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File: 51 KB, 850x400, quote-there-are-no-facts-only-interpretations-friedrich-nietzsche-135858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12831635 No.12831635[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

wait a second wtf? is Nietzsche a postmodern obscurantist? why did daddy peterson tell me to read him?!?!

>> No.12831640

I don’t think Peter has read him

>> No.12831662

daddy peterson gets easily confused. Just ask him about the Jews.

>> No.12831753

he definitely hasn't read him

>> No.12831901

>is Nietzsche a postmodern obscurantist?
No. Postmodernists say: "There are no facts, so all interpretations are equal." Nietzsche has an entire section in Zarathustra dedicated to these ideologues called The Tarantulas.

>> No.12831910


>> No.12831919

Read Neezschee if you want to know what truth is

>> No.12831922

>so all interpretations are equal
they don't say that

>> No.12831936
File: 80 KB, 842x685, n2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12831996

Once again, late to the party.

>This way comes Pip—poor boy! would he had died, or I; he’s half horrible to me. He too has been watching all of these interpreters—myself included—and look now, he comes to read, with that unearthly idiot face. Stand away again and hear him. Hark!”

>“I look, you look, he looks; we look, ye look, they look.”

>“Upon my soul, he’s been studying Murray’s Grammar! Improving his mind, poor fellow! But what’s that he says now—hist!”

>“I look, you look, he looks; we look, ye look, they look.”

>“Why, he’s getting it by heart—hist! again.”

>“I look, you look, he looks; we look, ye look, they look.”

>“Well, that’s funny.”

>“And I, you, and he; and we, ye, and they, are all bats; and I’m a crow, especially when I stand a’top of this pine tree here. Caw! caw! caw! caw! caw! caw! Ain’t I a crow? And where’s the scare-crow? There he stands; two bones stuck into a pair of old trowsers, and two more poked into the sleeves of an old jacket.”

>> No.12832016

nietzsche 'is' modernism. thats a good thing

>> No.12832064

all interpretations only equal in the monistic sense, all is one and the thing in itself is the correlation

>> No.12832289

Derrida says there is no "correct" interpretation.

"All interpretations are equal" is reactionary propaganda talk.

>> No.12832310

Aka cultural relativist sjw FFAAAGGGOOOOTTTTSSS

>> No.12832332

it's the common takeaway by degenerates and people who like shitty shit

>> No.12833283

1. There's a difference between an existential statement about truth and the concept that blacks and whites and homosexuals have different truths
2. There is a deep hypocrisy in postmodernist logic that says one cannot discriminate against people who have their own truths/innate interpretations

>> No.12833308

>The natural science of animals offers a means to demonstrate the probability of this tenet.

wtf did he really write that? i thought he was an elegant wordsmith. dropped

>> No.12833313

the quote is fake

>> No.12833321


>> No.12833340

>draft from The Will to power
Thatsachen giebt es nicht, nur Interpretationen.
>Beyong Good and Evil
Es giebt gar keine moralischen Phänomene, sondern nur eine moralische Ausdeutung von Phänomenen.....
It would be more honest to quote Beyong Good and Evil rather than a draft Nietzsche didn't publish. The interesting part is that the quote from Beyond Good and Evil doesn't only add the adjective 'moral', it also uses another word - 'phenomena', not 'facts'.

>> No.12833380
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REMOVE BUTTERFLY remove butterfly
you are worst poster. you are the tripfag idiot you are the tripfag smell. return to plebbit. to our peobbit cousins you may come our 4vhan. you may live in the /b/….ahahahaha ,tumbr we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole tripfag stink tumblr sqhipere shqipare..tripfag genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead tripfag..ahahahahahTUMBLR WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ano nymous .Anti-/lit/ we kill the king , anti/lit/ return to your precious somethingawful….hahahahaha idiot tripfag and tumblr smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE BUTTERFAG FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. anon+mods+janies+schizoposter=kill butterfly…you will anonymous/ moot alive in 4chan, moot making mods of /lit/ . fast mod moot lit. we are rich and have pepes now hahahaha ha because of moot… you are ppoor stink tripfag… you live in a old age hahahaha, you live in a tranny

moot alive numbr one #1 in /lit/ ….fuck the reddit ,..FUCKk ashol tripfag no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur trip and post. moot aliv and real strong wizard kill all the tripfag farm aminal with mod magic now we the /lit/ rule .ape of the zoo presidant japmoot fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and buuterfly wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our board we will crush u lik a skull of pig. /lit greattst boreed

>> No.12833385

To say none out of all are true is to say they are all equally true. you idiot

>> No.12833403

brainlet tier response

>> No.12833435

The tarantulas are about people who are outwardly noble and about ending oppression, but secretly just want to be the ones who carry the whip; they pretend that they are righteous because their claws are dull.

It doesnt have much to do with epistemology.

>> No.12833442


isnt that referred to as 'accepting someones position'

i remember back in 2000s and all the way up to maybe the early 2010, 'postmodernism' and 'postmodernist' was a designation of a period and set of stiles in art and literature and architecture and so on, anyone doing anything 'postmodern' was a 'postmodernist', not because someone would designate him/her self as such, but simply by the nature of the work, they would fall into that sinkhole

the way they taught us, was that this postmodernism thing, is distinct by being difficult to define, sincretic, and subjective, a thing confused in itself, that there are no actual specifics to it other than that its confusingly sincretic and references past work and uses lots of quotes and cuts up and mixes things, that what realy designates a thing as postmodern isnt the spefic content but the origins of it and what is done with it, more or less taking what allready was, tropes references, political ideas, phylosophical notions, and mixing them all up into somesort of new frankenstein, in other words the postmodern period is distinct specificaly in there being no such thing as specificaly postmodern art for example, but one can clearly notice when a artist is falling into the cathegory, same for film or architecture

the way it was explained to us, this is the result of modernism comming to a sort of bottleneck, almost like a half life, a decay of modernism brought about by hyperrationalisation, hypercomplexity due to explosion of technological capacities of production, communication and transport and subsequent globalisation, and rampant development of mass media all the way to the internet(back then blogs were the shit as i recall, and there were all these theoretical works criticising hypertext and going on with predictions on how easily controllable the internet realy is etc...) referencing itself trough post-structuralism and deconstructivism etc... leading to a strange state of everithing being too rapid, selfreflective, 'interconected' too meta, for anyone to point a finger at a thing and call it a thing, so instead it was all just called 'post-modern'

and the way we were taught this, the one thing that was made clear, was that this was fucked, and that part of why we were even there was to educate ourselves so as to be able to find a way out, a solution, a fix, that this state of things is complete bullshit and that it was up to us, like a generational task conceptualy handed over to us, to break out of postmodernism, to process it and defeat it

it seems like today it means something completely different, and people seem to have literaly integreted the logic of it as if its a thing they positively identify with as 'postmodernists', which is ludicrous, while people using it as a slur and attacking it are themselves the definition of a 'postmodern thinker', its fucking absurd

>> No.12833452

All interpretations of a text will allow for predictions concerning the subject of the text. It is possible to test these predictions and compare the interpretations to find the one that generates the most accurate predictions. This would be the correct interpretation.
Of course it's possible that there is a better interpretation out there and we should keep looking for it. But thay's whataboutism, it doesn't mean the best one we have right now isn't correct.

>> No.12833454

>a load of bullshit words and an utterly worthless definition
Yep, that's a postmodernist.

>> No.12833456

The object of the text*

>> No.12833473

I've had too many profs reduce Nietzsche to this single sentence. I should've studied philosophy

>> No.12833541
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OK I'm thinking this is based