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12844621 No.12844621[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Jordan Peterson is a ha-

>> No.12844630

he's actually a smart guy. people like to meme him for the lulz or they're secretly butthurt by how smart he is.

>> No.12844634
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>> No.12844635
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>> No.12844641
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ndsome fella

>> No.12844642

chompsky is a hack, though. generative grammar is a pseudoscience

>> No.12844645

It's a linguistic theory, nobody ever claimed it was science.

>> No.12844647

> personality psychology


>> No.12844729

He's right in this case though

>> No.12844749

Axiom is a self-evident claim, how in the fuck is God self-evident?

>> No.12844759

ah, yes, high citation levels on personality theory papers, peak intelligence. what you pseuds never understand is that EVERY level of this man is cringeworthy. If he didnt remotely shill his political views y’all would dismiss him like any other charlatan academic.

>> No.12844764

The more prolific your academic resume in 2019, the less credible you are.
This goes against both chumpsky and peterson.
And Ben? Ben Shapiro shouldn't even be on that list. I dislike chump and peterson but they aren't mid-range intelligence (relative brainlets) like shapiro. Anyone who expresses even the slightest praise for him, I know right away is a brainlet impressed by someone with poor oratory skills, made up only by a nasally fast talking voice and condescending tone which they perceive is smart.

>> No.12844785

>Bruh, it's current year

>> No.12844791

>Psychology is philosophy/history/sociology/...
You do know most of the stuff people are annoyed about him are related to him bullshitting outside his own field, and using his academic position for authority on said matters barely relating to said position? Yes, he is a cited professor of psychology, but his hackness comes from elsewhere.

>> No.12844808

This was not always the case. The quantity of academic papers has increased substantially. The quality has only declined.

>> No.12844815

If you say so

>> No.12844818

He is completely right in this case.

>> No.12844833

Looks like that website is full of redditors.

>> No.12844837


>> No.12844845

It's still atheism if you worship the flesh

>> No.12844853

>Academic study is bad, only intellectual dark web good.
Kill yourself

>> No.12844854

this, this and this

>> No.12844859

Wow, that's not at all the point of Godel's theorems, holy shit.

>> No.12844879
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>belief system predicated on neopagan ideals and the existence of a cosmic hierarchy that for some reason favors this specific group of mammals over that one
>the founders of the nazi movement included literal occultists
>atheist doctrine

>> No.12844891

>Axiom is a self-evident claim


>> No.12844905

he is a hack
lots of hack academics know how to get their names on mediocre papers. it doesn't even mean he contributed to it necessarily

>> No.12844997

Not what I said.

>> No.12845009

>Not what I said.
Oh sorry that I slightly misunderstood you oh great thought leader.
Fuck off, you're literally of the opinion that someone who is a prolific and often quoted writer isn't to be trusted. You're nothing but an anti-intellectual wanker.

>> No.12845024


>> No.12845056

linguistics is (supposed to be) a science brainlet

>> No.12845066

>dude these guys were totally le committed neopagans and not just larping

>> No.12845078

Yeah they needed to pay lip service to existing power structures, it's called politics. For hitler everything was done in service of the state their only god is muh clay

>> No.12845620


>> No.12845642

y'all losers at least finish and get a phD before talking shit about someone lmao

>> No.12845646

>Jordan Peterson is a ha-

>> No.12845648

What's your point? Just because someone has knowledge in a particular field does not make their claims outside this field authoritative. Peterson's philosophical claims are patently laughable, that's why he's a hack.

>> No.12845776


>> No.12845805

what a cuck.
his ideas helped develop modern computer science, brainlet.

>> No.12845810

desperate humanitiesfag cope

>> No.12845813

can a computer produce beautiful poetry though? Thought not.

>> No.12845842
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Credentials and trophies don't make somebody an "intellectual," you slobbering superficial child. Contrary to progressive doctrine, no amount of authority and praise and trophies can transform a stupid person with stupid ideas into a smart person with good ideas. I have no idea how anybody on the planet can still pretend to themselves that academic institutions are objective arbiters of knowledge and truth and education. It's a scam, you colossal fucking retard, and it's not even a secret

"We are smart and great because we say we are smart and great. Anybody who questions our magnificent brains is stupid, for we are smart and we have determined that our challengers are stupid."

This refrain, alongside a hilarious level of credential inflation, are very common among unstable regimes trying to hold onto power

>> No.12845847


library of babel has done it already, technically. if you want something resulting from a less random way of producing poetry, I can see it happening sooner than later, but the fact that we can already kind of do that is impressive.

you sound like the kids who were in the CS program I graduated from. they failed, and it was glorious seeing them break down. perfect way to handle that stupid STEMjerk.

>> No.12845858

oh god you’re a csfag, it’s worse than I thought

>> No.12845863
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>> No.12845872
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lmao to smrt 4 skool

>> No.12845896

damn... never thought it that way before...

You know what, after seeing you put it that way, I think you're probably right anon. You are smart for getting good boy pats on the bottom from teacher. You made a very thoughtful point (and it came from such a very good and very smart boy too!)

>> No.12845906

You absolute buffoon. You imply that a system of intellectualism that has existed for centuries with countless other intellectuals, measured by other intellectuals, measuring the intellectualism and quality of other pieces of work is not only anti-intellectual because they have the gall to enforce their own claims of intellectualism, but also can not be trusted. You are a fool. You say to us that there is no way to measure how trustworthy something is because any way that has been established becomes used by the elite? Childish. Simply childish.

>> No.12845930

Faggy post

>> No.12846007

Our modern "system of intellectualism" (extraordinarily stupid term) has absolutely no relationship to the academic institutions and cultures of previous centuries whatsoever. The Harvard of 1800 is a 100% different institution from the Harvard of 2019. There is no link between the Harvards but money and shared resources, employed by each separate institution in radically different ways.

There has never in the history of civilization been a higher education system like this one. It is totally corrupt at every single level and cannot be trusted because it provides absolutely no distinction between a valuable credential and an unvaluable one--the fact that elites abuse this property isn't what makes it untrustworthy. Elite abuse is of course very visible and obvious to even the most obtuse and invested of observers, but elite abuse is only a secondary effect and natural consequence of the system's illegitimacy.

Please stop using the term "intellectual": it is a meaningless word that signifies nothing but a person who has invested plenty of money and time and social capital into a pyramid scheme. You are probably an "intellectual." For-profit university students are "intellectuals." All of the system's dependents are "intellectuals." It is an incredibly pretentious word that's disconnected from reality and intellect entirely.

>> No.12846008

Was his last publication actually 2007? That's pathetic.
Journal of personality and social psych is the most respected in that field, iirc, funny how he's not publishing in clinical journals, which tend to have more rigorous standards.
this is true
I'm almost done with mine in Neuroscience.

>> No.12846011

go back

>> No.12846013

Oh just noticed it's ordered by most citations.

>> No.12846025

>Axiom is a self-evident claim

Imagine being this retarded. How the fuck do you not understand what an axiom is?

>> No.12846027

Three Jewish men

>> No.12846035

lol he is actually right. the ideology was far above any religious pretending

>> No.12846042
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Something... something must be done about the chapos...

>> No.12846044

Stay mad Yankee cuck

>> No.12846049

I’m from the South dumbass. Literally never entertained Chapo. The fact that you faggots jump to that before you do a regional dialect shows your information diet.

>> No.12846056

All this cuckboy ressentiment. Sorry Papa Peterson ain’t cutting it for you.

>> No.12846061

literally seething

>> No.12846062

If you don't want to be called a faggot then you have stop talking like a wigger. Your place of origin is inconsequential to me; what's important is that you talk like a wigger and it's wrong.

>> No.12846072

More like the overman laughing at the proles. Keep responding faggot.

>> No.12846079

not that anon, retarded larper

>> No.12846083

>a regional dialect is wrong
kys faggot. take your prescriptive bullshit and go shove it up your ass. if you unironically equate a Southern dialect with wiggerdom you are literally retarded. go tell that to Mark Twain or William Faulkner.

>> No.12846088

I own all 9 books.

Come at me.

>> No.12846090

wtf are you even saying you autistic ass

>> No.12846100

You're over a hundred dollars poorer with nothing to show for it.

>> No.12846111

Southerners are the biggest wiggers of all 2bh

>> No.12846129
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>> No.12846166
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lol cope

>> No.12846183

name a few people you think are smart

>> No.12846410

James Joyce
Terence Tao
Bobby Fischer
D.W. Griffith
Wernher von Braun
My dog

>> No.12846428

>lists people highly decorated with credentials and trophies
hmm really activated my almonds anon

>> No.12846462

Peterson is just married to a Jew not a real one himself

>> No.12846464


>> No.12846475

Doesn’t make him any less wrong where he’s wrong (*cough* *cough* Postmodernism)

>> No.12846482

le -36 downvotes

>> No.12846494
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>a life of mediocre academic output preceded by a cult following of idiots
ya, looks like a hack to me

>> No.12846529

The credentials and trophies are totally secondary to their genius though. I never said that the system never credentials deserving people; I said that the system doesn't distinguish between valuable and non-valuable credentials and so its credentials are meaningless. Also these people largely weren't alive to see the modern higher education system, and their "trophies" are largely posthumous.

Joyce never won the Nobel Prize. He was famously censored and rejected when he first tried to publish. D.W. Griffith never won Best Director or any other genius credentials and is largely a figure of hate today. He fucking invented film grammar and nobody cares. Wernher von Braun was single-handedly responsible for the moon landing but his role in that is considered a dirty secret by the USA. No Nobel for him of course (thank you, totally objective Nobel selection committee). My dog is very smart and he's never received a certificate for knowing how to open trash cans by pushing down on the foot lever. Chess credentials are not dictated by higher education or a body of observers; they are dictated by performance. Either you win or you lose. Same deal with mathematics. I'm more inclined to respect credentials in those fields because they're largely disconnected from influence and corruption. This is totally different from universities as a whole though, because they are completely fraudulent institutions based around prestige and politicking rather than performance.

>> No.12846537

>heh those don't count because they're esteemed by people whose beliefs run contrary to mine, also it's probably because of the jews influence

lmao kys polmarm

>> No.12846543

Ah yes, the contrarian of contrarians. A true genius

>> No.12846559

koestler is below chomsky in every statistic because he isnt mass prescribed to undergrads of various disciplines despite being a much more worthwhile thinker

>> No.12846574

When did yall go from a redneck to a faggy libtard thing?

>> No.12846589

Don't remember mentioning "Jewish influence" or "people whose beliefs run contrary to mine." Seems kind of odd to bring them up, especially since I actually included a Jew in my list of smart people.

Maybe if you dump ten years of your life towards getting an expensive PhD in "not being a colossal fag" you will be able to convince your peers and family that you are not a colossal fag, but you and I will always know the truth: you very much are a colossal faggot, and no finely decorated piece of paper from some prestigious university will ever change that objective truth. Other non-fags might receive that same distinction, but your fundamental faggish nature will always be there no matter how much money and time you spend towards acquiring that paper

>> No.12846595

But enough about Chomsky

>> No.12846605

cope harder lmao

>> No.12846614
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Chomsky's work speaks for itself.

>> No.12846628
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>cope harder lmao

>> No.12846646

if you want to at least appear smart try doing something more than throwing your hands up and going "i dunno corruption lol, watch Birth of a Nation"

You seem to think you're pontificating deep truths when in reality it's just one big cope.

>> No.12846650

He posted a picture of Shapiro with Peterson, dumbass

>> No.12846657

This is exactly my point! Chomsky is smart because he is smart. His intellect is self-evident; his credentials are totally meaningless compared to his work and the subsequent work derived from it.

>> No.12846664

I wasn't talking to you

>> No.12846677

oof, someone needs to lay off the sauce

>> No.12846684

There is no further need for this conversation. I have intellectually demolished you, my friend, and you are struggling to come to terms with you failure at the hands of your anonymous, uncredentialed intellectual superior. Like Chomsky before me, my intellect is self-evident. I am your intellectual superior because I am your intellectual superior. You reaction to my superiority is irrelevant. Good-bye! Good-bye!

>> No.12846688

now this is cope

>> No.12846689

If you don't want to hear my thoughts then you need to stop posting in my thread.

>> No.12846697

That’s a joke dumbass

I realized you were making a joke so I made a better one. Ffs

>> No.12846698

No they're not. Midwesterners are.

>> No.12846706

Excuse me! I am the poster who owned you by saying "But enough about Chomsky." I actually ignored your subsequent reply and the reply to it, as they were all unclear and not funny compared to my delicately precisioned own. I am now replying to own you yet again

>> No.12846768

How is he in any way authoritative? Anybody can call him out if one of the facts he derives from another discipline to support his argument is false and he always seems to make it clear when he’s speaking outside of what he’s directly familiar with. Are people required to just shut up about any other topic besides their profession once they find themselves in a position of public respect?

>> No.12846770

It's obvious you didnt finish reading retard

>> No.12846777
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not you, benny boi

>> No.12846778

personality psych is an entire discipline of hacks

>> No.12846779

Cope. Dont even like jbp but you sound like a bitter faggot

>> No.12846787

it's not cope if it's true

>> No.12846788

Citations arent trophies you fucking moron
Are you just gonna dismiss the concept of credibility to feel like an ultra skeptic?

>> No.12846805

Stop shoving adjectives into every sentence you autistic twat

>> No.12846810

>refers to himself an an over man while having a dispute on an autistic forum for faggots
Come on man

>> No.12846819

But you would never honestly question that, would you you coping faggot?

>> No.12846839

question what, exactly?

>> No.12846842

>if its true
>doesnt realize that his own biased conjectures dont count as fact
Its cope for sure you bitter moron

>> No.12846851

Question whether or not your unfounded claim that jbp barely contributed to many of the studies being cited is true or not. You're obviously coping because you have no idea if it's true or not but choose to believe it is for no reason other than it's more convenient to believe it

>> No.12846865

>claim that jbp barely contributed to many of the studies being cited is true or not.
Nobody claimed that

>> No.12846900

Helping the development of any medium that ultimately leads to the development of AI and singularity is very harmful to mankind though. Nothing to be proud of.

>> No.12846901

Close enough, keep coping

>> No.12846908

>lots of hack academics know how to get their names on mediocre papers. it doesn't even mean he contributed to it necessarily
>it doesn't even mean he contributed to it necessarily
Then explain this. Unless you're a different person at this point the nvm

>> No.12846909

please point out where exactly that claim is made :)

>> No.12846913

>my cynical prediction of the future with humanity an AI must be correct
>therefore your counter example doesn’t count
Ur dumb, kid.

>> No.12846916


>> No.12846917

how is that a claim that he had no contribution...?

>> No.12846925

>comes up with Aryan origin theory for Germany, which is at odds with the Genesis
>LARPs as Pagans and Hindus
>throws priests into concentration camps
b-b-but they were Christian guys!!!

>> No.12846926
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>> No.12846927

>its not like he contributed to those papers necessarily
If that's not what you meant, what did you mean?

>> No.12846932

Do you fucking know what “close enough” means
>lots of hack academics know how to get their names on mediocre papers. it doesn't even mean he contributed to it necessarily
I’m also not the anon who claimed you said that. It doesn’t matter either way because the innacuracy is superficial and you’re coping.

>> No.12846938

they weren't christian, but could you really consider them atheistic? Is it even possible to be a spiritual atheistic?

>> No.12846945

I remember that thread.
>*charges you $2000 for a rug*
heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.12846946

How am I coping when it's you loading meaning into that statement?

>> No.12846952
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>> No.12846956

>It's not like he contributed necessarily
>I didnt mean that he might not have contributed all that much!

>> No.12846958

They were definitely not Christian unless you count throwing out platitudes meant to persuade Christians into obeying state diktats to be proof of Christian belief. It's hard to take the Nazis as having any sincere spiritual beliefs outside of the belief that the Nazi state needed to be expanded by any means necessary, using any justification possible.

>> No.12846962
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>>I didnt mean that he might not have contributed all that much!

No, I'll totally admit to saying that :)

>> No.12846982

Then you're coping because you have no way to prove that but prefer to believe it because you dont like the guy. It's literally that easy to take a step back and say
>yeah I guess that is a bit of a coping mechanism from me

>> No.12846991

Because you’re now playing a stupid game of symmantics attempting to distract away from your original point which was that having a large number of citations doesn’t make someone academically credible. You most likely either believe or pretend to believe that in order to cope with whatever JBP has you feeling insecure about.

>> No.12846997

>I'll admit to saying that
>after denying that I said it and having to be directly quoted to be reminded that I was coping when I said it

>> No.12846998


His linguistic work is valid. It's Chomsky's more popular political scribblings that are bullshit. He's the kind of moron who thinks that Obama was some kind of far right wing radical for even having an active foreign policy.

>> No.12847015
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JBP is fine when he's in his field of study, but most of the shit he talks about isn't psychology proper, it's nuclear takes on women in the workplace or variations of rightwing talking points

>chomsky is a hack

>> No.12847017

You seem to be very upset at the mere idea that your e-daddy charlatan may not be entirely on the level lmao

No, you're ignoring semantics because you have no argument

Didn't deny stating the possibility that he didn't contribute, but never claimed it was more than that.

>> No.12847025

>thinks that Obama was some kind of far right wing radical

I mean, is he wrong?

>> No.12847032

explain the subjacency principle, just so we can be sure that you actually understand generative grammar

>> No.12847033

and the only thing JBP has me insecure about is the moronic idiocy he engenders

>> No.12847062

>no, you’re ignoring symmantics because you have no argument
Now you’re just baiting because you’ve realized you’ve embarrassed yourself. Stop posting.

>> No.12847063

>Didn't deny stating the possibility that he didn't contribute,
>please point out where exactly that claim is made :)
>claim that jbp barely contributed to many of the studies being cited is true or not.
>Nobody claimed that

You were coping, got called out on it, pretended like you never said those things, got directly quoted, admitted to saying that but never denying that you you denied saying it, and are now being directly quoted showing the times you denied saying it

>> No.12847072

Science is not the only kind of knowledge - not even popper would claim that - so the question if this is scientific is not that important.

>> No.12847078

>not just calling someone out for insane levels of cope
I'm only mad because you seem to think that you havent established a world view where the people you dont like actually have no accomplishments and that the ones they do have were actually none of their doing. It's annoying and your a fsggot for that. I fucking despise jbp, but I hate coping faggots all the same

>> No.12847079

Not what I said either.

>> No.12847092

Anon doesn’t understand the difference between anger and contempt.

>> No.12847095

>you don't actually dislike jbp's layman rambling you just cope in light of his massive intellect!

The state of reddit

>> No.12847100

You’re ostentatious way of typing says otherwise

>> No.12847106

the definition of axiom is quite literally a self-evident claim. Imagine being this butthurt that Peterson was wrong about something.

>> No.12847109

And jbp chode lickers don't know the difference between scientific logic and bullshit postering

>> No.12847116

No, I just read books...

>> No.12847123

More cope. Attributing things I've never said in order to make yourself feel right? Nice!
I said youre coping because you WANT to believe that he didnt eqrn the citations hes received, not because you disagreed with him you fucking dense moron

>> No.12847127

>scientific logic
>chooses to believe that jbp didnt contribute to any of the studies he cited on simply because it makes him feel better

>> No.12847129

Your* Im a degenerate phoneposter

>> No.12847130

>you WANT to believe that he didnt eqrn the citations hes received
No it just wouldn't surprise me and that still doesn't validate his pathetic forays outside of his specialty

>> No.12847135

bruh you lost just give it up

>> No.12847136

who are the 10,000 citing jordan peterson?

>> No.12847143

That's on you lol

>> No.12847145

>I’ve read books
Yeah and nobody gives a fuck. Don’t shove unnecessary words into your sentence to prove your’re literate, it makes you look insecure.

>> No.12847146


Sociology academics criticizing his work for its lack of care or rigor

>> No.12847148

Oh no now those poor misled souls are doomed to suffer pseudery unironically!

>> No.12847152

I'm not excusing anything outside of the studies you fucking idiot. Quote me where I said that jbp is actually really smart and is right about everything.
In fact it's the reason that the sources hes cited on are within his foray that make me more likely to believe he contributed. Unlike you who takes what he does outside his area of expertise as evidence that within his field he also sucks.

You're coping

>> No.12847159


>> No.12847169

>hurr don't be using them fancy teachin words you sound like a fag

Idiocracy getting closer and closer to reality by the day!

>> No.12847172

Glad we agree

>> No.12847176

Hey believe what you want no skin off my nose

>> No.12847177

>wah a person with actual credentials thought about his claim but i know more because i took a political science class my freshman year of college

>> No.12847179

Damn lol. Why do you keep lying and saying that you never said these things? We can see all your posts, you know that right?

>> No.12847180

Don't know about Chomsky being a hack, but his political opinions are definitely cringeworthy. It makes me dislike someone who I would likely otherwise appreciate

>> No.12847184

I'm not a great coder so I couldn't confidently claim it is possible. But look at deep dream. Takes visual cues and generates a new image we find beauty in. Given that text is something computer programs can fluidly interpret, i don't see why you get a program to recognize prose style and patterns of phrasing. And make a james joyce style poem with completely original content, like engineering textbook information or something

>> No.12847197

I and everybody else in this thread can see that youre as a coping retard.
We dont need to believe it. It was evident right off the bat. That coupled with multiple attempts at denying what you said originally and denying your attempts at denial make it known that you're a faggot. Fuck you and fuck jbp for creating faggots like you

>> No.12847206

But the pictures don't represent any reality so about the best you could hope for is some sort of Finnegans wake monstrosity and it's not like Joyce was a particularly notable or warm writer

>> No.12847213

Still a hack lol. Sorry the mere thought of that causes you to burst into treats lmao

>> No.12847236

I think hes a fucking hack too you fucking idiot. You're coping again
>everybody who thinks I'm a faggot must be mad because I hate jbp
>it cant be because I've built a worldview where everyone I dont like is wrong about eveything
Hes a hack outside of his area of expertise, I've already stated as such. But within his area of expertise, denying him the basic levels of competency is a coping mechanism from people who dont like him outside of it.
Prove me wrong. Tell me why you think that, within his own are of expertise, hes actually as fucking stupid outside of it

>> No.12847239

I never denied anything, I'm just willing to give the benefit of the doubt, all things considered.

>> No.12847242

It's like the retards here claiming that chomsky is a hack both in and outside his area of expertise. Its disingenuous and they only believe it because they hate chomsky. Same thing with you, you fucking retard

>> No.12847252

You weren't so lenient here. What's the matter? Coping faggot have a second of clarity and realize that he was coping the entire time?

>> No.12847257

Meant to quote

>> No.12847260


>> No.12847274

That wasn't me but at the same time its just talking about a quality some hacks possess while not necessarily attributing it to Peterson himself.

Now do you see the value in rigor?

>> No.12847284

>Now do you see the value in rigor?
When was this ever the topic of discussion? For me it was always about calling you a coping faggot

>> No.12847291

That's one of the biggest reasons petermeme is a meme

>> No.12847303

None of the fraud shit he says outside his field is academic though.IIt's literally self help bullshit. I'm speaking in terms of his studies, which you believed he couldn't have contributed much on. This is my only area of contention. You never mentioned academic rigor in this aspect, which has been the only one I've ever cared about this entire time

>> No.12847326

>you believed he couldn't have contributed much on.
Sorry that causes you such butthurt lol

>> No.12847335

And I'm sorry that you cant accept that jbp might have some credibility in his own field. You're just as bad as the anti-chomsky faggots I was arguing with.
Literally the same levels of cope from two butt blasted retards

>> No.12847337

Yes, they are. Credibility comes from empirically demonstrated expertise, not credentials, and most especially not citations. "Doing Gender" is one of the most cited sociological papers of all-time; it is also 100% pure unadulterated horseshit with no basis in reality.

>dumb yourself down to a university-level for me

>> No.12847343

I said he might be overrated, which implies I think he also might not. But it's his work outside of his specialty that confirms he's a hack

>> No.12847348

Uh excuse me university students are not dumb! *hits bong*

>> No.12847354

cope lmao

>> No.12847359

>its chomskys work outside his field that confirms hes a hack
Also you cant imply that he might not be a hack and then confirm that he is one in the next sentence. You're trying to seem objective and then failing.
You anti choms- I mean petermeme retards need to accept that you cant hold an objective opinion on the guy when judging his work within his own area of expertise

>> No.12847408

Emulating blacks.

>> No.12847431

>these fucking sheeple around me can't even comprehend the nuance of specifying that the idiocy was in fact moronic

>> No.12847484

Using unnecessary adjectives doesn't make your shit hard to read it makes it cringy to read
Don't act like you're at some higher level of intellectual communication you fucking neckbeard

>> No.12847550

That is a bad formulation at best.

>> No.12847621
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Not him but it's people bitching contantly about Chapo that made me aware of them in the first place and then interested me in listening to them.
Their union stuff is alright, as is their anti-zionist stuff, but that's about it

>> No.12847629

Look, I'm sorry you're too stupid to appreciate adverbs. You read too much Stephen King and thought that was what good writing is, I get it. But I can't help being naturally smarter than you, and I'm not going to make myself stupider so that you don't have to process this fact. I wish you the best and I think your heart's in the right place, but you're as dumb as a brick, my man. You've got a cold wet pile of pigshit between your ears. You're fucking stupid, is what I'm saying. Again, I love you, wish you the best. But this is what it is. And I can't change that.

>> No.12847666


>has a bee named after him


>> No.12847728

Stop being so buttdevistated because somebody pointed out your high cost participation trophies and good boy awards aren’t reflective of actual intellectual output.
Half the people you study in the average university (at least, a good one) didn’t go to or disliked academia.

>> No.12847748

no ur buttdevestated

>> No.12847754

My favourite author is Joseph Conrad and I've never read a Stephen King novel. You type like a faggot and you sound like one too.

>> No.12847759
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Most atheists like to think themselves as above or beyond belief structures but the majority of them have simply replaced religion with ideological myths and 'faiths'

>> No.12847765

>It's a linguistic theory, nobody ever claimed it was science.
t. an actual mongoloid

>> No.12847788

Religions are ideologies, ideologies are religions. I thought people knew this already. Nietzsche knew ideologies would fill the void left by God.

>> No.12847815

oh wow the Nazi's were protestants rather than catholics. big discovery

>> No.12847824

All view points are ideologies. Everyone eats out of the trashcan

>> No.12847841

Is this real? The absolute state of reddit. What a joke.

>> No.12847847

>All view points are ideologies
Formal logic isn't an ideology.

>> No.12847852
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>crtl+f cope/coping
>ten hundred million billion results

>> No.12847862


>> No.12847897

>non-catholic = atheist
Is solipsism a religion? Do you go to a solipsist church on sundays?

>> No.12847945
File: 99 KB, 1200x1181, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not like Joyce was a particularly notable writer

>> No.12847950

So what just happened is that a girl and me just lifted you all from the absolute depths of hell and you like it there, which is why you continually try to stay depressed but I don’t like you there and neither do others


>> No.12847986


>> No.12847994

Accepting it is

>> No.12848004

lol cope

>> No.12848155

>reddit so desperate to believe the nazis were fundamentalist christians

>> No.12848414
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There was nothing wrong with what he wrote. Using a few adjectives here and there is necessary to condense a description of a large, complex institution to discuss it on a place like 4chan. He was right on the money too, so sperging like a retard and answer the critique, brainlet.

>> No.12848435

> but the joos bruh
Ignore /pol/luters.

>> No.12848713

Please post pictures of your dog

>> No.12848737

Contrapoints ended him.

>> No.12848829

If someone's trying to seem smart and brings up Peterson you can just start laughing at them right there.

>> No.12849481

Literal National Socialist here.

Basically, there's no simple answer. Some high-ranking members of the NSDAP were actively anti-Christian, some were actively pro-Christian and others didn't really care. As far as the leadership (especially Hitler) was concerned the religion of Germany was National Socialism and any wrangling with or exploitation of any sort of religion was realpolitik, window dressing and/or a personal matter. Hitler was largely ambivalent-to-friendly towards Christianity but as the churches and Christian organizations and the like proved to be a continuing thorn in the party's side he wasn't about to let the fact that he was raised Catholic get in the way of his agenda.

>> No.12849621

Honestly they're all hacks but Chomsky is the smartest. In fact compared to him the other two literally don't matter.

>> No.12849722

How many of those are about philosophy? Because that is what he gets criticized for, not psychology.

>> No.12849769

There was a christian catholic party in the German parliament by the way

>> No.12849792

Based hyperactive slovenian philosopher/comedian poster.

>> No.12849797

>Literal nazi here
Smash your head against a wall till you either become less of a retard or your skull bursts open

>> No.12849994


>> No.12850011

is he getting academically cucked by his own internet fame?

>> No.12850057

Based and blackpilled
Even more based and even more blackpilled
Absolutely based and blackpilled

I respect many of my professors and people in academia greatly. However, they're merely belief carriers for the love of their own thoughts. They say, posture, that they seek truth, but even the realms of natural science are mostly littered with useless studies that will be entirely wrong in 5-10 years. The most notable emotional researcher in the world, Lisa Barrett, claims emotions are aprototypical. The most notable primatologist in the world claims that all emotions are protypical if not derivative in analogous evolutionary chains. Both cannot be right. In the realm kf quantum mechanics, the edge of the field, can't even agree on the existence of space and time. Like all things, it's 90% noise.

Literary studies, that are non-archeival and non-biographical, are essentially noise, as it's using logic on concepts/words, which is ludicrous and relative. However, I still deeply love and appreciate those that become experts in these fields, as they revitalize them.

What is broken, is that these acolytes of truth, are actually poorly clad narcissists, deluded, or broken individuals, that haven't figured out that we are just caloric calculators. Instead of saddling up to a system that tangibly rewards them, they've given into a system, much like the clergy and the government, that rewards in pins, titles, and awards. Fuck ceremonies, give me a Porsche.

>> No.12850083 [DELETED] 
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Dr Jordan Bee Peterson

>> No.12850114



>> No.12850155

>Literal National Socialist here
Nice LARP, faggot

>> No.12850160

Sounds like you need to take the leadpill

>> No.12850220


>He actually is LITERALLY seething

Made my night fagface, thanks. Stop saying y'all, it was trashy when it started and it's trashy now. It just, plain, does not sound good, no matter how anyone says it.

>> No.12850238

That's not even the worst part of it.
>Proof itself, of any sort, is impossible
>as Godel proved

>> No.12850261


Genocide apologies: many - none -none

>> No.12850280

Looks kids. This is what happens when you're homeschooled.

>> No.12850293

Lol'd, also lead was outlawed at Geneva because it poisoned fields/crops into the future

>> No.12850302
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>Nazism was an atheist doctrine.