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/lit/ - Literature

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12836878 No.12836878 [Reply] [Original]

>Illiad: Phrase not found
>Odyssey: Phrase not found
>Aeneid: Phrase not found

>> No.12836880

it's hidden in the nooks and crannies my nigga

>> No.12837095


I downloaded fagles translation of the illiad to read on my old paperwhite because I'm poor, my problem is that it reads like a novelisation. I thought it was supposed to be in verse form?

>> No.12837147

>including the Aeneid among Homer
Go home, Augustus

>> No.12837304


>> No.12837332

* nooks and jannies

>> No.12837344

Read the Lattimore translation

>> No.12837355
File: 111 KB, 1379x1202, dankeherrdoktor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orgone: Phrase not found
>orgonomy: Phrase not found
>orgasm: Phrase not found
>Reich: Phrase not found


>> No.12837619

okay ill look at it but I was told fagles was verse form, so I am very confused, do ebook readers mess up formatting in general?

>> No.12837635

It is in verse, sorta. Free verse.

>> No.12837646

*gooks and jannies

>> No.12837673

>ordered copies of the Iliad and odyssey
>Iliad never shows up
>just read odyssey
This was like two years ago and I still haven’t read the damned thing

>> No.12837698

I'm reading the Illiad right now. Is there something I should be aware of beforehand?

>> No.12837983

Oh yes we all love reading The Illiad and The Odyssey without the insight provided by Ovid’s Metamorphosis.
>Have you ever studied how we Greek plays made it to your contemporary time period?

>> No.12837991

Check out MIT’s library of digital classics. I believe they have a public domain version of The Illiad in verse form.

>> No.12838207

You should be warned about how favoritism is only good when you’re getting it and no one else.
Also Aphrodite gets Begone thotted and thats kinda fun

>> No.12838401


>> No.12838541


>> No.12838557
File: 53 KB, 450x600, calliope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ἰλιάδος: Phrase not found


>> No.12838588

>Also Aphrodite gets Begone thotted and thats kinda fun

The book where Dionysus goes on his insane rampage is my favorite in the entire poem. He wounds not one, but TWO gods, in addition to all the mortals he kills.

>> No.12838601


>> No.12838602

You mean Diomedes?

>> No.12838605

Do you mean Aries? I don't remember Dionysus going on a rampage

>> No.12838606

Fuck. FUCK. Yes, I meant Diomedes. That was embarrassing.

>> No.12838616


It's okay, anon. I got in an argument once that lasted half an hour before I realized I had gotten my authors mixed up.

>> No.12838866

Why would the shenanigans of literally backward primitives descendants of steppenigs be of any literary value?

Ancient greeks more like ancient primitives lmao

>> No.12839057

go to >>>/his/ and don't come back

>> No.12839079

That's a literary argument i put forth not a historical one. Why do people keep cherishing the stories of what primitive ancient greeks did and thought? How do people buy into any of that?

>> No.12839333
File: 83 KB, 1000x803, Gerard_Seghers_(attr)_-_The_Four_Doctors_of_the_Western_Church,_Saint_Augustine_of_Hippo_(354–430).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23. Then why did I loathe Greek literature, which has tunes for the same kind of tale? Homer knew how to weave the same spells, just as pleasantly trivial, yet he repelled me as a boy. I suppose Greek boys would feel the same about Virgil, if they were forced to con him as I conned Homer. It is hard, very hard, to pick up a foreign language—for me, this dashed with bitterness all the sweet Greek nonsense. I was ignorant of the words, and violent threats and acts were used to make me learn them.

25. ...Was it not from you, Society, that I learned how Jove is both thunderer and adulterer? He could not really be both, but he was portrayed as both, so that real adultery could be indulged with fictitious thunder serving as its pimp. What gowned rhetorician can take it seriously when his fellow, who breathes the same court air, says: Homer in his fictions made gods behave like humans, but I prefer for humans to behave like gods? Well, in fact, Homer did create fictions precisely to give divine sanction to human vice, so vice would not seem vicious, and those indulging it could claim to be following the example of gods on high, not of lowliest men.

>> No.12839336

Thanks for the filters.
pill me on this

>> No.12839346

Fagles is formatted as verse, it's probably the ebook fucking up.

>> No.12839865

Orgonomy is the study of orgone energy. It was discovered through inquiry into the quantitative problem of libido which was abandoned by psychoanalysis. The ego was shown to be equivalent to an exoskeleton of chronic muscular contractions and the id was shown to be a fundamental biological energy which these contractions repressed. Orgone not only exists in the body but in the atmosphere and the cosmos at large.

>> No.12839905
File: 128 KB, 468x330, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book I just read : Phase not found
>book I started reading : Phase not found
>OP sucking cock : Phase found

>> No.12839924
File: 132 KB, 993x583, illiad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12839929

How can I experiment with it?

>> No.12840014
File: 13 KB, 300x300, bruce_willis_stink-eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phase 3x

>> No.12840184

The most fundamental tool in orgonomy is subjective visceral sensation. To cultivate this skill, you must viscerally express repressed emotions with actions such as weeping, kicking and screaming. The id's pulsions are identical to currents of orgone energy emanating forth from the interior or the organism. The ego's repression of these pulsions consists of their diametric reversal towards the interior through muscle armoring, chronic muscle contractions. The armored organism is trapped in a subject/object false dichotomy because it cannot acknowledge the hypostatic energy which unites it with the external. Since orgone is identical to libido, and the ego is an anti-libidinal structure, orgone cannot be observed until the repressed, viz orgonotic currents, is integrated with the subjective observer through the expression of the repressed.

>> No.12840283
File: 555 KB, 175x200, B54505B4-C725-42B3-AC79-8ED08E2BDD88.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its uhhh.. one “L” buddy

>> No.12840354

Holy shit that's so interesting. Thank you.

>> No.12840385

It is my pleasure. Thank you for your interest. For more information on this, I suggest Ether God and Devil, although a prerequisite reading of The Function of the Orgasm may be necessary.

Orgonomy has huge implications for philosophy, especially idealism, because of the insights it has shed on perception. I suspect the world of representation results from sexual repression, because upon the dissolution of armoring, orgonotic phenomena are readily perceived. The equivalence of a characterological defense mechanism and the pulsion it represses revealed an identity shared by the ego and the id. The discovery of muscle armoring and biological energy revealed an identity shared by the body and mind. The discovery of atmospheric orgone revealed an identity shared by man and the cosmos. Orgone energy is noumenal, but the armored character cannot perceive it.

>> No.12840921

/lit/ book club reading the Iliad rn if anyone's interested
