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/lit/ - Literature

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12840488 No.12840488 [Reply] [Original]

post and rate

>> No.12840527

not today

>> No.12840529 [DELETED] 


>> No.12840532
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>> No.12840533

What's with all these cringe tier books?

>> No.12840538 [DELETED] 


>> No.12840544

>tfw hegel but no kant ???

>> No.12840545 [DELETED] 

lol fag

>> No.12840546

Very ideal bit too stoic and serious.
>not even ONE light reading fiction novel

>> No.12840547

ahahaha good one anon
oh wait, you're serious
oh anon, no

>> No.12840548 [DELETED] 


>> No.12840554
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nice shelf OP; I want that book on dada

>> No.12840604

How many of those have you read?

>> No.12840736
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>> No.12840744 [DELETED] 


>> No.12840820

>sparkly scarf

honestly you should quit reading and spend all your time in the gym. go be a bro-tier reactionary faggot and try to hatefuck Jezebels. be both internally and externally vapid.

>> No.12840844 [DELETED] 

lol hyperfag

>> No.12840954
File: 20 KB, 381x700, 75BB336E-7EBF-4551-B253-1A31BBCACD0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sparkly scarf
lurk on /fa/ more friend

>> No.12841018

good lord, these are terrible

>> No.12841222

YA and plastic toy crap aside, the covers facing out thing is really awful

>> No.12841587 [DELETED] 

lol nigger

>> No.12841683

Useless philo undergrad, likely freshman, but I'm certain you fuck.

>> No.12842618

>things fall apart
ok bud

>> No.12842653

>consumerism: the thread

>> No.12842654
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>> No.12842693

I wanted to comment on how great that anatomy book is, then I saw that you PAID for 4hr workweek. You are fucking degenerate.

>> No.12844101

post more Haygal

>> No.12844139

I didn't expect the 4-hour work week would be that big. Is it good - what's your take on it?

>> No.12844150

>the codex seraphinianus makes an appearance
here's mine on a shelf of big arty/museum exhibition books

>> No.12844170
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ah fuck

>> No.12844187
File: 256 KB, 1503x2672, 55845493_781870312197295_3330482808580734976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top left: eastern non-fiction - top right: czech photography and architecture
mid left: western non-fiction - mid right: fiction
bottom two: Architecture

>> No.12844442
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>> No.12844453
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>> No.12844458

Those look familiar

>> No.12844473


>Jared Diamond


>> No.12844488

The shelf of an insect

>> No.12844511

>marxist writings
>carl schmitt
>chantal mouffe
>fell for a few memes
you look interesting. care to post the other shelves on top and bottom too? also, why have capital in english and swedish?

>> No.12844526

Hur är den Gula Kungen?

>> No.12844538



also sick re: copy of symbolic exchange and death


>hurr durr buying books iz consumerism hurr durr






get bent

>> No.12844539

why are you hiding your jordan petersons?

>> No.12844565
File: 98 KB, 612x491, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still buying books

>> No.12844572
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the absolute state of capitalist brainlets

>> No.12844588
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idk aren't you supporting exploitation of the proletariat by buying those books?

>> No.12844594
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I don't think there's that much of interest at the top or bottom, but here they are.

The reason for double Capital is partially because I have supplementary stuff in both Swedish and English, and partially because it means I can use and abuse the cheaper second-hand Penguin copies and keep the fancier hardback ones in the shelf as reference literature.

What memes have I fallen for?

Jag gillade den! Har dock inte läst mycket i genren, så har inte mycket att jämföra med.

>> No.12844720
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a turbo pleb desu

>> No.12844741
File: 32 KB, 211x310, 964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's 2019 you fucking retard
nice absolute fucking brainlet understanding of marxism btw

>> No.12844797

Will not take photo so I will list some of my books:
Tao Te King - Lao Tse
Hua Hu Ching - Lao Tse
Rig Veda - Vyasa
The world as will and representation - Schopenhauer
On women - Schopenhauer
Thus spake Zarathustra - Nietzsche
Origin of tragedy - Nietzsche
The antichrist - Nietzsche
Human.. too much human - Nietzsche
Mein Kampf - Adolph Hitler
1984 - Orwell
Farm rebellion - Orwell
Bhagavad Gita - Vyasa
Mahabharat - Vyasa
Bible, Qu'ran, Hebrew bible, Bon scriptures, Inca story and tales.
Ecce Homo - Nietzsche
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Hinduism - Louis Renou
and many more which I cannot remember at the moment. Thoughts? Any recommendation?

>> No.12844800

would be higher except for mein kampf

>> No.12844816
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that's a lot of YA. do you like posting your half-baked opinions on twitter, too? jesus christ.

womenchildren make me cringe harder than any flabby balding man addicted to capeshit

>> No.12844821
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, 20190329_115945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good?

>> No.12844839

MYTHOLOGY looks good in my opinion.
"How to read a book", c'mon haha, you should find that yourself and not be told how to do it.

>> No.12844849

Orwell and Meme Kampf are shit

>> No.12844860

You mean mein honkf by Adolph Honkler right?

>> No.12844861

Have you read them?

>> No.12844866

Yes, the same Honkler that helped jews establish the state of Israel.

>> No.12844881
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>> No.12844882
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this is my favorite shelf. Can't be bothered to post the rest

>> No.12844921

nice ornaments, everyone. now is a great time to actually read some of them

>> No.12845037

>it took some doing, but somewhere between his impeccable wit and her third glass of wine, he managed to convince her to following him home.
>"It'll be a second, i just want to show you something..."
>he holds her hand as they make their way up the stairs. the core of her chest tenses with anxious heat as she wonders if he can tell that her hand is sweating.
>he fumbles with his keys for a moment once they arrive at his door. he turns back and looks at her and smiles a half-smile: reassuring, confident, somehow self-aware...
>she catches herself smiling back as her eyes tire and the heat in her chest expands onto her skin, breathing onto the soft fabric of her turtleneck.
>"Here. Welcome." He swings the door open and guides her through her apartment. "This... is my bookshelf."
>His arm guides her eyes towards the wooden bookshelf. She feels drawn to it, powerless, revelling in the moment as she takes the step forward and looks.
>She blushes and can hardly contain herself: "Anon-kun, is that... Roberto Bolaño's 2666 ontop of the Divine Comedy? And Inifinite Jest? And..."
>She turns around and he sees that her face is flush with color. "Anon, I..." And his arms come around her. "I didn't know you were so..."
>"Literate? Oh, darling..." And her flesh goes half-limp as he takes the dive and kisses her soft lips. He kisses her neck as she says "I think I'm in love with you, Anon."

>Once again, he wakes up. His sheets have been kicked to the foot of the bed and his underwear clings to his skin: moist and sticky. He sighs and turns his eyes towards his most prize possession: that bookshelf and whispers to himself: "Someday..."

>> No.12845118

lmao, great one anon. Wait until she sees my Where's Waldo V. and GR

>> No.12845119

Really taking advantage of those Verso sales, eh? Same, 2bh.

>> No.12845135

If the sales are year long, are they really sales, anon?

>> No.12845152

And the name brand footwear?

Designer labels are a lower class thing btw. You don't get rich by pretending you are rich.

Middle class is not about brands bu about discernment between quality and trash. Having a profession. Living in a nice neighborhood. Instilling values in your offspring. Higher art. That you have a shelf dedicated to books and not crammed with Dean Koontz and Stephen King is a start.

Forget the upper class where only breeding counts.

>> No.12845153

Barring Owen Jones/Neil Gaiman and the fact that you stack horizontal books on top of vertical books this looks comfy.

>> No.12845156
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>> No.12845165

>I buy only what chain book stores promote

>> No.12845176

Joseph Cambell
Orwell's essays, Down and Out in Paris and London
Camus - the Plague & the Rebel
Aldous Huxley Brave New World Revisited

>> No.12845277

back to /biz/
(((nobody wants the self help chart you created anon)))

>> No.12845278

Butterfly I know you are rarely genuine, but I’m sure you can tell I’m an honest soul.

How old are you? :3

>> No.12845318
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>> No.12845462

Positively pleb

>> No.12845501

xhe's not even in this thread based stalker anon

>> No.12845543
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>> No.12845557

I’m just posting the same comments across multiple threads because she smiles and likes the attention.

The only reason I’m still doing it is because I think she’s lying about her age

>> No.12846711

Showing off your books for approval is consumerism

>> No.12846718

>doesnt like people buying shit in order to purchase the approval of their peers

>> No.12846818

most redpilled over all who posted pics
>double same book of schopenhauer

check the ones in this post too:

>> No.12846853
File: 2.13 MB, 3024x3024, 38237497243928472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight then

>> No.12847365

>wordsworth iliad

>> No.12847442

based /lit/, /fa/ and (probably) /mu/ boys
Jack of all trades, master of none

>> No.12847460
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>> No.12847475 [DELETED] 
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t-this is fake right?

>> No.12847556

pretty good, it worries me that your bookcase is very tidy, it seems like you seek perfection.
i recommend you the books posted in my previous post too: >>12844797
And if you want to read a beatiful, introspective and reflexive novel, read Siddharta by Herman Hesse

>> No.12847591

I bought it after a friend reccomended read it. After skimming through most of the thing I found one geniunely useful tip about not delaying life till retirement but all in all I'd steer clear of this book.

>> No.12847604
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Thanks anon. I’ve read it, but the copy is on my basement bookshelf with the old paperbacks that won’t fit upstairs.
Keep your bookroom clean and you won’t ever have to deal with silverfish.

>> No.12847664

Where should I start if I wanted to get in to Baudrillard?

>> No.12847688
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Do it already/10

>> No.12847699

>only novels

Oh no no no no, reading this shit is literally videogames tier entertainment.

>> No.12847722

The Greeks -> The British -> The Germans -> The French -> A McChicken -> Simulacra & Simulation
The only true non-fiction is Euclid's Elements, you dumb kidddiejewfaggot.

>> No.12847797

miring that Von Clausewitz and Gormenghast trio folio but Storm of Steel looks ugly as fuck with that goofy 2001 space odyssey looking font

we have the same bookcase and collection of Decline and Fall also but mine is the wine version, how much did you pay for those and did you get them off amazon?

>> No.12847800
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Your all idiots

>> No.12847810
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Why are you posting on a literature forum then?

>> No.12847823
File: 2.55 MB, 4032x3024, 0FF18843-CC4D-4DFD-A91D-8F1BC0A1A95E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I’m not a huge fan of the early 2000s folios like the storm of steel or the Kafka spines. Lower quality bindings, and boards with paper instead of buckram. Picked up the first half of Gibbon from a used bookstore, ordered the second off Abebooks for around siscty bucks Canadian.

>> No.12847828

System of Objects is his first book (I think it was his PhD thesis), it's a good starting point for him. I'm reading Symbolic Exchange and Death right now, saving S and S for last. Brushing up on Freud, Marx, and Sassure wouldn't hurt either.

>> No.12847829

Don’t. Really, don’t.

>> No.12847837


>> No.12847840
File: 343 KB, 813x850, 1530381715001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small fortune worth of pristine folio society editions of eclectic classics
>puts it all on a stock ikea bookshelf

>> No.12847859

Big ticket purchases like an antique bookcase are harder to justify. I’ll get there eventually. Or finally get a house where I can set up a woodworking shop.

>> No.12847879

Looks surprisingly ok

>> No.12847893

I read books to learn. Reading isn't entertaining nor fictional stories are appealing or useful.

>> No.12847905

I too valorate the books that actually teach me something and aren't just buzzwords for mass public appeal, could you list the books you've read, you're reading and the ones you plan to read?

>> No.12847968
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some things. more or less fully digital now. pros and cons.

>> No.12848017

So go back to /biz/ then, philistine.

>> No.12848037

Pros: seems like you have patience to read, therefore you're able to keep reading
some books look really good
cons: too much european history, especially christian history
only book you can learn to better yourself is I Ching

still, wish you a good life

>> No.12848080

no diy books why is /lit/ so shit

>> No.12848119

the dyke is never going to reply to you betafag get a life

>> No.12848124

I have a life. I've got a beautiful wife and a daughter who's turning 1 next month.

You're just jealous I get more girls in my aresenal than you've seen in your entire life. :3

>> No.12848125
File: 79 KB, 960x738, 46F80B74-0087-45BF-AF5C-1EAFC85B0BEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it this allowed

>> No.12848145

How to read a book is actually great and got me to read daily, and with greater comprehension

>> No.12848205
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Unlock the swag

>> No.12848212
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>> No.12848213

Okay dude you’re not me :3
But yeah shut up man

>> No.12848215

Stop pretending to be me. Butterfly is never going to love you as much as she loves me. :3

>> No.12848217

no u

>> No.12848219

Okay go ahead and be me. I’ve got various sorts of proofs it’s me.

If you get somewhere with her I’ll pick up my rightful place with the proofs and we’re good.

Not sure I even want her anymore if she’s 47 tho

>> No.12848225

>implying you wouldn't stick your malaysian melody balls in her crinkly senile elderly spiced pumpkin pit
More for me.

>> No.12848235

What the fuck is this degeneracy?

>> No.12848240

Degeneracy is a social construct. :3
Unless you have scientific proof of degenerate behaviour, you can not prove I am engaging in it.

>> No.12848251

your wifes daughter from a previous marriage doesn't count fag

>> No.12848364
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>> No.12848378

My proof is the manner in which you act in this thread.

>> No.12848380

After System of Objects, would "The Gulf War did not take place" and "Society of the Spectacle" be good?

>> No.12848386

You're a woman, aren't you?

>> No.12848392

Society of the Spectacle is Debord, not Baudrillard. His work on the Gulf war is (obviously) his later work, so you'll be missing his biggest meme (simulation/simulacra (not the book, the concept))

>> No.12848399

Bottom shelf and top left are my gfs, most of which were presents from her parents.

>> No.12848408

>thousands of dollars worth of books
>can't afford a camera capable of taking images where any of the titles can actually be read

Why does this always happen? What's the point of posting hundreds of unidentifiable books?

>> No.12848422

Were the (yous) worth all that money wasted?

>> No.12848439

ahh thanks, sry about the misconception. Did you read anything between SoS and SE&D?

>> No.12848477

Why do you just have a book on materials, and no other textbooks? And why such an old one in particular?

>> No.12848484

No, I basically chose those as a preface to Simulacra and Simulation. There might be a better route idk, never seen a chart or anything for him

>> No.12848504
File: 2.04 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of my shelves. I'm in the process of moving so I've had to pack most of my books up. Let me know what you think!

>> No.12848518

The two red ones are hand me downs from my grandpa, you don't really need new stuff In engineering since most things are already worked out to the point of being routine. Materials is a good reference and the one to the left is a general engineering knowledge handbook. The two sulzers were for professional exams, and I hang on to them because knowing how people end up using stuff gives me ideas on how to design it. Most of my uni textbooks are scattered about the house.

>> No.12848696

What do you mean?

>> No.12848699

Literature? More like shiterature

>> No.12848822

I think weebs should be removed

>> No.12848958

I’m so fucking mad, literally has every single enders series book except speaker for the dead which is by far the best. Would’ve been the one saving grace of his home library and he skips the one good book in the only decent series he has

>> No.12849128
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Read some good books, ffs.

>> No.12849398

very nice anon
i've read everything by memorex myself

>> No.12849401
File: 1.49 MB, 4032x1528, 2AC41629-5BD3-44BE-BD2C-196345E5E63D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys stack books instead of setting them on shelves properly?

>> No.12849407

>small fortune worth of pristine folio society
folio society books rarely keep their value and can be bought very cheaply second hand
the antiquarian bookshop in my town usually has a few on their sale rail for £3 each

>> No.12849410

Give me all your books.

>> No.12849610

>keeping shoe boxes and your shitty track pants on a book shelf

big yikes

>> No.12849970
File: 1.74 MB, 2921x4032, IMG_20190329_2250155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12849990

ew feet

>> No.12849998

More proof that studying American law turns you into a pleb.

>> No.12850022

Tips on reading kant without having a stroke?

>> No.12850184
File: 1.65 MB, 2142x2163, understanding kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12850210

Remember this is the guy who posts on reddit and talks shit about /lit/s taste not being inclusive enough

>> No.12850224

sexy kate bush poster

>> No.12850300


>> No.12850335
File: 962 KB, 2736x2132, Comfyshelf-2736x2132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can probably tell right away; I am literally a Longbottom leaf–smoking hobbit.

>> No.12850354

3/10, 1/10 when considering disgusting bodyparts included in the image

>> No.12850355

i rated it a 3

>> No.12850364

it's taking pride in your possessions

>> No.12850371
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>all that Tolkien

>> No.12850427
File: 1.39 MB, 2160x2160, 20190330_102742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the best looking shelves but they do their job.

>> No.12850433

This is a really nice collection! Amy Tan, Geraldine Brooks and Lisa See are some of my favorite authors. I also love Hemingway and Steinbeck, and you got the Borders editions, which are my personal favorites. Really nice stuff!

>> No.12850510
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>> No.12850516
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>> No.12850525
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>> No.12850533
File: 625 KB, 1500x2000, result (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus meme shelf

>> No.12850538


Those old penguins are really nice to read

>> No.12850541

>he likes penguin

>> No.12850548


>> No.12850550

1£ each from Oxfam, most of them belonged to uni students in the 70s/80s they are quality translations and smell great
what's wrong with penguin?

>> No.12850555

Almost all of their translations are pre-WW1.

>> No.12850572


>> No.12850580

hello Ulst*roid

>> No.12850583

To each their own - so honestly if you like this unironically godspeed.

I have a particular hatred for these books based solely on the fact that Folio Society/Franklin Library etc often times priced higher than the fucking first editions. New, uneducated and/or unsuspecting buyers are getting fucked over.

>> No.12850613

I get all of my Franklin Library and Easton Press editions from used bookstores. A copy of Pere Goriot that sells for $80 I got for like 10 bucks. They're quality editions if not a little stiff. But I definitely agree that newcomers might not know how much they should pay for them.

>> No.12850664

>he doesn't realise language changes overtime.

>> No.12850735

That's why you read modern translations

>> No.12850739
File: 100 KB, 707x707, 1553953575724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuuuck yeah!!

>> No.12850740

Then why are you reading century old penguin?

>> No.12850767

Ok well enjoy paying $10 for a new book translated by some woman

>> No.12850824

I wanna post a picture, but most of the books are my dads. It's probably 8 shelves worth, and maybe 12 shelves if I included the ones he has boxed away.

>> No.12850872 [DELETED] 
File: 2.39 MB, 2880x2984, IMG_2034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got them on sale too

>> No.12850910

>Barnes and Noble the image.

>> No.12850926


>> No.12850946


Where'd you get the containers? I have a hard-on for boxes.

>> No.12851012

Sounds interesting, is it about angels or something?

>> No.12851021
































>> No.12851026

>Foucault's Pendelum in Italian
Very cool Anon. Have you read any of these though?

>> No.12851124


Your opinion is literally garbage. I give it the bait 4/10, got me to reply but it was a little too retarded to be believable. Try to work on nuance next time you craft bait.

>> No.12851139

Bookshelfs is literally garbage. What i can do?

>> No.12851140

Hope you guys enjoy this shelf, would love to discuss any of the books on it, I only took a picture of one part because it is the only one I have moderately clean/tidy.

Note my copy of the Ruby Ridge. I actually got this signed by Randy Weaver.

>> No.12851147
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**Forgot the pic.

>> No.12851224
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r8 my shitty living room.

>> No.12851226

youre face is garbage

>> No.12851308

What's memorex? All I can find is some studybooks for standardized Brazilian tests

>> No.12851314

It's a joke about my VHS tape on the shelf

>> No.12851326

Ok but what's in it

>> No.12851330

Home movies and Carnosaur

>> No.12851457
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>> No.12851521
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well, i mean, it might be, i suppose

>> No.12851642
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>> No.12851694


Why do you do that shit where the books face out are you a fucking retard?

>> No.12851819

My face is not in your jurisdiction, m8

>> No.12851905

I hope this is bait

>> No.12851920
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patrician status, well done.

what do you do?

>> No.12852085 [DELETED] 

>what do you do?
masturbate furiously

>> No.12852336

Obviously the Upanishads.

>> No.12852452

I have read IJ, I have the divine comedy a couple of times and I'm almost halfway through the tunnel. Recognitions arrived recently and still improving my italian before tackling foucault's pendulum (reading calvino and whatnot). 2666 is on my shelf for a while but didn't feel like reading it yet.
I know the spines are intact but due to the way I read they remain like this, not that I'm obcessed of keeping them unhurt. Funnily enough my smaller paperbacks get quite a bit of creases

>> No.12852470

you've read none of these books, and the little you've glossed over has meant nothing

>> No.12852471

zoo wee mama!

>> No.12852491


>> No.12852503
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>> No.12852584
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>Mushrooms book nestled among the Tolkien books
This guy likes shortcuts

>> No.12852773

I know this is a tranny because his feet look just like mine. Why do trannies always wear gaudy as fuck clothes/makeup? Like a parody of a female, or a clown. As if it wasn't hard enough already for them to fit in. Is it exhibitionism? Typical of an autogynephile, I suppose.

>> No.12853072

>he feels a sense of pride from owning things
>he gets an endorphin rush whenever he makes a purchase
You proudly displays your purchases because they signify not only the value of the objects, but your own value as well. The thing is, that a bookshelf is hardly seen by your peers and thus you are unable to signify your value to your friends when out in a public space. You're motivated, the same way a /mu/ user is motivated, to post pictures of your collection of things in order to gain brownie points from those of us in your community who also read. You cant just have books and read them, you have to make sure that people know that you read them and that you also have good taste as well.
As someone who reads, what do you think is actually more valuable or worthy of pride: how many good books you have, or your opinions and insights into those books? Any faggot can buy a bunch of lit recommendations and post them here and be celebrated by other consumerists for their purchases. But not everybody can talk about a book they've read. It's why these threads about posting what you own are more popular than threads about the contents of the books themselves. The barrier to entry is lower and any pseud with enough money can play intellectual without having to do any of the work

>> No.12853080
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>> No.12853114

tfw nobody will even rate my gay shelf.

>> No.12853127
File: 143 KB, 915x657, gotcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12853204

Stop vying for other approval

>> No.12853215

Jew books.

>> No.12853225

Please tell me you posted this ironically reddit faggot

>> No.12853230
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>> No.12853232


And yet you are ironically claiming a hope for irony on behalf of that guy. Such baby

>> No.12853245


>> No.12853247

How ironic xd
Edit: Thanks for the gold kind niggers!

>> No.12853253

>its fucked up that people rape children
>yet you're raping a child right now

>> No.12853280

>I dislike it when people point out that I am a complacent faggot who will never take meaningful action against the social, political, and economic status quo of the west

If you can’t give up technology and materialist trappings then you don’t deserve to condemn capitalism. You’re like a caged little bird that spends all of it’s time bitching about being in a cage but will never risk a single ounce of comfort to escape.

>> No.12853283
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I have 0 books because I just steal everything online

>> No.12853284


Holy shit this ain't that some hyperbolic remark that can't even be compared to anything else. I bet you're a panpsychist as well!

>Someone said h00mans can think becuz of dem emergence
>Rocks must think t00 dey have atomz n shieet

>> No.12853303

>being an ironic edegelord is bad
>yet you're ironically being an edge lord
Heh, gotcha

>> No.12853353

Uh that's a stack not a shelf bud.

>> No.12853488
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Shit pic, so it goes

>> No.12853524

Yes. Welcome to the internet. Have fun

>> No.12853546

nice little collection

>> No.12853558

If you know it's a shit pic why post it?

>> No.12853560

Why not?

>> No.12853563
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>Fake intellectuals showing off their collection of books they didn't really understand, the thread.


>> No.12853567

because we can't read the titles

>> No.12853594

Many of them are blurred, yes, but others are visible, and some tantalise on the brink of legibility. Feel free to be intrigued, annoyed or indifferent.

>> No.12853625

>>Fake intellectuals showing off their collection of books they didn't really understand
Jokes on you. I didn't even read mine.

>> No.12854108


>> No.12854351

Very reddit response

>> No.12854394
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I recently moved to a new apartment so these are the books that I brought with me.

>> No.12854531
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>the marvin meyer edition of the nag hammadi scriptures

>> No.12854552
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>> No.12854557

Imagine posting an anime gif and then believing you have the right to evaluate and criticize what others read. I just can't stop laughing.

>> No.12854564

weebs are truly pathetic

>> No.12854573
File: 1.19 MB, 498x278, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why you immediately response like offended bitch?

>> No.12854576

then show as youre shelf, I bet its pathetic

>> No.12854579

Because it's really ironic.

>> No.12854580
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>Codex Seraphinianus

>> No.12854581

>then show as youre shelf, I bet its pathetic
I can't believe I'm reading this on a literature board.

>> No.12854583

I threw away my GRRM books while spring cleaning. Get some real books.

>> No.12854589

wellcome m8

>> No.12854592

Just stop you fucking retard don't even @ me

>> No.12854593

those books were the ones that introduced me to the world of reading and opened me to a world of more complex books.

>> No.12854596


>> No.12854600

shove off m8 I swear on me mum ill throw down

>> No.12854619


bahahahaha please tell me what you think a 10/10 shelf looks like. genuinely curious.

>> No.12854656

>Literature board
>Everyone has only one or two shelves worth of books
>Its all just pseud signalling, literally no different then some pornstar posing with a book about existentialism.

>> No.12854685


I think it is more that people only highlight one or two shelves. Like in my post I only took a picture of one of my 7 shelves because I wanted people to be able to read the titles in case they wanted to ask about them or start a discussion.

And obviously there is no point in posting shelves of texts that are common that everyone has, the real autists here are the ones who post pictures of their 20 shelves in such low resolution you cant read the titles.

>> No.12854705

a shelf on which at least half the books are not crap, everything is simple my dude

>> No.12854713
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offended bitch strike again

>> No.12854715

fuck off anime faggot I don't care about your stupid cartoon shit faggot

>> No.12854716 [DELETED] 
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pic related

>> No.12854787

What's up with that chief?

>> No.12854878

Someone's been watching Jordan Petersons youtube lectures

>> No.12854890

One thing to be said for JP, beyond winding up liberals (which is always a plus), is that he may have turned on a load of young bucks to Jung.

>> No.12854900

Please be in London

>> No.12855079


>> No.12855082

nobody in this thread has posted "thousands of dollars worth of books"

>> No.12855144

>not reading the actual scrolls

>> No.12855177

Grow up and stop reading fiction

>> No.12855247
File: 36 KB, 500x465, 181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feeling when your classmates do not appreciate your Divergent shelf

>> No.12855316


>> No.12855440

This is fine quality bait. I actually have a bit of admiration for anyone who can be so prolifically basic.

>> No.12855448
File: 1.29 MB, 2976x5312, Shelf1-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been memed but it could have been worse 6/10
>only fiction.
some good some bad 4/10
I don't like your sheets 6.75/10
Congratulations on graduating from /r/books 4/10
trash 1.5/10
best itt yet 9/10

>> No.12855452
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>> No.12855457

They're on a different shelf. I have 1488 signed copies of his masterpiece 12 Rules for Life, and have a whole dedicated study in my house (immaculately clean btw) just for them and my pet lobster collection. I also purchased a 10 pack of all 14 flavors of Jordan Peterson's patented "Wash your penis" soap.

>> No.12855471
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>like fiction is good
>novels bad, not smart

>> No.12855475

If that's what you get out of that line of critique, you should just come to terms with the fact that you will never actually be in meaningful opposition to the status quo. If you cannot stop sucking the dick of global capitalism long enough to not purchase the newest iPhone on the market, then the idea that you are capable of any serious opposition to international capitalism or even simple survival without its support system is laughable.

>> No.12855477

9/10, art books are awesome

>> No.12855493

Literally buy a minimally expensive phone from another company.

>> No.12855494

Nice strawman faggot. I clearly said ONLY fiction is gay, not that any fiction at all is gay. If you look closely I also said some of his fiction is good. Keep meming to hide your insecurities, I don't mind

>> No.12855501

>people who voluntarily buy an iPhone are the same as people who involuntarily live in poverty

>> No.12855549



You do know that’s not a meaningful term in socialist philosophy right?

It’s one thing to say socialist philosophy is dumb it’s another to snarkily imply socialists are hypocrites for believing in it.

>> No.12855664


And what do you think that means? Give me an example of a shelf you think over 1/2 the books aren't crap.

>> No.12855979

edgy undergrad/10

>> No.12856002
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>I clearly said ONLY fiction is gay

>> No.12856048


I love your bookshelf so much it hurts
No homo
Maybe a little bit
But in like a Classical Greek way

>> No.12856093
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Before you ask, no, Ms Coulters book was not good, and yes, I unironcially enjoyed the plot of Atlas Shrugged (philosophical disagreements notwithstanding).

>> No.12856094
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>> No.12856115
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>jay dyer

>> No.12856190
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I just moved to a new city with everything in my car so I have no bookshelf and gave away a lot of books. The nearest IKEA is a 4 hour drive and I'm having issues finding a tall skinny bookshelf more locally.

saving this magnificent troll

Spencer's book section/10


>Gun Germs and Steel

I wish I could learn from books

>a book person spends money like a book person not a photo person



I cut my collection by 70% to move. it was mostly stuff i got for cheap and sucked. mindlessly collecting sheaves of paper that do nothing but sit is not something for me

>John Climactus: The Ladder of Orgasmic Ascent

>icons on a fucking shelf and not a dedicated area


>> No.12856195

>letting jews translate anything

>> No.12856267
File: 3.24 MB, 5312x2992, DSC_1124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just what I've picked up at my girlfriends

>> No.12856287

SHe's got good taste in books.

What's in the essential Gore Vidal?

>> No.12856351
File: 2.62 MB, 5312x2992, DSC_1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are mine. I'm staying at hers at the minute and these are just what I've picked up since I've been here. A bit of everything, I was interested in live from Golgotha but heard it could be a bit daunting, so when I saw this in a charity shop I thought td give it a try. Also has a lot of his essays as well.

>> No.12856414

There's nothing more insufferable than wacky right-wing mystics.

>> No.12856432

get out

>> No.12856437

branch out your tastes

>> No.12856491

To what exactly?

>> No.12856520

Pale Fire by vlad
there's much better novels dickens wrote

>> No.12856611

Fair. Pale fire and ada or ador are on my list. But both of these were free; lolita from a hostel in Australia and dickens from an apartment in Copenhagen. In fact most of these were found or from charity/ second hand shops.

>> No.12856633

Shit opinion. Read more bitch.

>> No.12856691

>I don't like your sheets
i don't either. ex -gfs

>> No.12856725

shes lit

>> No.12856735

better that than nothing though. such is life on a budget.

>> No.12856798

reading those Eliade vols was one of my happiest book experiences

>> No.12856826

i live in a bedsit. 85% of my books are in boxes the loft.

>> No.12857111
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Between apartments so it's a little messy, but what do you think?

>> No.12857145

They may be wacky but at least they are interesting to read.

>> No.12857149

Who's that monk?

>> No.12857610
File: 109 KB, 674x960, A618B1C8-FFF7-4AB0-8B2D-0EC80D5709FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


17th Karmapa (Trinley Dorje). He’s the head of the Kagyu order of Vajrayana Buddhism, and I received my initiation from a Kagyu Lama.

>> No.12857685

u r white as snow, right?

>> No.12857736


Oh absolutely. And proud to be so!

>> No.12857749

just wanted to make sure
how did you end up becoming buddhist? what was your journey?

>> No.12857810
File: 129 KB, 540x791, B3E59A8C-F832-4EF1-9A7A-E42F6E268961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is an extremely long story. Short version is, I read Evola, who made extremely compelling arguments for traditional spirituality (even if he would have objected to the word), especially Buddhism. For the modern white, Christianity and Buddhism are the only faiths that aren’t de facto ethnic, but I think Christianity is overly moralistic. Not that a strict moral code is bad, but directly transposing a rigid desert ethical law with no consideration for racial differences *is.* Buddhism is more metaphysical and able to adapt to racial context. So I visited a local Temple, spent a few months sinking my teeth in, and took my refuge vows with an old sexist monk who spoke barely 4 words of English.

>> No.12857814


Oh, and I grew up in a nominally Protestant but de facto secular household, so I didn’t really have an inherented religion that I left behind. Everything I know about Christianity I learned on my own.

>> No.12857904

t. stuck in dialectics

>> No.12857908

>implying I went to uni

>> No.12857995

sounds like a larp to me
choosing a religion that suits your viewpoints
why do you need a religion in the first place? if it is neither faith nor believe just opportunism
i expected you to say you got it from evola not gonna lie
if their is no further believe in it just convenience, why not becoming pagan? which would be much more to the white site of history
and i know Evola wrote wellknown books about buddhism but he also wrote "Pagan Imperialism" i didnt get to read it myself yet, mostly because it's costly in my language and rather rare sold, but as far as i am aware while admiring buddhism he himself rooted for a pagan renaissance of europe, correct me on this one if im wrong

>> No.12858064


>why do you need a religion in the first place

The only way to access the Transcendent is through an unbroken lineage of direct contact with it. Yes, there's the occasional odd 1 in 10 billion who can do it themselves, but I am not 1 in 10 billion.

>if their is no further believe in it just convenience, why not becoming pagan

First, as said above, its more than convenience, it's that a living tradition is necessary to have any authentic contact, however remote and diluted, with the Transcendent. Second, the keyword is "living." I love European Paganisms, and I cherish a belief in the Gods of my ancestors close to my heart. But it is not a living tradition. At best there are a few attempts to reconstruct one, but reconstructing a dead religion is like trying to restart a family line. It just doesn't work that way.

>> No.12858073

>Buddhism is more metaphysical and able to adapt to racial context.
I don't mean to sound like a dick but if this was what you found, then you didn't spend very long looking for a decent branch of Christianity

>> No.12858084

inb4 kkk lol

>> No.12858085


Like I said, "short version." I could write an autobiography, and given that this journey took nearly a third of my life, it would just about be necessary to get the details in, but 4chan is not the place for it.

Nor is any place, I'm really not that important.

>> No.12858091

Sounds like a long journey!

>> No.12858096

so are you a monk anon?

>> No.12858109


No. I have family to care for, and I'm not ready to give them up yet. Next life, I hope.

>> No.12858120

>I'm really not that important.
true, your anonymous. and i wasnt interested in you but in your journey

so given you dont dox yourself by telling it
i would be still interested in this story

>> No.12858237

>he's not lazy enough to adopt his fathers God but too lazy to figure out why normal people laugh at him for worshiping a lazy faggot who fell asleep under a tree

i mean, you say you grew up nominally protestant then say Christianity doesn't adapt to racial context

at least you're not Catholic

>> No.12858642
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>> No.12858758

Is this a fucking B&N?

>> No.12859224
File: 3.74 MB, 5312x2988, 20190324_154251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]