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/lit/ - Literature

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12851745 No.12851745 [Reply] [Original]

What's the essential african lit?

>> No.12851749

kanye west

>> No.12851800

Chinua Achebe, Ishmael Beah, Khaled Hosseini are good authors to start with

>> No.12852006

> khaled hosseini
> african lit

>> No.12852016
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Start with James:


>> No.12852080

heart of darkness

>> No.12852142

here's a few hundred to sift through
Achebe and Thiong'o are regular /lit/core, as well as a few poets i don't remember the names of. african names are a bitch to remember.
not african

>> No.12852195

"Confessions in Thirteen Books" and
"The Six Enneads"

>> No.12852249
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>> No.12852481


>> No.12853133

Ngugi wa Thiongo (sorry do not have time to look up spelling)

>> No.12853166

I think he meant "African" as in "living in Africa", not "African-American". There's a big difference between living in Compton and, say, Nairobi.

>> No.12853226


African has exquisite cases of geopolitical and socially driven cultural changes from after the exploitation ("colonization") period that no MLK could grasp from the reassuring nation state of USA. It's a shithole and there's tons of interesting contemporary mythology to be drawn from the heaps of blood and cobalt, such as can be found in Kwei Armah, Gordimer, and Peter Kimani. I'm no African scholar but the continent seems pretty rich in themes that make for great literature.

>> No.12854484
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>> No.12855836
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>> No.12855856

mumbo token eat you up

>> No.12855881
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>> No.12855888
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>> No.12855891


>> No.12856181

Don't forget Plotinus >>12852195
Apparently these plebs want authors that influenced few and will soon be forgotten but had darker skin. They should probably specify in the OP.

>> No.12856194


>> No.12856197


>> No.12856207 [DELETED] 

Kill niggers they're useless. The end.

>> No.12856334
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Wilbur smith and David livingstone

>> No.12856367

Yeah... I'm thinking he's based

>> No.12856378 [DELETED] 
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Niggers can't write. Sage.

>> No.12856391

he did win the nobel prize
or wait — are white south africans not african

>> No.12856484

Obviously not! They should go live with all the white people in London.

>> No.12856508

What are some books that you've written?

>> No.12856517

OP didn't mention race anywhere.

>> No.12856522

This, but unironically

>> No.12856532

>wears a silly wig
>life's purpose is to appease to some faggy nobility
>is able to play a piano but can't even deal with money

Meanwhile the black guy is
>physically fit
>able to hunt down his prey
>has the comfort of his tribe
>may perform heroic acts in the name of his ancestors
>music, painting and plays are not market driven but happen intra-families and intra-tribe
>the world is full of mysteries to be discovered

>> No.12856545

Epic of Sundiata is pretty good
Strange Destiny of Wangrin also, much like the other works of Amadou Bâ
african societies heavily relied on oral tradition, you'd have trouble finding pre-negritude writings. Most works of fiction that came out of africa are pretty subpar or banal, unless you're into that decolonial stuff

>> No.12856546

Didn't mention the era either. So the most important, influential are all early church fathers and muslims who are getting ignored.

>> No.12856551

>Most works of fiction that came out of africa are pretty subpar or banal, unless you're into that decolonial stuff
That's your opinion.

>> No.12856557 [DELETED] 
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Niggers are weaklings.

>> No.12856560

Chinua Achebe and a lot of others were CIA puppets.


>> No.12856664
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>> No.12856761

well yeah of course it's my opinion I'm the one who said it

>> No.12856772

The writers you're talking about were CIA puppets funded to spread propaganda. Quality didn't matter.

>> No.12856925 [DELETED] 
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>That's your opinion

>> No.12856931
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Literally pic related.

>> No.12856934 [DELETED] 

Nigger "literature" is a scam.

>> No.12856958

/pol/tards are insufferable

>> No.12856983

Chaka and Traveller to the East by Thomas Mofolo
The Palm Wine Drinkard and My Life in The Bush of Ghosts by Amos Tutuola
Achebe's Africa Trilogy
Wole Basedinka's plays
Devil on the Cross and The Wizard of the Crow by Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Jagua Nana by Cyprian Ekwensi
The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born by Ayi Kwei Armah

(if you count egyptians as well then the Tale of Sinuhe and Naguib Mahfouz)

>> No.12856991

death and the kings horseman. lot about post colonialism rather than just race theory, its not bad. i dont care to read it again but it has its worth

>> No.12857012

Basedinka was a CIA funded puppet.

>> No.12857023

intentional fallacy

>> No.12857029

Just pointing out facts, making people aware that they're a proxy propogandist for the CIA. Not making any value judgements on his works, hence not committing any fallacy.

>> No.12857047

No one gives a shit

>> No.12857067

based ignorant retard brainwashing poster everything is MKULTRA except for you unless proven otherwise. You're a fool if you don't know this

>> No.12857291
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>> No.12857974
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“This may be hard to believe, coming from a black man, but I’ve never stolen anything.”

>> No.12858394
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>> No.12858574

literally who

>> No.12858579

>the continent seems pretty rich in themes that make for great literature
Crime & Punishment

>> No.12858672

did you even watch the video you posted fampai?
the whole point is that, while the cia did fund magazines and events for english-speaking african writers, the authors did not personally participate in cia operations or anything similar, their writings were not influenced nor went through any significant change in style or politics when the funds started to come. basically the only thing the cia achieved by funding these activities were creating english-speaking groups of writers who were able to stand up to the french-speaking groups, and maybe being able to keep soviet influence away form said group of writers (though they were already, according to themselves, apolitical and anti-totalitarian).

>> No.12859570
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Pic related as well as The Ear, The Eye, and the Arm for children
In terms of overall patterns of cultural expression, there really isn’t

>> No.12859599

Yes, there is. Stop being silly.

>> No.12860249

I know right, the best writers are actually black africans, the lying media won't tell you this

>> No.12860253


>> No.12860255

Based and kek

>> No.12860259

That post is referring to the racist posts that have been removed. Man, if you don't respect african lit then why come and shit on the thread that is just trying to talk about the lit there?

>> No.12860262

None of the thread so far has been evenly slightly racist but because you brought it up I’d like to remind everyone that the best black is worse than the worst european. Intellectual blacks exist purely because of european education without us they would still be eating dirt and therefore no such thing as black writers exists they are simply Europeans stuck in the body of an ape

>> No.12860264

>none of the thread so far has been evenly slightly racist
The racist posts have been removed, retard.

>> No.12860268

>without us
You haven't invented nothing. Stop living vicariously through other people's achievements, you loser.

>> No.12860274

>without us
Sorry meant my kind

>> No.12860278

Remeber when you could freely call someone the n word.
God I love redditchan this new age of shitposting is so cool!!!

Edit: thanks for the likes king strangers

>> No.12860283

Based redditors

>> No.12860284

You still have created nothing. What have you written of value? Fuck all. So you're infinitely more useless than the people you're hating on.

>> No.12860287

There's nothing inherently racist about an anime site.

>> No.12860331

I've read Terra Sonâmbula and it was actually quite good. Been many years, though, don't remember much.

>> No.12860447
File: 16 KB, 214x317, MV5BMGMxMmRkNzctMWQzYy00MTY3LWEzMDAtMzEzMDhkZWI4MjZlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUzOTQ5MjY@._V1_UY317_CR4,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was born in South-Africa

>> No.12860874

Based, who is the guy in the right?

>> No.12861331

boombala 'cluck' neebasha boobala domodo 'cluck' sheba kokala popolodomobo basha boo 'cluck' sheembago dumwambata lokomodonosho tomada lambata 'cluck'

>> No.12861523

based mods, finally cleaning up this place.