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/lit/ - Literature

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12844318 No.12844318 [Reply] [Original]

My library has a weekly book club. What's it like going to book clubs? Is it a good way to meet friends? Should I go?

>> No.12844395

Large chance 80% of the participants are older women at 50-60 years old.

>> No.12844407

go to one meeting, you can ghost if it's not appealing. also look for other clubs, irl or on discord

>> No.12844410

I got kickd out of mine for menshuneeing Spengler, good luck OP

>> No.12844446

Go, take with you some VERY /lit/ books, and then proceed to BTFO every pseud in the building

>> No.12844484
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Why would you want friends when you have books.

>> No.12844509

Yea it's usually hobby moms

>> No.12844546
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Be my fren pls

>> No.12844568

what sort of video games do you play?

>> No.12844576

You'll just leave me like all the others did.

>> No.12844628
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Impermanence, fren

>> No.12844682

I've never been friends with a Communist before. Maybe it's time to try something new.

>> No.12844979

Has anyone tried a book club on meetup.com? What was that like?

>> No.12846095

He can educate them and they can spread OP's knowledge through Facebook memes.

>> No.12846177
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Book clubs in my area never seem to read what I am interested in reading. Most of the people at them in my experience are middle-aged and elderly ladies who want to read romance books from the supermarket or the flavor of the day young adult stuff. I found a philosophy reading group at a college library near me, but when I went it was a bunch of the greasy kind of young reddit boys having a circle jerk over their misinterpretations of Plato's Republic. I have some friends who like books, but they are mainly interested in fantasy, science fiction, and young adult stuff. One of them bought me a book for my birthday about four or five years ago. It was a collection of Zizek's jokes and he told me that he thought I would like it because "he's a philosopher and the lady at the shop told me that he thinks outside the box and doesn't care about political correctness or anything minor like that." I still have it on my shelf, but only really because I appreciate my friend for thinking about me and giving me a birthday gift. I gave him a copy of Steinbeck's "Tortilla Flat" for his birthday and he loved it so much that he ended up reading "Cannery Row" and "Log from the Sea of Cortez." I come to /lit/ instead because this is sadly the only place I know where I can have a somewhat decent discussion of anything at a higher level than "Of Mice and Men."

>> No.12846189

I went to a book club once where everyone read aloud and when it was my turn they laughed at my lisp. I dropped my book and ran out.

>> No.12846225

I went to a "philosophy club" in my area, where maybe a dozen of poorly groomed boomers and gen x-ers went on about how sexism and racism are humanity's biggest threats at the moment. Needless to say that was my first and last time attending this event.

>> No.12846237

>Large chance 80% of the participants are older women
oh how about that

>> No.12846259

Same, fellow litizen.

>> No.12846317

I plan on moving to a different state so I checked out the meetups and one of them was a philosophy club that discussed people like Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro. Would be interesting to see how that turns out.

>> No.12846683

People who indulge in Rogan and Shapiro are just boomers in all but name.
You'll find yourself poisoned by normie bullshit like all other facets mentioned. If they don't acknowledge that the fundamental sociopolitical flaw of the modern world is ontological materialism they straight up don't understand sociopolitics.

>> No.12846729
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>Maybe it's time to try something new.
Lynching a pinko?

>> No.12846762
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i joined my mum's book club and it's great.
this was years ago and i was living with my parents and my mum kept talking about the books with me and she was like 'you should come and talk about them with everyone else!' so i did
and it's fucking great
they're mainly retired old ladies but there's one girl my age (early 30s now) and one gay economics teacher a few years older who's a total bro and we take it in turns to host at our house and pick a book we love and want everyone else to read and have an earnest in depth discussion of the book that we all take pretty seriously whilst eating the nibbles and drinking the wine the host provides
also most of the old ladies are fucking great
sue's my favourite
here's what we've read so far (i joined for the diving bell and the butterfly)

>> No.12846773

>If they don't acknowledge that the fundamental sociopolitical flaw of the modern world is ontological materialism they straight up don't understand sociopolitics.

Can you please elaborate on this? I literally just looked up ontological materialism because I have very little understanding of philosophy but once I found the definition it seems your argument is no different than Shapiro's advocating for the return of religion and God in America. But that's only what I see on the surface because of my lack of understanding, I'm most likely dead wrong.

>> No.12847154

>praising tortilla flats and condemning of mice and men in the same paragraph solely because one is assigned high school reading

>> No.12847204

>not viewing this as an opportunity to stroke their ego and then smash while hubby is out bonking his secretary

>> No.12847208

the gay ones

>> No.12847214
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Sounds fun.

>> No.12847222

it's literally the highlight of my month although it's more like every six weeks
all these retired ladies have much more intense social schedules than me

>> No.12847638

Most of Zizek's jokes are so bad they are fun, like The Room, besides all the ideology and stuff.

>> No.12847712
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show up 10 minutes late and walk past it casually. if it doesn’t look like your scene, just check out a book and leave.

or just go to a session no matter who its with, you might just learn something.

>> No.12847716

fucking lol

>> No.12848229

angus is the most steadfast bro i ever knew fuck you
he even invited me over for a night of drinks with him and his husband max and they were the best hosts ever

>> No.12848388
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Precisely my friend

>> No.12848948

>implying that's a condemnation of OMAM
I like "Of Mice and Men" and I enjoyed reading it in school. It's a good book, but it's certainly easier reading than "Vineland" or even "Snow Country." I also liked "Tortilla Flat." I gave my friend a copy of "Tortilla Flat" because it's funny and easier to read than a lot of the other books I like.
They're pretty terrible, dude. Like not even funny.

>> No.12848980

"Three friends have a drink at a bar; the first one says, «A horrible thing happened to me. At my travel agency, I wanted to say ‘A ticket to Pittsburgh!’ and I said ‘A picket to Tittsburgh!’» The second one replies, «That’s nothing. At breakfast, I wanted to say to my wife ‘Could you pass me the sugar, honey?’and what I said was ‘You dirty bitch, you ruined my entire life!’» The third one concludes, «Wait till you hear what happened to me. After gathering the courage all night, I decided to say to my wife at breakfast exactly what you said to yours, and I ended up saying ‘Could you pass me the sugar, honey?’»"

>> No.12849018
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>> No.12849831

>Large chance 80% of the participants are older women at 50-60 years old.
Unf... makes me consider learning how to read.