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/lit/ - Literature

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12852952 No.12852952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on how to get a gf ?

>> No.12852963


>> No.12853002

Imagine actually craving a woman.

>> No.12853008

Fuck you for stealing my joke

>> No.12853026

Game, by Neil Strauss.

>> No.12853075

- use tinder with decent pics
- read some PUA stuff and cut out the bullshit parts of it (be eclectic about advice)
- bee yourself
- don't be too needy
- don't be too afraid of rejections; you will care less and less the more you do it
- repetition is the mother of skill

3% Man is a pretty decent book on that matter

>> No.12853582
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>tfw gf left me because I was living the /lit/ lifestyle

>> No.12853602

what a fucking slag

>> No.12853617

>lit lifestyle
>drinking alchol or using drugs
I dont think so jeff

>> No.12853619

Where are you from that you can safely drunk drive "often"?

>> No.12853620

Extensive time reading literature has taught me that you just need to be rich or shack up with your suspiciously young cousin

>> No.12853627

go to the gym

>> No.12853629

nah shes exaggerating and just causing drama for its own sake

I have literally never had more than a 6 pack in her presence

>> No.12853668

the fucking bible
or the torah
or the quran

>> No.12853678

Read the Talmud and become a good Jew

>> No.12853689

examples herein can inspire you to be your best authentic self. don't try to be someone else, though
fuck you
fuck you
that's not a book but its true

>> No.12853707

>looksmax (mewing, working out, getting a good haircut, growing a beard, skincare routine, neck and back posture)
>be whatever you want; if you are a beta faggot and want to be a normal man, act like a normal man would until you become normal
>don't read pua, it's a scam, their "method" is basically "approach hundred of thousands girls using our techniques and we guarantee it'll work at least once! it's a fucking scam, just go to a bar and approach a qt girl if she gives you signs
>if you keep going to places and no girls give you signs then just approach whatever girl you find cute
>approach girls right before the party ends, at this time they'll be drunk and desperate, it's your best shot
>seize the female from the group of females; assert dominace; you don't want to approach women surrounded by other women
>approach hundreds of thousands of them until you meet one that will find you "cute"
>it's ALL about looks, you just have to find one that thinks you're fine enough

>> No.12853712

Be handsome.
Sucks for some people. Haha.

>> No.12853750

>she gives you signs
what signs? i have never been smiled at in my life.

>> No.12853762

Aw man. You should start looking at whats going on with butterfly and me.

In all actuality, even if this doesn't go anywhere, the fact that I've gotten this far with her, and shes a lesbian, should show you something.

It's almost as if we're trying to teach all of you that some women like to be told what to do. It's kind of how it works. :3

>> No.12853767
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>tfw no gf (male)

>> No.12853769

stop drinking and driving you stupid cunt. if you're willing to glamorize such a shit lifestyle then you're beyond help, but at the very least don't put other people's lives at risk while you drink yourself to an early grave.

>> No.12853770

ok based, i guess

>> No.12853782

subhuman homosexual narcissist

>> No.12853785

Women are scum who exist to spread AIDS.

>> No.12853787

a book won't help with that, you need to be either
1) tall
2) rich
3) popular/successful/powerful (social status)

>> No.12853794

the talmud is based af

>> No.12853799

lol dummy, you're so silly. they obviously exist for cooking, cleaning and shitting out infants.

>> No.12853802

If you haven't noticed any signs, you're ugly. Get into looksmaxing immediately. A haircut and a skincare routine can give you 2 points depending on your situation. I forgot to talk about fashion. Though it's mostly about face, having a good sense of fashion helps as well, it solidifies your aesthetic, and can even improve a few points, even if by something negligible, like a 0.3. It's looksmaxing after all. Anyway, women are actually really obvious when they like a man. She'll look at you a lot (and lock eyes), she'll touch you for no reason, initiate conversation for stupid motives, laugh a lot, ask if you have a gf etc. But the most obvious for me is, if you can touch her and get close to her, like putting your face really in her personal space (not like a creepy retard though, it has to be in a natural way, like leaning in to listen to something but staying there) and she doesn't pull away from it, she wants you. Anyway, women are easy. Looksmax into at least a 5 if that's possible to you and bee yourself and maybe you can find a female.

>> No.12853803

misogynistic AIDs stigmatizer

>> No.12853808

i really need new clothes, i wear parents my clothes give me lol. i just don't care. going to design some t-shirts

>> No.12853815

A woman who cooks will burn the meal.
A woman who cleans will forget the laundry.
A woman who give birth will spread misery indoctrinating the child for her slavework.
All women are good for is looking aesthetic. They only exist to spread diseases. Notice how most anti-vaxxers are female. There's your proof.

>> No.12853817

book of pook

>> No.12853816

***clothes my parents give me

>> No.12853828

read some bukowski you pleb

>> No.12853839

>read some bukowski you pleb
bro only plebs read bukowski. he's more pleb than murakami and vonnegut and possibly even more pleb than stephen king

>> No.12853940

gfs are honestly overrated

>> No.12854005

The Way of Men by Donovan
You'll want a BF after it, though.

>> No.12854022

brothers karamazov in the picture roll lmao

>> No.12854042

>first world problems

>> No.12854043

I hope you wrap your car around a tree, degenerate filth.

>> No.12854087
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you're a piece of shit. it would be good for society if you died before you kill someone else. FUCK you

>> No.12854487

might is right

>> No.12854745

>get help
your ex is a fascist bitch anon

>> No.12854778

This comment confused me because I'm a brianlet.

>> No.12854811

white terrorist

>> No.12854823

Are there any decent texts on flat earthers?

>> No.12854830

Flat Earthers are fucking RETARDED OKAY.

Just be an anti-evolutionist. The theory of evolution is relatively recent and has specious evidence for it, contrary to academic opinion.

Artificial evolution exists, but I have yet to see any evidence it isn't pure evil. :3

>> No.12854839

Just be yourself, anon

>> No.12854864

but i'am an ugly manlet with 0 self esteem

>> No.12854875

the main thing is just to act confident. girls are dumb as dogs. all they do is react. they can't think. so if you act confident, they'll either believe you and go along with it, being absolute idiots incapable of thought, or judge you on your size in comparison with other males and make fun of you. either way they're merely passive, reactive, negative piece of mindless fuckmeat shit

>> No.12854883

They're better these days, man. Depends on where you are or what you're involved in but they are fairly independent and smart these days.

I would say this though: you have the right idea. Confidence is definitely key :3

They like it when you just kind of take them for a wild ride and give them something magical :D

>> No.12854892

based Anon

>> No.12855048

>uses two spaces at the beginning of his sentences
do you have brain damage from your drinking habits?