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12847330 No.12847330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12847340

"Mathematics is useless in real life."

>> No.12847344

Not knowing to believe in God and not being able to believe in a sum of animals, I have remained, like others on the edge of the people, in the Decadence. The total loss of unconsciousness; because unconsciousness is the foundation of life.

>> No.12847355

“I’m just not really looking for a relationship right now.”

>> No.12847373

"What are you going to do with you degree?"

>> No.12847398
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>> No.12847419

"That's from where i poop, mister"

>> No.12847662


video from op image if anyone is curious

>> No.12847702

"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's going to die, come watch TV."

>> No.12847756

Yeah, same. Praying for one of those grad schemes that accepts any degree.

>> No.12847769

Fuck. Wrong anon.

>> No.12847781

Jack Stauber is kinda underrated
I wish he'd compile all his best short songs into an album

>> No.12847822
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"Capital is sentient"

>> No.12847900

“When I makes tea I makes tea, as old mother Grogan said. And when I makes water I makes water.”

>> No.12847912

"You have no idea what You are talking about" - while discussing complex issues with normies. Somehow it's a valid argument... No idea why I get sucked in. I'm slowly learning to call a moron a moron and walk away smiling. It feels better, but still bad.

>> No.12847931

My feet are at Moorgate. And my heart
Under my feet.

>> No.12847947

I love you

>> No.12847966

"I won't hurt myself"
Having a schizo partner taught me to expect the worst.

>> No.12847978
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TFW you did everything right. But things are still bad.

>> No.12847998

you sound like a bad person

>> No.12848000

I need to learn to walk away like that

>> No.12848020

"Just do what you love"
"Just be yourself"
And any phrase that shills shallow hedonism under the guise of "happiness"

>> No.12848031

It’s not useless to getting a great job and it helps with software engineering

>> No.12848040

Many are called but few are chosen

>> No.12848046

Lol at you for feeding into it

Self garners are almost always in it for attention

>> No.12848049

"I have a peepee."

>> No.12848063
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>After careful consideration

>> No.12848064

Jack stauber is great, best animator on YouTube

>> No.12848066


>> No.12848099

"I'm sorry ....maybe we just need to....."
"You pushed me away, anon"
"I don't know what we're doing anymore...."

Last time a girl said something like that, i was immediately ready for a heart break but before that i entertained thoughts of pushing her into a river...and then jumping after her. Shit like that brings me down these days even if it's on TV/films/bad YA fiction

>> No.12848128
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Always, ALWAYS bad news, whether it's "not getting the job" or the local supermarket closing.

>> No.12848206

"i just dropped my bottle of spirits and the glass shattered there goes my spirit (alcohol, lol)"

>> No.12849189

I love Emilia.

>> No.12849257
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labor disassociation
there are also many others

>> No.12849371

My family and friends have called me out for saying "it's hard to explain" too often, don't know what to make of this. They just expect everything to be easily digestible in a two sentence statement or what? Things are complicated, when discussing a topic all prerequisite knowledge needed to fully understand it comes to mind and I get overwhelmed at the prospect of breaking it down without rambling for an hour

>> No.12849378

"Reason is the slave of the passions" -Hume

>> No.12849382

« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !!oEULhtSEDhe

>> No.12849385
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>> No.12849403
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"Don't give up!"

"Don't lose hope!"

"You'll find the right person someday."

"I'm sure everything will turn out just fine."

fuck you. tell me everything will be horrible and miserable and nothing good will happen to me, at least then i won't be surprised when it eventually happens.

>> No.12849416
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>We regret to inform you

>> No.12849417

>"You deserve to be happy."
NO I DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12849918


>> No.12849949

"Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains." What's the point if we can't help but do this to ourselves?

>> No.12850126

First of all you have to acknowledge that they have a point. It's your fault that you can't explain things better, and that inabilty stems from a lack of understanding. (something something if you understood something perfectly you could explain it perfectly; I'll go ahead and doubt that you're discussing issues that'd take an hour to give even just a basic explanation that'll satisfy the audience for). I know you're already addressing this with the
>and I get overwhelmed at the prospect of breaking it down without rambling for an hour
But the difference here is vital: if you understood the subject better, you'd have an easier time explaining it. Maybe you're a turbo autist with a major handicap, but the same goes for a turbo autist: if he understood it better he'd be better at explaining it.
That said, just tell them how it is. If they want an explanation, don't say "it's hard to explain," say "it might take me a while to explain, but right let's see" and judge on your own how detailed you can get without overstraining their attention span.

>> No.12850134
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eternal recurrence

>> No.12850135
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I actually laughed.

>> No.12850140

delete this one please

>> No.12850161

never post this but fucking OOOOOOOF anon

>> No.12850168

'Berlín has fallen'

>> No.12850218
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>> No.12850594
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I’d be on board with you if you said “hides”.
Now I don’t know. The way you phrased it almost suggests there’s something wrong with shallow hedonism.
Which is it?

>> No.12850674
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>> No.12850733

I love you as a friend.

>> No.12851007

who actually says that? I like you as a friend maybe, but love?

>> No.12851017
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>It's still your fault

>> No.12851029

I think he's specifically referring to his novel being rejected by a publisher.

>> No.12851431

Are you suggesting there isnt something wrong with hedonism? Its empty and meaningless, and after it's all over you look back at all the years you spent masturbating.

>> No.12851435

So true

>> No.12851449


>> No.12851450
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no u r

>> No.12851961
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>> No.12852101
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I recently had one of these. It's not the end of the world for me yet, but could start my quiet descent into eventual suicide if things escalate.

>> No.12852123

please don't cry, french cat

>> No.12852135

If I was that giraffe and got my head cut by your window, I would gnaw your fingers off and try to pull you out after.

>> No.12853255

Don't let other's perception of your worth influence your own.

>> No.12853374

honey, I'm pregnant.

>> No.12853380

Hi Pregnant, I'm dad :)

>> No.12853433

Who is Rem?......

>> No.12853760

this pretty much

>> No.12853797

edgy cool and high iq

>> No.12854341

Not that guy, but my job has plenty of esoteric things associated with it (in the navy, work on a submarine), that aren't difficult to understand but take forever to explain because it relies of knowing tons of random small things that aren't common place knowledge. Sometimes you just don't feel like explaining everything to make a small point.

>> No.12854891

wew laddy almost spooked me there

>> No.12854901

>you were born on this earth for a mission

>> No.12854917

You've almost made it, the final redpill on the normie problem is to learn how to act neurotypical and unintelligent so that they don't suspect that you think about philosophical/complex stuff in the first place. You've realized that there's no way to make them intelligent, which is good, but you haven't realized that if you let on that you think you're intelligent they'll only resent you. Good luck and never reveal your power level.

>> No.12854923

Be open with your intentions from the get go and you will never have to hear this. Trust me, a direct rejection from someone you're not emotionally invested in hurts much, much less.

>> No.12854970
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“It is true, that which I have revealed to you; there is no God, no universe, no human race, no earthly life, no heaven, no hell. It is all a dream—a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought—a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”

He vanished, and left me appalled; for I knew, and realized, that all he had said was true.

>> No.12854992

It's the most useful subject if one knows how to utilise it

>> No.12855070

>Fonduri insuficiente

>> No.12855334

Thank You, sensei. Acting like that is hard tho. It depresses and drains me. So hard to keep my mouth shut.

>> No.12855355

Among which is the will to live, insofar as it prevails. Just outside my window the clearest dawn I've seen in 6 months has just crossed over into day, and the sky behind the bare cottonwood stand bordering the 6 acre swath of country lawn I'm lucky to have bedroom windows in view of, is lit by a mellow orange light that gives the blue behind it a heady, electrifying intensity that goes all the better with the air's cool purity. That one can never do the ordinarily sensational justice in art, doesn't bother me a bit. That I can't stop trying to is what does. There can be no thinking through to it, only abandoning thought in the process of yielding to it--an unreasonable reasonableness.

>> No.12855366

I said it to a friend once. There is no way of making it sound not gay but I said it anyway.

Thankfully he said it back.

>> No.12855412

Holy shit, Mark Twain wrote that?!