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/lit/ - Literature

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12847853 No.12847853 [Reply] [Original]

New to /lit/. Who is this and why does everyone hate him?

>> No.12847865

he's a fat fuck, he's an atheist, he likes to haunt dreams, and he destroyed Western civilization for sport. what is there to like?

>> No.12847866

Because he btfo'd God and hylomorphism

>> No.12847870

Rosseau? I like him.

>> No.12847872
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By doing what?

>> No.12847876

>destroyed Western civilization for sport
tell me more

>> No.12847881

He's just a troll. You basically have to prove the reason for existence to satisfy his faggotry when he provides nothing himself..

>> No.12847885

Is his stuff worth reading for a laugh?

>> No.12847913

By saying that all of ideas can only be rooted back to impressions, and that there is no necessary reason for believing that our impressions are perceptions of REAL objects. Just because you sense something that FEELS solid or LOOKs blue to you, it doesn't directly mean that the object is actually blue, or that it's anything other than a bunch of sensations grouped together by your mind. By consequence, it would be impossible to claim that nature operates on a strictly defined cause-effect basis. Stuff might just happen randomly, and patterns might be nothing more than an illusion.

>> No.12847919

Sure. But go to Kant directly after. Higher quality life changing philosophy. 'Categorical Imperative' is something that is actually useful.

>> No.12847927

I just started reading Hume and I love it.

>> No.12847930


Not that anon, but I tried jumping into critique of judgment, but was lost. How do I into Kant?

>> No.12847948

Btw Hume's backstory is actually more interesting than anything else. How he lost his father at a young age which motivated him similar to other greats-Stalin,Hitler,Gandhi. Had some kind of thyroid condition. Went to war against the French. Hilarious story where the French surrender monkeys had a full army and were actually going to surrender against 1 man in the rain. This is coming from recollection.. He's basically a troll though.

>> No.12847954
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Hume, David. Dislike him. A large sensualist, topsy-curvy and obese. A laggard, a claptrap empiricist and a slapdash ascidian. Some of his books are extraordinarily dense. Nobody takes his constitutional journalism seriously.
A Treatise of Human Nature. His best work, though an brainlet and shameless interpretation of Plato's "Collected Writings".
The History of England . Dislike it intensely.
Four Dissertations. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly gastronomic (should have been called Four Digestions).

>> No.12847967


>> No.12847969

What have you read so far? Plato? Aristotle? Descartes? Spinoza? Locke? Leibniz?
The shortest possible route from Plato to Kant would be the following:
Plato: Meno, Theaetetus
Aristotle: Categories, On Interpretation, Metaphysics
Descartes: Meditations on First Principle
Leibniz: Monadology
Hume: Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Kant: either Prolegomena or Critique of Pure Reason, then Groudwork for the Metaphysic of Morals, Critique of Practical Reason, and finally Critique of Judgement

>> No.12847980

More Randians on /lit/ like myself. Is/ought is a false problem.

>> No.12847993

Don't listen to any of these fools OP. Hume single-handedly solved philosophy until Kant came along and tricked everyone into believing he was saying something profound. If Hume was alive to read Kant he could easily have destroyed the argument, but everyone is too dazzled by Kant's vocab to think straight. Read Hume, read him and weep for the fate of western philosophy.

>> No.12848011

Kant mostly affirmed Hume's lack of convictions regarding the lack of certainty on the issue of God (or the material universe)'s existence.

>> No.12848018

No. He just put an unanswerable question in a statement to fuk with everyone..an annoyance..

>> No.12848100

Sure, Kant recognized Hume's genius in plenty of other ways too. But his solution, to think we can somehow get behind experience and access what makes experience possible, is not tenable. It created the futile drive for a certain metaphysics.

So sorry that the project of philosophy is an annoyance to you

>> No.12848135

Sounds right tho

>> No.12848151

Hume and because his face looks so smug and punchable in that painting that you just wish you could, but you cannot, since that would break your monitor and hurt your hand

>> No.12848181

I don't hate him. As far as philosophers go he was one of the most talented writers, not to mention the most rigorous. People find him frustrating because they cannot overcome the is-ought problem he posed.

>> No.12848186

ITT: Brainlets


>> No.12848190

what does george washington have to do with /lit/? off topic thread OP

>> No.12848200

Was GW a scandi? He always striked me as a swede. The guy in OPs pic looks like a Jew though.

>> No.12848277

george washington is the black guy who invented peanuts

>> No.12848317

Yet Hume looks like he consumes quite a bit, and quite frequently too.

>> No.12848323

hehe (:

>> No.12848329

Not really. There’s something to be said for Darwinian truth. That which is selected for is real. At least as real as we can fathom and real enough to operate around

>> No.12848334

Hey, that's me
Rate me bitches

>> No.12848349

There's simply too much to consume, my friend. Success in such an endeavour, though possible in theory, would require ample logistical planning beforehand.

>> No.12848350 [DELETED] 

You look like King George the II.

>> No.12848360

You look like King George the III.

>> No.12848371
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What the fuck did you just said to me?

>> No.12848397
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*notices bulge* OwO wats dis?!?1

>> No.12848402
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No really though these two could be twins.

>> No.12848576

>Sure, Kant recognized Hume's genius in plenty of other ways too. But his solution, to think we can somehow get behind experience and access what makes experience possible, is not tenable

Except he doesn't? Kant makes a distinct between the kind of knowledge Hume claims we can't have, and the "knowledge" we can have. Hume wants noumena. Kant clearly says we can't get noumena, but he does say we can get phenomenal. Hume wouldn't give a fuck about phoenomenal knowledge.

>> No.12848602

Can you read him without prior knowledge of philosophy?

>> No.12848643

It's Berkeley.

>> No.12848826

for the most part, yeah. his prose is pretty clear and easy to read, minus a few archaic spellings of things. Hume is what made philosophy "click" for me, even though I wholly disagree with him on a lot of things.

>> No.12849614

Hume is right about everything and Kant is a useless hack.

Not even Hegel has been able to solve any of Hume's problems.

>> No.12849977

That's Immanuel Kant, he's one of the most important philosophers of all time, you may know his quote "I think therefore I am"

>> No.12850044

autists get mad because they can't make a case against skepticism

>> No.12850064

we're all idealists here, empiricism is base

>> No.12850388
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*turns your "problems" into an embrace of faith*

>> No.12850426
