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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 250 KB, 745x492, logicsuper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12841584 No.12841584 [Reply] [Original]

quite possibly one of the worst days for literature

>> No.12841604

Maybe elaborate on this, buddy?

>> No.12841628
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>quite possibly one of the worst days for literature
Supposed to know what OP's on about. Explain, bud.

>> No.12841629
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>“Bobby Hall has crafted a mind-bending first novel, with prose that is just as fierce and moving as his lyrics. Supermarket is like Naked Lunch meets One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest—if they met at Fight Club.”—Ernest Cline, #1 New York Times Bestselling author of Ready Player One

oh baby

>> No.12841635

this book

its nat good


>> No.12841674


>> No.12841782
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things in the first world just keep getting worse and I don't know how it keeps outdoing itself

>> No.12841804

Where are the fuckers who told us things were going to get better when we rejected God and Tradition? Are any of them around right now? What do they have to say for themselves? Let's hear them justify this shit.

>> No.12841819


>> No.12841825

Reddit must be going insane over this.

>> No.12841826

read like the first two paragraphs
>take a man's life
>puddle of blood
i can tell you this novel is shit from that alone. i would bet someone good money that there is a scene in the novel where he splashes water up on his face, looks into the mirror above the sink, and punches his reflection because, guess what? he is broken inside. i think its funny people think this wubba wubba lublub whyte rapper has anything worthwhile to say

>> No.12841830

I don't have to go to Church or read this book so that seems like a pretty good deal.

>> No.12841859

fantano is such a dipshit

>> No.12841886

Wonder if someone killed his wife?

>> No.12841931

Is this the irish guy with bacon on his face?

>> No.12842044

>Ernest Cline, #1 New York Times Bestselling author of Ready Player One
He can't even go two sentences without a pop culture reference.

>> No.12842059

bill nye is off dancing to some dyke and gendered ice cream scoops, dawkins is probably recovering from the a stroke.

>> No.12842209

>Where are they?
Laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.12843218
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Day by day.

Well-being is becoming better, wealth is making us merrier.

>> No.12843228

On paper, we should all be bright, bubbly, and fulfilled NPCs.

>> No.12843262

does anyone have an excerpt?

>> No.12843285

cool cover tho
looks like mao

>> No.12843537

The first paragraph tries desperately hard to sound edgy or shocking. But honestly I could only imagine the protagonist delivering this dull pointless prose in a droning monotone

>> No.12845197

Read the 1st page and got the fuck out of there. "The blood smelled metallic." No fucking shit. Blood has iron in it. The writing is as bland as the lyrics on his album.

>> No.12845203
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Omg my favorite author!!!!1!!11!

>> No.12845208
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Heh, not quite, kiddo...

>> No.12845219

How is that bad? Bland can be good. Stoner was pretty bland.

>> No.12845257

First thought that popped into my head too, lmao.

>> No.12845281

Butterfly I know you are rarely genuine, but I’m sure you can tell I’m an honest soul.

How old are you? :3

>> No.12845297
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I miss his meme channel, it was actually pretty funny. In a better timeline he's working on MDE skits with Sam instead of stabbing him in the back :(

>> No.12845317

Haven't read stoner but I've read Cement by Feodor Gladkov which is a socialist realist novel. The prose was blunt but not bland. The writing never conjured up images of someone who had no self-awareness. The problem with Supermarket is that there's an abundance of cliches, metaphors that don't fit, and awkward syntax. His writing is bland because he's not creating anything original in his writing. It's derivative just like his album. I'd copy and paste excerpts but unfortunately I can't on mobile. Also, explain how "bland" can be good.

>> No.12845322
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>> No.12845552

fuck it has the Nintendo switch controller there too

>> No.12845706

I'll never understand adults buying funko pops.

>> No.12846173

When did Fanta backstab Mr. Hyde?

>> No.12847346


>> No.12847353

I'll never understand funko pops in general and I collect comic book figurines.

>> No.12847358

Maybe it was deserved, but after he got outed as a alt right memelord by Ezra Levant he did some talk about how Sam acted in that one interview he did with him, but Sam was just doing his gonzo thing that he's known for

>> No.12847371

>"i was afraid of him i couldn't stop him from acting that way"
what a pussy, lmao

>> No.12848236

cringe. This post is only redeemable if it’s a discord tranny false flag.

>> No.12848611

after that
horseshit Logic dove headfirst into a growing pile of artists i try very hard to forget.

i'll probably read the first page or two out of curiosity, if i'm honest

>> No.12848913

You don't even know who they are, who are you to place demands on them? You are screaming at the sidewalk instead of looking inward

>> No.12849492
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>naked lunch
>one flew over the cuckoos nest
>fight club

>> No.12849495

I read that as Bobby Hill for a second.

>> No.12849543
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No one's gonna post some cherry-picked prose?

>> No.12850138

stopped at the first paragraph

>> No.12850145

i want to box steven pinker

>> No.12850167
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>It dripped onto the floor from my fingertips like a faucet when a child doesn’t shut it off after brushing their teeth.

>> No.12850262

oh god, this quote is real

oh god, "bobby hall" is logic

oh dear god, i thought this was just /lit/ and/or 4chan overreacting as usual. what the fuck

>> No.12850275

It's difficult to describe bland. I assumed you meant something that lacks the verbal flourishes of say a Nabokov or a Dickens. By that assumption most of the Russians are bland. So yeah...i dunno ...i like bland.

But i hate cliches. I agree with you on that.

>> No.12850299

>someone unironically typed this
yikes from me dog.

>> No.12850337
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>He was born to Robert Bryson Hall, an African-American Maryland native, and a Caucasian mother.
This is why we need more accurate racial categories, this guy is like a quadroon (<1/4 African) and would just be considered a wigger if you saw him on the street

>> No.12850347
File: 660 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190330-065739_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no no no no

>> No.12850385

He definitely read and re-read and re-re-re-read all of that over and over in a slow monotone voice, perfectly inflecting each and every word until he convinced himself it was good writing, not for a second realizing that it looks like complete shit to somebody who hasnt dictated it internally 10,000 times.

>> No.12850408

*scratch record* "yeah...that's me! you're probably not wondering at all how i got here but imma tell you and bore yo ass anyway"

>> No.12850497


Ok so this is clearly terrible.

Why is it such a disaster? is it popular? is it getting any praise anywhere? whats the big deal?

>> No.12850671

It’s written by one of the world’s most popular rappers. It will be a bestseller in no time.

>> No.12850868

This. Who gives a shit? Anybody who knows anything about music already knows logic is basically retarded, nobody other than his equally braindead fans are gonna buy or like this book so it doesnt really matter.

If you're really concerned about bad books selling well because of the author's fame, I hate to break it to you but that ship has really sailed at this point.

>> No.12851166
File: 104 KB, 750x977, 434C6C0E-2A98-42EE-811D-55CC99733FD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He hasn’t taken the Nietzsche pill

>> No.12851238

fuck off nietzsche

>> No.12851310

That first page or so is so amateurish that it has given me hope for my own writing.

>> No.12851319

>a child
>their teeth

>> No.12851530


>> No.12852368

Not him, but pretty sure it's supposed to be his or her not theirs

>> No.12852420

yeah that's what I thought when I saw this at my local shop

didn't realize it was a logic novel lmao

>> No.12852464
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>> No.12852543 [DELETED] 

Looks more like an octaroon or dodecaroon to me.

>> No.12852740

t. David Lynch

>> No.12852974
File: 833 KB, 1280x900, Flintbags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soldering equipment
>the blood on my hands smelt metallic
There are about a hundred more interesting ways to write that sentence.

>> No.12853036

oh I thought you were making a real critique but ur just complaining that you don't get to dictate the direction of language

>> No.12853060
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>> No.12853087

Big Oof To Be Honest

>> No.12853146

Lmao. Literally every sentence this guy writes is a pop culture reference

>> No.12853167

Lol I remember a little of what he said. He said that he was laughing nervously whenever sam made an edgy joke.

>> No.12853177

Lmao so fucking edgy

>> No.12853186

>I think about shit like that all the time
Whoa, this guy, is like, dark man...

>> No.12853188

Pretty great writing. Who wrote that? Reads like Roth.

>> No.12853191

>he cant just laugh at a thing without getting mad at people laughing at it

>> No.12853194

Why? It got printed because the author is a best selling artist. Unless you plan on being insanely famous any time soon, why would this give you hope for your own writing

>> No.12853262

Again I'm not the guy that posted that I'm just explaining it to you. It's the editor's fault not him.

>> No.12853287

Does anybody know any fanfiction websites? I've been going through some of the excerpts from this book and it honestly reads like edgy fanfic. I wanted to compile some quotes side by side of excerpts from this book and the fanfic sites and make a little "guess which is logic and which is fanfic" meme

>> No.12853312

was this ghostwritten by mnmdr?

>> No.12853385

Check Wattpad for elementary school lvl writing (ie. confusing "their", "there", and "they're."). AO3 is another fanfiction website but more mature and you can sort out the tags easier.

>> No.12853392

If it gets substantially more 12-17 year olds into books it's an overall plus for the industry. The downside is that then it'll be called the 21st century Catcher in the Rye for all eternity.

>> No.12853397

Kind of funny how I'm actually reading the Catcher in the Rye right now.

>> No.12853429


>> No.12853441


we are hurtling towards ecological doom for which capitalism nor rationality have any commensurate response

>> No.12853461
File: 45 KB, 496x390, jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this is fucking ghastly
from about page 7

>> No.12853469
File: 43 KB, 504x465, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the literary equivalent of vaporwave or lofi

>> No.12853471

Authors who write books where the narrative suddenly talks directly to the reader just comes off as desperate to break the fourth wall because it's what all the other "cool" authors are doing (mainly just YA).

>> No.12853485
File: 75 KB, 1114x180, Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at 9.07.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can read a preview on google books

>> No.12853497

Thanks man

>> No.12853498

Thanks for highlighting the passage

>> No.12853502

Oh my god

>> No.12853623
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>> No.12853798
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How would you have written that sentence?

>> No.12853824
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>If you realize what you're literally doing this moment, you won't actually be living in this world I'm painting for you.
Yup, that's what happened. Still a good rapper, tho.

>> No.12853825

jesus christ this is actually hard to believe

>> No.12853831


>> No.12853844

>There was a metallic tinge to the blood on my hands, one that stung my nostrils and churned my stomach
Or something, I don't know. In a way that doesn't feel like half a sentence, which is my gripe for the rest of that page.

>> No.12853860

Tinge doesn't convey as much as smell. Churning stomach makes it sound like he's disgusted, but he's not

>> No.12853890
File: 45 KB, 544x556, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a friend at the airport
>he's on the same flight as you and shares your interests
>you are sitting together in the same row
>main character complains that a random woman won't sit between the two of them

>> No.12853922
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>> No.12853932
File: 106 KB, 574x500, D01E53F7-3A4E-4B5B-AFD4-74D0D0192498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this even humor?

>> No.12854014
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>> No.12854220
File: 46 KB, 502x471, logic&#039;s first date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not too many cringe passages in the middle of the book, but they exist.

>> No.12854261
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Holy shit why do these authors use so many similes?

>> No.12854264

they're valley girls

>> No.12854669

Does this dude have any concept of real life?

>> No.12854733

what the fuck, I always thought he's just regular white, he doesn't look black at all. Just like Eric Andre, who looks like a Jew, but considers himself a black person, I thought he's some wigger before I read the Wikipedia article on him

>> No.12855908
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That's impressively bad.

Fucking what. Maple syrup and coffee creamer have completely different viscosities.