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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 600x300, Slacker-Still-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12843013 No.12843013 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it, /lit/, you're just like this guy. You have no thought of your own, you just spew bullshit to people who aren't even listening anyway. This fucking movie is basically /lit/ in a nutshell, even the guy LARPing as Dostoevsky.

>> No.12843030

I met that director. The feeling of disappointment was similar to what happens whenever i watch an interview with a musician i admire, it’s fairly easy to tell that there isn’t much going on in their heads: dull and lazy thinkers.

>> No.12843045

That's the precise reason why I avoid reading or watching interviews with writers or people whose work I admire. It's infuriating.

>> No.12843046

Schizos are the only people that have really original thoughts.

>> No.12843060

What film?

>> No.12843083

It’s shocking. The other day I listened to philip glass “explain” his inspiration for akhenaten and almost threw up. I will say though that it is deeply satisfying to find someone who is as sharp in discussion as in their work. William gaddis and gershom scholem come to mind.

>> No.12843118

I'm not black.

>> No.12843127

Have you read DFW's essay on some female tennis player chick? I guess she wrote an autobiography and he was somewhat apologetic of the fact that these people can't really express themselves eloquently, since they spend so much time honing their skills.

>> No.12843260


>> No.12843263

Richard Linklater's Slacker

OP, you realize he makes jokes about this very fact in that film, right? The scene where the guy is talking about why you shouldn't give money to homeless people and his girlfriend calls him out for doing exactly this?

Kind of this. I love David Lynch but he comes off as a total dunce in his interviews. Intuition is his strong suit, and people who write or make films are less quick on their feet because their craft, while incorporating improvisation, always has the option of trimming fat and going back to take out ideas that don't work. Judging artists on their ability to be interviewed is like judging cooks by their ability to farm, to borrow a Mitch Hedberg (I think?) joke. It's just a different skillset.

>> No.12843275
File: 18 KB, 680x383, 438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced it's on purpose, just acting vapid or uninspired to piss off people who think too highly of themselves and who try to make the curtains more than just blue.

>> No.12843276

Linklater is great. His free form inarticulacy is what makes his movies interesting. While you're sneering at him for being pretentious and running to 4chan for affirmation of his "cringe," he's being sincere and making himself vulnerable in order to produce unique and enjoyable art. Linklater acts; you re-act. Linklater lives; you don't exist. You are an empty pit of resentment and petty evil. I very honestly feel sorry for you and hope you'll pull yourself out of this. I've been there before and I know that it's possible to improve. I believe that I have improved and done much to stifle this destructive, evil impulse to whine, to sneer, to complain. Anonymous forums like 4chan feed it. But in order to improve, first you have to recognize that you're being a pissy little fag

I know that you are not necessarily the pissy little fag you seem to be right now. I want you to know that I love you anon and have faith in you

>> No.12843296

What the hell are you talking about? I like the movie, I'm just calling out /lit/ for being pseuds. Me included.

>> No.12843370

then shuit the fuck up and just dance to some merengue or some shit you fucking nigger. You think you some high shit cause you stroked to a 1999 straw dog with 10 ANON, ANONYMOUS USERS on this yak shaving forum of a vulcrum meaning a dead end meaning kneeling in shit

>> No.12843466
File: 1.10 MB, 371x209, triggered.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking phillip glass

>> No.12843731

Well in some sense nobody has any original thoughts. But relative to others, my thoughts are still pretty original Tbh.

>> No.12843871

>you're just like this guy. You have no thought of your own, you just spew bullshit to people who aren't even listening anyway.

He wasn't spewing bullshit.

>> No.12843955

or you're just a misanthropic piece of shit and real people tend to ruin your fantasies

>> No.12843961

Try watching an interview with glenn gould. Now theres a feller who wont dissapoint.

>> No.12843977

i keep my mouth shut and don't draw a lot of attention to myself, which invariably draws a lot of attention to me from people wondering what i have to hide or something, all it takes is sitting quietly in the corner to have a whole room hone in on you, how ironic

>> No.12844192

Very sharp and articulate guy.

>> No.12844215

Slackers is a great movie.

>> No.12844228

Theres a collection of essays he wrote Ive been meaning to get ahold of forever.

>> No.12844240

I know this fucking feeling. It feels sinister, in my experience, especially if your conscience isn't pure. Just prefer not talking unless I have something to say, and have never liked having my photo taken, but I feel like a freak for both those things.

>> No.12844245

Leonard Bernstein was also great. Warmer, equally insightful, but with less autism and anxiety.

>> No.12844255

His music is good

>> No.12845659

I had the same experience while watching an interview with Lars von Trier

>> No.12845685

I don't get it. What's wrong with the guy in the opening scene of Slacker?

What's wrong with spewing bullshit to people who arn't even listening anyway?

>> No.12845703

I think a little bit of Lynch goes a long way but to me there is such a thing as too much Lynch. I suppose though when your name becomes an adjective for the field you work in you might have done something right.

>> No.12845809

Something has gone wrong with Glass if he thinks that his newer recording of Koyaanisqatsi is an improvement on the one used in the film, which is potent stuff.

>> No.12845836

>philip glass
Not surprising. I heard his 11th symphony and I'd say it was the worst concert experience I've ever undergone. Empty, dehumenized and disgustingly "pretty" music. I honestly don't understand what is its intended audience.

Minimalism was a mistake

>> No.12845883

The scene with the old guy delivering his thoughts into a tape recorder as he strolls is oddly touching, suggestive of any number of deeply tragic back-stories, depending on the viewer's perspective. But like "greasy Joan" in the Love's Labor's Lost song, he is content enough with his lot to go on.

>> No.12846337

how is Linklater not exactly what you'd expect of him?

>> No.12846369

how can I spew someone elses bullshit if I dont listen to anyone else?

>> No.12846378

Artists tend to have a strikingly childlike nature.

>> No.12846695

I'm an Aphex Twin fan and his interviews are beyond refreshing in comparison to what you guys went through.
It literally all comes down to "Yeah I fawt it sounded nice, yeah?" or "Me son wanted to play around a bit and that's what came about, innit?" People without pretension about their own work will always be the superior artists.

>> No.12846717

>Have you read DFW's essay on some female tennis player chick? I guess she wrote an autobiography and he was somewhat apologetic of the fact that these people can't really express themselves eloquently, since they spend so much time honing their skills.

Would love to read this, do you have a sauce?

>> No.12846743

Jay Wright's few interviews are denser than most scholarly essays.

>> No.12846749

divedapper is great