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File: 41 KB, 411x365, political compass meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12846519 No.12846519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any other anons mad that the mix of authoritarian or right-wing social attitudes with left-wing anti-capitalist economics is always framed as Jewish Bolshevism or some other variant of fag communism? There's a whole wealth of philosophy behind Nazism (see the Nazis work schemes, healthcare, worker's vacations, etc), the Conservative Revolution (like Spengler's Prussian Socialism), national syndicalism (like Sorel), the European New Right (De Benoist in particular), and obviously NAZBOL gang (like based Dugin).

This shit makes up I'd argue the majority of the far-right in some way. Like most white nationalists and alt-righters are either highly critical of capitalism or genuinely advocate for national economic systems.

How would we fix the compass' recommendations and listings for the authoritarian left corner? Like sure Bolshevism and Maoism are of course authoritarian left, but they really should also cover the New Right and Syndicalism at the very least. I'd say they could do with adding the Strasserists, the Folange, Nazbol. In thinkers I think it should add Spengler, Strasser, Primo, Dugin, Sorel, etc.

I know this seems purely political but I'm more concerned with the philosophy as opposed to the clear politics.

>> No.12846521


>> No.12846525


>> No.12846532

Pretty retarded list here on the website https://www.politicalcompass.org/authLeftBooks

Yeah Idk I mean he's not that libertarian, I don't think he's talked that much about get out of the wars for instance tho I may be wrong, and it's not like he's pro-free speech. Tho yeah he's more bottom left

>> No.12846550

Most far-right people I know are former libertarians that still retain much of the economic principles.

They aren't just racist socialists. They are still very much capitalists.

>> No.12846556
File: 48 KB, 474x619, 1553716821372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le Drumpf is around 4/5 as authoritarian as Adolf Hitler
Oh blow it out your ass. The people who run that website are a bunch of goofs

>> No.12846561
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1553886356307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still following left and right dichotomy
>still following ideologies
>still caring what people's idealistic political opinions are

>> No.12846566

>t. late zoomer who just realized the current left-wing/right-wing political paradigm is a schizophrenic mess.

>> No.12846573

Reminder that the political compass is useless considering it would even place Hilary Clinton or dubyoo Bush in the green spot if they were to take that test.

>> No.12846579

The only thing holding the guy back is the constitution really, if he could he would grab absolute power in no time flat.

>> No.12846584

why would trump legitimately want to be a dictator?

>> No.12846591

Politics are for children and mutts brainwashed by the cia

>> No.12846596

I think this is true

>> No.12846601

Get out your non-euclidian geometry.
This is right though - the political compass is a spook.

>> No.12846613

>t. late zoomer who just realized the current left-wing/right-wing political paradigm is a schizophrenic mess.
Lol pretty accurate ngl
Yeah that's fair it's pretty retarded, still I like the idea of educating people about politics (not the general public just I'm a bit of an autiste and like to organize things). Like despite the fact that Liberalism is gay and lame, I like the idea of going to University and genuinely being taught about the gay j-left, gay j-right, neocons and that, ///and/// the new right (or even old right). Like I've done politics course in college and we were basically taught about Liberalism, Conservatism, some boomer neocon stuff and then just a bunch of fag marxism variants like intersectionality, feminism, communism, etc. We weren't taught any of the vibrancy of the real right, which is pretty annoying seeing as there's a ton of variance on the right beyond a rat like Benjamin Shapiro. It makes me sympathize a lot with the leftists who see nothing of value, culture or respectability on the right. If your only understanding of it is a bunch of usurious globo-homo end of history materialist jews it's completely understandable to reject it entirely
Idk I mean if you look at the leaders of the American movement: Spencer, Johnson, Enoch, Striker, etc they're mostly left of center

>> No.12846623

>they're mostly left of center
economically, Spencer is borderline NazBol

>> No.12846640

the constitution is outdated and sort of needs to be written with more precise wording.

>> No.12846642
File: 13 KB, 380x250, asdgsadgasdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Constitution is a living meme at this point. Constitution for thee, not for me, says the eternal establishment boomer.
>*despite controlling both houses, fails to use legislative powers to allow the executive branch to do its constitutional duty to protect the borders*
>"but if you use emergency powers to shift funding from the military to the border wall, when illegal immigrant population has swelled from 11.5 million to 22 million over the past decade and tens of thousands crawling across the border as we speak, you will be setting precedents and violate le epic constitution"
>*does not bat an eye when Obama shifted several billion from Obamacare to refugee resettlement in a bipartisan bill back in 2014*
>*does not care that they will lose all political power with changing demographics because they are getting comfy Wall Street bux either way*
Fuck all of these backstabbing hypocrites. They all deserve the guillotine, both Democrats and Republicans. We need to ignore the Constitution to save the Constitution.

>> No.12846661

>Leftism is Eisenhower Democracy with fewer Jewish people
get bent schizo

>> No.12846675

It is impossible to write a perfect constitution that is impervious to subversion. If a series of institutions and powers meant to serve as checks and balances are filled with corrupt people, then there's nothing you can do to prevent abuses of power.

>> No.12846680

Because he IS an authoritarian. Meme all you want but the guy is even more batshit than your average establishment conservative, be they dem or republican.

>> No.12846691

I actually agree with your take, but it does not change the fact that it has stopped power from getting into a single person's hands.
This however ignores the large problem with the narrow range of political options in the US: namely rude cons (republicans) or 'friendly, pc' cons (dems).

>> No.12846782
File: 57 KB, 220x348, 220px-Trotksky--russianbolshevik00rossuoft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Marxist-Leninist
>Introduce the idea of milItary disciplines and school in industries
>Conspire to take over the Soviet Union. Don't really oposse it, just disagree in the way is managed
>It fails
>Gangbang a crippled unibrow latina feminist
>tfw you are a cartoony villain that will always be remembered as a leftist liberal because you told stalin he was a fuck up and banged some bitch that made funny drawings in the country you scaped to

>> No.12846822


The only unifying principle among the alt-right is white nationalism. Most alt-right probably don't know about Spencer's economic beliefs, and they would probably hate him if they did.

If you get internet poisoned enough you'll realize that most of the alt-right are just racist libertarians with a boner for Pinochet.

>> No.12846867
File: 8 KB, 250x250, hgcv6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit is that political compass retarded.

>> No.12846877

Lmao @ this chart

>> No.12846931
File: 47 KB, 645x729, brainlet-5a6217dcbd1c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>placing nation states with dynamic histories alongside individuals from drastically different historical eras under the same metric

>> No.12847034

What are you smoking? Trump's the weakest president since Carter. The man can barely keep the legislature from turning on him every time he sticks a toe outside bipartisan orthodoxy. There are so many formal and informal checks restraining him that it's a wonder he's ever managed to fulfill a single campaign promise

>> No.12847060

>more authoritarian than Hitler or Stalin

>> No.12847097
File: 90 KB, 1484x1060, oakoahokkaoakoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presidents have always been weak when they are lone wolves. This was by design, as the Constitutional convention sought to increase the executive branch's authority so they could successfully carry out the duties of the national government, as long as they have the tacit consent of the ruling class. You could consider this a compromise between the federalists and the anti-federalists, a form of soft centralism, etc. The difference between now and then is that the illusion of presidential strength was broken ever since a president who opposed the views of the Cathedral assumed office. This is what happens when decades-long subversion penetrates every institution in Washington DC, business, and academia. Even if Trump had enough support in the Senate to fire all of the establishment malcontents, it is doubtful that there are even enough competent and qualified people in the world who would serve honestly and not just pick up the mantle from where the previous deep state insurgents left off. How many Harvard graduates with decades of "policy experience" aren't going to be neoconservative, neoliberal, or outright socialist agitators aiming to either sabotage Trump's policy platform or overthrow him in a soft coup? After witnessing the shenanigans of the 2016 election and beyond, I imagine that that percentage of people is in the single-digits. Trump is currently suffering through the largest staffing and counterintelligence dilemma since at least Truman, perhaps ever.

>> No.12847112
File: 526 KB, 570x496, 32d8c1bc809a9fd65059e0aace0537bbe9043f6a11d7bab735e7d6d13257ef86.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12847165

That image is one of the dumbest pics in history.

>> No.12847380
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1553542636569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12847445

All political compasses are just vague and shouldn't be taken seriously. You are never going to see one that is "accurate" because it just doesn't work.

>> No.12847452

>The American government? Ptff its basically anarchy


>> No.12847555

>Thinking nazbol is a serious philosophy.

>Thinking W and Clinton were different.

Thinking that feckless Isrealite is a born dictator.

Heyo, there we go. Even worse though. It is a function of the job. Put anyone in a deep state position and over time they will function the same as the current rot.

>> No.12847813
File: 27 KB, 300x459, 00dyzerz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump is as authoritarian as mugabe and more so than china now or under mao
>bush is more authoritarian then lenin that guy who straight up abolished russian democracy
how can anyone be this stupid

>> No.12848045

You could say that about every president though. None who have the drive to climb the greasy pole that far would give up the opportunity if handed to them.

>> No.12848050

But he could.
He just doesn't have the balls to.

>> No.12848482

Oh come on. USG is pretty large and intrusive, but there's no way its ~70% of the way to a secret police and death camps

>> No.12848491
File: 416 KB, 1028x961, Screenshot_20190329-214847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything outside of the square is a meme ideology

>> No.12848499

authoritarianism /=/ death camps

there can just as easily be libertarian death camps

>> No.12848604

What's wrong with the globo homo theory?

>> No.12848610

Hahahaha! How the fuck are libertarian death camps real? Hahaha nigga just walk away! Like nigga just close your tent!

>> No.12848658

>not privatising death camps for the good of the free market

>> No.12848662

Something something violate the NAP, and something something give Communists free helicopter rides.

>> No.12848677
File: 1.83 MB, 480x270, 1546744997252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12848684
File: 37 KB, 396x596, 1547364547512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice one!

>> No.12848700

You don't know anything about the Alt-right if you think they're at all opposed to socialism/pro-capitalism.

>> No.12848759

Only in America where they don’t understand what libertarian means

>> No.12848768

Who is she? She looks like a cunt.

>> No.12848770

So 47 is a yes huh? For sure? No take-backs?

>> No.12848778
File: 61 KB, 1200x806, B6EF9104-5630-4E6E-8BE8-312CC6530030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She a popular author. Not a “cunt”
You sure sound like one tho

>> No.12848788

Hey.... :3

>> No.12848802

Don't ignore me... :3
I'll find u...

>> No.12848819

You need to STOP posting with a tripcode. It's very unseemly