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12836688 No.12836688 [Reply] [Original]

>A little philosophy makes a man atheist, a great deal returns him to religion.
Is that still true?

>> No.12836699

im not sure about returning to organized religion, but certainly there are no well-read atheists so it is a half truth at worst.

>> No.12836714
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philosophy needs to be saved from god

>> No.12836719

>there are no well-read atheists
Basically this

>> No.12836720

Pernicious Anglo stupidity, recognized as such by Schopenhauer. It has never been true.

>> No.12836738


>> No.12836752

they were all partisans, their atheism is not to be taken as genuine.

>> No.12836759

Where exactly is the true Scotsman, then? Oh, yes, he's over there, in the camp you don't like.

>> No.12836764
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>the true Scotsman
he's right here. this is what an honest atheist looks like.

>> No.12836819

>the only people I consider true atheists are pseuds
>wow isn't it interesting that atheists aren't well read?

>> No.12836842

i'm sorry that it offends you that everybody on your list was an atheist out of ideological necessity. again, show me a single person, both intelligent and honest, who is an atheist.

>> No.12836854

everyone on that list

>> No.12836858

Roman paganist
Messianic Kabbalist
Mathematical Gnostic Platonist
Atheologian of the sacred
Spinozan panentheist
Jewish negative theologian
Greco-Roman paganist
Chaotic priest of the Logos
Polytheist of the Vicious Circle

>> No.12836861

Jesus what a cope. Those people don’t actually believe what they blatantly have stated they believe

>> No.12836865

How do you define honest? Person who dosent contradic my agreement? In what way are they dishonest?

>> No.12836870
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t. gets all his information on literature from shitposts on 4chan

>> No.12836914

exaxt thing happened to me, is this a known phenomenon?

>> No.12836953

lmao, you're really stupid

>> No.12836954

>Those people don’t actually believe what they blatantly have stated they believe
why is that so hard to believe?

>> No.12836975

>implying you are well read

>> No.12837009
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I'm not sure it was ever true

>> No.12837013

And why do you care about man only, and not also woman?

>> No.12837182

>Is that still true?
Not definitively.

>> No.12837214

Because women small bad and are stupid, so their opinions don't need to be entertained by intelligent men like myself.

>> No.12837220

The real butterfly would never say something so fuckig retarded :3

>> No.12837233
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I agree, at least that was the pattern in my case...

>> No.12837256
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"Man" means humans in general.

>> No.12837274

Yes, it takes a philosopher's outlook to understand why religion is as important as it is. You can find a church in every town in the USA. You can't say that about a lot of things. You can't even find a McDonalds in every town, and they are the most profitable chain restaraunt in the world.

>> No.12837427
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same, once i got out of my teenager edgy contrarian phase and actually opened my mind

>> No.12837464

Kafka acknowledged the existence of God, even if he said he’s indifferent about us.

>> No.12837498

These so-called truisms are almost never true.

>> No.12837537

"man" was gender-neutral for centuries before it gained the gender-specific definition

>> No.12837543

>unironically listing e-celebs
kill yourself

>> No.12837550

who gives a fuck what women think
they're not even sentient
might as well ask what dogs think

>> No.12837580

That may be true but they aren't going back to organized religion like their parents hope when they tell their children folksy truisms like this

>> No.12837588

Every intellectual since the 20th century has been atheist, what do you mean?>>12836688
Maybe try separating the notion of your teenage scientist atheist from an actual atheist, americuck

>> No.12837666
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We are spiritual creatures, whether we accept it or not. Organised religion is a way to channel this in a way which is supportive of society.

>> No.12837713
File: 12 KB, 220x296, 220px-Alasdair_MacIntyre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true. NOT TRUE!

>> No.12837918

>you can't find a mcdonalds in every town

Are you sure about that

>> No.12837938

There's no mcdonalds in my hometown because the city is against corporations taking over (and more so a good portion of the state as well to the point there was a national outrage about not bending backwards for a large co. a few decades ago).
We have a starbucks though.

>> No.12838552

>cultural christianity