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12845402 No.12845402 [Reply] [Original]

Do you open carry books in public or do you put them in your bag when you are finished reading them ?

>> No.12845416

au contraire, I have never read a book and walk around with them, as is the next big fashion, I will define a generation!

So, as you literates say, ta-ta!

>> No.12845523

i usually carry it in a bag, but when i carry it by hand people think i look smart because people are FUCKING STUPID

>> No.12845536

Usually concealed carry at the 5 o clock position

>> No.12845538

I usually carry a copy of some book by PKD and Cummings and ask girls if they like dick or enjoy Cummings.

>> No.12845540

I only read books in my apartment. If I am somewhere that I have to wait around, I just sit there and do nothing, devoid of media. That way my entire day isn't literally assaulted with such stimuli every waking hour.

>> No.12845654

I only carry a book 'in public' when hiking alone in the country

>> No.12845785

still waiting for my open carry library license

>> No.12845873


>> No.12845891
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holy BASED goose

>> No.12845939

Always carrying one whenever I think I might get time to read it

>> No.12845952

My local council (Manchester) is voting on whether to ban carrying heavy/hardbound books outside the home in a few days.
I guess their reasoning is that they can be used as weapons. You could probably knock someone out with Infinite Jest.

>> No.12845983

This is so retarded I can't even say that it is retarded. It just fries my stupidity meter and sends it into a different dimension.

>> No.12846016

Concealed carry, one on my ankle holster, another in my shoulder holster, one more in the glove compartment for good measure
I usually only read at home or if I'm waiting for an appointment, so when I do bring books around it's in a backpack or tote

>> No.12846059

tell us more about this one.

>> No.12846071
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>(failing) library license unironically becoming a real thing in (((Britain)))

>> No.12846075
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Probably not far from the truth.

>> No.12846086

It's a book on the cult film El Topo. The first half of the book is the screenplay; there are many B+W photos to help you picture what the characters look like, which is quite nice since there are some pretty weird characters. In the screenplay, Jodorowsky has added notes and descriptions in between the lines dialogue. This is extremely helpful as it helps make clear the many metaphors in the movie. Jodorowsky's writing makes the scenes come alive and makes them more meaningful. The second half of this book is an interview with Jodorowsky, which is a treat because in his everyday speech, he talks like a poet.

>> No.12846157

based, trying to take that pill rn. Don't want to be a literal brainchild who needs constant entertainment

Currently i keep my book in my bag unless its completely full. Only time I take a book somewhere in public anyways is when its a math textbook and I need to get studying done wherever I go

>> No.12846271

It's illegal to open carry in my state.

>> No.12846275

>brit partaking in american tradition
>inb4 carving gourds is irish111!
No because europeans do turnips and the gourds are our thing.
Stop misappropiating our culture.

>> No.12846277
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>> No.12846282

Anon-senpai, bless me with your wits

>> No.12846411
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I open carry everywhere because I don't want my books to get beaten up in my backpack, I don't want to spend money on a bag just for books, and I don't care what kind of response I get from others.

>> No.12846423


>> No.12846451
File: 216 KB, 1182x1152, jeYuF9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I carry my book with both arms fully extended in front of me while shouting "BEEP...BEEP...BEEP"

>> No.12846454

nice, thank you. if I find it, I will read it.

>> No.12846498

Because the American empire is in the business of destroying all cultures that are not American in nature so that there can not even be the thought of resisting American influence in the European peoples. Unironically Orwellian what the US is doing.

>> No.12846517
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And who do you suppose did it to America? We weren't always this way...

>> No.12846522

>your bag
Lmao and there's a thread about why reading is seen as effeminate right now where people claim it isn't

>> No.12846570

both. But not like ol' Gossy over here. you'll ruin the pages even more that way with sweat dirt and skin particles giving the pages mold. a lot of celebrities dit that way just to show off.

>> No.12847030

How is he so cool... It's not fair

>> No.12847240

I stopped doing it after I realized it became a fashion statement.

>> No.12847281

Brainlet detected

>> No.12847321

how then ?

>> No.12847370
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Concealed carry

>> No.12847391

I used to put books in the pocket of my school blazer and one time i had crime and punishment in there but it was too big and that's how i became friends with my Religion teacher.

>> No.12847415

>thinking about it in terms of how you look
Just do whatever is most convenient

>> No.12847559

>not wandering into traffic while reading Cioran
>not embracing the tragedy of our time as cars swerve around you and drivers scream obscenities and blare their horns
>all of us together participating in a derganged, decadent carnival of technocracy and the Post-Industrial Age
>what could be a more fitting death than sudden impact by Japanese sedan
>what could be a more fitting symbol than Americans flattening each other with steel and speed on their way to work
>in our days men seek death and they cannot find it
>in our days men desire to die and death flees from them
>yet I have found it
>death, ye shall not flee from me

>> No.12847580
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I read on my phone.

>> No.12847589

Book in bag. I'm never in a position where i have a book and no bag to put it in though