like Kipling?

>> No.12853273

My problem with Trump is that not only does he not attempt to address the country's biggest problems... he hasn't even identified them. In fact, some of his decisions have aggravated them, like giving the rich tax breaks at the expense of working class people like me.

>> No.12853282
File: 1.01 MB, 1605x2560, Trumpoetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody loves me1
Tom Brady loves me2
The people of New York, they love me3
Upstate New York, I’m like the most popular person that’s ever lived4
The bikers love me5
You know who loves me? The Tea Party, the evangelicals6
My children could not love me more if I spent fifteen times more time with them7
The vets love me8
The African Americans love me9
The Asians love me10
Many Hispanics who love me11
Most conservatives love me12
Society loves me13
You are going to love me14
Or I will spill the beans on your wife!15

>> No.12853290

Here's a poem for you:
Vote for Yang in the Primary
Vote for Trump in the Finary

>> No.12853298

Is this a real book?

>> No.12853309

People who genuinely like Trump are yokels barely read. Writing anything is out of the question.
It's worse than that. His campaign shows that to some degree, he understands the problems that people think America's facing: changes caused by increasing globalisation and automation; ethnic anxiety; and general disillusionment with the prevailing Liberal (in the broad sense of the term, not "leftist") order both domestically and globally. But he's just cynically exploiting these anxieties and pushing ridiculous solutions like retreating to half-assed protectionism and dumping some cash into physical barriers because Mexicans are stealing der jerbs. All while undoing measures that could really help poorer Americans by gutting social programmes and slashing taxes, undoing regulations and mindlessly sabotaging America's foreign relations.

>> No.12853318

> yokels barely read
yokels who can barely read. I've got to proof-read before posting.

>> No.12853326

Right-click is your friend.
Available on amazon.

>> No.12853327

I feel like America a Prophecy by William Blake is oddly fitting.

>> No.12853328

rich people pay 0 tax you stupid commie
no one should pay tax
tax is theft

>> No.12853336

clearly you barely read

>> No.12853355

Tax isn't theft. You're paying into the system that gives provides your country's infrastructure and security. Rich people have benefited the most from the system. Thus they should pay the most in taxes.

>> No.12853364
File: 321 KB, 720x1280, Sent by G-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support Zogyald.

Stop using roads and utilities.

Only you can prevent socialism.

Trust the Plan.

>> No.12853368


>> No.12853369

don't bother you're talking to either a troll or a troglodyte

>> No.12853376

slaves benefitted from slavery. they had a house and a meal every day. they didn't have to worry about wild animals eating their families or dying from drinking mud water. do you see how your argument sounds? rape is still rape if you end up enjoying it.

>> No.12853411

I smell a false equivalence.

>> No.12853420
File: 36 KB, 540x558, 3E9E646F-7C82-4F78-9848-24AD1CA2AA06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So taxes are exactly the same as me breaking into your mom's car and ripping the radio out? Good to know

>> No.12853437

if you don't pay your taxes you get locked up in prison
if you don't obey your slave masters you get whipped
please explain how it's a false equivalence

>> No.12853452
File: 90 KB, 720x629, 54720238-3DF4-4228-B853-27D48764538D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow. So contributing a portion of your paycheck to the nation you chose to live and work in is the exact same thing as being sold to a maniac and worked to death? Good to know.

>> No.12853456

I can't wait for the days when
We make American great again
And monopolistic coal barons
Hire Oscar Wilde figures
Once again to give lecture series
Dressed in Victorian morning frocks
For the foppishly dressed Yale set
And in a fur coat against the desert heat
And mine shaft cold lecture to
Impoverished coal haulers
About humanities
Before moving back home to England
To live for real
Or fake
But certainly better-than-that
Bleak fate

I cannot wait for the days when
Once again, half the country
Can speak French
And thinks about train lines
From Louisiana to Quebec
Sooner than New York to California
(That great old TB clinical resort)
And thing go back to when
Jews can't own land even in NYC
While anti black laws are the demesne
Of the democrat party

And I yearn for when there's enough annuity
For the years of casino laws
To allow Indians to reclaim the plains states
On the basis of risk-return algorithms
And loose gun laws combined
With reservations of tuberculosis
They've been keeping lying in wait
For just such an all-in call case
Before Utah swears to take back
All the Pioneer Trail from Salt Lake
To New York State
Cribbing notes from Jackson in 1812
If anyone complains

I long for the coming days
When America will be great
By dressing up in feathers
And throwing out all the tea
When its progress was as far as
And its treasury started in debt
Trying to explain paying bills
To transplanted Scottish farmers
And German people who still believed
In elves and witch symbols
And weren't sure the government was
Of the right descent
To raise a barn for them before next August.

I cannot wait for the greatness of when
America is once again
Unable to export its poets
And writers
To Europe, to have a gasp
About the place
And write treatise on war
And cheese
And the odd bit a cat
Or whore.

I especially cannot wait
Until I never have to see
Another fucking
"baseball" hat
On one more
Tourist head
Bobbing slogans like
Make America Great Again
(Since when?)
Through our normal sized streets
Ever again.

>> No.12853526

you're not contributing, you're forced to pay. you're free to donate your money to the treasury.
your country is decided at birth against your will and to change it requires insane amount of money, time and papers, not to mention you should be accepted by the country itself. but setting all that aside, almost every country has income tax, so that's not really an option.
also, about slavery, black slaves in america worked less hours a day than free white farmers in the north. slaves also could free themselves if they behaved a certain way and made their masters like him (just like changing your country)
slavery sn't about how hard you work or how much you like it (a lot of slaves didn't mind the lifestyle, considering they didn't all kill themselves). it's about the act of coercion, as in if you do not do it, you get severely punishes.

>> No.12853539


Not true. The stupid people support Trump because they aren't indoctrinated, and the smartest people support trump because they can see past the indoctrination.

>> No.12853904

Fuck, do I hate your country. American politics have ruined this fucking site.

>> No.12853910

Stop posting this before I fuck your sissy yuropien ass.

>> No.12854074

This is an American site. GTFO eurotard